tub omuuuo wmoimwi obeoon xiuasDAx ashilj ai .FAO ! START NOW! mmmmmm. wwnw !- .bmww. j sswawa Cure effgs for next winter's use with Fleming's Eg j Preserver The cheapest and handiesf Prese v,t known. NO POTS OR (JANS. A box or J caae is all you need. For sa.e by RADEK BROS. ONTARIO PHARMACY 0. G. LEUHERS' DRUG STORE Automobiles OF Character THE SEGUINE AUTO CO. I'lHK OLUKHT QABAOB IN MA1.HKCH COUNTY.) A Complete IIm of HiNHurlM. Service statloa for Good Voaw Tlrea. Metal Grain Bins Corrigated or Smooth "Armco Iron" THK I.MTKI) HTATK8 Hi HHOBT U.OOO.OOO .KW. UAOH TH1M VKAB. .THK Hl'PPl.Y OF t ,000,000 UAH BKKN TAKEN. M K. BNTDER OF THK WASHINOEON STATK IJOLLKOB WARNS THK FAHMKK OF THIS DE FICIENCY. We have arraogod lu handle Uw Mal t.ralu Hlu which will replatr lit hags aud will be cheaper aal safer. .This metal bin In proof against Sre, rata. voruiim ami auUiial aad can be uetxl for a store. house v. lira mil used for grata. The factory require oar orders by May let to aaoare delivery, aad we aak that you Investigate aad place yoor orders at oace. TROXELL IMPLEMENT CO. Oregon Franklin, Hudson, Velie Buick and Oakland Enough Said Service, Republic and IVelie Trucks EASTERN OREGON AUTO CO. V. B. 8TAPIJC8 MANAGER V. B. STAPLES, Mgr. PHONE, IsWM ASK FOB DEMONSTRATION Auto Truck Bargains WE HAVE A NUMBER OF BXCBL I.KNT PLEASURE (Al.H THAT WILL MAKE FINE TRUCKS. THE ENGINES HAVE ALL BEEN OVER HALLED SO WB Guarantee Every Car to Be in Good Condition High School Notes In appreciation of Mr. Boucher's tood fellowship and helpfulness dar ing the past rear, the students pre sented him with an army wrist wateh, Saturday. Mr. Boucher reft Sunday for Paris, Mo., where he will enter the service of Unci Sam. It Is needless to say that O. H. 8. does not seem the same school since our principal loft us. The uniforms adopted by the girls of the Ontario High School win con sist of a black and whtt shepherd plaid sailor suit with rod tie, black shoos and stockings and a white felt hat. So far aa we can And out the O. H. S. is the first school In Oregon to adopt uniform dress for girls. There haa boon a great deal of sickness among th high school stu dents during the past weak. Zelda McHaley, Jennie Dowd, Maria Kel ler, Martha Lambert. Ray Bervln. Flosei Keller, Deaxce Dearborn, Vella Cronln. aad Creese Wells are among the many who have been obliged to be absent from school be cause of Illness. A new pennant decorates th walls of the assembly hall. It Is a purple and gold one which announces that the sophomore boys' and girls' banket ball teams are the champions of the year 1I17-1R. Friday afternoon the Parent - Teachers' association held Its lat meeting In the high school assembly i hall. At the close of themeetlng the domestic science class served light refreshments, and everyone agreed that this year, the girls surely have learned to make delicious things to eat Saturday morning the assembled school enjoyed a musical treat thru the kindness of Miss Beuge and her Olrls lllee Club. The following was the program rendered: (a) "Who Knows What the Bells ay." (b) "Baroorolle," airle' Olee Club.' Piano Solo Luclle Biggs Piano SOlo Charlotte Daggett (a) "Somewhere In France." (b) "Southern Lullaby," Girls' Quartette The same program waa given at the meeting of the Musical t'lub at th ..home of ..Mrs. W. J Wae, Saturday afternoon. This week the high school grounds are being beautified and we are al ready beginning to feel proud of our green lawn and wonderful flower. to be. The work waa planned by a couuu.tteo from the Psrenl-Teechem' association, Mr. IMirmau. Mrs. Gregg and Mrs. Edna Orlffln. They are taking care of the lawn and Um flower beds and the school board In fixing up the parking and the grounds to the west of the high school building. - L tj Painless Dentistry by Nerve Blocking MY RECORDS SHOW 8000 APPLICA TIONS OP THIS SCIENTIFIC METHOD OF ELIMINATING PAIN IN THE DEN TAL CHAIR. SKILL SCIENCE EXPERIENCE INSURES PAINLESS EXTRACTION - PAINLESS REMOVAL OF NERVES AND PAINLESS FILLING OF TEETH. NO GAS i DR. CRICHFIEI D, Boise. NO COCAIN I Falk Building ea amwa Petiteroklal Ctmrcli of the Naaarrno, Bev. H. I Flowers, IM., Paalor Order of Services. Sunday school If a. nt. Preaching II a. m. Peoples Meeting f.ll "' Prayw meeting TUurs 7.46p.m. You are welcome to these services. I ORANO PMKatBM t'atile Pastured aad Herded. I will be ready by April loth to take any number at my place two miles west of Ontario. Have 1000 acres lo herd on. Por inc month or th ason--unlll October 1st i fl.00 pr month. --L. O. OOlltHiN. 'Ontario, Oregon. Phone I04-N8 I Adv. No. 14-lt. M ; mm. M It MVAe SUlt-taflflrfOK I BdnwRUltiTOlflhvwrlp! leil Ttiseti VCe Sea Frisians I e WHKN UM WANT - ie A MK8HKNGKK W Gas) Hnpply Vow Nda THK SANITARY li Mtllt.lt SHOP I m . . ... . a a . rue place wnere me nervic is - the Heat, where th Baths ar i th Newt. ....... . TRANSFER, BAOOAOB AND EX PRESS JOHN LANDINOHAM 444444444444444 K. BRITTINOHAM Truck Transfer 4 Phoa 117 M Hsed Corn, early variety. B. B. (inkiiii. Ontario, Oregon. la-It NEWS NOTES FROM ADRIAN M. M Oreellug reoelvd a large shipment of tree last Wednesday from the Milton nursery The sliii mem comprised mostly prune trees. I) (' I'omeroy and Frank Boswell , have tuknn a contract lo dig s luiim-l at the side hill The object l lo cut 'off the water to prevent slides Into the Itlverslde canal The Hildas have caused considerable trouble this Hprlng and delayed turning tbe ater Into the canal. f A Miller went to Vale Monday iiiorulug to serve as Juror A car of coal arrived HmMbBI which will be used mostly to rill up the sheds at the school house foi next winter's use. Mrs J. E. Holly and daught.i J Dorothy went to Vale Monday to I spend several days with the fonn.i - I sister The ball game Suuday at the Hik , Bend park, played Wweeu Adrian , and the Ulants. was won by Adrlun with a score of 14 to 8. Iteuben MeCraary sold sit lotH In block one to A. 0 Holly These I"' are located on First street and arc' 'some of the best In town Mr HU) aspects to build on them ;u the future He Is looking for an eiperi anced blacksmith ami auto mechanic li T Holly made a buslnex trip to the county seat on Friday It It Overatroat Is spending this I I week at Vale on the Jury I Mr Hill, the deputy aasasmir or ' Jordan Valley, wool through on way and stopped over ulxl.t at I lib kox ranch The power men are ba k Ui (I I up the plant sud start i.-r Tl aj have boon delayed getting maierl i! A large wolf has b. times recntly northwest of tou. II soared oue man uutll i.. it hires i la four foot tall. Mr. aad Mrs French and fast I) from Now Plymouth were callers all the Edwards home Sunday afternoon Si Saturday eight , the 17th, is I Orange night Oood program sml (large crowd expected A t". Holly Is shearing sheep tor Mla Maxwell aad Hick ox this week. I GRANT SIX Smooth-Running As An Airplane THERE is something oi ihc Ijuoj ,uit qoslit) - I t!.. BJrptauN i' thw u.i the I .kant Six rlcli - For tlii- tin- Ioojj Hi iii. h sinilovrY n-.ir springs ii. mainly to be i reditcd, but i W bslance snd Ugbl seiglii lielp to I in.iikfil degree. And tlw ri uble dei Iwd ruHhion -pnn .uld their Importanl share to the ridins roi ' for which ii. ,i. uti si has be umts in m II L. 1 1 .v. n ,.,i!, . ,H,i. .. . ..; ilc have : ',. ui i. the olrnosi com iilfie laavntt! "i il i iii it iii iii i In- power i!.mt I In- .i;w : S ! Vsjlv in nine ruiw unutothly al ail spseda It Is powerful and H id m1'''''- In ihi- tatest rnodel, forced feed oil in", iiml a ImI.uk id crankshaft havi addad matariallj to the effV ieicy f the ' iEamt Sw ' ngine and a-e 1 1 ' ilii-, powci i laid to be the finest rally nnd every other way( thai hu fi r been used in a i ar f comparable i'i' n In kfi)in'.' v.iili its splendid n li ni i ,i features, the no .kwi , .,i t;i beautiful lines end fiiil h lis It-riKtli i srreniuated b) bod) dettign. rt ii is the most ecoiw inii ul -is in etdstenfti se believe. Omit avei ,'(i inili-s ti n c illon I i dine nd ''"'' in mike sure f your QRANT MX i Uu plating of your tndc-r now. $1895 f. o. b. (Jleelun I. ONTARIO AUTO CO. , u awt uirrnu ( A R CO k I'O R A T 1 ) N - -t I. K V E I. A N : I Z2ZZ1ZL. - lajsgsiaiaaUitTll t ' ' ;