Will ONTARIO AROU8 ONTARIO CRW3TrtTMI RSDAY MAY Ifl KM- r aie r , .. LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE EVERY month we make enough Lucky Strike Cigarettet to reach, end to end, from New York to China, the long way around. That's 15,000,000 A DAY Regular men like the Lucky Strike Cigarette good, solid Kentucky Burley tobacco, fine for a cigarette because IT'S TOASTED It roar Scaler 4oi not carry -i taaataaaa. 1. 20 lor teuton 1 I If of IZpactuaestoTlwTooacc IVV Cowtiyyjt California. Ma ONTARIO BOY ENJOYS LIFE IN THE WAR ZONE BARNES CIRCUS PARADE. IS PAGEANT OE PROCRESS ' ' zm N$JjM i raa irontecd by iht Jriivea (o There are piridiw and there are Jan. Guerln received the following Parades, but the street Darade which letter from Hay Bailey formerly of ' b given by the Al. O. Barnea this city telling how life goes over ln'l,now when It cornea here May 22 will UN war MM Somewhere in France, April n, 1918 Dear Friend Jim t received your letter today and waa very glad to hear fom you. Well I am still In Fance and liking It fine. I have ben looking for Jim Kae over for a long time, but I suppose that It will be quite a while before he gets here. U is summer here now but It ralna quite a bit ever llttln whle I rucks thai ro :r.. tnrtlnc your farming to MM the bund by now I have not seen the l.iitiilingliiini boy yet. flay, that was quite a large amount of money for Ontario to raise for the Ited Cross. They are rertalnly doing their bit as are all of you people. I wrote to Jim Hoe a few days ago and received a letter from him He didn't get eiempted I guess. It Is so noisy here that I can hardly write at night and news Is so scarce I jiiw I will have to close Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain aa ever, Your friend, HAY HAII.KY STIt WKII. Three bay horses strayed from Faulkners on Willow Creek, l.a-t seen going oast about four weeks ago. Two stnsll bay horses. rnached UtM, one mare Third horse, slightly larger. All three were weurlng hal ter and hobbles on one foot $:'.' no as reward for their recovery Kl Batter, Ontario. Oregon. There will be a union servlre at the 1'nlted Presbyterian Church at 11:00 in Memorial flundav, May 26. Itcv Karl llanna of the Methodist Church will preach the sermon id iMIIMHTKATOK'S HACK. "Im U hMthy given th.tt under let f virtue of an Order of lale Mr aid ind rnlcred by the Conn 0 Caart of the State of Oregon for ) fJanty of Malheur, on the 20th 4M April. Ills, In the mutter 01 la) aula of Jaiuen T Clement, d aaa), tl udaraigned Adiiilnlstru t ( the Hid estate, will, on ami , !' ol I.i I lull . Ii of the Nil'"" in-. Kat aide. Itrv. H. I.. Hov.cn.. 11.11., 1'aJ.tor Order of HrrvlcrN. Sunday school 10 a in. Preaching It a. m. .Peoples Meeting 7.11 p. m. 'Trayer meeting Thura 7.46p.m You are welcome to these eenMcca them, or either of them IN' T1IK NAMK OF THK STATK OF (itlKdON, you. and each of you. " ' aaaa i,..r..i.v reiiuired to aDDear and Seed Corn, early variety answer the complaint filed against Conklln. Ontario. Oregon 16-lt you In the above entitled Court nnd cause on or before the explrat'nn of AUAH HI'.MMO.NM. the tlmo prescribed In tne oraer pun llalied. to wit: no or before the explrutlon of six weeka from the date of the flri-i pat) E H eclipse everything resembling a par ade that has ever been seen In this vicinity. It Is the novelty as well us the magnitude of this mighty street pageant that appeala to the public. and It should be seen by every man, woman and child In the county, whether they visit the stupendous ex ihi i nip later or not. Over two' miles In length, It will contain many hands of inspiring mu sic, great at en m pianos. large drum corps and other new features, mingl ed with highly caprlsoned horses, on which are seated handsomely costum ed men and women riders. H ores of open dens containing rare wild an imals and In each den women and men educators fearlessly cares4lng the dumb brutes of the forest, desert and mountains. Monster polar beam towering above their keeper, and beautifully coated tigers, lions, leo pards, hyenas and other denizens of the wild aeeklng to he petted by the only men and women who have been able to pacify them. Itenlly a sight of a lifetime nnd a flnini- prelude to the grand exhibitions which follow. It would be wise for all to reach town enrly and secure polnta of ad vantage on the thori uglifares thru which the pageants Is to pass. Than will he thousands who will flock Into town on thni day all attracted h the presence of the greatest aggregation that has ever visited here and ileslr a he points from which to see the par ade will he In great demand. It would nut be doing Justice to this mastodonlc parade to confuse It with any of you have seen In the pnst for It la so vastly different that It Is In a class wholly by itself It Is 111" mingling oi tlie natural with the arti ficial that rat minuends It In null lion with the uueiiualleil merit II possesses Two performances will be given In this city and special excursions wilt he run on all lines of travel enterlim here The afternoon performance will begin promptly at 2 o'clock Doors to the animal tent and the band concert will open one hour earli er. Courteous lady asber are in at tendance at all performances. Tie sure and remember the date ami not let any other date conflict with It. I IN THK CIHCl'IT COUKT "K THK STATK OF ORKCON FOH MAI. HKCI'. COt'NTY ilari., .-.,., ., . . . ... a it ! I. King. Plaintiff .-....., ,,, may, mm, "' HcatlOII of tills SUlllllliiiin " " " , "s omul of Mcculloch and I f,u t0 anuwer for want thereof plain- In Onuriu. Oregon, offer for ! .iff .in apply to the Court for the ' lief prayed for In the complaint, to wit: For a decree adjudging plaintiff to be Hi" owner In DM hlinplc of l.oi . . . m o..... I. 7 In Section L'. Townsnip u awaiu, Range 47 K W M . In Malheur counts-. Oregon, and dewoolua- aad eacn of vou to liavu no right, title or rights of wav fori . . .. .i .. i..i.,i., ,,n ami Mknii... ai. . ciaim inereni "mi -"j - -- OT"fHon dlu-h, and for the Mal- ,. , uaHertlng HI claim ' lly Haiiroud, and contain- . i- --in nrmnlses. and for wniiHnioi " - ! toll tl private sale In one I" lor cut ia hand, subjat I I i anmatioi asm Court, Hie fol aai dejcrik; t ra, t of load oaraad J Mid aaut, to wit: All of the N. o'N W. of Sec. 2U. Twp situated and C. Clemonl 1 7 E. W. M , -v of tl,,. Olive B,tl of land, isa iv ti rra dnuuf iter deducting aaid r, and heiug the 20 acre I such further relief as to the (ohm Sff;; ' o" pile's 7" K rlrlii f wa) , sttuato.l i, .. ier re..e. a- . --, , required just and equitable, and for dlsbursi i.' eosts .iinl herein This summons la published I"' . ... ... order of Hon. Dalton I'lirpiirit- . .,l u.wl .."- m w . ; b ggs. circuit .niose. ..... Ttai.1 d ,, c " ,'",' """' "'" l7" m8' T"e "rM "" . titiu ll,l I III lUbl UUII.t." i oi npru !. - ,,,.,,, ,t the 30th day oi ib y... M """"""i' Oregon; togetlir "bare r tiie c.,,,,,,1 Moen ajlha ix. i ..... ue unci, I,,., m ias. t.an "mm of $i ar J,. I., . Hon '000. .in,) if the inn doalren i,. ., .. ' ' ' 'Hill lilt. HHIUI' WlUct ,;,, ,.,. , , 11K- '".uv nw.,j. . i 'i aumgaca, rriraligaai - " '0 Ud for the said , " -'"I in suhmil Mai. i B"'sld Administratrix on o. "'" -id.v 6tli ""UWMrairi. 1'MV and the aald a,,. "'" ue rigni in Id aaal ..I.. .io upajQ ior the purpose witii ir .i.i. . t irsi at .. IB H I ... .. ... "IUK 1,1. ..- .. 1 1...1 - - mi ti nuiKcr iieiioo PUIilli al hi,. .,,- i I.i. .....i.... i --. .ii nun iii.ii. i - "HII IK U ii BROOKE 1-. J (i AI.I.ACIIKIi Attorneys for Plata Ontario, (iregon I'lA.NO MH HAI.K. will sell rUou 8 , luili 1 tt 1 f . and the last on .May :;!. litis 0UVE i CLEMENT, 'mUlrutrix ot tU, Eatate ofc Jw""T. Clement, Itacaaaad. SIM.Mt.N-, ;"K CIHCl'IT COURT OF THK jg OF OREQON. "k"it', Plalntlfl vs. """i i , .. .. .. uui, ceino r. I (ioi. n.. i . '"" Muuri pool. Murguret L. wr.r tiniuedlute aale we tremendously cheap a new high grade piano stored at Ontario. Liberal terms to a responsible psrty. Qual ity guaranteed If Interested In a proportion of this kind write THE DENVER MUSIC COMPANY. Denver. Colo, at o. ce for particular.. Look. vs. J. VanCourt and Alice M Vai- t ourl, husband and wife; llarthu A. Schilling and John II Hchllllng. husband and wife; Alexander IIIIU; I II. Preston and ti A Woodman, Defendai To E. J. VanCourt, Alice M. Van Court. Ilertha M Schilling, John H Ucnllltug, AlcxauUui BlUaj ' Im prest on and 0. A. Woodman, De fendant: IN THK NAMK OF TBI STATK OF OIlKtJON: You utid each of you to appear and IIa, I uv.lmil answer tlie coiiipiuuii i -- you In tl"' above entitled suit, mi M hel.lle the Mil day of Julie lltl. 10 same l.eini! the la ' BJ H -' il'ed hv ih, tfiai of Hie i on" liirccilng aer iiiiimin. ra nl sail '" aa ,,,,!, .mi h I'lii'ii"" aa, ""d n ,,, i.ul so in . n- rai ' '"' O'ere i.i. the plaintlft will -i-I'ly ' taa . ,,,iii for ihc relief prayed for in iii.i ,i,in.l.iiiit, towlt Fur juiiKinciii agala" ' " l,,r ,l1" priaalpal sum of !. oo ami latw H) llieicoli Uniii January 1 '. ll. i ,K- ni alfM par apal aar an nun, and Mr the furthai U '. t. mi atlonifv s fees and tor Ui ,, dishurseminls herein r, , daaraa ol taa above eatltled court roraeloa at "" cerium .re.n nortcasa ol data Jaa 11 ''" ,, in. sw, ol I seen,,, 1.1 It I ' w M ,: Mainour oeaatjr, Orafoa, togother win, ,.n water rlghta eoaaected With, nod i. ran ord fol the abov -.lestrtbed tud uwi proper! ,. ,lUli,, ,i,,e and owlai pUlatlfl by gage imi. mns i served II Cattle I'astured anil Hcrdc.1. I will be ready by April 10th In take any number at my place two miles west of Ontario Have 2000 Hires to herd on. For one month or the eeaeon until October 1st S l on per month I. I) OOJtDOK, Ontario. Oregon Phone .'04 Adv. No l-3t Man anil Wife wanted upon ram wife as cook, husdaud to take charge of crew Must be good Irrigator or wiiniaii .wnk. Steady employ mem Gn n-. i. ""-' ''""I Partridge. '' buabaad, husband of TJ" ''""I Partridge, ami All Per "kuowti cliiiiiilng by, through. '""'ii, or either of them. To a, "ef,"(i'"ti' JTwjI, Stuutt Peel, Margai.t U wrtiia Peel cartrid JTSe, husband of 2-Jw. ad au "y. tlirough and under Argus There are people right In this vi cinity who seam to always bare msia look and a crannea, i.i-"- , siMuo ol ing disposition. Thl. may be ,due to .p.- .... I...I I .Mill dia- .-iiill ulioo- ' " ,- m I It, l!ls isch, constlpatlo a headache resulting from these . ZT...k onnstlnatlon -r a aisoraoreu bkju.v... - .III ! dated directing mm ii'i weak orders. When such is me va - dose, of Chamberlain's Tableta am. (.(m.lilu VMkl In the On soon make them cheerful and happy. k , , ,,,,, puh The tableu have met WlU.. , to. aald suoeeas In tne treatment u. . FOR BALE TTouseliold furniture, Including library set, com book eaaa, piano, side board, sewing m.i chine, dishes, kitchen cab etc (i V AHKHNATHY. Phone 90 -W OPP Library Li llll IIOCSKKKKPKH WANTED rami. " miles from Ontario. Al nine Inquire ai Argus offh e. lti-l't Cood second hand Singer Sewing machines at special low prices. Opp. Library. Phono tO-w. 0. W. Aber natliy, Singer Sawing Machine Man. No. -tf CHI! IALI HmmII IliirgMiii- in SiligiT Kewing MajliliK". I new aim BQoflBfl linlidl 01 Phi. lie II W l W HK11NATIIV Res opposite Library i i tr1 l'olt SAI.K or TRADE ing heifer, good horse, vllifl" J J mile west of Onl.ii 0 -lor i in . DlLI.AI'H 17 II Kiirnc Jersey pigs, J J DILLARD, FOR IAU wee.-, uiii ww , ,,ie woo) ol imtarlo 17 tf Ue, Bttha ments. Adv-mur FOR SALE $700 tarlo for 4t. in resilience 1 7HFLS Adv county ami 81g , poalleaUoa, ipH 18 , pobllcatlonJune 8, m Res JdlnFat Onurlo Oregon I'liK SALE 2 fine thorough hn I Khnd" Island rooaters. D. A. lino-. Ontario. Oregon. " ii nit nuajffjMfJ, M D Sum. mi and i'i aaaaa ol Worn ay, ,i i EM N' l- intenial Madl K.IMMH S. HmTNKIt. M l ... Ear Noaa mid Tin OFFICE HOI 9 to 12 and 2 tO aiaaa am naal Mf'iUli ' ie'W T.laahnna No 33 J. Ontario tru When You Want Medicine You Want It Correctly Compounded There are two things necessary in a medical remedy. It must be the proper medicine for the particular ailment it was prescribed for; and it must be properly compounded with indredients that are right. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF COMPOUND INO THAT KIND OF PRESCRIPTIONS 0. G. LUEHRS' DRUG STORE ONTARIO, OREGON A Comfortable Feeling A good many things may happen that will give you a feeling of comfort ann security, but nothing will do this. more surely than the knowl edge that you have money in the Bank. This is particularly true if your money is in our bank, where you know it's safe. You know it is there subject to your needs. That you can get it when you want it. That it is safe until you need it. If you have no bank aeeoiant, we invite you to start one at our bank now, no mat ter how small. You will add to it from time to time and it will soon be a source of comfort and security to you. BUY THRIFT STAMPS: A MONEY AND LIBERTY SAVING INVESTMENT. First National Bank ONTARIO, OREGON. THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty yaara ago the telephoue was a luiury. Today, through personal Initiative and private enterprise. It has become a necessity within the reach of everybody. Where onca a busi ness had but one telephone with a limited talking range, aaaaa that bualnaaa haa service with a range three-quarters of a emi nent broad, and every branch of every buslnese is linked to ev af) otuoi by an luluruowuiuuluallng telephone system. The telephone has earned Its responsible place and there are lOW K. Out). 000 Hell telephones In this country, over which go ., niiiiiinii talks dally. Every H M Telephone in a lxnj; Distance Station. Malheur Home Telephones. THIS WEEK ONLY M A $60.00 Electric Washer for $45.00 GUARANTKKI) For F1VK YKARS. IhAHH PliilH? m nruiv i vr.. w. i-as.am.aaaaaaaaaaaiaaaasaai agsaasa-sasjaeaassasjaOMaJpi aaBBaaasaaasiBaHaaBaaMaa. 31 : aaaBaMVvsaaaaaa' -tmtmmmmmmj -