The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 23, 1918, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Qlhr Ghitarin Arflus
Oeo K.AIkru, Kdltor anil Publisher.
Published Thursday at Ontario.
Oregon, ami entered at the Ontario
Office for distribution a 2nd
Oae 1.I0. 8lz monthi $1 10
ffcree mnnlha 69c. Slagl. copy Sc.
this time to rata ht while Vale and I nation Rv all political precetlenrs
lib neiKhlior raiao ai par cent. Tha
poult Inn Is reversed hh compared wltb
the actual wealth, etc., of the com
munities. In the Liberty Ioan drive
Ontario, Nyaaa, Adrian and Dead Ox
Flat raised 42 pee rent of the total
and Vale, Jamleaon, Urogan, Westf.ill
Jordan ' : 1 1 1 . Riverside, Jnntiira,
Ironside, Crowley Sheavllle and Hock
vllle raised 58 per rent.
In the present drive Ontario and
vicinity will have ft ft per cent to relae
while Vale and the balance of the
county ha 46 per cent.
There la thin to he said for the of-
I pledge air allegiance to my Flat flclals of the Vale chapter who Inslst-
m4 to the Republic for which It
eaaMda, one Nation Indlvlalble with
Uaerty and Justice to all.
A comparative study of the dlvlsl mi
of the proportions of the Seiond ll"-l
Croaa fund for Malheur county be
tween the Ontario and Vale chapters
and the figures of the Third Liberty
lrfan drive for tho respective terri
tory ahow a a rather unequal division.
This dlsporportlonate division does
ot reflect In any way on the people
of the Vale district as a whole, hut It
does appear that those who are r I
epmi ihle for lite ml Ion of the V0
chapter are attempting to put an HI
Just share of the Imrili n on llM Ofl
tarln Chapter The people of the I
Vale chapter would without a doubt
be the first to resent such in thin fori
that they are 100 per cent pat rim . I
aad willing to carry their share Of the
load, goea without saying.
In the Third Mberty I .mm drive tic
arldlctlon of the Oiiturlo iliapler
chapter were asked to raise tlH.o.n
and did ralae l77.fou or III per
cent, the communities In the Vale
chapter Jurisdiction were asked to
ralao 1243,00 or 1G6 per Thus
ed on such a division; their ferritin i
and population Is more scattered and
harder to locate than I the popula
tion of the Ontario district. Due
allownaces should be made for
that fact. Hut there is another
element to he taken Into considera
tion, that Is the large number real
dents of the Vale district who do
that la taken to moan tlie ciiulinalion
of Mr. Moser ns a factor In wtato poli
ties. FSImlllarly the defeat of Ren
Olcott for a time at leaat place hi
light in eclipse, tho hit prestige Is
net a sserlouely 'damaged due to the
fact that he was second In the race.
The vote of I. J. Simpson was a
tribute to his personality. He made
friend and the fact that one an un
known as he waa six month ago
could secure so wide spread an en
Inillcates that he I a coming man In
dorsement from voter over the trtate
Oregon affair.
The re nomination of Oovernor
Wlthyiombe I Indeed a vindication
of hi record in office and how a sde
lrn on the part of the electorate to
keep him in offlco daring tho war.
This practically aaanrea hla re-elec
tion in the fall, tho Walter Pierce.
might he true were the ordinary
politician waa Involved it did not ap
ply to Weat. (or he Is no ordinary
politician and with hi ability to
grab the spot light and confound Ul
opponents, he, too, campaigns all the
Of courae there are many to view
hla latter proposition aa the only
logical solution available for the
dllema In which In which he would
ordinarily have been Involved by his
flrat proposition to withdraw in favor
of MrNary.
In view of 8enator McNary's record
which beside making good at Wash
ington Include an appointment to tho
Supreme bench of the state by a dem
ocratic governor, now none other
than hi opponent for office; nnd an
hla Democratic opponent, will provePPolutnient tn United taa
a worthy combatant.
These result, however,
are over-
thelr banking in Ontario Institutions shadowed by the nomination ot ei
whose deposits are counted against
Ontario when apportionment of the
fund are made, yet who when th
funds are to be raised are given to
the Vale district. Thus they prove a
double handicap to the workers here
If the great territory over which
our neighbor have to work Justifies
the division of iiihor and funds to be
Senate by a Republican Governor
With quallflcatlona which meet with
the approval of men aa different as
Weat aad Wlthycornbe, McNary him
self la somewhat unusual and there
fore Oregon la apt to witness a most
Oovernor Oswald Weat by the Demo
crats and Senator Charles McN'ary
bv the Rennbltnana for the United
States senate Thua the tate la to , Interesting campaign thta fall
have life long friend rnnnlng against
each other for the highest office In
the gift of fhe people With hla oft
demonstrated ability to disregard
precedent and
The manager of the present Red
Cross campaign propose that this he
the laat drive. They believe there is
to do the unusual
raised mi tho basis provided In Hi- Governor Weat haa twice in recent
drive niiu on Ontario will continue ' week Issued ststcmentn that have
as in the past to carry the load. for the party men guessing Those who ample evidence that the people of On -
the workers have never faltered an.l believe In Mr West sincerity are uti j Ur, need but t0 ,nat tn" Wm
all rcall?,. that no one has "alveii un- stinted In their nralse of his nrooo-1 ('0," ""''quarters are open for war
til It hurts.' yet In this great work sltlons flret to withdraw from the ,und nd "' ,n" P0,,Ple w,n com'
that must goon from month to month race prior to Hie primaries, and sec.
mini the war is over the burden nnd since then to forego a campaign
should be divided ns equally as po
Klhle between communities as well a
between Indivlduaa.
a - aa
- -t-ltjimrj
.AtfQgggflBHit. I jjtn.-"
. WM imnWif m ' '
" TmBmWWW ' J-" '
4Saaaj ay jl, 2;.' . Par -.. "ae"-
vBtaaaaaaaVr BP"aBfcr4JeX -.
-OaHi aa"j. lBBTaaaaairT - i
0 " ? THSfi
I forward
Ontario certainly
can aoon take
and let the people take their choice that poltlon That 157 people
Willi onh lorty per ieni uf tin
was pr , voters at the polls laat Krlilnt Ore-
me apirii oi inn nininniiHur" was yi
exceleace. When It Is remembered Kln itepuhlli ans and Democrits nnm-
thst tho dljlslon of quotas for thn Inaled their tickets for the fall elec-
Mberty Loan were scientifically made Hon The results were not surprli
taking Into account population, bank Ing and the people of the state are
deposlta, taxation ami Other n curate assured of BO riultnil depsrture in
data It falrnes must be conceded state government no matter who mny home." Even If
... .. lall.i. . .....
Ami each community marl- cooil su'ccsslul In the. rail ...-... ..... ..,.., mP ... ... ........
the same DoDiilatlnn further urovlnr One result of the campaign. Imw M'rr 1ay life of a senator, MrNary every campaign
between the candidates without the
uaual recourse to the stunt p head
quarter, advertlalng, etc.
Viewed In the light of the experi
ence of ordinary men by making Hie
latter proposition West ia practic
ally assuring the election of McNary.
who baa tho advantage of being in of
fice, nnd therefore of campaigning all
the time thru
privilege, and of doing
W9mJ mf ....
You can be the one to send him
a poucn oi
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug
It pays to know the facta before you spend
your money.
You will be sending your friend more
tobacco comfort and satiafaction in one pouch
of Real Gravely Plug than in half a dosen
plugs of ordinary tobacco.
Give any aaea aakew el Reel Gravely Plug, and ha will tell
yee ' ttte kind te eeaat Sead the best I
Ordinary eeag I take ecsnaawy. It coat l per week te
chew Real Gravely, fc a cease a saaall chew of it lasts a leng
If yoe rank a pip, sliee Gravely witk your kaifa aad add
a little te year iiaVaag toeaeaa. It will give flavor laneweve
oeaa aaaekaw
sens rum rtnNS nmii.i. snmra a rsuci sr siavh.v
Daalev all araaad here carry It in lOe. pouches. A 3c.
lamp will put it into his hands ia aay Training Camp er Sea-
rort of the U. S. A. Evan "over there" a 3c stamp will laka
t te him. Your dealer will supply envelope and giva you official
directions how to addreat it.
Th a Punch aWeaw n? F r,,h mnJ CI man tmd Good
Itm not Kami Gratify imlhomt thu prottction Stml
EatablUHt 1 S3 1
The outstanding feature of the
nomination for county office laat
; week were the racea between O W
iMoKnlght. f 0 Wilson and H. U
would voluntarily walk Into an office
and give over f .1000 In one day with
out presaure of any kind la a tribute
to their generosity and their patriot-
The Argti want to congratulate roorman for the county judgahlp ami
those who advanced the volunteer
dajr Idea. II waa a true test of the
city and we want to echo the aentl-
the use of franklug "lent of a prominent oltlien who a
things In watched the hands of thw clock
for tne folks "hack paea one hundred dollar mark aner
he only write Hie another -declared:
up in the usual . "I get prouder of our old town
The folk here are
that fact. ever, la the aettlng of aeveral polHI wouin unconsciously oe campaigning
In the present lied froas drive and cal suns and Hie peculiar position In and thus have Weat at a dtaadvan
la the previous drive as well as In th" which the 1'nlted States senatorslnp te.
T. M. 0. A. and other efforts the .11-1 candidates llud theraaclve. That I one aide of the proposition
visions of duly Is exactly revel ad After two attempts Otis Moser hi The other la that net forth by thnseMn the Oonnty and tne whole stale of
Ontario and Its neighbors Is nske I failed to land the gubernatorial noml- who declare that while the above Oregon
all right ."
That goea for the people In the
country, for Nyaaa, Rig Bend, Owy
hee. Head Ox Klat and all the towns
that between 0, M. f rendall and P. J
Oallagher for representative
That the laat named race would br
aa cloae aa It developed waa the hut
prise of the nomination and ran be
attributed lo the fact that Mr. Oalla
gher waa not at home during the leH
two weeka of the campaign
In the caae of the first named con
teat the vote waa so equally divided
that had either of hla opponent boen
out of the raoa apparently Judge !
Knight would have been defeated for
the nomination, la the view laktu b
those who lielleve that practically
every vote which either Mr. Wilson
or Mr. roorman rcelved waa an antl
McKnight vote. That such a con
clusion can be drawn of courae la a
matter of opinion which only the No
vember election can aettle
To the Republican Votejfa or Malheur
Ladles and tientleme I wlah to
ll.Unlr Villi Mini II. n rnlllliM. tit llila
I' -- - ---.... M. .HIV
paper ror you aupportlng me for the
office of ".111111 y Judge and aaure
you that I am still a good Republican
and will vote and support your sholce.
Very truly ynure,
Harry I., roorman
Mr. and Mr. W. iiall wura outurlo
visitor from Unite. Wednesday.
oMBPti lNv
.MfSsstykv - vvdWI
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.Ia V.
. ? IiiiC.
.itanBHTtn - Rfii I
iS fav. -aJfoV
rCTII . Z Lm4M'
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ii i ' '-I iirkTwaa&P EE i- illlliils --itt
r r t, H' i . t m " F ,p" i r s - -KaaK; a , . ... . m i pef
Ttt3FFFiUGwvmMMm aCTigrn "'":: bee
atnawi-Br ' wt rr!-' ""rTiTnT;::;
.antfaXamBaMrV W M mM fcZHa1 .ni 7 aA JJl . ILjLLl I
M AHlfiflL aWMIIF"!
J'iH' i KdBfiBb QmL' ! MAfsrmm
VsU J aaKatl JaT VtWLtWtmWF' 'immW lT r tP
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the ! arrest of its character in the world. Covers two city blocks. Floor space 26
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. . , -LA. ..a mli,im - - Y iC a. A..a.l. aa... Jl aL a...A aa. aLdVaVI. -. JA.1 ?
ten irciynt var9F yt jlijl raujnuy fm. vv pcuAc anu iuxyk ft uuii iin capaciiy Qg
P two million bottles daUy, equal to !40 cr 'o? oi n fV lwr-Aay hzsis.
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