The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 30, 1918, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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ansjsjSRpaftSjsaaejejgagjBjey --...
tor Ontario unarm nm AFtlO
rfc:ov THrnpnw. miv no. hub
Sec That He Never Lacks
poach of
Your fighting- man wit go to almost nny
length to get good tobacco. Many a man
ha paid $5 for Ism good tobacco than you
will tend him in a pouch of Real Gravely
Chewing Plug. Only coats you 10 cenU.
Civ any man a draw of Real Gravely Mag . and ha will
(all you that's tha kind to .end. Sand the best!
Ordinary plug is fait aconoaay. Il coal less par
week to chaw Raal Cravely, because a anall chaw of il
lasts a long while. aaM-an
If yoa amoka a pip., slice Gravely what rowr kntfa
and add a little to your smoking tobacco, it will g it.
flavor improve yoar amoka.
a rontH or CBAV F.I.V
Dsslers aU aiiaaid bar. carry It
ww m h i. ax nasai is
U. S. A. Eva. " Am.'
elsr wUJlllsstl taniax ud si
nrsssvSae Cawesorgisnri W lb.
! will l.i. il . iii. VW
rwi amaiai owmUmm aaw ta
Tar fawar soak arras Freak W Oraa and W
- u aaf JteW Crawly earnest etu fwt.raan jest
sTMnkllstiasl laai
Hunda), June 2.
"THIs liKMilM, THAU.'
Hiinilil liiM-kwiMMl.
rathe ,-. .
Monday. J :l. IJU-.EV
Yloli'f Mrrwrwu.
Coined): "Welcome Home."
Tuesday, June 4.
Sunlit Markiiu.
OlMlflji "Mini MaoHrra."
Wednesday. June .1.
"Ht IK M.l.s FOR lltNIMNIWi."
I'aniili' Ward.
Ilray Ph lograph
HELP IN 50-50
Thousands of Retail Grocers Sup
port Food Administration
Contestant. For Liberty Loan
Prize Widely Scattered.
New Wheat Saving Program Demand
ad Allied Food Shortage In-
creaeae America Mutt
Feed Plghtere.
Thursday, Jim.- i
Animated Cartoona.
I ii I tcr-., I Weekly.
I. mil- Minn Ada Lamb, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs Morris I.amh of Mallett
Station, rnlebrated liar tenth birth
day Friday. May 24, at tin hum of
Mr. and Mra. C. R. Begulne In On
tario Twr-niy six of her littla friends
gathered In thn afternoon to help in
tlio celebration and tha time pass. "I
quickly with jolly game and other
Little Uutli ami Dean Hunter gave
several recitations and a few ttfcsrs
fiirnlNhad some numbers on an Im
promptu program Luncheon wan
served late In tha afternoon In lh
dining room, where the decorations
were charmingly carried out with
rnaea and llllle The refreahmentK
consisted In rake. Ire cream and
grape juice.
Among theme ureaenl were: Ruth
and Dean Hunter. Anna Maaaa, Ada
Umh, Evelyn and Cecelia Gallagher.
John Mcculloch, Opal Hogard. How
ard lllom, Eileen Conway, Doualil
Rlngham. Irene Oanhenberger. Fred
die Lees, liorothy I .axon Myrle
lieamgiiard, Oayel Cochran, Mar
garet lilarkahy, UiIh Printing. Mar
garet, Phyllis and Alice WnMon.
Adrian Hagana, Walter Wood. itol
ble luhrn. Iulae Hunter, and Hcn't
I'reHton, alno Mra. Morrla l.amb, Mrr.
A I. Hunter, Mra. Anna Hulllvan and
Mra. C. It. Hegulne.
hi: t
and found It In
A alriklng aaory irf mlieature krt la the Niirtliern lamher m.
In tha moHt vigorous role of hie rareer
Sandny, June S
l-lila .mil NatunU). June 7 and N t
Hit RrelN.
Oeo. M. Cohan
Jaiuod,. x-JsilcroUa Muabaatl- If $ HMIIHIM ttllHIII
We Are in the Market for Your
Eggs and Cream
And are pay'ng teday: '
For chickens, hens, 4 1-2 lbs. or OA p
over, per lb -" CtOo
EGGS, per do:n
W cts.
41c Net for Butter Fat
W Uich if ctjual t 44 tfiits wlu-if Bttf ttnl il t;tU
en off tin- iraiflM "f ymir i-riuiii for ahippiut;.
We Have TCR For Sale
And will make a very low price at tat plant (..
taOM who ran take a ton at a time
wr auo havk aaup aaoa mh.k h,h raj (
Ontario Ice & Cold Storage
F.xplnlnlng the United Slatea VoaA
A.linliilittrntlnn'a naw f0-80 wheat rag
IsMSM In a war time tnik tin' Ain.Tl
run tn.ii'r lias gladly ahmildrriMl.
Miiny atsfSS are already aVspaaylSg
tholr Kood AdminUtration wheat aav
Ins pledge 'nrdii. that they have algn-
ed. ngrei-Ing to carry out the naw
wheat program.
F.nrh flour ruatomar la now requir
ed to l.ny ripe pound of cereal aubatl
tuif for every pound of wheat flour.
The mihetltute may he of one kind or
aaeorted. Thla BO-fM) Bale la made by
weight and not by value of the mm
in. nil He There la. of conrae, no reg
ulation demanding the conaumer to
huy wheat flour at all.
A wide variety of aubatltittea haa
heen provided : Cornmeal, corn flour,
edible rornatarrh. hominy, com grlta,
liar ley Hour, potato Hour, sweet potato
Hour, sya bean flour, Feterlta flour
and meals, rice, rice flour, oatmeal,
rolled oats and huclewheat flour
Orahatn and whole wheat flour eon
atllute an exception to the national
regulation. Either of theae eommnill
ilea may lie sold nt the ratio of three
ixiiiiids to five pounds of wheat flour -that
la, five poanda of graham or
wheat flour counts the same aa three
pounda of the usual wheat flour.
Mixed flours form another excep
tion. Where any flour eontalna SO
per rant, or laaa of wheal It may be
sold without any sfmatliulei Where
the flour la mixed at the rnte of QU
per rant, wheat and T per rent. Of
other Ingredients an additional 'JO per
rent, of substitutes must be purrhaaed
by the consumer.
Where necessity la shown perlally
prepared Infant'a and Invalid's food
containing flour ma) he anld
That tha approved substitutes may
he assorted la a fart many grncera
and housewives overlooked fur a lime.
For Instanre. If a customer wlshea to
hriy a S4 pound sack of flour the ner
aaaary substitutes might he ssaorted
as foii.iws- Onraajaai, (tuuiida, esm
grits. 4 pounds ; rice, 4 nennda : track'
wheat, - peunds: cornatarrh, 1 pound ;
hominy, 2 pounda; rolled oata. I
None of the auhstltntes should be
considered aa a waate purchase
There are many household usee for
each. The eight pounda of rornnieal
can he made into cornhread. corn inuf
flns or used In the baking of wheat
Cornstarch la useful la making cos
tard, thickening gravy or may he used
In cske baking Corn grits fried like
niish forms a delirious dlah. or It may
be '! In baking corn bread. Rolled
oat used largely as breakfast por
ridge or In oatmeal cookies or in
making muffins.
Hurkwheat flour may be need In
bread making, forming an excellent
sut'Stllute for one iiarter of the
wheat flour, bat as sapiiall sjaajss. iu
the form of haewwaaat rakaa far'
Willi II wheatleaa meala needed
each week in America to provide
enough wheat for the allies, the Eood
A. Iii.Ii. titration believes the aiihstltutsa
will all he used to advantage.
European Shortage Places Prob
lem Before American Govern ;!
merrt Farsighted Policy f
'- '"
BlOfSSJ from over the entire state
were submitted for use In the Third NEED 75,000.000 BU. WHEAT.
Liberty Loan rainpalun, In the rerent
slogan contest, for the bSSI Of which
a 1 .11 Liberty Hour! Is to te awarded
opening day, April fl.
XtnoiiK the slovens which were con
i aidered by the committee as posbcrs
Inn high merit and worthy of especial -
mention, sre the following which are ,, f)H), ,,,,,., nvpr ,,.,,
representative of the entire state- ,hBt mnk,n f,M, ,,,.,, ,,,, 1vr hrt
Open your bursa help k!!l the u wuhad to be supremely aalfiah-a
curse. Miss llaxel Mc.Coy, liiifur huy' snd gupramsly shorlalghletl ws could
a bond that hinds Demooracv M I'. , on 0ng . rooch w. k. ,M
McMsstera. Mills City, the Kalaar whatevar we like, without much dlnV
groans at Liberty lxana. Nettle Page , cut, or interruption at least, until
Bcofleld. Newberg; Liberty Loans are tn Oennana raniel
Liberty, stepping stones. Mrs. .1 1). Bu Wf m , ,,,
Hl.ter, l (irande; bury the Kaiser ,, ,.,, J- u m
with Liberty Bonds Geo A. Barden , , , m,ko rmnmon ,
Orants I'aas: I phold the colors w Ith ; , of ouf fool ad , ()f ,e f(MM,
Foed Administration Asks Aid at
Every American In Qlgantlo
Task af Feeding Millions
liberty dollars. Mrs Edward Hill
Marabflehl; Over there our boys are
watching. II. K Ikmnelly, Halem.
Break Liberty's chains -Invest your
gains. Iluelia Usher. I Is I Is s. Bow
bonds -reap victory, Mlaa Klva 8.
Hall, Vanora. Hulld freedom's foun
dation with Liberty Honrts. C K. Logs
den, Junction City: Our country's sr- I
mor Liberty Bonds. C. W. Collier,
Mllwaukla; The Liberty Bend la vlc
tory'a wand, il K. Allen. Rlllabsre:
fluid were droas with freedom 'a loss,
Count that day lost, whose low de
rending sun. sees nothing dune to
best the Hun. both by T f Mi n
draws. Maker. Your little mite may
win the fight. Mnllle K Htrlaghl Ore
gon City: I'rotect your homes with
Liberty Loans. Minna Powell, liaker.
Buy a bond bridge the poad. Mra. II.
M. McKenna, Aatorls. Well bridge
the pond with Liberty Bonds. M Kva
tiuel. Eugene. Join the band st I lb
rty'a stand. Mra. L. II. Whitney. Van
touver. Wash : Another Libert v Loan
Insures Kntenta sucoesa, Wllna li.hlll.
Ainitv. Provide I'ershlna Kwer IS
Sutiish I'russiaslaaji.
The following slogans sre a few of
those uihinltted b residents of Port
land In the contest
I'liiii huy. or show us why.' Oracs
N Croa Patriots all. subscribe to
I lh call. A It. Vand.rMi len. Liberty
Loans protect what you own. W W,
Lawlou. Our bonds dlrtale our sol
di. i.- rate. Mrs I) W. Jackson. Iluve
S heart, AS mur psri. The slso serve
ShO mil., lend Jegaaif , Marshall:
tha sllles, and all of the food we rngj
get from Booth American and other
neutrals, and dividing It up fairly
among America, England, France, Flat
i glon. and Italy.
Thla doea not mean that all of the
i people In the great pool are going Is
hsve the same ration, hut meana that
we are trying to arrange lo have
enough for everybody, so thai the sol
diers -our soldiers and their aoldlera
lli he well fed, aa they have to he
to light hard and continuously, and
that the munitions workers and His
workers In all the oilier necessary la
dustrles, ajid the men and women M
home will all hsve enough to keep
alive and well. It la absolutely seces
aary to do thla If the war la to ha won,
and we are going to do II. hut It means
planning, working, arranging fa sfass
atlng. being careful, not wasting, sees
And It means that each and every
one of us haa got to help
New, we have sasaflh and mare tha
enough fsad fer eureelvee. snd tha
evsrnmeex la gslag la see le II thai
we keep hers St heme s sufficient aus
ply ef every essential kind ef feed Is
supper! eur people. But ever thees
they simply have ne enough. Lend
Rhendda, the Inflleh feed eentreller,
recently cabled the Amerlaai foed ad.
minlstrater, that unless we oan
the sines before the nsst uro
harvest a.000,000 bushels ef wheat la
addition to what had been rent up Is
January 1 of this far be could est
assure the people of the a'llea thai
Yankee Doodle dollare do or die. keep th-y h have a sufficient awpply st
the home funds fighting. W. 8. Kirk- fg to oarry sn the war.
patrlrk . Tie freedom s i all lend your
nil. Be no shirker, be a worker. Klnr-
lle did not aay anything In this .-able
about the other food necessary, lift
he has told of these m-eils In other
rallies and by his anions In England.
For example, hie latest regulation
compels a red.icilnii of meat eating la
the I niieil Kingdom lo s maximum of
one pound per week per person, Mil
pound including the bone and oilier
waaie psOa In the meat as bought Is
the si...,
The must hsve more wheat,
more meat, more fsia. more dairy
- iicis, mur sugar Their harvest a ers
HOW RETURNS ARE NOTED " ' ''"" " "' '" ll""
her normal crop of wheat and the
ence II Hoy I. Have America's fats
from Oeruian hale. J N. Beeves. The
Liberty Loan safeguards the home,
J. II Mason. For rutin! snd borne -Liberty
I .oan. tieo. K Hall, Be s
backer, not a alacker. II : Furnish:
Hubscrlbe to loan, protei t vonr home,
Mlaa Myrtle Bates. Can ou deny
while others die. Vnna l.svllle M.
I'herson. Houds are better Ihsti Prus
sian fetters. Uutli HSleS I'mlerlitll.
lb. gdlled nations hate made
forth. . In rcaiM-.l demands on
us I .. hreinlatiilTs dciiiiinds
linn io. rii-i,i . hllgSlod to
in. .i
Ii. the i. Amcrb'H's
iiiiiit hua been sjraalif
in. 'i'1-iisoil I., i gusSS uioiilhs to
coiic bj Ike iinproci-ili-iiiiil
Hg lo m.iiket of hog. that
..units each In
stead ot geR siuiiiU the nor
'III. I nit,. Htalea Food Ad
"iiiii.m-.iiii.ii endeatorlng lo ad
jttst tin in terual tonal fssd hal
.iiii e, prusniMl) reinov.d certain
ri sirb'lioiis In this coiinui on
law use "t men t snd si the MUM
i hi. naked for a amallei .on
toil of'iiff.
We aie asked to oluHtrve only
one meatless dsy each a
, i We will hMte larger
in. m. -locks for aw title Hut
"in I. read ration must Im- held
io a minimum
Ii. altering Ita food conaerva
ioi, inogrsm the Inaod Admin
latrsflss euidinaisea ihst the
fuoal ai i ii i' i ..(
-nl.Ject lo nvtsMl,
rasasd S eraaj eandlllorai at
lioiue mid shrosd iilul bv It.e
l.recsib.iis inn. -iH.rlnlloii u..i.
I. III. both III ' I'l'lUg
au.l 111 Auivibas o el bur.leiied
tranaportalion syatem
The Food Ailiulnlstiall.Hi will
k.e. the Amen. an wople fully
and ftankly u. Ise.l of rail,
change in the ASSsSaa)a situa
tion that they ma) know defl
ullel) the lain their food mc
. play ii. the world war.
Map System to Be Ussd During Third
Liberty Loan Orlvs.
Returns from the arlous roomies
the stale Ail!!. I at thn
Oregon State Central Ltbertv Ixiaa
headquarters. Portland, on a color , ,
scheme map as will every town and
district in which a quota haa baas
assigned bv a ello thumb lark.
The counties will hate a large headed
tack and Hie districts a small wllow
As soon as one hall or the assigned
Quota has been rc.i. hcl In each town
or district s red lliuuib tsV k will re
place iln rSlaSS one on the map.
Siiiiilarl) with the iiniiiiies on Hie
Hate map Kai h OOUSt) headiiuarl. 1 1
will ha.e their ovt ii map with IhS
eoust) duideii int.. ossvasissi dis
rMsk are to Im- lilllletlne.l ke
W Ise
hen the full iiioia In i a. h lows
and district is attained it Kill n m -igtiatcil
by a SlSS tlmuib lack lbs
nti in will airord an a. .urate click
ami eTlH null, an tiu..
llblrlrb ot Hie stall vtbl. b are doing
Hi. most !!.. in. work in the Third
Libert Loan i ainpalgu
In each town and rilsiritt s solo nor
a II In .ent mil w nil iln Cm .rniii. nt
household ipiestloniialre upon wliuh
In arliten pertinent facta concerning
the individual abilliv ... subscribe.
rShuulil the person he uusble to sub
scribe our hall ot the amount gaSJ
insted thai h.- is able to a rsUsO
card sill lie sent IgdS disiini liead
quartera When more than one half
bill less than thn full assignment haa
hen receited a lid ar.l replaces the
yellow and a blue . ar.l Is used alien
ipiots ol tin intli Muni ha l llo il I In s -1. in
aTlll and SStSilSd I beck .u
i rson and the stale mid county
.i.lijuarl'ra w ill SSS UgsVll) bal
an t" . Ip- el. 'I ami .ii 4
maslrr map at IX
( . will militate the advaa ,u each
tate and the ent - countiy
available shipping la small in amounl
and coiistautly helug leaaeued bv s.ih
marlnee. so that It Is MM i" iiiy
Impossible to use any ships for long
ruyage neceaeei to bring !.... i iiuot
Australia and other remote marheta
The food must come chiefly from
Aiuerice In specific flumes It la nec
essary for us to send io the ulllea
I KKI.ISS) tons of roodsiulTs a month.
This is a great responsibility and a
great problem The food must bs
foiiml. and ill." Hie ships to carry II
It Is being done, hut can miiv ioniums
lo lis done hv Ibe help and full
op.u iitlon of all of us ov.-r our limad
'ami We must proilme unit savs
I .. aii.ply the wheat c mill
I ha i"'vi harvest, hum reducs our
io.iil.ui b fiom oiier.oirlh la
'ilellillil: We must cut doM II out" il-usl
Iga i oi,-illnit Ion of meat'- and
rata by from In to I.", per cent, and
dairy prodii. is by about In M-r cent.
Over there they lire tightening their
hells slid doing every HiIi.l' ihe.v can.
I hey are eating war bread: they ars
culling down their sugar in England
fo two pounds per p.i uli per in. .nth.
i nd In Fi.iinc anil llnl.v to one pound -how
iiim Ii are v.oi eaiing'' itiul they
are using ration cards for I of the
staple. N e must meet ss.llfli'e villi
sgiillbe If we don't, ve sre lulling
lo lose Ibe war Insleiol of helping tS
win it.
Everyman s Fledge.
imi.r it shmll a tills war!
Therefore, I will work I will save, '
I will sacrifice. I will eudtin i will .
'tght cheerfully, and to my utmost
is If Hie whole mm nme of the strug
gle Uasaadsd upon ais alone.
ar. fe
KaW Jim
tg- v -
u Local FeeU-