I jgjiTgrcr'fr-.'-i mn nmnr: n'r. PAQB I (Man &rgtta. 1 1 ' ONTARIO. MALHEUR OOUNTT, OREGON, THURSDAY MAY 23, 1918 NO. 20 MS s T- II I I I I SI 1 110 DOLLAR 'FLY TO RED f :;!)SS feTK Mi BriTiK KR DAY I" MARKED TKHN lOl.kH HIIOW IB- TO OIVE TO KUND OUT HOI.NTTATION. P. EXCEEDS IIS QUOTA Again Demonstrate What li pin Can to Kingman Kolony the Fore Solicitor Have Kay Blm ine. falheur county exceeded it quota the Second War Fund drive title k. That wan anaured on Monday len Volunteer Day win celebratd Ontario and a total of $3,100 was liscrlbed without solicitation ; ,., There were positive sign Ire In the fare of the hundred who mo to the drive headquarter Man- May to eollat their fund for the cause. The aplrlt was contagious, too, and everyone boosted, and that was how Ontario chapter had uch an.e'owds on It atreet than were pre eay time making It quota. To telint Wednesday. The ocraaalon waa all of the little heart Intereat events " V'H o' Al O Harnea animal clr- of the campaign is Impossible There ware some who came to give that looked aa tho they might br'ler h. what Is mora to the point the per boan receiving than giving. Than, forroancee from the free atreet parade let it bo said to their sorrow there o the last number made good th were some who from llielr wealth save so mnaaerlv that had ihelr spirit been the predominant one the formed by the trained unlinala. froiu , provide entertainment. At noon of nations soldiers would never get the Pl" to see Hon waa truly remarkable Hie convention day thay ware the aid they deaerve. Of course, there ! pleasure of tba small boys guest at a oharmlng luncheon serve I ware but few such and their exceo- wa equalled by that of their elders ' 'heir honor at the Multnomah tlon Just proved the rule that the peo-, Every section of the surrounding hotel. pie of this section are wholeheartedly country was represented In the hi-1 The purpoae of the meeting was tba patriotic and give aa well is hay tendance and bulnes wan good in alectlon of the officers for the coming Liberty Honds. Ontario Wednesday The llama rar and the review lug the past year'.! IW7 Voluuteer Otvcr. performer will be welcomed tw work The stale manager of Hm Manager B. W Rowland, Ray Wil- should the come I his wy again. ," 117-18, Mia Luclle Dan fori. son. K A. Kraaar. Prof and Mr, for It wa a show (hat waa worthy , realgned on account of a trip to lion Douglasa, . M. Orelg and other of Hie patronage it received li is olulu. which she has since made, and workers at the Headquarters Monday received subscriptions from 357 workers. Of theee 387 were city real- dnu or transient snd JO were r ml. dlXZ v " r" ' The Honor Ouard Olrl opened rite day with a 1100 ubcrlptlon. Hm Woman's club equalled thai amount, the Oregon club gave a portion ol Us surplus, and many Individual gavo from 121 to 1100. In fact t In- mini ber of large gifts this year perhups exceeded that of lwt year Msuy pen plevoluntarily doubled Him Hiuour.t they gave last year, few roiaV i I their gifts One of Hie features of the giving wua Ibat of the boys suit girls w Ihi came, some or them Just little (ols, and many children from Hie grade schools The Seventh grsde pupil-rw- in. for example. I .ime Portion in t'asli. I'ullke last fgar'i drive, tblg 'line two-lhlrds of Hie Iota) funic sj subsi rlplloiiK and only mie-tlilril in pledges The total for the l lt lit was given u quota or 4aTI on Thurs day morning waa Iti.UUii ItfMea up proximalely aa follow Kingman Kolony f .101 on Nysaa 1 1 Ontario. Cairo gad rlolalt and I 'pper Dead t) ,, As r! no report has bot l iron, ItiK Hud 01 the Lower Dead O-. Witli these in the KuMicrii Mile of Mullieui 1 ounty wiil pre: or lust 11.000 less than ! entire . ..unt v i quota Vale Di-lrhl Sate. .I1111. 1 wa . divid, d Int ' 18 gartlnng and Chulriiiuu II 1 ham repotted Wad ports had not been oi ih. 11, thoaa reported bad gll - qaotaa ami chapter would go over Hie Ul ,1 effort, ml the quota ami I while manv had 11 her of large donation were mnu 11 A large crowd altei huiue- talent play, "Mile Standisb. tain of Ply mouth. ' given by the 1 Olett players ta.-.t Thursday ew-i at the Dreaiiilniid iheaire tin h, efit of ih- if.d Croaa ami all more thai, pleased wild III. entei 1 iiieni one ul the -p.. ial feature of the eveuiiix was Hi muusic which was furuulie.l liv .. I.M. i.l.csiru (hat accompanied the players Joel Hurl the four-minute man from the mill at a. it'eutiaaad oa Pag at TAKING HHIUK1UPTIONH KOR ? WAHMHKRINON HONDH IHHI'K Vale bank are Hating sub- 4 ecrlptlons for the propoaed laaue of Warm. urine bond. An lg- ua of f ISO, 000 or which W. P Davidaon of the Oregon-West- ern Colonliatlon company will Uke half, It the local people Will take a (Imlllar amouat, la being offered. The fund thu aocur- ed will be uaed to eecure the reaervolr aite and build the dam It la then propoaed to aell the balance, 1400.000. to build tba diatrlbutlng system Already 0 sorue $00,000 ha been ubcrlbed by people In and about Vale, and ! an energetic canvas for the bal ance. Ih ti he made. Mr. David son vii here tbla week and con ldered the ituatlon with men interested. BARNES CIRCUS BRINCS CREAT CROWD TO ONTARIO Ontario ha seldom seen grtutor cus which had been widely heralded thruout tba valley. per roriiiujicc promise.! mm eiajfUPS stunts enjoyed the show. Th estimated thai .f0 people saw two performances here. Hid ; riiri llfTI I ITCPT NltL VfttlV LAIloi WAR TIME CAMPAICN ,.lir.,.i.l. (Ml foe Oregon Dm Ian Imvcrumciil Men Now I Time In t. I Porliajid. May -' ii:aiilxallou, of men and women, from fligajibari of I'omn .ice to club leil.i atloiia. are being in :v, i i, I'nel Administrator Holmes to tuke an a. live, part In "Order Your Kuel Karly MTook, whirl, . ill he niillouullv ol June During the wi i me in asked to pill !u llielr luel order and remit) I other to do Hie same lly.iln uieuus. dei hired Mr HoIiiion i..,l.i i he wood iind oooJ doalara will he lu poaillou to secure Hie luel lor early delivery and OrOSJOgllaM won't have lo worry shout boallOM da netl winter. The need of securliiK i-uppllea a BOM a- possible has been mail. ""," urgeqi n the golgaoa of Hie ; eiunieni to vim.. mid im- porlallon of California ftyl oil in;.. OfOfJpa 1 urtailiumil of oil will m r") II m-. essarv to -liio ol coal above Hie norinal deiuainl lu addition, thousands of extra 1 mils of wc I by plants uow employliiK oil u, .old greatlj 1.1 Ho demand oa ibe 1 railroads for more cars, ami groatl) lull Mr li !itin- daugbi r left Thursday, lakasp llli lie reiurii 11 1. 1: - John If.i :idreli to spend lie ml al Naiiipa II II. Douglass plans for upc-li.ii n 1 .. .1 garden 'ling a -.uain-.. 1 w.ih Outark. Mrs A v ml uer Mi Palmer, tl ' pocking a, an. nuk'lug other p. . i ing la a few djv - for Albert I - l.'v.u Mr anl Mr-' K M 'Iri .g w ). . upy Unto boa - while the. are COR.ALLIS WOMAN IS HONOR GUARD LEADER Mian Unu Racier Riwara With Rv port of State OoavwnUoa Ktrst Year la Notable la Aohtovw- Aa the reault of a financial meeting held Sunday afternoon at the Library the name of the Olrl' National Honor Ouard appeared flrat on the Red Cross list Monday morning with a do nation of 1100 Thia decUlon waa quickly reached, after the meeting waa once uder way, tin- member of the Honor Ouard deriding that In no other way could the funds In the treasury be used to better advantage. Although there are several amounts as large, or perhaps larger than this, yet the donation of the Honor Ouard Is significant when the ages of the members I considered for there Is no girl ovr 17. Also the number of ac tive members Is not large However they still have a rather targe sum In their treasury snd expect to make a good showing when the Y. M. (A A drlva cornea along At thl meeting Miss leona llader made a partial report of her trip to Portland tba weak previous where .he attended the tate convention of tli (lirl's Nstlonal Honor Ouard Mlas Radar was very enthusiastic over the reception given the delegates by tba Portland Honor Ouard Olrls. She de clared that every means possible waa per-'taken to Insure their convenience and .where she will lie uisrrled In the ner future. Miss I. lis Do hell of Corvalli who ha had plenty of experience It. lenitive positions, was elected (o xui eed bar. tine of (he Important measures en acted at Ihu conventlou waa the one which made t'urvalllc the new head quarter of (he Ouard Portland was ihu former center of government Another meeting of Ihv Honor (iuard will ho held Friday evening lr I he library at which ln Itader will give (he completu repmi KITH Kit Ol OM'tltlO ol i t MI.I.KII IT t II.IMIHM t HIlMi; 1. i' Wann, uged 70 years, lather of Mrs Frank lirilieuhain. Mrs K neat A. Allium and Mr Itoget Ion of Ontario died at his home In llcikclv, I uliforiilu. lant week Tim iMidy waa brought to Ontario arriving I Sun. lav ami was Interred in ih.- (in lurio ceineiry by the membem ol the liimily No servhe was held bjafl The diseased wa aTO Known h pa several years ago when he resided here Pt ltl.lt -.1 1io.1l NOTKH. The Seventh and Sixth grades have jiisi . ompleted their examinations for Hie term; the Seventh in geo graphy, Hie Hlxl li In physiology Th" Klghtli grade finished all their exams laat week and are now OnjaVj lug their vacation, a their school was out Friday Physical examination are lulu made this week in the public school The most pron 'to 1.1 diseases I. up in tlii- 1 1 in.- are enlarged to ami taxing, W - Kortner, and Wall I Vllllllll.il lot MiSH Margaret (irlffin of thi dual ill 1 lass has ... , Hon us leai her at 11) viae, 0 Miss iteriii. . 1 , lass will tea. h I 1 .-riu at emu, e 1. Washln Mr II It Douglas, si. : 1 ,,,,, Bra ,,. two g Hence in the city O. utle. W. Aberna'l.y Is 1110. Ing to .. . . - Mr I'aul Cayou motored tluvu fiom Naaipa Thursday, taking Willi her ou tbe return trip Mrs John Its muasen and children la spend tlm week-end at N snips EMMETT SEERS SHOW ABILITY IN COMEDY Oatarlo Beat Musical nr Years Hpeaker, Idahoaas Give Heea Here I Too Hit. Aa aa aiaraaJo of neighborly kind ness as well as anaual musical ability the performance given here last Thur day evening by the "Captain of Ply motuh" caat has naver been excelled In Ontario The play Itself, full of many amus ing situations was welt presented, and prettily staged. Tba chorua work waa far above amateur standarda and given with a dash and pep that re flected distinct credit on the perform ers and their coach. The solo parts were unusually good and the crowd which taked the Dreamland evidenced Its sincere appreciation thruout. Between acts Joel Hurd of Kmmett day evening while he went whopping gave a Red Croaa talk that was differ- Ror Johns and John Ktintlr ent and proved ona of the events ofhwlt the car and ran It over to Pny the evening Coming a free will elte and later abandoned It uear Wn . offering from the Bmmatt folks the hoe. They were apprehended by concert aod ewe 1174 which rcsult.'d Marnhal Marlon Jones and Night therefrpm tins certainly appreciated by OBlarlo The money went to thi local Red Croaa treasury. Judge W W. Wood of this city made a brhf talk expressing the appreciation of tbe local people. FROST DAMAGES SMALL FRUIT CROPS NEAR CITY The heavy frosts of Hie paat week novo severely damaged the fruit crops In this action. The area of damage varies and some section appear to have escaped but taken as a whole the valley v.ss badly hit and a short crop ia the proaoooTr While the fruit ranchers will suf - for tlut wurxt the alfalfa farmer I having hi troubles, too Owing to water shortage uud the cold weather It la estimated that the hay crop of the Malheur valley will be only flf'y per cent normal. Pari of this Is duo to the fart that a ronsiderabo acreage has been plowed up and put Into grain. IUM.K LINK IK Mll.ll TO m v ohm. o ktk nan ('resident W P Dsvldmiii ol the Oregon Western Colonisation i lull was lu Ontario Monday en Mats to HI I'aul after a trip over to lompauys holdings While here be H potted thai mi Hie trip he had algu- ed lonlia. Ik lot the sale of '. noun lo block i lii Crook ami II. u untie- The .l.iii.in. I lor grai- llig land continue, ho aid ami My that i- d.i . of II. tauge k gflflrHi ami passing i . DKPtltllM. IHHilllt HONOltKD Mail) enlellaillluenls ale helllg giv en this week In honor of lir Ji Prlnxing. who Is leaving soon to lo! low the medical profession in the army Sunday evening Mr and Mrs K u Hwagler entei tallied al dinner lu lion or of Dr and Mrs I'rliiln T ie 1. 1 Li-- 1. 1 oiiiHous were cbarmlnglv carried mil lu llatrs and otbei i.n nil. emhleins lo suit the lie ,i Ion Mim. lag Mi and Mr. J 1 ..,ii Prlnxing ataro laa honored gnaats at a dinner glvOa hv Mr uud Mi Krutik Kider Mr and Mrs A. .. in ..lid lir g .: Mr an. I -I ' M I 1 l . - 11 Mis 1 1 . i:. .1.0111 ami lll'le daughter left Thursday for Jorda 1 Valley after seeing the Wednesday Miss Orley lleiisley left for Porl laud Sunday eveuiug where she sa cs I led by the serious iliac of Iri.-ud HROONO RrXJlBTRATION DAY .ON ANNIVRRHARY OK K1RHT Judge O. M. at earns haa bean appointed register for Ontario and will have cbarge of the Hal- ing of all the young men who have become of age since June 5, It 17. Man to whom the law applies- should Uke notice, for they are liable to punishment thru failure to reglater. Regie- tration day Is June 6. the annl- veraary of the flrat registration day. JOT RIDERS TAKE AUTO TO PAYETTE ARE FINED Ira Hall, raiioher who live south west of Ontario left his Kord on the Ntreet South of the Post Office Hutu. I'olleeman J II Deunlson and taken before Police Judge ( M Htearns ..u much ihkiu , .. ,, am. assesseu for ,n a,,,,,,. whB W,r 15 each for damages to H'e car. ,,,, wm be the standard bearer for Thoy took all of the loose tools In the ,n- D0moor,u w opposition to Oov car and otherwise damaged It ernor vvilhyoombe Judge Hiearn also sssassed hls In the county Interest centered on ususl fee for plain drunk on Krcdithe conleal for the ( ounty Judgn P. Bailey who ran a pool hall here for! ship snd In the right between P. J. a time rollcemsn Dennlnon found Oatlagher and C M Crsndall for Hie him In the pool ball "loaded' and legislature This lost nsmeil contri put another man In charge while was In doubt until (he vote waa off! liiiilcv went lo court. loiter llalley eft the illy I MEMBER OE MEDICAL FIRM IN ARMY NOW ' Dr Jacob Piiuxiiig of Priuslnu, Weese A lellanl I miner, la I ll-l I leu - I . h. . li. lawnajg 'vl VA eilne-ilai Dr Jacob Prlnxing. who -nlM.-i In the Medical Iteserve corps and tne coiuiulKaloned a first lieutenant on May 17. 1117. ha been called i., n. color and will leave Ontario not week for Camp l'wl The doctor waul to Porlliiud Inst week where le: Horn Into the aaaTvaM and niir.i .. I ave ot absence lo clear up Ills 1. u mesa here prior lo reporting for active servi. . The departure of tin- Dodor will make no 1 hauge lu lag -ole ..1 th Him. for III accordiiiice v. III. Ih- polls) laid down by ' ! an Me.iiiai prufeaaiun I ill on IiIk ,oik ami hl In lares tl will lie protected and lie vill 1 il.c . ..1 1,. 1 in, polliy was ad. ipl.it h. tn. pro ..ml ..llowi-d hv phvsiciaii- ovi tn- oiintrv to prerenl others from pro num. hv the unlislmelii ol .1.. ' , I..-- I he .1. pal I ill. ol III Pi inlug elll 11. in 1 break lu a 11 111 urn- couililuailon of medical men in 0.1 tarlo No other town of Ontarie: - ihapH, has had a firm like It, and 11 inui h tin . Innounceiueni mis wee. lhal In W .1 '. ill Dr K S Kortner will between Hieiu, tuke up . die. I ..rk w Inch l; - hllhel I,. lir I'm. 00 pi . . ami .1 1 ;,em has ha. I inuiiv -.. 1 - ,,- training ag em In I hi Hon of 1 lo 1 Dr ' I m . 1 .1 .,1 si id 1 .1. l-il.n Hop . ,r .; year and an al Si 1 ..a City. In 11,, ..1. I ollimi sloll II Ul 1 ..me tu oniurio ami bars I has been u gsaaagaM gl Um firm Prlnxing A Weese, later Prmn Weeae &. Kortner gjaag 1 Dr K H Korlner i like. . graduate of (he academic departun I of tba University of Missouri, folio -Ing which he graduated from Ha: . 1 oiiiii.ne.l on Page Kive) PRIMARIES DRAW BUT 40 PER CENT VOTE M'NARY, WTTHOOMBK. M'AHTHI'H ARM RKNOMINATKD Bt LAHOI M 1.IOKIT1K U'KHT DI'KBA'IK BJ.VO IN HTATi:. COUNIY CONTESTS PUfTRISINS Gallagher Win Nomination Thru III Majority In Harae Coanty Mr Knight Haa Narrow Km ape From Defeat, Those who take an Interest In such things are still tryvng to figure out how it all happened laat Friday when the electors of the County went to thu polls' to select candidates for the gen eral election this fall In (he atate Henator Mi Nary dn fested R N Htsnfleld, Oorernor Wlthycombe wan re-nomlnsted over the field oppesition: Mr Arthur snd and Slnnott were assured of re-elec- ,, , 0ww,rt Ww(t ()4.rMtsd w, R. King for the Democratli nomlna- clally canvassed Tueadsy and Mr tlsllagher declared the winner bv g majority of II voles Mr Gallagher's victory, which was the only one wherein the Incumbent waa displaced during the closing weeka of the campaign and the vo-.. showed pec u I Is rl I let. lo the ntudent of the situation Kor example, ac cording to report received hero. Mi Uallagher tarried every precinct In Harney county ami had a majorltv there of 17. the role being 311 to III; while he lost Malheur county by 71 Judglili MurprUa. Perhaps the biggest surprise mg ihsi occasioned by Hie closnesa or the race for County Judge. In wlu.-i oeo W MeKnlghi raaaatvwd t$ r Wilson .101 and II I. I'oorniuu 147 voles The present Judge . rind comparallvelv lew piccln.l- an I his vole lu manv .. ii.ui. was a ill- unci rouprlac No IWmo. talli oule.1.. The democratic electors had 110 in iajgasaaaj to vol.. tor ihere were 110 contests on iheii ti.k K n Test, for louniv .luds.-, I..-. Hag ...r sherlll. 1lhu1 Mo.ulv loi cl.rk, II, 11 Klchoi .1 ... fot utuiiiiaaloni nominated tilenn ., nan 1 M an into the ballt . 1 hm I- 1 understood 1 not aaallfj Bag wa- ive tba llaaabllajt miiiiin .Hon for I .. ami c 1 Miielhi vas unopposed on Ihe l.'.pu llcan Hi kit lot li.-... 1 Ki,, ihe well known s! - man ah.ive Sale, was i. .!. Ill a . ' I.) I . K. -pul. In. 1. I roi 1 In the cininiv Ih-- v..'. un 11,1 ntOtaUla Ml gaaBfl 1 1 Coventor i . 1 son , 1 IT; Manor nail I Simpson :-4 . U ill,.. . 1 ,. U . 1 1 iloft III; Pluuiu 1 an 1: 1 1 .1 couil I ok. V llllain 111 I I tit. . IHM II lit. I I I .1 if I I I - . I . :. . Hon proceeding will lie stait.-.l Ig 11 lath. 1 .t 110 is 1 list , i . 1 . . Ml here J W Ha Hits laigan was down Hm. B week I