PA 01! P Or Oa Chi 1 14 of on lw n la tor o' of dm pr cbi Ju Uf Vii be hi chi B l.ejl Dill Ml rin en till Ml Ul d 4a An 111! tbi In Y. Til h a JuU I l I l asaajeswaBsaes Wilt ONTARIO AtHMe ONTARIO i . ..... rtltll'!" V - M, & Ml i I" I .11 I .1 .1 . I' ' I I I fHWIW" I I I.I' Rexall Remedies a ' ii .1 wweeaww Eastman Kodaks .r. f'.-f ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescripti n Specialists mm muaix aroRB raon no. Nyal Remedies Walling Garage NOW OPEN FOR REAL AUTO SERVICE Agency for the Overland, Willys-Knight, and Max well Touring Cars and Maxwell Trucks. We carry the largest stock of parts, ac cessories and supplies of all kinds for autoista. Gasoline, Oils and Lubricants. WALLING GARAGE ONTARIO A. V. Wines, Manager OREGON t T HOSPITAL NOTK8. I I. ' I' ' I " i I OVER THE TOP A ND WIN, is our motto. Every American must do not merely his "bit" but do his best; the people of the freest and greatest nation of the world must with their money, food and fight ers, confer freedom on the balance of the nations by giving them liberty. If you cannot buy a Liberty Bend, buy War Stamps. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK chariot Orene of Weleer waa a patient of Or Portner'e for a couple of darn laat week. Karl Flock of Payette waa operat ed od by Ur. Printing Monday C. E. Kirk of Payette la In the boa- pltal receiving medical treatment for an Infected arm. Mr. ltd Mm. A. P. Holland of Fruit , land are the proud parent of a baby boy born here lat Thursday, May 16. Wm. Connolly, who wbk one of the apotted fever patlenta. left for his home In Juntura Monday. Maxtor Kenneth Caantday had re covered enough from hi attack of pneumonia tn he able to return to hla I home In Ontario Tuesday 0 K Herry of Payette waa a pa tlent of Ur J 0 Woodward from Wadnonday until Sunday Mlaa Agnea Maa of Payette waa a 'gueat of the Holy Penary Sunday. Mth II I'atteraon la another pa I tlent of I)r Woodward' from Wilder. , Idaho. Mauler Pfwa Atklna of New PI) -mouth had hla ton-.ll and iidnolda re- Mra. V. P. Pullen.from the Owhe I underwent an operation for append- Icltlo Sunday Little Mlaa Alberta Smith waa an other "tonall and adenoid' patient Sunday. i t u: Any men called for the draft or I Joining the Army or Navy are Invited to have their photograph made be fore leaving. Juat 5 mlnulea of your time- no charge. THE HURRELL STUDIO. Ontarlo.Ore FOR nALEOne team of horaea. Ix year old, In good condition; sIko 100 thorobred White Leghorn chick ena. Inquire of Argua or nee T. Illlomarom. on T. H. Moore farm Adv. 1 atoll. "POLLY Of IK CIRCUS" IS PACKED WITH THRILLS "Polly of the Circus.'' an elab orate acreeo preeentetlon of Mar garet Mayo'a great drama of cln ue life, la the flral of the beautiful pro ductlona to be releaaed by the new 'Ooldwyn Picture Corporation. Mae Marah la tf-e alar of thh Immenae photo-spectacle which la being ahown at Dreamland theatre. "Polly of the Circus," aa a drama, waa one of the greateat aurcuaaea of the American atage, and made a for tune for ita author and owner In fllma It takee Ita place aa one of the moat remarkable Production ever made. "Polly of tht Clrcua'' telle the atory of a little oircu orphan (Mae Marah)' who baa bean ralaed by Toby, the clown (Charlea Kldrldgc). Polly la hurt in an accident and ha to remain behind while the ahow goea on. She la taken to the home of the minuter, where her preeence In the honae la turned Into a ncandel by the narrow-minded village go. alpa. Thl leada to ber going baok to the rlrcu, but the following Spring th clrcua cornea bark to the little town, : ml through the Intervention of a fight and a fire In the "Ilia: Top," Polly and Hie minlater find each other and happlneaa. Thla I a picture of laughter and tear; a picture of a aoore of clrcua thrill and, In fact, you aee a com plete clrcua performance on the ncreen The tnor.f ain'ilng of all the -crncx I the burnlnr of the main tent during the evenlm: performance and the wild atanip'd' of the audlen. - Kverett Shlifti Hip famous artist d Hlgned the MttlMgaj and Margaret Mayo, the author, personally aided ('harle llortiu. the director of Hip picture. In hi work. OK. W. O. HOWE DENTIST .lleup 810 lie 1171 ONTARIO LAr.NltHl IHillMiiH till ll'r: I I I Mil- DKl'O HTOHK. THE UNIVERSAL CAR . The Ford Modal T One-Ton Track Cheeela. f f 00 f. o. b. Detroit, ha been thoroughly tana for more than two rears It la gold yon now la the aaanrad confidence thai It will meet your requirement and npectatlona. The regular Ford frame, only larger tnd heavier, the regular Ford motor with direct driven worm gear: wheal base of 114 Inches and will tarn lnelde a 41-foot circle. It has all the dmpllclty of the Ford oar, all the economy In oper ation and maintenance. Oome In and we'll give yon further derail FORD GARAGE NRDTfO HAYKS. Haaagra ONsYAIUO. OHBOON. Auto Satisfaction Is the Nash Guarantee Jl-J jlT -1-f - itVBBBBBBBBBBBBI Every man who owni a Nash Six belong! to tin Satisfied Auto Owners C.lub. He leeurei his membership because In- knows that he is driving thebest Lar at the price. For it haj class in open ti" style and performance. GET A NASH SIX FOR SATISFACTION'S SAKE, and A NASH TRUCK FOR BUSINESS EFFICIENCY ONTARIO, OMUON ' mnt, Malheur auil Harm') Counties la OraajujB), Payette Co., Idaho - ritANSPKIt. HAUOAGE AM) EX PRESS JOHN I.ANDINOIIAM 4 f. i . t : i i l l i . ll m Truck Tranafer 4 Phone 1S7 M For Sale 50 share Owyhee ditch Addreaa Argun No 01. L'n .1 Mra. Frank Hum- ul Jordan Valley was visiting friend here lust Thur ila wi'K.n v girl rur housework Applv to M'H J R lllackuby. qu Wakciliy waa down ll c. Heamguard ha accepted u I vlaltlllg friend IhU poalttou with Hover Hro . succeeding llei. liel Hrowue. yjgeiigg Ifg asm Vt I 1 "aFji PSJBf " Aassssaw CttMMKIU IAI. lltKA.MKHV It). IH'KX Will IWII hTIMTlOX The Cutunier. ial i;ruiner ggfjaa puny of Spokane opened s Ktatlon here tllia week In one of (he Wilson hulldniK" beiweeu California and Colorado aviiue on Oreaun Mlreet. Ilerchel M llro n ho haa bean with Hover liroa (Of BMM time gsj in .pled the position of local limn ager for the new venture. In uhl.h cream, egg and poultry will play u leu. Una pari Dreamland A ttractions ONTAHIO, OHKUON kvks dp MvnTMar." K.lllh KmBJ PATH! NaTWI g Mollita. l.. j: WINt.H) MVMTKRY." Pi'iiiiklv ll Kuril inn .'liMKIIV 0 I... lajajp, Ma J. i l I'ID's MM NO-I I" ' lilac W'e-teru I'nture. Kent linn Ton. klU 'I'Ue Film Spoil. I o We.ln jLf, Ma. -Jtt. 'HII I MOM t lT III Ju. k I'i. kfonl itud l.oulse Huff llray IMrtogrupli ' Thursday, May 30. I'til.i OF lilK (IK. IS ' IOHT KKKI.S KeutiirniK MAK MA US 1 1 l' I III IAS t fVi.fc, Hiv II t l I Millt Kl.r: " lii FAllS ul I' W aJjl Aud "HKAMiKH SOI 1.," featuniiK Ulad Hro. k well a hlg Fui product Ion KatunUr), Jul.- I. "Mlittl THAU l.ou Tellegen Cemedy: "Cow Jumped Over the Moou." Save ! Save ! Save I We Can Help You! ITS UP TO VOUTOMWk: IN KVKKV WAY VOU CAN AND Wkl THINK WK CAN HELP YOl THOUSAND UBBPUU THINUS TO CHOOSK PROM M IN . QLAtiH. Alt MINI M. TIN AND RNAMKLKD WAHJOi, AND HUNDHKDM OP OTHIR I hKM I Ullli I.Kh ON AM OFF (ILK ,V, IOc AMM l.T COl NTKKS AN BK HAD AT THE VAIMETY STORE AT THE LOWEST PRE VAILING PRICES THY C8. THE VARIETY STORE ONTARIO, OKKt.ON The First Duty of Man A beautiful udvertlneiuent appeared in a recent laue of the S,i ur.lay KveniiiK I'urt. by a large ..utoinohile .oinpuuy, illinttrutlnj; the tour great. ii .em-, In tan life of mini. IIIIIM lKltll l III INC. vol iiemi: oi K i ntsi RAMI awtna m i; i iomoiui i PC Hi CATCH I II i SI'I.KMUll I'OINT. Mil M '' '"' "P'Pi 410, uoo N for ,i miikIc psjssj u u tflngle in.iKiiin. to .i... ., paopli in avarj ait la the hind i hut the kiksi nt ri ' r v MARRIED M is n i OWN A HOMI niAT a iiomi-: siioi i.n , , ORE Tin. kUTOMOBU MIIHHIIIIHIiMHHI We I'lan Mini- li. .,,. li,-, Wa hull. i it arlih W.-.1.111 s,,n Tin, . AL CHANCE l.M VI. MIN U.KII. ON I'Altlo, OIlKt.oN Boise-Payette Lumber Co. IDAHO Muuufu. lurei uf HHTKRli mii i PINK 6-i'a to iu