1 i. I. Sm tli ft PAOJC f, JUNE McCALL PATTLRNS ARE HKRE - I Special Sale Millinery, MILLINERY All our Ladies' and Misses' Dress Hats will be placed on Special Sale Saturday morning. WASH GOODS This week n large :i --"itinuiit of Wash Goods, of vtcmkI dyes, priced 20c to 35c the Yard You will Ik? surprised that such a good assortment iniild le tfot together under present conditions. -- pJaJlRu4-1 'A Gmt Not of Mercy drawn through LWflB vljl ffX AHB n Ocean of UiupMiublr IWn" wT r 1 f jw The American Red Cross ,v ., -11 Perkapt It Wai Your Red Cross Dollar That Gave This Broken Flier His Chance to Live. 'ra lit jmui.il lb could iskM Mmm MiBi.inluc ilio manor with i ii... . n Aud n while ihey wanned ibrssgb thlr ll gnu in fall. A situs Inlor lb UlUo rord laar lnaC " "' awn "" wile it sbeil sirlisea mod that ... siwn ikow wt HIM i ii roMad iiibi ii.oid Hi. Mm H ws ' uciu, 'H llr' aati btukrn In. fall. "Juai in III Blik f llui" ld III doner niply. "He'll b a irny fast bo) fi few weeks, but wll bsvs bliu all rlflu again ami back Willi bla French run i a lira" u lliry inil liltn Into the lllll Ford . '.Ii.... Imtmtwmlt Artttt .a BJial.l SJli A.. J Guarding The Children's Health LJtlW many chil- ill in uru taught In HM til- tixith-lirush rvgulsriy ami ts in it rightly? Vi-i ai U.ui ii. ....Hi n.,t Miuatl la.Hi aill UhM iii.k.ur rula Ikalr good li..in. i hi it d.a.aila a larg. I'.il sf ll.ilr pk.lil ai.il mat an. I uturai .all b.la(. It i . uhi r.lnl hf roiaBlal aullionllM ihal Siir... of . l.tlill.t..Ml, tuck aa iu.aalt. iliilnkfiia i. .rial f.ir.r aail a., i alltMl InLiiiilr asjaljaw ... n.it i.r.il) a. i apt loallai t i iiil.li,-,. wilkl ii.alu.) i..u..i ..n.l . h-. ii lu.i.itha i HI VlBOBl'f i''"i.aaaa .. ma.) . UN i.f . li.Urru a llar .In .lini 1 .1111 1 i In-ai i.tuHau rlillili. i, i... ... .... ii. a i.kiik i. aok III '" I'mr Hula lu..'..!.. Iiail I. ..ii f..u.iiHl lu bradt. X.u. ai.il a. pi ikal .) m . '.ililrau . IIm.. ka lrii ar.rlir.tl. iauaW fr. thai IK'kii.u iu il ..In. a Sil.lt.mtml i. -fif.mm Sagril Onrii, ourly tarloly. W H. Caartlaj, Uurorlo. uron. lfc-Sl DOLLAR ly BRUCE 1ART0N Or lha VifiUn'ta smbulsiu. aim iv. man M toff afir tbsy aaw bln fall b aa af la . irui. whit bd. "i'bal'a wlikt It aieaus I ba p4n--i uf rqulpoirut. plenty of auibutancee and doctor aad bauds, and svsry ihtui." aaM lb KU Croaa man who laid "ll uiaaua Ike difference lu getting ilirro an 11m or idling ihora juat a minute tea late." "WoBileiful!" I answered. "Au4 how hiii. a 414 It cum you la niak ilial trip -! aave ihat aa r rem h buy's llfar II final, d a lltll "W dun I iues ur ll In iraa of MM," "I know ll. Hut what do you think It ..!," 1 persisted foi gaaoIlD and ADRIAN NEWS NOTES MIhh Uuldltli Joliiialon. ilolagalu .from Malheur inuiity. will lMff4 KuihI.ii for rtiilini in ailniul Ubt w) Itl Drang. ' Ailrlun wiiii iiwi iin- lop on l;. : il'roaa diiiiutloni. an well in. on l.ih ISMTt LaMUM ' Tin thlnl i n r of mill urrl..i ft) iin- fifing laM aw k Mil Um "aj Ho- augiiii" ...nil- .ii i ll you wniil.l 1 1. ink Jl I Iin- Ill i.l inn Mi .in. I ih Hi-ill i llllumn .mil , fa 111 1 1 nl l(ilii'll. Iilullil. w.-li- in- k rinl uallura ul lha llu'kox raiuh I. I. llli km unit lauilly ure at tin- ' HatwM runi'li in li.'lp irrlK.n .ii. il iiii up hi Martha Ovofairawt iiaa n-mrn.-.i Ininii" mHit ii'.u-lilnn a surii'shril 'll'llll Of M'llliol Hi lllg III till Mi uiul Mm rUawM BgWwl la I ! Krlilu) i lailing in letM IV 0. Wll.oii of Nyaaa ill I'. iiriitililxirliiioil mi liUKliifM. UiU wwa Klinrr liiiiuliTMiii liaa Juat rriuin .il iiniii liiiii.ii hMf4 'ii vlsiiod hi.i lilr lu Iin- luwpltal II aaya ili.l Mr liunili-i nu U tu-uor aud that h Imi hr horn tills wssJi. Mr. l.uiom' loam ran away' THB OWTARM) AHOl'H ONTARIO O BOYER'S DEPARTMENT STORE THE QUALITY STORE OF EA8TERN OREGON SALE OF COATS Misses' and Ladies' Coats and Suits, Spring and Summer Styles $8.50 to $17.50 A rood selection of finely serviceable garments in .his sale. Come early. Ladies' Summer Waists II IOIIMi MMFI,H.MHT RF. KIVFH IV NKW MT Ol WAMH w'.HMTN. THICK!) $1.00 e,n--i Miles. I in. .1 Workman 1 1 n-- real values ill lily tind lb bauila.ra aud lit" "Ferhap a dollar, ma)b two. Hui why do you ak?" "A dollar! I ai tawwrad "A dollar to 444 a boy a lit I lo nui mm liomr again from lb war I lb inoib rr and failier who lia ..-aunad try boadlla aad wallr.l l.mililraaly lor aary visit of Iko lrur rarrl.rl t.'sn a ilullar do a inlraiir Ilk ll.au 1 ' "ll can," aalii Iba Iti-il Ohaw kwnS, Ami thru tbs lUouglii ori:urroil to ui Ilial irbaua II miglu liai l.fru ou ul my dollar It wn aouiplMMly'a dollar that did ll ll might ha barn iiiln.nr ou of your. Who knoAsT Iilirliril lo u plow t)ni hor' wa ii 1 1 i I -1 iilt hadly -o All lieu .Sheldon la liouie for the Miininer ufler i.uililng al Nyaaa lili;.i ai'honl the lam yesr o t'haa Uun.l.-rHon of Vale wan .mi to vlalt hi brother laal week Mr. lllrknx, our i orreHoonileu'. waa awa. oil a vIhII laal wash. II I I I I. I I li i I . II l.i I. Hi- .mil .'...Ik .IIIHIIIK ths 1 11 il In ll ami SshlBI4S of AluHku will hr pin ureil in mi illUKtraled l-ilure h li (ii.irai- IV, llininun nl Hie I'oiiKreKn In.n.il iliuii-li iu-m riui-vilay e.iiuui;. June Hlh. at S o rim k Hr tinman Is an exei-i iIiiikIi i ii l.i . nlliig talk'i ..ml has a large -iiinili-r of r.-innrk abl flue lunleru nlldea No rhariti for ailiulaalon No ofliriiiK lakSR l-'i . .nine i onli.illi iniili-il Ui-i- I- lur Sniulai -i-i....-, at I I a i. .u.l l p in ilKHItKlir 1 IV1NU8TON, Minister io:u Attn. Hlra.i.il ii. mi mi rami., one BJkll luilier light Imi mares one weighli., a roll ml liluu. I he .ulr-i I .'all, lirun.l eil Willi lai K on rigln sllfle; should li.in lulls l.i I In-in new: inn lup have beeu roarhed aud growu mil three or Tour h . lu-s Will pay $'.", lo Under of team J. i'art ilgln . Malheur illy. Oregon .'I -.11 For Sal i aharaa Owyhes ditih A4diaa Argus No 41. MOON, THI7MDAY, MAY M, ! Ladies and Misses Coats to $2.50 - hip, I ncxrrllcil I' II n lo ui.il.c OIK MilMHM ll Ml H AI the request of A II Moll anil nllii'i i; A It leteriinn Hie .ri. thla week print Hie foHowlns, sppi -prlate Memorial Day verses: Where are Hiohii men who spinug (o artua When old Fort Hiiinplii reir I (The land waa nihil with win alarm I They lefl loved linn..-- Willi all Hull' rliarms And aerved lln-lr lountry eli ' Kroin ill i Isrgs lu village hiiiuII j A IIvIiik iluluge poured K'rom I.I... k - in It h forge, from college hull. Kruiii fiirniK. profession., tradesmen all Itusheil where Ihe i-onfllrl nureil I Forward Ihey went, u siruuf? defeuae, To guard our t'ouotry lhan. Nor wavered, In extreme mispiiiv. Kill with nil uriti. . most Intense. Tliey fought aa loyal linn On battle fields III! awash u Wlilrli granite liialls iniw lieur. Nor song III 10 w In-mull lint l..nn ' lllll Ii) the valor overcame And won ll una ware. At Usttyaburg, ami aim wln-n l III Shlllill - llllni.il seene. "They fell like leaves In Autumn.' then, A lionnleiiiis harveat wen- lu.n For Oealh's in. mil suckle, keen Time hare, will mil ailuiil. lu dwell Oil all the nodule, gained Nor those wlio illeil In shot or shell While fuelllK fire aa hot as Hell Which out upon them rallied These poll.heil bltt ks uf in.irlil.i lull V where some of them, illeil ll tfle. In lieu I ut h.tlll. fell. The raniion roared I li.-u funeral knell As tliey fell siil.- In ,!!. Home, died al Imiue where wile. care. Was iiiuslMlit ami upreim ur Muilier's liaml -inui.l l.eil li.uk I. hair l-'liilii hrow, us ilaniim -- K.il Inl . il there. While irossitiK "deulli s cul.l stream Vnullier lei. lu Inn li i.-iii, Willi nnne hut ounraile h lu whlapi-rs low. a DJ4a44g4 -eiil lu fair hetrotheil ami tint. lent He illeil without a algh Tluwe horrors Mill BS4BI 1 1 sh an i new Of reli. pi isuii pen . Au.lt'r.onillle ami l.ihln luo. I mm'I lie fort(uiieo DM Iwag -lew A three score thousand men .U Image here, -lamls nut alone, Vnil this is w hut it liears "(lur lliiliure.l I lis. I then ii.ui,. Iiukuuw u. No monument ,.f ilu.ee.i -inm-Kreited hero as their. Hut on our liearis, are wiuten deep li '- grateful thank, we owe To Ikaak, who aoniewhore aiseu. BIG SHOWING SILK PATTERNS Just received by express especially priced 01 account of long delay in manufacturing. SPORT SHIRTS We have just unpacked a large assortment of Men's and Young Men's Warm Went her Sxrt Shirts, espe cially priced $1.00 to $1.75 These are real values. COMPLETE STOCKS WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S Knit Undergarments r half M Ihir rrpi osi Btftttl 8 -link ul ttiiiicn'" mill Chil dren's light weight Kill) I iidcruenr In Spring, mill Summer Miles Let n- -linn nut die in j Im-sI value, fur lli- MM) I" In- IuiiimI. Near where Ihey fell, on IiIIInIiI" steep, ir lu the valley luw Al.uie I ' i hiuil HiMiker won I in. I, ..ul M .mi's height. I He ll.l illil. '.il Mat lalllleil -lllll w HI. , v urd and gmi Down headlong. In their flight Then mil . luna Hie 0 ' Hug line. In form nml hear In r-gal. Kimlind Huperli laik-an, lie whose aplue Was fornt'd of sie.-l by hands III vlns Ami earned Ihe nan e "llluck Kagls ." tireai riherman, with III- mlgliiy hoirt, Hwepi graudly lo lln I I "Atlanta lo Atlantic Cui-I ' la sung In each Urand Army Cost And l.i our '.i hole I 1 1 .1 li i r And lituui the Hero, fur all tin. . Noath Appomattox' It To all the world, on every clime, I'resents a picture must -ulillme of mugunnlmlly. Above thaiu all, as lowers the peak On mountain ranges high. tiraud Lincoln siimiiI, streuglh te: the weak, 1'lie miukiiiaiis friend, hlsaiilui apoak And Freedom raiiuol .lie He luieil Hie flag for which Ih-i fought, I ur It I gai his life, lis lil.pli li he hud caught Ami hie.. sd H- slot I While I.I u . ..tight, I'luisc ir lung '.ears of si rile Owl glorl.ui- haulier of Hie Fi . Tliy stars will ne'er grow dim.' Through ull centuries vet lo ho, t'nder thy folds, pnsierni Will mug our Nation s hymn "Our llui- lu Mine ami wlni. .. , they? They kepi our fwal M liikli III Fleeilotll - air - u ml there to a la) Ami aonquorod ibsni who won. ii,, irey? Ah' most of them now lie III ilr.-, unless sleep un ilu-ii , la I narrow hall, (Lst-l 3 V 5r" !v '''SBaVa. -' t& (V pppp- TmJ jVktrt asjIEua' swsswsswsswi aflK - j LL 9 m " all Dak: ,--L T3t" If JwbwbV ' jBBBBBBBBawi swawLwawawawawawh. wwK ' )"F 9awBwawT , wawswifl HxlrW wawawsaalB' ' Jwawawawawawaw -J LtV. .4Jt90Brfsr wjkflaaaQM atarawa'X I wawsslpQu I' ' ?ktlL sjr JELOkV ' a.aaat BBTawBTasHTaV sv gaaTassE TiVJT2Fr!SW IwraawrS- PS fMiitlliT : fit u&mlixs ESI fl aWpawBafawK VbbsL- 5?J5gajMf ueo M Co'tAn rfi tJawH, .PjM 5iv.. m'i, bAitiBAie 1 3r M COHAn Til o'etMuiaarcj" ' -.n.attj H, For the Coming Hot Days All o'er our uiul ure sacred apnts. On which we il nee for-get-iiie-nnt t, with our icaro which rail. We lll'lllg ullr chilli e.l Hull its nun To lay iiiiuti tlie.e mound tiil 4444 I Kiii'liinil for eucli hi., a .' how, Here on Ihese IiuIIiiwimI griiutitlH No luigle call, nor rattling drum Can rouae them from their ale. p No cannon's roar, nor ahrlek of bon.r, Can peine their tomb, to hid thc.i on in e Viul former vigils keep. When at laal, Time's reign la over. Viol stura from llegveu fall. They shall rlao from grassy cm., Father, husband, aou aud lover, Hhoutlng. "Here!" at roll call. On weary murch they'll toll no mor,). Nor -lurie in prison yard, They've passed within Hi pearl) door I ii mansions on the other ahorsj. With Oml. Him-elf. mi gusrd oh' Honored Head, oh! glorious urtnl Your names are written high I pun ihe page of hlat'ry ' icroll And while Hie Karlh In ether rolla, They II mi i , never die tl IBM IwUCMl Hw int. t.l V l IIIH fii-iSI Ns.ii John IV out. aaid lo be an AuhA Irian, aud an alien enemy, pointed s gun at one VV I III. in Thomson of Vl last week Oul was arrested and flral ohaiged with carrying conceal. nl weapons hut when It was learned I hut he i-uine from Austria only u lie over u year ago the charge permitted lo stand until action could be had ou a more serious rharru under ihe leilerul statute. It I. plohahl, thai llui will find his w v to uu Internment .amp KvMiLKeli.lii Nertice In Teal, Cali fornia ..ml Muiflii Ml reels. The -en Ices are being cumin in I this week lluve you attended yi-i ' Johnson A llallee, Kvailgelisls Mrs A W. Trow, accompanied by "i vli-s I'ulmer, left for Allien l.ea, Minn , where they will make their future home AT TMK HRKiUl IM, kATI ROAt. JVKM 7.1. .swJ