PAO pao i OaTULRW QJUMMN mmMiiuiatM 1 Se F Tl P( A T NO PENALTY Because of Your Size Bal KfiSr - g wt sMsWsldenw.,,, Men six feet tall or over as well as abort, stout men as a rule find Limited assortments of ready-to-wear clothing. They had to take what they could find and be sat isfied. . Different Here Each season we have increased our stock on these lines. In fact we specialise on clothes tor the tall and slim and for the short and stout men. You pay no more than does the regular built men and the young fellows, and we show you an assortment of patterns and mod els that are more than ample to satisfy. No matter how tall and slender you are or how stout you may be, you'll find your suit here and a stock as large as you'll find necessary for a selection. $19.85 $24.50 High Art and Other High Grade Makes ALEXANDER ONE PRICE CLOTHIER ONTARIO, OREGON BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS A good thing for you and a good thing for your country. "SAGEBRUSHER VISITS OLD FRENCH CASTLES I hough Ii m liuili about 400 II (ore v go over th lop aud haw our lor lion la nothing left but Him celebration Id little old New York III ll- I 1,4.1 .h.Hi. lo go II, loUKh !,.. n.11... till. k. I. .,.,..,,.. .ii ol.l aggCta ih.n m i. mil .' in i. . 'llot. , ,.,, ,!,.. wuim i,e ,.u UM,K ago by Hi.' Wiiik- or Krance ll wax ,, ,1M -. , .,, .or.llu4v . ... I. Hi- -lul't Id a augehruah. r ami Wllui.r lloyer IVIU of Trip Over l l",'' ,t''u "' '"' "f pretty MwjsM l.iml ,il I lui ,1. Ii- alll.e I have b.-.-n ilrU'iug I lie mi .blue ami hui covered ., lul ..I nil- pari of Krauce hate ll, fur I haven't had much lua miii. we have lauded here ho am go lag to wake up (or it when 1 get back to good old (' 8 A Hut at II, .1 I am uot ki.'kliia. for we didn't come. dUMKWIIKKK IN KUAN. K r . I. I"" '" r,Hul" ' ' " " '" '" p'" lu over here to have a good time or cel- g. lli Ilea leal )a,l ami Molloi ,l"' 'allr.ia.l yard pretty anon lo . ehrale. a our old lii.le Sam eui M No doubt ,.u aoul.l Hka lo lour ""'" IM unloading of wood aud over to do a job and we are golug Til from me au,l know v. here I am. for 't oilier tr.ighi It will aeeui Ilk old DO IT. lion celebrate afterward, ia about two Mki tlMi l i .... ,,. Mane, for M ' he aro.l il,e ware I , ,,., ,,,.,, , ,,,,.,, froJU )uu ten to you 'i a- 1 aaM bei.n., . fcwiaa unload M rf4g. Hut I .. t , ,,.. , , , ,,, hu, ,,, ,, ,n ueeuu t vorry a bll lor I am all right lut lu the yard until the Captain ,., , ,, ,,,,. BOW 0 , ,UWoMI ..u ..., vou.iuue . oe an ngnr mi ... ".....' en new ieuo la jrive qui , H, ,,,,, m, elNjr, rifu, 111 time lo .,.,. motor I have been for a long time ,, ,rolu ow , r-elv,, , I aw at pie.eui on .leu. tied .-e, . trying lo get int.. I lie ., ,.,.,, frol MT ,rom ,.mU)p y,, lea al dlvi.lou head.iuarte.H ,,ua.i.., Oipa ami have jual au.ceeded in be .ou, i,Una- Ba ,,. WW1U me 0 Waaler Corp.. only a lev. mile- (,., Ing put on detached aervlce. but I e ,... .,. ,M hllll .. ,tl.b. my old out (it. and I go oter every fee day 1 aai uarier api llugii.. that 1 have told Juu of ao often I wa with him on the border. he iranaferred .M... , .. Ihtng. will be flae aud dal.dy with .U((M- , , hu Mr, (lf jD the world by thfa lime I uener did 1 haven t been able lo locole m. bear troai Ch.i... d. h. uiiua I aia dolac uoihlu gbut drive (ha tan old pal. l.ou Karber. aa he a tian aad wa aeat lo 8poaae If you talaa motorcycle aiuund Hie couauy ) ferret to another orgauUatlou Junt a know bl addrea wrlle lo mm aad lW hlki 1 gal . aee a loi ut Krau.e. j little while bafore I waa put ou de give htiu ailae. ta 1 waat (e baow a ihi. part la the garden -PC of lhi lache.l aervlce I Hon i know Uue ebere all aw baiea era, or ana. a,l ., . ,. ...i.. ik . . . ..... . . ... ran oi ii iooas,ne i anu aon l e.peci to e lilui be whereabout I donl even knov. h $iari q i lie world I 'a I outfit only ll I I lie oommUaary de partment o( the Aerial (orpe whlc'i j waa located aomewhere In the IV s and that la pretty far off. The weather ovor here la nl.e aud warm with every th'i g greu 'no tree are beginning to leaf out ami allow iga of i I life just Ilka I'm ie Kara army I golug to ahow tin Mu.ih la a few tuoalba. 1 picked a buu.h of wild panatea about a week a- o up near mi old outfit I ih, ,,..,, 1 waa near San Diego, t'al . for a fet. mluutea but whan I came out of my dream 1 found myaelf a way aeroaa the pond la aa old deserted back yard of aome Frenchman a boase The plai-e looked a t ho no one bad lived there bar a ioag time, but it did ba. a beautiful garden aad flower plot Wo aoat know a thing about ter raclug ia our country a ihee old placea aad a lot of aaw oaea ara do bar soma beautiful terrace and flower boas. It got ay anckeyup aad rarele ail planned oa Ibe Kreu. h Ay la. lajB. sure geiag to abaar vou bow a raal ajaca aboald look- - -that ia viiea I build It I must wriu to Herasau Oodles of lava from your Wllmer OREGON WAR WORKERS CONFERENCE CALLED l nlorm TreaMinewt f Varloaui War Artiritlew la HooRfal Maay Prob lama ltjulrr HolaUon H Moot ing May 88 aad 88. War workers of eerj ty n0 community are urged by Governor Wlthycomba to participate In the flrat Oregon War Conference, to ba bald In Portland, May 22 aad 23, under the suspires of the Bute Coun cil of Defenao. In a atatemaot Issued Oovernor Wltbyoombo says: "Because many matters of rltsl Importance will be discussed at Ore gon's flrat war conference to be bald la Portland May 22 aad 28. I re spectfully urge the war workara and officials in the cities and communi ties of Oregon, to make their beat effort to ba present and participate ia the proceedings which are to be conducted under the auspices o( l ho state Council of Defense. 8o many of the war time emergen cies arising In the various local com munities are of a similar nature that it would he both helpful sml VIM M pxchange views looking toward a uni form or coaraaratlTa troataaaat of the different situations Insofar aa a general plan could ba worked our feasibly and comprehensibly The auccoaa of the coming confer ence depends largely of course upon the meaaure of support given by the war workers of Oregon wbo have thus far enthusiastically and whole heartedly promoted the general pa triotic programme. , May I aot. therefore, rely upon the loyal people of Oregon to assist the State Council of Defense In accomplishing inn structlve results? The last of tba Owaohaa.the lligi, School annual wore distributed tin week and are being admired by the students and friends of the Hlgt, School. Mr. and Mr. P. L. Stewart who have lived In Ontario for a number of years are planning to move to Bobu aome time this month. Attorney Prank March of Maker, and Jeas Adrian leave here tomorrn-. for a tan day'a trip thru the Interior m the Interest of It. N. Stan field candidacy for tha Senate. II. H Tunny lias recovered from severe attack ot the grip and is ahi to be on the Job again at the Oregon Packing establishment. FOIl SALE- liuroc Jersey pigs, elgLt weeks old J. J. DILI. AUK. 4 miles west of Ontario 17 tr aaaaaam'' '1 l a aaar sa IMTKIOT1C IMKIUTAM eTATlYm oi' Wlsrovsiv (.K 47. Kilt 117 VK.tKM A III .11)1 N I OK OflaMM l V IOOIU MM IKOII'IOV III TDK KIOHTH tK THK. I'KO-Plal Gus. C. iMoser N I'roaMeat On-Kou -Inle Senate Auto Satisfaction Is the Nash Guarantee ''"iSBTBsiaBBBBBl BBaiBsi ,rBaMBaaaS (1 aalrW WiLTi00 a Na8h Six $m to the 5KK k-Auit0 0wnfre c,ub- H 'ures his IhmTS ! p b'U8 h knows that he is driving &ffJS at ? Pi106- Fw il l n opera tion, in style and performance. GET A NASH MIY FOR SATISFACTION'S SAKK, A NASH TRITflK FOK BUSINESS EFFICIENCY OM'AKIO. ORMMkV ASMabbomr ... MM, . I or ,i lgo"OUa proaeiullon ( the war to I ilctot Ioun i-onclualon Kor Hirl.i business principles lu tnsnag iionl of Stale u(fatra. Kor Hun I Credit Kttt n n a I o n. . Irrigation Hia nage .in, I Develop ajaal of all our ' -ourcea For aaaiatanoa by Portland Capital and bu hMM io eiery section of our groat state Kor the rights of hot h labor and capital un dor a scheme, of mutual co-operation. POM tiOOD ItOADS. HI'T PIOHTINU TDK I'AVINO TKC8T. We are paying about .VMW mon per Itt foot n.ilc of BlUiuli. I'. -meat ia regu. tlia. ia lo-iag amad ia Waah legion, l-i us build g mil roads la every coun ty lo the slate give every county a aquaru deal. Klacl MOSKH aud you will forever l.anlM, the subtle influence of the Pavlag Traat (r.ou Oregon politic AGGRESSIVELY INDEPENDENT P.UJ .id.)