The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 09, 1918, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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ijr (Ontario Argue
Oev K.AIkaa, BdHor and 1-nhlNMr
rMtoa4 Tharaday Oaterlo
Oregon, and entered al Iha Ontario
offlca for distribution a 2nd
OM year 11. t. Ill nionlh. II 00
mnntba iOc. Slngla ropy 6c
Especially la this true BOLT BOSART HOHPITAIi NOTRH
maa haa ahown aoj
J. Cortwrlght la a patlant fro:..
I fledge aar alleglaai e to mi Flas
aa4 to the Republic for which I
aimf-, Nation tndinnlbla with
Mnortr and Juatlea to all.
For tha aocond time the Amrrli iui
National Itd Cross la coming batata
tba American paopla with an appcM
tbat will find a ready response from
Tory true American and" every lover
of humanity.
Prom May 20 to May 2B, Inclusive
Will hn held the Mcnv ilrlvi. for
fJOO.OOO.OOO with which to flnnti"
the war activities of tho organlrn
tton. This Ih the moat Important o'
tha many uront eerlc-n which tli
lied OrOM Ih carrying mi It ' II
one which carrlci the graft lo lb
bjBUt UatM nii'i fhM thai aid to lha
woundt'd that saves thotmnndl of BM
to Uvea of usefulness Tliru thin
and the Ited Crone become the mln
l.terlng angel. MM kind I
beloved sister of every MM In the
gghtliix .on-
In another column of Ihtl l-in I
a atory by iiruce Barton of the Vig
ilante, citing one of the million i of
trip taken by Red Crone nmlinlnm M
during the paal few yeura. 'over
there It telle what one lolliir lid
to eave a Ufa. And rightly he av,
It may have boon your dollar If yon
ponld but gaow that It wee youra
you'd be witling to multiply It to
your tit moat limit, would you not?
Your dollar alone or a thousand
could not accomplish what BM dollar
did. were It not for the oritanliatlon
behind It That la why Ihe Rod croei
Mane so much It Is the organlr.d
dollars, hltrhed to the willing heart
and hands of thouaanda of wurkir.
directed l.v many of the grc.itcst nun
.Hid voiiii'ii of Amorlca tkati rool
poexlhlc to do with our on . ten.
hundred or one iliousiiinl di .
what would otherwise he an luipo. I
i.le iak
The Merry drive should In nil
i at ,i I rliiin i' .1 i i I 'ii. I
iwnilil be no aoad for soleaHattoi
The heart of the American people
ere i.'.nly to gne to the Hed I'roee
Tba puree atrlnae ebould be looee.l
und from the earnings or the past
Ml should 'oine forth H un.tlntnl
ui-.i .me tha fueda wherewith to
ii.rry on the VMfi of merry In which
tba whole nation takoa u Juat unl
grateful pride
Iral office
when auch
wholeheartedly a desire to bo of
eervlco; and haa demonstrated abil
ity of an executive nature.
Tho voters of Malheur county
know la 1. Simpson He cam here
a few week ago campaigning, but
when he arrlred he found the Lib
erty Loan drlTO on. What did he do?
Old he continue his own campaign?
No. At tho request of local eommlt
teea ho got into the game and work
ed for the success of the Loan here
r tho It waa hla own homo countv.
He made throe speeches In two da) a
for the Loan and at no place did he
so much aa mention politico Had not
hla frlenda told them, hla audiences
would never have known he waa a
candidate for office
In personal converaatlone hla
franknesa and hie sincerity, his
broad and comprehensive grasp of
problems and his wide intereet In
every phase of development work
stamps him aa an ideal candidate for
the position ho seeks The Argue
feola that nerer before haa It had the
privilege of urging the candidacy of
a better or more able nian than L. J.
fllmpson We believe that he will
make n record of which the whole
Mate, will be proud. And we bHI-w
MlaO Jennie Rooney, who waa i
ooaily Injured In an auto accident,
waa able to leave the hospital Bun
day. George Starr, another aociden'
case, left Wednoaday.
Mother Mary Catherine la abaent
on a Tialt to tho Dominican hospital
at Kenosha, Wla.
Mine Mattlo Lee of Weetfall la the
latent student to take up nursing
FOR BALE One team of horses,
six years old, -In good condition; aim
100 thorobred White Leghorn chick
en Inquire of Argua or aeo T
Blomarom, on T. II. Moore farm
Adv. IStoIt.O
Read the Argua (or all tho bow.
It KIM 11 1,H
OBBwUdatO for National CowunlUoc
maa. Ralph E. Williams, of Portland,
native eon of Oregon and preaent Re
publican National Committeeman, I
a oandidate for re-nomlnatlon and
too that he will be nominated and . election. All Oregon know, that Mr
,1 ii,. should be William, waa the chief factor In
bringing about the reunion of tho Ri-
BIO AL U. IIARBKH publican and Progreeslve parties In
rim I s is iiimimj the state In lBlfi. resulting In prt
Igon being the only state In the W
Yesterday morning train No 17 to caat It. electoral vote for Hughen .
brought to Ontario advertising car! That Mr. Williams1 splendid work In I
(fa I ol Um M 0 Hiirni'H ilrcilM. and harmonising Ihe vnrlous elements o!
hefore the kiddie., were nwake, great the Republican nnd Progressive i
rod), Mil' no I roUfl an tl II. hi nUn recognized nntlomitK. i
decorating the hill boards that th-y attested by strong Idler of emlm i
have to pass on their way to achool ment, written by William R WIIcok
By o clock vou could hear wills-'retiring chairman of the Republics i
per everywhere nnd floating out on ' National committee, George W. Per
M wlioi. (in- the whole country kins, chairman of the executive com
aid" around Ontsrlo seemed to be mlttee of tho Progressive party, anil
saying. "The circus Is coming' Oh Will H. Haya. recently elected chair-1
Barnes Cirrus will be hero May It. IbbbB of the Republican National Com '
Yoa, Indeed. It will: for wc Jiavel mlttoo. Theeo letters refer not oni
been assured by the advance im nl to the atate and national campaign
that It will he here and bo here hla, of 1011, bat also to tho recent mee -too.
Barnee haa added more car. I Ing of the Republican National Com '
more unimals and more people and I'ltnlttoe at Bt. Louis,, whore Mr. Will :
putting on the most elaborate apei lams' ectlvltlea materially aided la
tacle over presented. "The Conquers establishing the spirit of ooopern
of Nanxa and the Royal Hunt " thm and harmony which now provalls
There will bo the naual etreet par in the party throughout the United
ade al m. 10 oilock, made unusutil Htatee.
by the newly coaluuied partlclpantai do.cvudtuil u( Olegoo ploncc '
and elaborate Inasmuch an all ant stork, his parents having crossed the1
mats are In full cln us regalia DtMsTI plains to Oregon In 1845. Ralph Will-'
lams' Americanism has been found
abundant expression since the out
break of the war by participation In
all patriotic war activities
I Aa la generally known seniority In '
In a letter which his father and .,,., iv Brell and influenie
v. ill he open at 1 and 7 p m
I V'.I.Imii ppM'l.K OIVK
t. M. OVM QUAf WKl.t OMI
on the Republican National Commll
too In tho same measure as on Con
greealonal committees. At the pre-
HIRiM. t i: i iOMk
When coii.lltionH lu a great organ
fjation chani: I nnd greater problems
are faced (In OlUtlM Is oti.-ii found
In a chungc pi uanageiiiKiit The
history of thou -unl of great Indus
trial enterpi Isr- demons! ralra the
effliacy of nn h iirogrum A slm
I lit r BTOOOduii - "Hid be lollowed in
the udinlnlsi .ii".' of the business of
the state of i II i gog
It Is apparent loo, thai that In
what Is goliiK i" happen Oregon In
to elect a governor this full and Is to
nominate liliu within .1 few weeks
The ieoih ol I hi He ure mil be
ing iiiinrchncd with the campaign
which the present tloveruor Is wag
ing for re . Ici'iii'ii . u hi. i ol
solcl of ,i i'I.m for ins ret oat Ion on
the ground tkal it "is not wi
rimnge i i g alia araaataM
Such a plea Is so thin that II loiidlv
merit, consideration If lad
Ires of the present stale aaawBtlvg
were preeminent there aid be no
npposllii.n to lib. re elei u at this
time Hut I hat Is not MM case
What Oregon need now is a man
of liroud i xperleiirc ol mature luds
menl. of unbounded aaaffsj mi. I n
eoutlve shllllv Iha ioiuIp
which the Mute BM lo '"' la
war work, and will MVd 10 lacsa III lb
day of reconstruction demand
best ability the sliile cull produce
Covernor nhcoiulie Inis p..
thO age and Ml Ol bud tile kind f
rxperl'lices which lit l.lin for Ih"
glgant tank- ah) k will fall to the
chief sgooathre i iuk Um pt l
iurs OH
I IM' ! '
for Hi" I"!' ni
lut mil' oi tin i aadldatt i ho no
ures up to I of the BUM
BOOded T '' I I ' S' i
Of Coos Rut
That stale im im lunula indeed
which ha. the opportualty ..r
tau in. i of its
mother rerelved tills week Frank
Lyells tells of the wonderful recep
tion given American troops by the
people or rragiann lie says. ent time he Is ranked as to seniority ;
American Kxpedliloimry Force. 0n ,nl Ntti0M 0mmltteo by two,
England Dear Mother and Father: luwilbel.t 0By. Thto pnU Mr W
Well. I have not heard from yon;Umg B , peuon of power and dU
lace 1 arrlTod so thought I would n(.tlon iuch a. no new member of
write to you and maybe I can haarth- committee could hope to attain
something Well, everything Ja Hla reelection will (mare to the '
lovely and I am getting along IBM 8uu, of OrMon all the added bone-1
aud like this country It I. .ore n ' flu wh,en w, nur,u7 ,r(.ru, from I
fine country, hut tha weather Is hlll ,n,rwwa gUnding
kind oi hud li lias been raining THOi II TONU1 K. Jr
pretty near every day il.VliK i; III Nil, Y
The p.-oplc sure do I real u. fine W 1 1. 1. A It I I. MAKK8
here They llilnk Hie Aiuerlraii WAI.TKK I. I'oiiK, J'
dims are Jut iit'iii 'I'luv xv i ,,. ,, IBjayfJ
one great big reception and (1 POVBl
marched Ihrounl. Ihe lown and l!o M,.m,.rit f Huuhes lain kii Con,
took our pillule and It ou keep on ,,,,,.,.
the lookout miii might net to see mo ,Thi
In the pi. lure shows. I buy are sliov. -Ing
theui here now Well, havo you
heard from Hill, and where Is he.
Let me know I might get to see
him. and dol vou gtraf Kei your al
lotment or not ' lie sure and let me
I liuveu I had my picture taken yet
but HI MM Well, Mils Is about
all I can write, so good by
from your son,
ii f I.VKI.I.s
l.osr iiuik in.iie wi 11.10, and'
one yearling bay coll. from ni) ram h
mile voal of fair grouuds Will pav
tor I ii I ii i uiutioii leailln to i, em. i
of anliiials Louis llillnpie ditlaih'
Ad m-ii
Iiiforinatlon furnished b
Thos. II Tongui'. Jr. Clyde i; Hunl
ly, and others.
A ttractions
o.NTtRio, 0MM0B
Suiula. May 111.
Emily tii mis
I'A'l'IIK M 1-ues , May l:i nasi 14.
KHlini'ii ok l ill WORI.U."
Ii.i M laiwr
7 UKKl. 81'KCIAL
I OBAMO rMIlsatr.r.l.l
WummU). May 1.1.
Margaret llliugton.
Ttiurwilay , May H.
I HI IdtKVl l. I M I III
Beanie I.ov.
i UM FOR lafi U
l0vthu suil-fVUrtl
i iut Mill rntiil the
JW-l m !rl Jjc
H i i
Lsvi Strauss 4k Co, Sea I
trtday. May IT.
Aiiliu.ileil t'artoou
s.iini.l.. May IH.
-UKAItl I nilltr:.'
Marie Doro.
Ten Sets of Work
Harness for Less
Than Manufacturing Prices
We Need the Money
We will sell 10 sets of strictly first-class Working Har
ness of our own make to you at prices that will hardly
pay for the raw material, one set only to each customer
Sale will start May 25th to last until Junel5
Ko reduction in price after that date. If you can;t come yourself, pick any of
the numbers below, send us a check for It and we will ship you the harness. If
such harness is already sold we will retiun check. RmemW, y will never get
Buch an opportunity to buy a harness for I ittle more than half price again. BUT
'rsu. nt Our
Markrt PH Regular Vi
Ilr;iv Chain llaiin m .)..
Heavy chain havrncss, with biwohinn fh.i.oo
.". Ring breeching Harness, 1 l-2t race "
Heavy bneehing Harneaa, fiat '-' 1-3 eraea to hanio $9j.0O
Hi'avy breeching harneaa, all faney sj.otted 1 3-4 double
stitched tract' ( liamcs, lutt chains 10QiOO
Jlfavy breeching Harneaa, plain 2 1-- inch flat trace
wiih luiiiii' tuira ijWr.tH.
Extra heavy hfaaahiug Harness, '' l-'J inch tiwes.
back pad
Extra heavy Pinery Harness. I l-'J four ply trace
with butt chains nadfl fot li team, 1 1-4 linen
Big, heavv Wt.ik Harness. 1 :t trace, with butt
chains, steel hnincs, 1 1 M inch lines
i. lataaai ...- ......... . Uninwiuu ' i i i - Ii l i . U
Fancy spotted a. $H0.k
Kroessin Harness Co
Special Stilt
$(,.! Ml
Shoes for Summer
That Keep the Feet Cool
Kvery day sees addition to our bi stock of sununer sbuis.
( rxfordl and I'ninps. 'I'licic is do limit to our ability to give you
the kind of shoes thai provide comfort and style.
Handsome White Shoes
e special!.,- ,,, size nla, Ult,(li, thilt u,. (.;(m.
that will ht every foot, be its peeuliai'ities what they may, long
and slender or short and broad, we have a shoe that will fit just
right, will not break in the instep or cause discomfort in any way.
rhat is a foundation f our husiness. You can be only as
happ, asyouj feet. Diseomfort in shoes means ,h ' a?
hcenc, ,0 get shoe, ,ha, lit. We will serve Vou.
shoes ineVtrv si;,:"", S Uiv" Styt Wial ..ffcrings of
,,. ,!,., f,oln. " ",ue fl" Wldest variety from which