(Bufotio rm. ONTARrO, MALHEUR COUNTY, dRBQON, lrfrRBDAY MAY IU una NO. 19 k III flIS CITY n" .akktato"" ""r" I-1 -MImIob LiHHmW0' fu- fl xi. .uk , ". -rt, .nllM'St """ I, ftr UMtr mission tesd they & "- ,-) t minon yUpWf m" m MOVIE THRILS FEATURE GIRL'S STORY Motlier Assert Trial Previous Rffnrt IUt Bm Mate to Capture He Daughter Owm Nn'i Hlory IMt RED CMBS WORKERS Preside Wood row Wilson and Mayor W. F. Hemu will be called up on u gat )uww ana to punish the Mexicans whom lira. Loo Montgomery alloc kidnapping bar daughter Nai -rises fluella Ram Ires laat Saturday and took bar to Odgen. with to pur poa of dlapoalng of bar ao that abe gat poaa Ion of the fortune valueil at 116.000 to which aha la the hair tH rirat day of Ihelr from hmf uth ifajajaa Ramlrex, a wvan 01 in" ni..y , Huhv Vallev Nev.rt That ytjaj M lT irw soll.l.nent they hava Foar of thaae wan tha declaration of Mm. Montgo mery when ahe left the attorney 'a of fl. e veatcrdav following her return Wat. io " Vale and w(th nef. daBf nw. from Ogdeo where Htrvey Test was ihe WM ,Bf erc6plwl Dy alhorltlea Mon- rajarh mi to join hi Q njJ h,d unU, n(r ,,,. r,tcll. K mia of the On- m thmTt wMtbaaceond Vhmn given an examination before atoUa the party .r.. h4 MMrM AorM. the flrl ,, ..,, i Offlcar H I'. Allxood; i ., ,. ,, ,lnr, Kin kit (. Ounnrr I Ma'e nlippd ,, WM WBlkln on ,,. Mo,Pul Appr'n- ornla atraat near the city hall last Saturday 0 Mexican, four of whom Metal iHal the nine waIkd smd pf hr ..a I a aiata p. m sw..v. -w- . . ItJtttll. Inert r Hrhuitxc, Ikaawcia Karl w mi j.a H Tpl ami Jot. K READY TO START GREAT CAMPAIGN Manager E. W. Howland has his Teams Ready and Waiting for Signal to Start --- Monday Will Be Volunteer Day. a oar Ai cording to her veralou ahe waa lied by them, drugged and taken to a train, she doe Know how or where for the flrat thing ahe knew ahe waa on a paaaanger train nearlng Pocatello And what waa atraager atlll, there .in 'that train, In the aame car with the Mexlcana waa her double, a girl who la Just her age and looka like her. In explanation of thla thriller the girl and her mother aald that other Mexlcana ware trying to kidnap her and marry her to eonie Mexican or dispose ot her ao they rould get the fortune to which aha la heir Oarage Men Puncture Romance. Charles Cox and Allle Simpson how ver told the District Attorney another tory that punctured the romance Aciordlng to them, the girl hired I car at the Cox-Hunt garage SMurdn morning and linked to I drl-cn lu Nampa and Mr. Simpson left her at , the Nam pa alailon ahortly afternoon Saturday Both man poaitively Iden-1 (fled the girl aa the gag who had hlr- i1 the car and had ridden to Nampa. After hearing the atory of the gar-; age men the Dlatrlct Attorney held . that the girl left the city or her own volition and no prosecution could a had and that vaas the occasion which brol lrealdeot WUaon and Mayor lli.- man Into the eoeaarto, for Mr. Mont gomory lift the office calling down all! hold u lmpn ruilone ou the Dlatrlct Altom- UM aii Ti....i... .i,'. i,..,! S!ii uvnlnniitlnna however 11B uuthoMi I. .,n ... - ..i, ,u.,,.ia ,,n Khr itie alrl Ii " "ill ill) Minimi ".... .. v T l-fir iliriln. . ft ... . haa ik. .u i i.a.a . i... ..ui nr in m m m ICIOCK BO l" IUUIIVJ IVi Hit" inv v v "" wi liiin. ,....,, Iu,.'iluv , I... ticket iu Elke: or how Mrs. After Hit. ri- .i..j ' UAnMn.AHU'B illnAiiM nmuirl with " uro- Mumivwvi; iwv., p-r- - Ul eral liucreat. iatolan. aa ahe clafma and numerouai f J" r'U'lu.nt nun othor intereatlng aldellghu of bar tor- ( I . tliki! win b fuiiuweii rlblo experience a related to the; 'Weveau ,, Uav -uthorltlea. M of ,hM luml I llafl IMa.. . -.,,Inl ,, , 'at btM.r 1...1. ".i i, ii up "WIltoBj . .Ontario Red Croea chapter worker are ready for the aignal which will tat them on the Second War Fvad campaign. The local chapter hn IS, 600 to ralae The Vale chapter haa 4,600 aa It goal. Of the Ontario Chapter quota Nyma haa taken $1,600 aa It ahare. Thla dWIalon waa ner- fected a meeting of representative of the vartoua organization on Sun day with A J. Klrod, aaslatant atate manager. MomU) It Volunteer Hay. Monday In to he Volunteer Day In "i, trio, and the drive by soliciting iteama will uke place on Tuesday. The downtown office for Monday' 'contributor will be the I hulldlng tore where Hay Wllaon haa erected a big clock which hand point to the $100 and to the 11000 division of Ontario quota. Oet early In and It quota without make the clock handa move. The worker at tha headquarter will baTe blanka ready for donora with the re cod of laat lear'e drive to guide them and the donor, for Ontario quota thla year la greater than laat. Rvery volunteer giver will reduce the work of the solicitors Juat that much for the card of givers will be taken from the list to be handled by each team before the drive atart Tuenday. All Chapter' Ointpllineiited While here Sunday Mr. Klrod lr- PRIMARY ELECTION TO HOLD BOARDS FRIDAY Oregon Voters will Heleet Party Can dldatew Only Wight Interest Taken Ihae to Krvr Candidate. With the war and Had Croa drlvea pushing the primary election off the front pages the voter are taking but a alight Interact In the primary elec tion which will be held tomorrow. The only con teat of Interest on the Republican ticket are the races for governorship, senator, repreaentstlve and county judge. For most of these one men's guess Is as good as anotht.r tho It appears tha scarcity of vote may upset even the most conserve; Ive prophet. 1 I'call P J uallagh'r has tl lead over C. M Crandall In the fight for representative, for Senator the race between It N Stanfleld and ' N. McN'ary In close; for tlovernor. Sim MORE WORK FOR STATE All Young Men Who Have Bamme ai Since Jean S, 1917, to He K (- laterad for Service Data to Br Bet by Portland, Or., May 14. Hegpt ra tion of the young men of Oregon and other states who have reached tha aga of SI year alaoe laat Jane 5 will be required on a day noon to ha eat by procUmaf Ion of Preeldent Wlleoa. This day will be sat by the Presi dent aa soon aa congress enacts ne cessary legislation, now pending. That is expected to be very soon. in the meantime the taak of or ganising Oregon for this new regis tration of men for mllltsry service has already begun under Instruc tions from the war department. These Instructions emphasise the need for perfecting beforehand a WMiycombe and Ollcott taa4 working orgnnlxstlon so that on the day set the registration will he 100 per cent strong. On Isst June 6, nil men between the sges of 21 and II years, luslua Ive, were required to register for military seivlce. As the number of men now In the 2 1 -year-old claaa Is Crow C. Wade snd . Vsle l tii opportunities ' i.Nin haa to offer Knslgn su till M made In the fore (or four viirs leril tor lbs duration of tr.'D (be ages of II and 35 Iglw I utrO Si.tr. of sound )Nr'Ucil luoditkiu good lOBVtrr .lit .Me tu read anil pft:! Itucii.tr ire ell-1 (htacMNsKl service men. taieue from their MifcuailMi rhxihle for X IktartliM. of tin- t, ,, i , laawar Mt opKjrtunn IMIkM luxe to uualliv. mi higher ratings nmbr aaaiau brsn. h at i.mxned lo' rtat stven ) IB OK Id MfflfflAUCTfl t "-mi Nye.. May 17. 1117 waa ordered to report Chehails, Waahlngtou psmi dared that there really had been lilt1- over their three opponents. Anderson. need for him to come to Malhcir (t.rli und Miser, county for he had found that llM II I. I'oontiHti, ' C. Wllcon and tl chapter and their auxiliaries w.-c - McKnlgl.t Imve aa Interesting con ss well Informed end ss completely teat on for Counts- Judge concerning ready to go thru the drive aa wit. the outcome of whi. Ii ..pinions differ Portland He said he would repot i The one democratic contest of lu-' that Malheur County would go ovitr terest I the! between Ontario's well estimated to be approximately only ilnulit l,.,. ,.ui. ,, i.i.i.., win ii Kii, one tenth of ... i , ktuil ev (invernor Oswald Wul for th,MM, u,k Ul'" (iMT.llilostl.Ks toMiMW is senatorial nomination Of course jf"'' TO IIOIJl BIO KgllPMKNTNAI.K J1" King will win Malheur hand i , ver. It will be heavy enough Tha Ontario Sale Co will hold an- down, hut Matt contest Is doubt- lo 'o.-lr 'be most alert co-opera-other big sale next Saturday. Muv 2',. ful. tho neither candidate haa waged lt,,n on ' 0,r, "' "' lol bo-rd-a. ,1.1. . ,, .. . ..-..I i,, end of stste, county and city officials At this time will be aold the property's hard fight. ... i .ii i ii . iiixuku The responsibility for conducting tho- year registered then. will not lie so ONTARIO HI HOKON IS CAI.I.KD Hi NKKVICr: Dr. J. Prlnxlng who volunteered for service a yesr sgo In February and was commissioned a First Meutensnt In the Medical Officers Reserve Corp of W. F. Doane, who leavea soon for Different, Palmer Trow und Itowlutul Koeitig . fo duty at Camp Iewla on or before kinds of farm machluery will be aue- returned u tew days ago from tbf May 30. The surgical work In whlcti Honed off, also boraaa, cow, and ot'i he haa specialised will be taken care er livestock. A csr In good cundl of by his aaaoclates. Doctors Weese Hon, having been used only a yeur, and Fortner, particularly throat oM, will be offered to bargain hunters waa for five yeara In general praith There will also be the usual assort and surgery In Dallas. Taaaa. meat of Junk on hsntr for bidders. University of Washington The yoaug men intend to enlist lu thu nsvy soon Mia Hoslnu Clement and hrr brother, Frank lenient . spent Sin, day In Holae THIS MAP SHOWS HOW YOUR RED CROSS DOLLf.!? WAS E?:riT si. iniipunl- '"fcsstaaud miii Zy"'"1" There Te? "" "-" ' '"" farm mm bin 'Hsiiool child.ro "uiio, FIRST NAY FETE IS PRETTILY PERFORf furniiurv; l (Uns " ''UHi. poultry, 10 weatloii i.. . ' ' iuwi.... '" l": iii . r m hU ... . ""'IM et ween "JJM y your pr ""'.foerb",,'","J'HI"U tor US ..rnu !. ICl'Z"1 '"--'-) of the J7 'ly. May U. Enmn .VKAH.a.a o " '4 ).il.u "" J T 4t t'V mU kt "' Ul,.. '"" 'ver. Mha,..,,, a"1- lu SlIiBa f.,. .. - -. aume time PUtureMiur Peiagrauk Pretty tXavtume Ku IuihcsI by Hetllug. Witts. Ilufore a larae crowd gathered n 11 Pint at bs)ballthe High School lawn or seated In many autua the children of the grade school preaeuted the Ural May Fele glveu by the schools Monday evening. The program was postponed from Fri day uvenlug due to the cold and wind of that day. Monday the wethtr waa Ideal for the occaalon. Tha various games and folk dances from the Sunboonet Babies of the First and Second Grade to the Milk maid I'sutowlue wfft watch wllu interest.! Against the background of green (he quaint euetuiue of tha children, white and pink and green presented a pretty picture Indeed ICvaa tha boy ware good to look up oa la the wer-ails or sailor suit R was evident that Iks) children enjoyed tha program a much a did their aiders. During Iba progam Super lntendant H. It. Dougiees mad a brief addraas oa the purpose of reereettoa and play games In Ilia de elopmeul of the cliildreu usld from war Tu. r ' uaBd.H u. :. ". 'tri. "' u" etas ? JZ V X;Ud " msmber ""'tueberau.afllm. American ,- eJsJk i L . Red Crocs Jmf-r aaV WAR 8 MAP fJ- NC TH mWJ.f ( V CfsvXjmJ j -? ika sVtJBHr' r -I nucsiA -st . aj a, aa BR 1 1 T TB J T'r MwhaW rv ' "dAaa $ J-' 1 1.243.845 $500'00SVt1 'CJJ I Ml &" Lmb Jam? 3'7gp75Jy S s2OO,LO0 Cyf ATLANTIC 41; OCBmanv v, f A? fGZJ 343.;c-r pj , --' Y$S OCEAN , o, V'---V ..y austa K f'TuWra-rax.Waw-rtjarJk $, ) ULOAgig jg- ofif ib.ooo.ooo C Jj I X$!i,--ijyj!'m fei woaiuio.Ta.aa MQ-j aBMsj jP iHTtanaTwnax C?, 1 y - GffUf t Jj rwaoev r auaauu wLf a MD CNOM kj lltW' djkfaSW) XT J4 V aVr r i oa '" Nt?4 sea Jg a see The American Red Cross, whlcii begin next weak a great national campaign for 1100.000,000, ha Jut Issued a statement of the condition of Us war fund ou April li, llll. Up to that date the Red Cross haa expended for war purpose tlBMaa 1100,000,000 snd yet bad over 10, 000.000 loft tu spend. This was because the wsr fund, with interest, amounted to U0. 134.10.47 All (he balance of flU.000,o vlll have baeu expended or allot ted hy June 1. This is why this great app'-l W i he nation has gone out cross tiiiOiKlii. the reglatrstlon will full on loc.il hosrd la all dlstrlcta except those of 30,000 population or more, where the mayor I responsible The Im ' boards have been notified to prepar immediately llts of the reglatratlo.i pJacea for Hie new reglNtration, lo hare these lists posted, and to lak" all other necessary irnllmlnar step In the city of Portland, which alone aaM under (he ,10.000 ttaaaj flcuiion. Mayor lleker will have la responsibility for thes.' ireiaratlon Iteguhillons will shordv he htauc.1 aj the wsr department providing for the reglatrstlon of men In p Tson aud for tha registration of absentees. Aa waa the rase last June 6, the registration Is to be completed In a ingle day. Kvci) raaaa awa vao has attall d his 21st blriadav etnee laat Jul- ins ..ill ,i iilei t Ion, shOUl.l keep wall posted as to the day flxerl b thu Presideal for (I..- regislrulloi . for Igoorsncn m the ;, -.Jaitstioi. dale will uol be accepted us an excuse I.. lallint (o register. DEPARTING SOLDIER HONORED BY FRIENDS Mason Jolu With Kasleru Slurs in II.. in. i Muslee of liuills Ixiilite Win. Inn-- ..niii.t.n W. in lag fur In). Clluion F. I'row, Maaler of Avaeia l.udge A K A A M was lie' honored glieal si u reueptios al Ihe ,M ,0111' hall Molidav gvaaJai uml M iiitlii. token ot the esteem lu which he I held bt bis friends aa given a hand aoui rial watch, und heard many laaM (, .,..ri.H.n solrilar snd for the lalladlull Ib-'l Frwch soldiers- nearly :!.UO,000 .Palestine $:s0..J0, I'ollsn cblldr blush producing speeches of apprecl..- for reooBsiru.tiou of Ullage; nearlv JlSlo.oko; while IMI.W aM kaaa (Ion f... .be ork be has ,,..,e for Ik 3 000 000 for refugees aud relief, lavenl for relief of American p. laou order. including the UO.SlBI or ll.OOO f-r ... tieimany, principally M j Mr. Trow re.elv.ul ..i.lei- bit we- tlllg supplies logellet ho ll.ey win 10 leave naiiirnav iikiiii.uk i .i iiviu. i reudy for the areal uiimbei of Amcr 'Virginia and icpori to the .naarl:. )1 iioo. hOu icuu i.iis.iners enpeiieii in i.iat coun depart mem Mm nun .... i,v Mrs W W Dies; over li.ooo.Oun mi prevention of tuberculosis; over D.onil.oOO car lug for needy childieu relieviiiK the alck, 12, 500,000 un ir I . laou p.i i lual. uiucti mlacc in the I lined States, and iii.iisiMiitatioii; aud luueou exuendllure reMl ". iielsli.ii. receivud over $2.000. OU'I, lb" army and gaV) t-aes .iomiiIuIs t.i.inipally iu general relief; BelgiaJI e,l $111,000. :rc'ugeee over IJ.OOU.oOO; lu..- atadiatl l.vOO.OMO was peiil for caleus :..' in ..r II Iglau soldiers and relief for Itdl If. in children Ii -tl v received Nearly $10,000,000 was spent on ' presided ul ibe gathering ud leu due. i i i s no lading J.W M. ' . i. ''! I'urlH Irk-k Itu I be pre .entul k. . 0'.. i and Mayor W. F II. Ml I'l'iuau on behalf ' , . d Mrr l.etsoo trttt a I'S'J Mi. dun's Jewel, assisted tv I'.iul of over $t .. i. .... n.l An In auuuh "" OOoTwMch Portland , .MM iZiLTtSU uwv' Kuuuiania over -,0.00, Ssrbu $2iO,OIO. ..,,. ,vt. aaaurast kritaa tl.l4.M ln- ... . .k.... IhM. n..rl I ""' wvm-iw-ww, - . I lie jg -- 000 waa aiaadad la Frano, aad that Includaa a.r $i.0.M ' d rraa hoaadtal service; nearly - 00.000 tow Bad Croa surgiral dreea- . rvlae: over $1,&0." " "m" ' - si aOO.OOO lor can ou uur"'. - 1 sweaters, and the aaattl I Ited I I". - ' iiiivtilesTe'.l ; j ,i ver 7,o00,000, while $ i V Oi.i'i .ooo of the uatloual fund 1 held . .Milking cspltal for the punawe l , Mgrgiirat Itunhar of supplies in Ihla country. Milr.li.: numbers were faralalien A detailed statement of all rt-Tu Mrs II I. Peterson. Mrs. K Vg Cross expeudltures ' au be obtaiueil Petten, Mrs Joe A.UoltH, Mr. Jas. Ii . .. . -. . .... !l!...l- ..-. . .. .. .. cludlag contrlbBlion lo the BrIUak at the uesitsi lieu t ro.ji ooapaer. imsn tun i.s .. tuum. ltud Cross of S,14M0, nd 48d,-the above laeludea the meal impor -j Mr" Tro is t , . . nd wsuiber af 04 to defrayiag the eipeaae of thefuut aunts ellotted. while a rowpre- j I be lodge to eullsl mi as i tonal ki work It la dolag lu England in buy- henslv Idea, of jast how these turn vice The flrat member vtu MB the American Hod ' were dlMiiuuieu cau uv uyiaiu raiwrauu sou oi .itis it. i w ins suoDlle for -lcrB. Armeaia received $2, 000, 0 ; from the map herewith v.irik I I