The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 09, 1918, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    im Ontario navn Ontario orboon Thursday mat i mi
Statu of Knllsteil Men Will l( K-
plnlnotl ill Poriliiiiil Wnr
Work I'olifeioni o.
Up Our Value
Giving Supremacy
JUST NOW it is ihowing up neatctl
in our summer lines of Lawns,
Voiles, French Batistes, Pongees, Dress
(limrhams, New White Goods in great
variety, New Silks.
Nowhere will you find thcassort
mtflti to select from or the prices you
will find here. This week hy express
( iv Suits, AVii Coals, New Drvmu'H
iv Waists, in great variety.
' Ontario. Oregon
One Million Sweaters
For Array and Navy
The Amerlran Ited i'rne In the
greatest volunteer orgBlilKM I '-ii ih.n
Mi- world liat ever MM, "ll wn
l iinniiii'il hy one of the lilifd unVlal
In v null in gtos tlini inllliiiha ill i..-..r iii
mi- urn linve been fm Mi iMMkl
il ik 111 daya week will M do)
In I M This Includes tin- mMM
( the l. ill rhaplcia nml ll oihci .in
JtMM in 'hit country ami nhron.l
On t"ill'iil Urn. In this In i li furl
tlmi III Ited I'm Iims given i In-
ii.k .mil navy ovi-r liMmiKm twaatera
far I In- haft T tin- Berth I mIm.i,
ever fvfloniai were nude In ihc ini-m
liars t Hi in. 'Hi Iihii-ih V ... l...
know ihr dlmculi) oi iiiakliu' sweat
era in ii estluist 'in- cliaractci .1 ii.
work mid Ur 111 iiiiif.( i,n iilt.
lOltM nf IBM lilakll i. fill
tkar 'In- Ited .ihhi.iii .,( .ii.i.j
V ..rr l in i In ii timet it rrrlt-
ihlr ihi nil at Mm I mi- Hull tuffer-
mmIIhi; unlllunt nl mull,
mil a tnelely with Ihi mrmlnr
il'P Onrf lri'."M n Ike Hrd
f'tntt, iirlualeit nt II It liy fhrli
lint) hi. iplrt MM bid limit i
tnkr the Irrmrndnut burden nf
jlindtng Intrtllgt nt and $ffleimt
ii In i in partleulai I apynrr
'i ihi ,' i ',,,, miii iiirt at
lht-0 are dim-ted tnuardt tup
muling Ihr tuning, and i m lug
Ihi Mai iniuiiit of iwr young tot
In it nml MflaTi II It my earn
eti hnpr that all of nit people
will rhti i fully and ginrinutly ro
tprrati with Ihr Hrd ft mt om
miHn In laair rttnrtt IntrmtU
a niitug Ihr fullrtl mrnture of
haiity thai II may fcr wttltlr
fin Ihr fat Iftu In attain
Ju Caui.xai liiaaona,
inhhiihop u HtilUmore.
UK I U MK 6f l' . UUKAK
Superintendent A S King nml kja
iinen. aided hv inmr- of the rancher
' "' he Owyl . i,i . ,.v,.r.ii ini.)
IIiIh week repairing tin- break
In the 0:1111 I'HIIHcd liy gophers dig
One of the moil nl(Uf UIMltnffa
hold in thin utate has bMfl knnonneaxl
In connortlon with OreKon'a llrnt ;r
i-onforence In Portland May II M A
2H, whn Hi" vonng DMD ll
of tin- .-Iri'...' ilnift nt ()ri-K"ii Will
kiiIIht at thf Portland aiidllnnniii
'I'lii- iiiretlnn which In Hihriluli'il I..
! hold nn t ho night of May $3, Ih .11
vital Importanco and iiwii n w nil In it
'all through the draft frmn artn
iminty In 1
Tin- siirgoon general of the UbIM'1
State army reiiuented the Btttlnfl
nml It Ini- hCW rnlled hy thl
1 niini II of Defense, iiihIit wlioi-.
auaplroH the conferenro Is hclng hold,
for I ho ptirpoae of ronvoylng Import
ant monaHgoM direct from the war de
partiiiont to the men who will ho In
Captain Harry E WIIII11111-. who
was for many year with tM Orogun
National Ouard, recently on duty nt
Camp I.owIh. and now n torn pit
cnmmiindor In the Oregon mllllnry
1)1111.1'. will In- (M "f ihi' MhMl.
Captain Wllllamx will n-ll m
thing" tluit the nii'ii will HtBCrMMt
I rivnl nt tin- training can
hi talk iii prove iniiiiii ., wen
ting to thoMi- who hoar bin
r.-iiilri'iiiinl nf I lie
nrniy will h Immlli-d hy l)r K V .
MacKomlo and Clianen K. Cochrnii, I
'veil known nttorni'.i will toll tho DMA
1 ' ir logal rlghta holh prior t.. M
trance Into the aervlce and aftor lu
durtlon Into the army.
Thla meeting In OM nt UM mniy in
toreatloc aectlonal meetlnga to 1 -hold
m a part of tiu aaafaiaaoe
Erary hranch nf wnr n.lvlt .ll hi
1 1'liroKi nii-d and iintiiiniii gaaahan
iriini Waahlngton will addram Ihf
gi-neral nsMomhlago aa woll nn tho moo
nrato guthorlngH Mpi-i-lnl rate" have
In. in ho. uri-d on all riillmml- nml 1
tin- n-rtlflcate plan.
jglliK holea In the h.i.ih While tho
l-inik inn, riimparatlu'ly largo It win
i.t (.HIM n grave damage to the
i.iiirhiTM, who had had a weok'a Irrl
gntlon prior to the BeeMoal
am. "a
HToltl 1 nil, (w.
Coal V.III be harder to got tin , ,,..,
log winter than for the pant thr.o
year Put It In now and be euro
your family will be warm noxt win
ter hThih will help the man who
oanuot atore to get a little coal lat r
011 Spring Canvou. Klnc and Pu.
cock Itock Springe.
Mr and Mra. I. w. ITMMM
iiiriioil Krlday from vUltlug Mra.
Iliiiiiiio nleie, Mrn Ken Kntea. ,.t
. It.(ll
01 K i t kk Mira
Treat-iil Aaaiatant State Treaaurer
' T a voti -i 'into neoil ,vieu WM) umloratand
the w.rk which ll la llu-lr duty to do, aud uwu with capacity in ,1,,
the du'iea which .1. volve upon iheui; Men who are honeat. fearlMn.
and patriotic M 10 an- Aun-ri. ,ni Such a mm 1- jadge Thoa
K H in." - 1 aul. .Now
"Thoa. K. Hyan. I' ti M camlidalv tor lliv office of Stato I,
itrer, han been the efftetenl deputy 101 tin past at'eii yeara au.l haa
made 110... I In llial position lit- poaaeaaea an lutiuuito knowledge al
ilia dutiea It involves, m tapabli- honeat and mujleoua. We have an
abiding fajtti in Hro Hyau'a ability, uaperituice aud aupvi'ior fltuuaa
to fill Huh miii, irtant poaltion 1'aclflc Oddfellow
As au active BMBthM nt IBB tirange. he hua umki'il coualateutlv
for the building of good roada Iroia farm to market ; for horticul
tural and agricultural legislation, and for practical drainage. Irriga
tion aad rural credit law
I't.M.lint Wilson Is about to hlk-n
I bill which takes Ita place In his
tory as the most liberal
In protection of a nation 'a fighter.
ever known. It Ih good emu, nil of
Htrong enough to be called tin- Nm
tlnuiil I'.-n Ciiiiiiiiiimlim'iits. and In
Thou shall not evict for 11,
'. thus:
ineul of rent, a xoldlei a depend, n,
nil. lei penalty of tin imo line
Thou Hhalt not cut off a sol. He.
lite Insurant mse of deluycd
Thou ahull mil Inrecloae 11 linn'
gage on a soldler'a property
Thou Hhalt not take away a sol
di r's home 011 vhloh he has made
part payment.
Thnu shall not sell u soldier's prop-
eri I'ocauHc of his fullure to pay the
taxea. national, state or local.
Thnu shalt not nettle a lawault
agatnat it soldier during his absence.
If a soldier aue, Ilia courts Khali
po.-tpoue aition until be can attend
to 11
If a soldier have a mine, or timber
or larin claim, aasesssments on which
are over due. It shall be held for him
Honor thy soldier and thy sailor
that thy days may be long in tha land
of liberty.
Mt nun hath greater love than he
that offerath his Ufa for tho world
aake. aud it is cnunnaiided that neith
er lawyers, Uor the loau sharks. 11..1
the gatherers nf tithes shall ratten
on It i in
Cougretia U niiiient tn call tills bill
a civil rights hill. Its the divlue
rights bill, says the Mllo (Wash i
Hill. I ROAARI IHKI'ITtl Mill-
liorn, to Mr and Mrs W I' i.- 1
of Junlura, April !lh. a boy Mother
0111I son are doing well
S. Trimbell left the Satur
day for his home at Crane after an
eleven ilayn stay Ills presence he.o
wan dllo to nn opera I Inn fur chronic
Marry Mulr was one of the gaaj
dent patient- In the IniHpitul the Ust
"i-i'k While shearing sheep nl 11
plant near Weatfall he had the mis
fortune In the machine and In doing
ho received a cut In the wrist Id- did
not think the cut of much couhc-
iiience and only became frightened
ufter repeated effort-, to atop the
flow of blood had failed He thin
started for Ontario and wuh met hy
Dr. Priming, lor whom he hail
phoned, beyond Vale On arriving at
the hospital prompt attention w;ih
given the wound, five stitch. balM
taken to Join the severed vein
Mrs II So. iiv underwent an nperit
tlon Tuesday morning.
Mra. K. W Baumgardner of Hun-I
tlngton is a patient at the hospital at
tin- preaent time.
Amither spotted lev-r case eanio 1
In nn Monday. Win Ciiumilly of Jun- I
MIhh Agnes Ilaa from Payette was
here a couple of days ago, due to the
former operation
HIIK,(I TH ill. PtltK.
Mown at there s a little,
shady' greoii apnt, u sort m ...,
ways cool and pleasant, which la
known a the Oregon Trail Park, t.n
only amusement park in this section
It I owned and managed hy Prank
Mortimer, in fact It whs built by him.
taken up as It were when it was onh
a tiny little bit of the bottom of
Snake river sticking up through the
top and it furnished barely euougli
aoll for the austanance of one lone
tree. Now there are hundreds of
trees growing on this same little
Island, but the top has been pushed
out and tha aldea axteuded until tha
original Oregon Trailer- would rati
to reeognUe it as the barren little
pimple of four score yearn ago.
There is a picture show nightly and I
two nights each week the largest I
open air dance pavlllion In the ..n ,
west is crowded with merry makers
The people of this city know the
park and they axe acquainted with
it manager. The opening night
been set for Saturday. May llth and
everyone Is Invited to down to
Weisar aud help celebrate the oc
casion. You will be made to feel
glad you came. It isn't far. Oet up
a parly aud drive over and help vutir
Weisar fricuds raise some dust. Get
the habit meet your friend at the
Oregon Trail Park in Weisar.
AND WIN, is our motto. Every
American must do not merely his
"bit" but do his best; the people of the
freest and greatest nation of the world
must with their money, food and fight
ers, confer freedom on the balance of
the nations by giving them liberty.
If you cannot buy a Liberty Bend, buy
War Stamps.
aW - .M
Mai 47.
I 'Hi '.'7 l ll Its l It KM III A 1
tic nitKc.ov
1 1 it. tutors IIAMPION 01
Gus. C. Moser
1'ievi.lei.i Oregiiu Slate Senate
I'm- vig, ,,i tn ' ti Ion of the war tn 1
victorious 1
Kor airld hiiHlnea prlmlplea In manage
ment of State uffalrs.
Kor Kuril Credit KxtensloB, .Irrigation
Drainage and Development of all our r
For aaalstance by Portland Capital aud bus
Inea to every section o f our great stata.
Kor 1 he rights of hot h labor and capital un
der a a. heme of mutual co-operation.
PAVlNtl TSVST. Wa awe wylu about
B.VMKI mort' r III foot utile of lUthulle Pavc
asaaii in Orearou Hum U being paid to Wash
ington, lis build g od roada In ovary coun
ty In the Mate-give every county a square
ftleot MOHKIt and you will forever banish
tha subtle Influence ot tha Paving Truat frmn
Oregon polltlcH
(Paid Ada.)
Auto Satisfaction
Is the Nash Guarantee
I aJl jH BaMsm
.OanAWle0 0Y? a Na8h Six belong to the
mem elhin "ill WnKrS 1 Club- He a his
ffiS3 i?8? " k0W that he is driving
fti in f.Lat Xe &' For jt has class in opera
tin, in style and performance.
A NASH TMiirif
Ageevt, Mallteur
-d Marwe, l o.Mlk-s la Ossaa, P.yetla ., Idaho