fci-i r-7xK . i - , THB OJKTAJUO AIMIUft OXTAIUO ORKOON TICVRMJAV MAY 16 101a mmm --lmmmmm,m A grt net frr drawn en ocean unspeakabU ptimft THERE is only one way to give to the Red Cross give till your heart says stop. A little contribu tion is only a salve to pride. This is not to say that contributions of only one dollar, or even of only one nickle, are not desired and needed. For you to give $5 when you can give $25 for you to give $25 when you can give $100, or to give $100 when you can give $500 is to dodge the heavi est obligation this war has laid upon you. - For remember, this is not a charity: this is a duty. This is not a time to give because others give. This is a time to give because others need. No man can tell how much you ought to give. Except this: that "Over There" the need is so great that only by cutting to the quick, only by giving all that you think you can give and then more only by giving not a little of your excess but much of it only by taking from ycur own children and from your wife and from yourself, can the needs of the men who are fighting for you and the needs of the children of the men who have died for you be met. Ask your own soul how much it should be! Evsry cent of vtry dollar rmcsivad for th Rid Cross War Fund go for War Rtlitf. J be American It.d CrOM I lh large.! and tuuet .Itl I. at tufenliallnn fur 111. r.ll.f of aufl.rlug thai Ilia World ha. eer aeen. It la made up almuei entirely of vulunt.tr wmkrre. Ib higher aiaiulH. being without enrpilun MM ' cuatomed tu laige afl.tr. who ara In almuat all oeaaa Ivlnc th.ir Mitlrti without pay. It ta luoportad entirely by It memberahlp feea an by oluutary contribution. It I. today bringing r.ll.f to Buffering humanity, bath military and run. In awry War lorn allied country. It plana luii.unuw to help In tk. uik. of realora tlon thtoughoul til. wot Id It feeda and cluihea enure populalieto) In t.mea t teat calamity It u mere to help your eoniter boy in nla tune ud utJ With Ita lhui..nda ad wurk.ra Ha ireiaejidnita turee and amuulh tunning ttan.purleltuii feclllllee. It la evrwnc aa AninUaa adtetue guef'l-and thug helping to win the .n t'ontr.aa authotlaea It Hteeldent Wlleon hrada It. The War Department audita Ita eo-ounta Vour Army, your Navy and your All., enthuel. eatlcally endorae It. Twenty-twe million Amerlcaue have ). ind It. CONTRIBUTED TO THE RED CROSS BY Rader Bros. Co. Ford Garage Wilson Bros. Ontario Furniture Co. Cash Gram Co. The Independent Market