The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 23, 1918, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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i j 'oscoe
"Fitly Out West"
t ' '
ADMIMsTIt Unit's K. !.!:.
.claim therein and enjoining fog and
Nolle.- Ih hereby given Unit underload! of you from asserting any claim
and by virtue of an Older Of s.ii. ' whataoever Id said pn-i I for
duly in.i. I.- .in. I entered by tho t nun such further rollef in- to tho CoOtl
ty fourt of tho Mate Of OrfOJOf for1 may seem Just and equitable, nnd r..'
the County ol Malheur, oa ha lOtti plaintiff's ooota and diabai
,in. ,,i oiil ioih. In the nnittor m herein.
tho oatato of Janie- ant, de-
caused. Hi- undersigned AdmhiMia
tri. ol the aald Htete, ttlll,
ii- LT,tli day 01 Ml
. or MoCulloch and
Wood in Ontario, ornton, oftor .
Mali- nnd noil at pi
pi, i a hand, hiiIiJ' I
OOnrir,.i..i .- . id i out I, tho i"!
louinii dri.. i il" .1 ICt Of I ' ml OWne 1
by aald oatato to wit: All or the N.
W. U of N. W. M of Boo. 10. Tip
18 8. It. 47 K. VY. M., altuatcd and
lylna N. of tin on. i- C. ii- men
tract tt UuiU, iua imuu of way for
an Irrigation ditch, and for Iko
lour .iil, Itiillroad. nnd contain
ing 2u acroa pftar deducting aald
rlghu of way, nnd being the K0 aero
tract lying iBsedlatolj .South of thai
ia Ii ik IjbLi ,.i i'.kt- uiiil kiln .
laini 11. IV. iiKin ,i ., in,.-'
In Malhuor County. Oregon; i
with 10 aharea of tin- Capital Si
of the Owyhee DHoh Co., a I
lion, in. u water right fur l -I i '
lai. Tha aald tract U morigag-d to
the State Land Hoard of QNgO
the Mtim of lloiHi, and If tin put
ehimor doairo.H 0 lONHM "'- BWBO,
tin- aald tract may I,.- bought lubjoet
to tho Hald mortgage Purrhnaera
dealriin- to I, id for ilio auPJ 9
taaa atu r iim ill I lu
... ,, . . . , ,., ,,-!"' i -i. r., ,, -.. . ion am in ou
blda to the nalrt Adn. nlslrtilrlx on or
.J are nercbv r.-uiilr.-.l to uiaimi and
AdUlllli tratri I
of reifiving Mdn for a long.
lir, i . ill, II. aih in of (bin not-.
on April 25, 1 ;n pub-
iil l I i
AdiiillilHtratrK ol Ol
Jui. i ri'i Hoceaaed.
si MM. INK.
IN Tin: ciitci'ir COURT Of
Hiuilii Stuve, PlBiiitiii
Hamuil V Peel Nellta Peel
Oraoe Peel, Stuart Peel, Margaret I
Peel, Hortliu Peel Partridge.
Partridge, hush. mil. huaband of
Bertha Peel partrldg-. and All Per-
aotiH I ukuovMi claiuilng by, througn.
and under Iheni, or either of them,
To Sam. ul V Peel, Nellie Peel,
Grace Peel, Stuart Peel, Margaret L.
Peel, Hertha Peel Partridge,
Partridge, huaband of Bertha Peel
Partridge, and All Peroona Unknown
claiuiltig by. throueli and under
them, or either of thorn
are b. appear and
anawerttl.e complaint filed ugain.-t
,OU ,1. ,.,o , . C, ...... . -u..
Cus. ..-ore theexpi,
ik al. .a. i.aaaur ,.i.l m tha nPitar im ,.
" ' .
Halted to
f before 'he expiration of nix
weeki fro
Una i a of tin " you
fall to anhwer for want thereof plain
tiff w il apply to the Court for ihe re
lief prayed for iu the complaint, to
wlt: Por a decree adjudging plaintiff
to be the owner In tee aiinttU of Uii
7 In Section t, Towuahlp 17 8outli,
Range 47 E Y M . in Malheur couii-j
ty, Oregon, and decreeing you and
may :ns
i m n of you to linvi' no right, title ov
Thin atimi
I publish-
MUant to uii in.l.-r ,.l II,. n I)., I
llffBU, I null JUdg.-. made and an
. r(.M April 17, IBIS. Tho In
iienUoa batnaf la made into Uth di
ru iis, n,i n,,, iaMl pUbii, ,
Hon horoof tha
30th day, of Ma)
w. ii BROOKS,
At' irni-yn for I'liilni Iff,
Ontario, Ori-ioti
AMAfl HniMOSt.
u fi King. Plaintiff.
J. VanOouli and Alice M Vat
Court, huaband and If, B
A Si hilling and John II Sililllliiu-.
husband and wife; Alexaudi-i :
Praalou and Q A W .,,
To K. J. VauCourt, Alloc M. Van
roiirl, lb ill, a M h 1, .lling. John It
Schilling. Aluxandur Hills. I II
Preston and G. A. Woudman. Do-
t. inhiiit
nuiwer tho complali
V'.ll in
name L, lug tin- last day pr.--, ril.. -I b)
tin- .ii'iln -it tin- loiirt dlr, nng or
iillillH In 11 lo In-
,- aiioii von hv mil. Ural mi mid i,
you tal
pli nam miii i i to
i ,,uii ,i ior in ii-
11 ;
r f..r tin-
' ipal sain nl 14,004
arft thereon from January 11. i
at the rate of eight per OOOl I"
nuiu and for the further suui .:
$',00 00 mi, 'i . mul for hi,
ami dtehurooaaoata herein
For a decree of the aboe em it I, ,1
Court lor.-elos ug that certain real
lllorl,ul,e , ,ul(. jan ji jjin
K1,ll IJU tne gW y ()f ,lt. (.;i, ul
g,, a. t. 18 8. It 47 K M in
Oregon, lOflOthor
w ,,,, a(l WMlor rl. ,
wllh Bnd fur ft1 ,)r,,.r f,ir th ,,,,. ,,,
ltie ai)Vl. ,,.s, i ii,,d and murigiig-.
property to an ' aoma aa ah.-ill
,,, , ,,!, irf v
rttt-on ( Bu, mortgage.
This uumiiioiis Ii ner,-d upon n-iu
bv iiublieatloii b virtue of an oi
of the Hoi, Hal.,.., Blgga, Jvdna
MmmOM ,. ,;
ilo Argue, a .'.'kl
llHlo ,1 ill I
,.0UMty ami
First pubiicatloa, nprtl m. 18 ts
l.ant pi. 018.
vvm i: i.i
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Residing at Ontario, Oregon '
FOR sjai.K Kjx-.iml lUrgaiua In
hiagn Hew lag Maciilut-a
(new ami
aocond hand) or the next SO daya.
Hue. oppoalte Librai lS-tf
vrftifrt'trtt .HKiVft i m i
iiirvnllls. l .v 2j i ha pr,
.ailing difficult) a it ii im mai
porta ill i Iregoa m tin
if the crop. gopl l'i"i Q
ili lop of the (i A. i I ixpei Iiihiii
stiii Ion.
In make tlif ii, list tit ullaila i
IhOUld be cut when the ItM I
bod out from the crown ol
Alien It is iiliuiit oik' I' nth In blooui
Pol milting It to ilii'ii more rodui
tho number of (tops, even tho tt In
creates the volume of the first cro
i by in 11 k i iik It woody ami , uiKoiieni I
Qrala ha fin in tin
dough BtaflO In sodM parts or I
IC tit l
i he linril b 01 DM I rip.
ml nutritious ,...
R I,, l, rill In I i,, l hjhl atM
i ." . i i, .in.l ,,,,
buy crop ot i ion art ri pn milled to get oer rip..
l lover In r. inly for buy when 0D
third of tlm IiIooiiih In-Kin o in 'i
brown, but Ih frenuently neurit road
for need at tho tiM of cutting for Ii,,
I'IiIh ri'HUlt Ih a serious leaf loss anil
u large iiinoiini of course, luiril hi,
; palatable hay.
Vol oh should be cut a hen tin' towel
podM ari half formed U Inn alio
i'il to mature part of Its awed, loss ol
peavee and more valuable portion t
line parts Ih ii ii - I . .in.l I ion nl
W """""'I "I "rd. rati, or Utter,
H'"' """
S,,,IIH Otooaaaog have expem-n.-
ioxi Injury '" ,,Mlrv 'H," " ' ,l1"
en-li hay with a large umo .ni .
'" ,l TIH .- oi
UoAranl I u
then cured somewhat mori I
nut with mora attention to curing
arli.-i . ulthn' will
,,IK " """"""' ""' I
Ml Mill Ii Ol MIIIKM
t in in ,1 from First Page
wmi i uiw-rnlty Medical lehool; and
lln-ti pr,., tli-.-d m, dli-ili, in.
gery hi Dallus, Tuxan, tin i
attor arhteh bo look post pi
work In tho Doaton, Mans., Kye. Kar
osi- and Ihioai I ill il mill . which III
I'onn, it. .i with llurvnrd i Bin i o-
I mo fr HoHton to oniarlo to
Join tin iiriu 1,1,1 , .ii
Dr Prinlug, who followi. his i,n
iin-r -lil, 'ts, i In, Mayo Hn.ihi-m, Into
i - ,iniy sirvk-o, baa bfi'ii II
phj I, inn ,iu,l Hiirg i hi ouiiiiio.
liming i nine hare from Min
where he practiced . uti .in Ii
yearn, follow lua an Inti-rnshhi In th,
,,. st M,ry', .,, ,.
Minn . mud- Iuh.iiuh In
II.- w.-iit lo ItncheHii'i
after hlH griiiluatiou from II-
verHlty ol Minn. n(n l
ON I Wilo N MOM Wis
I l. To
(. i .u i iu mhl uoiu . ..
" pall n ill,
Altho th nun,,
'" fr
'" "" " tor in
ftaiatofl i, pi given in
Una foiii llui - .nan.
I iliur--
j' id ,r
There are people right lu thla vl-
OtaMf who
to alwuyt have a
uieau look and a crabbed, fault-And-
n dlapoaltloa. Thla may be due to
dlaordored etoiuach. constipation ir
headache reaultlng from thaao dU-
order. When auch la the caee a few
doaaa of Chamberlaln'a Tableta will
.aoon make them cheerful and happy
Thaoe tableta have met with much
aucoeea lu the tieatment of Ihoae all-
.:) Kill Nil I
vale we
, , ,w n, ,
.,, H reaiKii, i .
hv gu If Interested In a
tiropoef'lun of thla kind write THE
t'olo at a ce for particulars.
For SW.K or I 'RADK
Ing ueifer, good horae,
where. J I
4 miles west of Ontario
-for earl
work any
Hll. I. Will
17 if
FOR BALE Duroc Jersey plga. eight
jweaka old. J J DIM.AKD.
4 milea wast of Ontario 17 tf
'n 'Polly
or the , .
' '
T Dill .,'.-
I.ol III il .i I'OMINO
f h
. mi Miau ii. in. ,,,,. war ,;n. industrial ai-hlnvement
i . "'. ii at l i,.n .a tin plant, i bo
'-'" ' ami nm p.'.f.Tilv aqulppod
""" " ' " " '"' ol ns kind m ihe ri,i. ma bm4o
rapailly af dlrootof n ,,,v ,,, ,,
for Sarah ll-roh irdi ni ,lii "' r ,tlh ,i-rli,muin nun-
' roltojpM .ohoiir bororoca aorfootod undor
W ' ii ho. ". Angus.
n1Mi iport of thnl 1M,.h prHident .,r .w,
fnmoii . itar, while her fti , Buoch, h.. mijal hia father, tha
,,n'""" "" ne AdolphUH B-UOOh, an i,
w,",n '"' '' ,'l-.. in. In
l,,,,;i ah. batentifli
"'"" ' '.its and original risrarol, II. ,.,
turn to dlrootlna tor ll I L.jW1 ,,,,,,,, ,,,r , ,iri
'',,, I Tl "' i-l to Hi- promull r Mr I
his flrnl prod,.,. h, i,
mm hi Anion,, ,,i,,, ,
al dl
"' lhonl I ,ullh, ,,,,
1 l! ' ' quallt) oi nou-ab
b ik i
in. mm i
"' "" ' tovor ni in ,,
"K w' ii mo pi i, lui
lti ' Il in in II. ,
ii ii i ii on ban leahlpi and la
10:00 a. ra. Bible School ,, , 1(ll ,,,r.iv ul , , ,,
11 " ' ,'" Horlal tor ,,,,. , ,,, 11WM ., m
w, o at ii. i- United i'
cburcli . -...
7: IK p. iu. 1). V. I i
10 p iu Co pol aervlrea.
J, , i What Is the t;,,-ii-'
in on a m liihl. s, ho,, i
ll:on a m Tha prooehhn aarvlee
will be given ,.wr to tha lirop Mae,
nriai aarrlooa at no- United I
i.-rlaii i-linrrh
lte Karl 1 1 it ii t a Pa lol
M mil siimU .
A union uoi,,.
Karl I
. wj
.11, , I II,,' J, I ,,, , . v ,-
poeinllj iio h'-d to at load 'i bl
vi ni in- pgtandod to taieruda the
,, the pr,
lion I lo all
m h died al her I le
i a after
i. t,l.,.rl ! " 11.11. i .1
, ,.
M. .. ,i a II, in, miii In
the I i liarle.
Hi,, i, ii Interment wai
mad, , - :,,,!, ii
i liunliaiid, I'll,;
Cable. ' ill . hlldreu, ll"
Onl a lew ,l,i
'..oiher, and
Si.l.-n, I,, ult.-ikit liie liiiierMl
Mabel Howard waa born at Sale,.,
0r"'"" "
Sl """ "'", "'"'
'"' I
: '" ' ''" '" -
l and ,l.lldre,,. ,! i,
i-.-r relatlvea and in-
waa In
ivm. i, ii ..r ii..
s I I a. - II ll P...., ,r
111. I ,
Sui'ilu-. II
log 1 1 a. in.
I Meeting I 1
l'raer meeting Thura 7 i
Vou are welcome, to theae am
flood Cora, early variety I
Conkliu, Ontario, Oregon. 1
FOR 8ALR-I Baa thorough bred
Rhode Inland mooters. D. A. Hllaa.
Ontario, Oregon. tf
mi iv OV ONTARI - nnM.w
KIM. Kit l. IHWC
Word . -k h
Mrs i;ay. wiison of tha death ol h
on in. t'nlvin- t'rotik, who wan o
With th"
Tha letter came from ni
mother, who iiv.s al Bpoonor( Wla
ild thai be wai niaklno
flight at a halghl ol , whi l
i.ti r, in i-'il dlaabllng tin
and m-ndlng both drlv.-i
nnd ninrlilne to the ground Tin
oinig man waa onl) i ! roara old '
, ill tlllil' Of Ills ill-Ill II
ind ''li-.i r-
i" lit In 11 . ol
,.i mii I.Oi .uliin noil
Mill il Hi'V, loptm-nt.
pllelon of the nrw IvOnn,
i lli-io pin ii t In si I. mils is a noln-
,io- i, us,, , ,-suir.i-r urn-, ini-si-i r.l,
gill. I Si Louis, ol who Ii Mr
' u""Buach la the principal owuei and
prooMant, he been encaged continu
ously and agcl DBl Veil since liuerb a
aoterod thO ur III liulldhlg en,
"i .in .1 and BaOOl 001 tool I) ;
i,.r American lubmorim ., alrplam
and the I nltod Ht at - mo Mi
M lakes the position that II ih
I In- i I alt ..I ol Vim '
iiiatiui.i' mrers lo opera I, I In ir i
i.. i ih.' i. .-mill ..I i a, I,.,,, i ii mi nt
during the war. and that private P
fits sin. ni, i Ik- entire!)
olllllillal' ,1
..I h. I.
win, ,,i,i whora ..ii ins children bui
'the hlgi
l.lll Ills., I"l ih,
,1 III'
win Id, .lir. Ilu
i miii,-,
Jll" 4 nklng. lualllil
,ini' Ih
utlve committee
ol Ilu all,,, i
, r 1 1 v Loague. which Ih .,
engaged in work lu , oiiin-rlloii Mllh
tin- preaooultoo of tha ar.
slli I II
Three lia horse- straied from
altgaorg OB VVUloa Creel I ..
aaan going eaal aboai noakongu
.., Third
All -hi
,K ,,.,,,, ,lll)r ,
... .,,,. .. ,,,,.,.
I M Oil PIIIN.I M. l ll
ll I Hi. I H 11
luti-rua! M
1 KO Wt S. I OKI M M Ii
r Noae and Thj
OfTICI hoi
tin 12 and I to 5
Office over First Nalloual bank
Taalaatkhriii a Vi. Y V llnial. Ar.
, myilluu ' V Ml' BJ , WIIUIl IN ir-
niD cross nous
mrolved1a few mt
t Urol tlx-ro- fin
rRreat d'-nuind for dish triw, i and
lltollluelll a. t'.io
Tha 1 ttol toiiowal
II for dlah towels had
dish elotbs ior use lu tin- enntoaoiflrto
Tha allotmenl for Ihe Ontario ciiapt-
i-r in 20U dish towels nnd Tl dJMi
"For dlHb towel", we o laynr
sacks of Hie l mi lb, lie, Of flour
Of tha 14 Ih i t larer.
hetnnrad and all
hull i darned Dl
mad,- of -oirks of
i, ii to fifty pounds. These
ild I,,- rlppi ' finish.
"A 'i loulil
i no
, i, ml, I i,e ii.-,, I Please
ople lo bring ll mpty
aacka for HiIh purpose
"This call i' urgent and iiiiihi be
ii la lorn Juno IB. 191 H."
This week In " learlng-iii Week
In the Red :roaa work rootna. All
Ihe Ulliou- left olel's ale Oelllg fU
lahad and paikeil tuiti.lor hi a mis
collaneoiiH bOI and will lie sent away
the last of the week. After this
time the work lu the rooms will be
limited lo Ihe allotment given for
thai period
Ilu- allotment for the hospital gar
mi nt ., insists of onl four things;
the helpless caae hetlabirtM. the I"
Jai'k. la, the pj kn.
ihe ii I lot n lor Ihe ' oUllllg
iii, m.ii has am boon i i d, as It
still , rhent Irriga
tion . ol
al 1 1 ik lieud
has Hint lu im mis Month, II bed
slilils, 2 pull kiiiii- tf pair
bed seeks, and I n i as.
I .1 i, all. i, lollo
', lug ileinl siiioolluiuse bun
and Mr. aud
Mi I M I a, eoinpaini d ll III! lo
Ih, ,.
I Mrn K. M.
..nig are i ilni ' ' Dig Hen, I Thura-
where ihe will give a short ad-
dreas to Ho- Ki A r,n,s workera there.
a- i Auxlllar) at Di-aii ox
has sen. iu pan oi bedsocka, S pair
kiiitied sinks, i sweater, and ll pair
,,i pajau , "it iloir muulh's ailol-
uiuul. itl pair oi anjamai I
buuu iccehcd from Ihu Naaa Uranea
m It ii lu Ow) boo Auxiliary
iii.- piuciiHtia from tin at Kotonj Batted Ml. 71 whleh
win make a m-iii i, me addition io
.hell II. -d I Tie - 11 , ., al -
W doing i hinge"
alj among tho first, aa
Hiiowil b) Ihoir l(,-d Hum, ..1011,1:1
On thl re-
. PJ
1 hiin, 11 11 ion,,, 111,11 bundle
tile i" ,1 iu
-I l" Ig u call
1 ni Hi
ii work 1, olid lie slan.'l
Among tbiiM- were Ilu 11,1 . 001 in-red
bandage.-, whtiii WOTI llin !,,,! n,l
'.. 1 ne lli-il i loss rooms. Nell
1 1.1 ihe regular mail'
lug ine 1111,.' will bO l" 1,1 III Red
,i,, s al I hi- 1, ,0111s
in, 111 the lu
Ul rll 11 relatives b-
loaiing 1. 1 Join Ho- iialloin.l
IH, 40
Math, 1, May
11 1 ;
on 1
0 .. 1. 1.1
,1 s
k Vie Will .l-
Mr .uoi h V I ih 1 a "i lion-
,,l li 1 a,,i, llunt.r
of Heiilal ,' I ha Mooie
wi Irma Uualou ul , nutlaud