The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 11, 1918, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Tim Ontario aiiot ontabio o rpx., thitwdat Aran. 11 101
M, stanfleld
BBITUI V l.'uu f t v
"-""'"" "'"
jHHvlio does things.
Hm accomplished something
aBarw" how to work and get
hows Oregon's needs. r-
qnlremeaU and resources.
Hea the experience, knowl
H business understanding.
Hka a stale legislator for six
years, baa already done much or Oro
on. W HI Republicanism Is
Hid whose ability
nes been
Paid advertisement.)
To ti Htopubllcan Voters of Harney
and Malheur Counties
' flPeby announce my candidacy
.'or i I poaltlon of Joint nepreeea-
Hrom this Dlatrlet In the next
"- Hof tha Oregon legislature,
to your will In tha matter.
Hgolnated and elected, It will
Helm to promote legislation
Ml enable tr e Bute to provide
" Care lr me families
ot eallst.d n, to pro. -die for the
, .
V "f "'Kon homes and in-
and 'o carry eaa :ie war
aarcessful and early conclusion.
I will also promote and work for
i. .i.i. , . a.
ation that will tend to Increase
the production of food stnffa, and
1 ejl profiteering In the market Ins
of i Ilamo. 1 believe that our flrat
V01 important business la to
nn this war, and next to that, the
nacoorogement of farm production,
and nominated and elected my ef
U be devoted to thla pollcv
as well aa other meritorious legis
lation, P. J. GALLAGHER,
Ontario, Oregon.
(Paid Advertisement)
by announce myself as a can-
tor the office of Sheriff of Mat-
b Bounty, Oregon, subject to the
B the voters of the Oemocratlc
Bt the primary nominating
p to be held In Malheur county.
Of Oregon, ou the seventeenth
I May, 1918.
(Tald Advertisement.)
m Dmttmi aajasass a, m
rood Health
Good Teeth
6AfORE DhvaicaJde-
1V1 generacy am be
traced to neglect of the
teeth than to the une
of alcohol," nays Dr.
WlUism OaUr. Us ambMal
sutkorlly. Aa4 Prof. Lswls
M. Tkuim, laklf trestles.
.aU tlsd. ' T he B vaUaa of it.
OhadTaays eV eus of M
uuuua srliaol ckfkrwt la Uls
coualry. 1 mUHjm arsSV-
uojaedaeBiciea tsaeb
saajr eases the Mart. ttm
M sees ta rest, all our fee-
uK'vii, eouedla to Arvkav
frtehaaa. Mm fasseus MUwrlal
DI.imiJ ummIU or a srslsrlsd
ssoatk Uwti & It U a
bMHhT Thsri'ls so nj'u
ceas. uewt aaslact sad ludu
faraeos. Ones your testa are
a order you caa keep thsai
thai ay for rassam her this
" doss asi surt oa a
cWsn tiwth.
To the Republican eur ot Wwthenr
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of County Judge of
lUUinur County, subject to your will
at the primary election, May 17,
Business efficiency In the County's
bualneaa, baaod on bualneap princi
ples, will be my nln in office If
iicimliintoil i.nd elected.
Good road to be a conslderrtlon
for all parts of the County.
C. ('. WILSON,
Nysna, Oregon.
i;itTV IN Tiirc cm OP ov
Pur Delinquent Aasjeaeaneata for the
Consii intlon id Trunk Newer No.
::. Lateral District Heweii Woa. l
:l. I, .",, fl and 7 for Sidewalk Coil
sinii lion.
Thai I. Hurry C. Parmer, Marshal of
tha City of Ontario. Oregon. h order
Of I lie Common Council of said I
llHV" levied upon and will Hell ;.t i;it
lie iiuetlon. the real property herein
aftaf ilPHerlhed Bltuntrrl In the City
of Ontiirlo. Oregon, to sntl.'.fy Delln-
qucnt AsneKsments, against snld prop
erty as made by the said City, Tor
Bawar improvements nd lidewaU
Conitruotloa, i lu-rcinater staled
Haiti real property, or ho iniieli
thereof may he noressnry. will he
sold at the front door of the City
Hall In Ontario. Oregon, on Saturday, I
the 4th day of May. A. I). 191H, at
the hour of ten o'clock In the fera
noon of said day. to satisfy said
assessments, costs thereon and Inter
i The follolng Is a description of the
real property to be sold, together
with the name of the party or lnd!-l
vidual reputed to be the owner I
thereof, the nature of the improve-,
ment for which the assessment was
made, the amount due on each tract
and a statement of accruing costs and '
Being a list of delinquent third J
installment payments on Lateral
District Sewer No. 1 with accrued In
terest added, due February 5th. 1111,!
with description of property assess -,
ed end the name of the reputed owner
thereof. Bancroft Bend Application. I
C. E. Balding. Lots 11 to 20 i,.r...i- fUsVd """
Inc.. Block 110 1 M.IT'lQtIi,V,l(,Ij',,d ,
Accruing Intareat. To the forego-1 ':"," ,,rk
Ing delinquent tax Item, add Interest inteJ.,m,V Land "a
at lli nln nt all nnr l n.,r annuo,
,rom February 6th. 1916. to the date
of sale, to- :t, May 4th, 1918.
ii-m- i.. I)f ,Bunt fourth
Ineullment payments on Lateral Die-1
I !., Udkal.aas- Pkfj. 1 lultli uenPim.l letup
I e 1P;eoni due February 6th. 1917.
WM description of the property
,aaec .ed and the namos of the reput
,.,, ownliri, tliereof. Bancroft und
' Applications.
William I Sander. Lots IS
and 20. Block 139 1
C. B. Beldlag. Lots 11 to 20
Inc.. Block 110
William Haver, Lots 11 to 16
Inc.. Block 139 16.73
0orge Vanderhoof. Lots 6 to
10 Inc , Block 139 .. 16.71
Accruing Interest. To each of the
foregoing delinquent tax llama, add
Intareat at the rato of alx per cent
per annuyi from February 6th, 1917,
to the date of sale, towlt, May 4th.
Being a list of delinquent third In
stallment payments on Lateral Dis
trict Sewer No. 3 with accrued inter
eat thereon, due July 12tb. 1917.
with description of property assessed
and the names of the reputed owner
tliereof. Bancroft Bend Applications,
Interstate Land A Loan Co .
Lota 1 and 2, Block 2. Villa
Park 4 39
Interstate 1-and A Loan Co .
Lots 3 and 4, Block 2. Villa
Interstate Lund A !-oan Co .
Lota 6 and 6. Block 2, Villa
Interatate Ijind A Ixian Co.,
Lots 7 and 8. Block 2. Villa
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lots I and 4. Block t. Villa
Interstate Laud A Loan Co .
Lots 31 and 34. Block 6. Villa
Interatate Land A Loau Co .
Lots 86 and 36, Block 6. Villa
Interstate I -and A Loan Co.,
Lots 37 and 88, Block i. Villa
Interatate Land A i.o u Co.,
Lots 22 and 23. Block 6. Villa
Interatate Land A Loan Co.,
Lou 24 and 16. Block 6. Villa
Interstate Land A Loan Co ,
l-ots 86 and 27, Block 6. Villa
Interatate Land A Loan Co ,
Lou 28 and 29. Block 6. Villa
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lots 80 and 81, Black 6, Villa
Park -
I 39
4 :ia
4 39
4. 19
4 is
4 39
4 39
lateretate Laud
Lou 33 and 38.
Interstate Laud
Lots 39 and 40,
lateretate Land
A Loan Co.,
Block 6, Villa
A Loan Co.,
Block 6, Villa
4 39
4 to
A Loaa to.
Lota 43 and 44. Block 6, Villa
Interatate Land A
Lots 33 to 33 Inc
Loan Co .
Block 7.
Villa Park
Interstate Land A
4 19
Loan Co ,
Lou 88 to 43 lac.
VlUa Park
interstate Land A
Lots 43 to 12 Inc.
Villa Park
lateretate Lead
LoU 63 to 62 lac.
Block 7.
Black 7,
4 19
lxo Co.,
Block 7.
Villa Park
Interetate Lead A Loan Co ,
Lou 63 to 73 lac, Block 7,
Villa Park ,
i .. a i i J i .
lateretate Lead A Loan Co.,
Lota Tto II too., Bleak I,
VlUa Park Mil
Interstate Lead A Loan Co.,
Lota 17 to 16 inc., Block 8,
Villa Park 4.11
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lota 87 to 36 inc., Block I,
Villa Park 4.19
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
' 44. inc.; Block 8, -.
Villa Park 4.19
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lota 47 to 68 inc., Block 8.
Villa Park 4.19
Interstate I .and A Lo.m Co .
I-ota r7 to 60 Inc., Block 8,
Villa Park 1.67
Interstate I -unci A Loan Co.,
Lots 67 to 76 inc., Block 8,
Villa Park 4 19
Interstate I-and Loan Co
Lots I, 2 and 9 Inr.. Block 9,
Villa Park 1.82
Interstate Land I-onn t o .
Lots 10 to 18 Inc., Block 9,
Villa Park 4.48
Intorel itn Land A Loan Co .
Lota 20 to 29 Inc., Block 9.
Villa I'nrlc 4.48
Interstate Land A LOOfl I o
Lots .to to 19 Inc.. Block 9.
Villa Park 4 48
Interstate Land & Loan Co.,
Lots 40 to 49 Inc.. Block 9,
Villa Park 4.48
Interstate Land & Loan Co.,
Lota 50 to 59 inc , Block 9,
Villa Park 4.48
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
1-otM 60 to 69 Inc., Block 9.
Villa Park 4 4S
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lots 70 to 76 Inc , Block 9.
and Lots 1 to I inc.. Block 10.
Villa Park 4.18
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lots 4 to 1.1 Inc. Block 10.
Villa Park 4.41
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lots 14 to 23 inc., Block 10.
Villa Park 4.48
Land A I-oan Co.,
Lots 24 to 3.1 Inc.. Block 10.
Villa Park 4.48
Interstate Land A Lonn Co.,
Lota 34 to 38 inc., Block 10,
and Lots 1 to 6 inc.. Block 11,
Villa Park . 1.81
Interstate Land A Imm Co.,
Lota 6 to 9 Inc.. and I-ota 16
to 19 inc.. Block 11, Villa
Park ..I. II
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lots 20 to 16 Inc.. Block 11,
Villa Park 4 04
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lots 26 to SI Inc. Block 11.
Villa Park 4.04
Interstate I-and A Loan Co.,
l-ots ? to 39 Inc . Illock 1 I.
I I'm.. I...-1,
f. 11
l-osii CO
Block 7.
I-oan Co
Lots 11 to 22 Inc.
, Block 7.
Villa Park .
I. it Carneflx, Lota I and 7.
Block 296, Lots t to 10 Inc .
Block .116, and Bast 60 feot
of Lot- I to 4 inc. Block -4. ...11.21
Accruing Interest. To each of the
foregoing delinquent tax Itmes sdd
Interest at tha rate of six per cent
per annum from July 12th, 1917, to
the date of tha aale, tewlt: May 4th.
MeliiK a list of delinquent third In
3.1.46 stallment payments on Lateral Dis
trict Sewer No. 4. with accrued Inter
, est thereon, due July 1 2th. 1917, with
description of property asseeaed and
names of the reputed ownors thereof.
Bancroft Bend Applications
T. 11. Moore, Lots 4 to 7 Inc..
Block 4 . 1817.37
Kmery Cole, I .of 10 Block 4
f It Welch, Lot 1. Block 6
4 S3
1' II Moore, Lots 8 to 4 Inc..
and N 6 ft or Lot 5. Block
: T. H. Moore. LoU, B. 20 ft. of
6 to 7 Inc., Block 6
Wilson Investment Co.. !.ots
I Lou 4 and .v 20 It. of 5,
Block 6
I Ontario Building Co., Lots 7
to 10 Inc.. Block 6
! W. I'. Sanderson. Lois 1 to 5
I 1 1
12 O'J
Inc . Block 12 .
T. H Moore. Lot 10. Block IS
W. U. Sanderson, 4xts 11 to
16 Inc.. Block 13
C. B. Beldlng. Lots 1 to 6 Inc.,
Block II
May Wilson, Ixits 16 to II
Inc. Block II
Doollttle A Whltworth. Lots
17 to 30 inc . Block :
I II M Whlrter. Lois II to 17
inc., Block 27
A A. Walee, l.ots 1 to 10 Inc.,
Block 39
Byron A Ralph Turner. Lots
11 and 12, Block 40
B. L. Loiuax, Lots 6 to 10 inc.,
Block 140
Saucy McGsveru, l-ots 1 to 10
inc, Block 24 1
( Panny S. Taylor. Lots 11 to 16
inc , Block 266
' Martha A Parley, l-ots 16,
Block 21. 4 to 10. Block 31.
18 la Block 40 21.14
Accruing Interest. To the forego
ing tax Item, add intereet at tho rata
of alx per cent per annum frcw July
12, 1917. to (he date of sale, towlt
May 4. 1916.
Being a list of delinquent third In
stall men I payuienU (a D4a
trlcl Hewer No 5, with accrued lu'er
eat added, due July 12th. 1917.
with description of property as sealed
and names of the repute! owners
thereof Bancroft Bend Applications.
T. H. Moore, Lois 11 to 20 lac..
Blo.k 21 . 19. 941
Act ruiug Interest. To the foregoing
delinquent tax item add Interest at
the rate of aix per cunt per annum
from July 12th, 1917. to the date of
ale. tewlt: May 4, 191K
Being a delinquent second install
ment payment on Lateral Oiatrlct
Sewer No. 4, with accrued Interest
added, due July 12th. 1916. with u
description of tha property assessed
and name of the reputed owner
thereof Bancroft Bend Application.
Doollttle A Whltworth, Lota
17 to 26 lne Block 22 . 112.14
Accruing Intareat To the foregoing
delinquent tax item, add intereet at
the rate ef alx per cent per annum
from July 12th, 1916, to the data of
the sale, tewlt: May 4. 1918.
II Being a Hal ef deltaqueat fourth
lnaULlment payments on Truok
Sewer No. 8, with accrued Intereet
added, due November 38nd, 1917,
with description of property assessed
and the names of the roputed owners
thereof. Bancroft Bend Applies
T. H. Moore, Lots 3 to 7 inc.,
Block 6
T. H.Moore, LoU 11 to 16 Inc.,
-Block 21 ..., ,
T. II Moore, LoU 4 to 7 Inc.,
Block 21 M
T 11. Mooro, Lots 1 to 10 Inc ,
Block 3
T. H. Mooro, l-ots 10 and IT
BlOCk 13, Lets 4 to I! Inc., ..
Block 12. I.ot ir, and the N. '
f, ft of Lot 17. Block 12 .... 7.10
Mrs. Florence (I. Kraus. Lots
II to -I inc., und l-ots 10 to
II inc. Block 8, T(
Mrs. A. A llrown, Lids I to I it
inc., Block 148 7.10
Ontario Land Towinlte Co.,
Lots li and 7. Block 43. Lot
20. Block 230. Lots to 8
inc., Block 244 .
Ontario Land A TownglU I 0
I.OU 1 to 5 Inc.. Block 263
.: i
Ontario Lnnd Towi site Co.,
Lots 6 to 10 Inc., Block 2.61
Ontario Land Townslte Co .
Loin 18 to 20 Inc.. Illock III
Ontario Land A Townslt'
Lots 1 to 6 Inc., Block 204 .
Ontario Land & Townslle Co.,
Lots 14. Illock 204. Lots 4
to 10 Inc., Block 270 5.33
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
Lots 12 to 20 Inc . Block
Ontario Land A Townslte Co..
Lots 1 to 5 Inc., Block 272
Ontario Land Town'lte Co.,
Lots 6 to 10 Inc.. Block 272
Ontario Lnnd A Townslte Co.,
Lots 6 to 10 Inc. Block 274..
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
Lota 5 to 10 Inc., Block 276 .
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
Lots 1 to 6 inc.. Block 282..
.; H
4 20
:i II
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
Lots 6 to 10 inc., Block 282
Ontario Land A Townslte Co..
Lota 11 to 15 inc, Block 282
Ontario Land A Townsito Co.,
l-ots 18 to 20 Inc . Block 282
Ontario I-and A Townslte to.
Lots 1 to 6 Inc.. Block 283
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
Lots 6 to 10 inc Block 281
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
Lots 11 to 16 Inc., Block 28.1
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
Lots 16 to 20 Inr , Block 28.1
Ontario l-and A Townslte Co.,
l-ots 1 to 6 Inc.. Block 286..
Ontario Lund A Townslte Co.,
Lots I to G Inc.. Block 286...
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
LoU to 10 inc.. Block 386..
Ontsrlo l.snd A Townslte Co.,
LoU 11 to 16 Inc , Block 386
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
I-ota lfl to 20 Inc. Block
Ontario I-and A Townallc Co,
Lots 1 to 6 Inc., Block 286 .
Ontario Land A Townsli. o
l-ots 6 to 12 Inc., Block 286
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
l-ots 13 to 19 Inc . Block
Onlsrio Land A Townslte Co..
Lots 1 to 6 inc.. Block 391 ....
Ontario Land A Townslte Co ,
Lot 6 to 10 Inc.. Block 391..
Ontario I-and A Townslte Co.,
Lots 11 to 16 Inc., Block 391
Ontsrlo I-and A Townslte Co.,
Lots 3 to 6 Inc., Black 393...
Ontario I-and A Townslte Vo..
Lots 16 to 20 Inc., Block 92
Ontsrlo I-and A Townslte Co.,
I-ota W. 73 ft. of 1 to 6 inc .
and Lota 6 to 10 Inc. Block
5. OH
Ontario 1-and A Townslte Co..
LoU 1 to 6 Inc., Block 337.
Ontario Land A Townsli. i a
LoU 6 to 10 Inc.. Block 300
jj ;.r,
Ontario Land A Townslte Co
Lots 11 to 16 Inc., Block 300
Ontario Land A Townslte Co .
Lots Hi to ut Inc , Block 300
Ontario I-and A Towueite Co.,
I-ots 1 to 5 Inc . Block 301 ...
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
I-ots 6 to 10 inc., Block 301..
Ontario Land A Townslte Co ,
LoU 11 to 16 Inc.. Block 301
Ontario Laud A Townsii.
Lota II to 81 Inc., Block 301
Ontario Laud A Townslte Co.
I-ots 1 to 6 Inc.. Block 303 ..
Ontario Land A Townslte Co ,
Lots ti to 10 Inc., Block 302 .
Ontsrlo Land A Townslte Co.,
l-ots 11 to 15 Inc.. Block 302
Ontsrlo Land A Townslte Co.,
Lots 10 to 20 Inc , Block 302
Ontario Land a. Townslte Co.,
I Aits 5 to 10 Inc., Block 311
Ontario Laud A TowosiU Co.,
1-ot 14. Block S13. and l-ots
1 to 10 Inc . Block 313
Ontario Laud A Townslte Co.,
LoU 16 and 17, Block 313.
and l-ots 1 to 6 Inc., Block
4 97
Ontario I-and A Townslte Co.,
Lot 13. Block 314. and I-ots
1 to 3 Inc , and Lot 13.
Block 311 3 66
Ontario Land A Townslte Co..
l-ots 6 and 7, Block 316. and
Lots 4 to 10 Inc. Block 817
6 39
ti M
Ontario Land A Townslte Co .
l-ots I to 11 inc . Block 321
Ontario 1-and A Towneiie Co.,
Lots 12 to 20 lac, Block .121
Ontario Lead A Townslte Co ,
Lots 11 to 16 Inc.. Block 322
Outarlo Land A Towuslte Co ,
l-ots 17 to 24) inc.. Block
888, aad Lots 11 to 20 Inc .
Block 323
4 19
3 66
; 66
Oourto Land A Townslte Co..
l-ots I to I inc.. Block 383
Ontario I-and A Townslte Co.,
Lots 6 to 10 tw . Block 333 .
Ontario Land A Townslte Co..
Lots 1 1 to 16 Inc., Block 332
Ontario Land A Townslti Co.,
Lots 16 to 20 Inc.. Block 382
Ontario I-and A Townsii'
LoU 1 to 6 lac. Block III....
Ontario Land A Townslte Co .
LoU 6 to II Inc., Block 383
Ontario Land A Townslte Co..
I-ots 16 to 20 Inr . Block 333
Onurlo Land A Townslte Co ,
Lots 11 to 16 Inc.. Block 333
Onurlo Laud A Townslte Co.,
I-ots 1 to 6 Inc . Block 334
Ontario Lead A Townslte Co.,
LoU 7 to 12 He, Block 134
3 55
4 26
4 26
' i . iM"ef'
Ontario I-and A Townslte Co.,
LoU IS to 18 Inc., Block 884
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
LoU 1 to 10 inc.. Block 886
OnUrio I-and A Townslte Co.,
LoU 18 to 17 Inc., Block 336
4. II
i I
7 II
Ontario Land A Townslte Co.,
Lots 1 to 6 Inc.. Block 837,
and I-ots 1 1 to 20 Inc., Block
Ontario Land A Townslte Co .
Lots 11 to 20 Inc., Block III
Ontario Land A Townslte Co,
Lois- tl to 14 inc., Illock
.1.19, and Lots .1 to 12 In. .
Illock 84
LI to 17' Inc., Block 114
Ontario Lend I Brfwaalti
Lot II : Block .141
Ontario Land 'lownsite i o
Lota i to 14 Inc., Hloii
Ontario Land & TownslU I 0
Lota 1 1 to 10 Inc . Blool
Lots 11 lo 20 inc. Illock
143. aad Lota 1 1 to II lac,
Illock 344
v ii Doollttle, Loti i to I
lie . Block 141
W. II. Doollttle, Lou I to in
Inc., Block 848
o. w. Karshner, Lots 1
Inc.. Block 3 12
II C Whltworth, Lot 8, 111" k
4, LoU 17 to 20 Inc.. Block
23, and LoU 9 to 1 1 Inc.,
Block I, Villa l'ark
T. II. Cralit. Lois 1 to 5 Inc.,
and Lots 13 and 14, Block
Nancy McLhcin. Lots I to 10
Inc.. Bleik 24 1
C. . It. -I.I Iti k. Lots I to 5 Inc
Block 1 ... Lot- I I to 10 Inc .
Block 111
Mr. M. J. Sutherland. Lots 12
to 15 inr . Block 4, Villa
Park .
Kdiniind and Win Butler. I-ots
16 to 20 Inc.. Block 244
Wilson Investment Co., Lots
N. 20 ft. of 4 and 5. Block 6,
Lots 1.1 to 18 Inc., Block 16,
and S. 5 ft. of 13 and 14 to
16 Inc., Block 16
Interstate Land A Loan CO.,
Lots 33 to .17 Inc., Block 7
Villa Park
Interstate l.snd A Loan Co.,
Lots 42 to 44 Inc, Block 6.
and l-ots l and 2, Block 2.
Villa Park
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
LoU 32 and 38 to 41 Inc.,
Block 6, Villa Park
Interatate I-and A Ixian Co.,
Lots 27 and 31 inc. Illock
6. Villa Park
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
I-ots 22 to 26 Inc., Block 6.
Villa Park
4 15
4 14
4 14
4 14
4 14
4 14
4 44
4 44
Interstate Land A I-oan Co..
l-ots, N. 20 ft of 17. I-ota 25
to 27 Inc., and Lots 83 to 81
Inc . Block 6. Villa Park
Interstate Land A I-oan Co .
l-ots 6 to 11 Inc. Block 2.
Villa Park
Interstate Land A I-oan Co.,
Lois l to 6 inc.. Block 2.
Villa Park
Interatate I-and A I-oan Co.,
LoU 38 to 42 Inc , Block 7,
Villa Park
Interstate Land A Loan Co..
Lots 43 to 47 Inc. Block 7,
Villa Park
Interatate Land A Loan Co.,
Lou 48 to 63 lac, Block 7.
Villa Park
Interstate Land A I-oan Co..
Lots 68 to 67 Inc., Block 7.
Villa Park
Interatate Land A I-oan t lo .
LoU 68 to 12 Inc.. Block 7.
Villa Park
Interstate Ijind Loan Co..
Lota 63 to 67 inc.. Block 7.
Villa Park
Interatate 1-and A Loan Co.,
I-ota 68 to 72 Inc.. Block 7.
Villa Park
Interstate Land A Losn Co..
Lota 73 to 76 Inc.. Block 7,
and Lot 1, Block 8. Villa
intoratate Land A I-oan Co.,
Lota 7 to 11 Inc. Block 8.
Villa Park
Interstate Land A Loan Co..
LoU 12 to 16 inc., block 8,
Villa Park
Interstate Land A 1-oan Co .
Lots 17 to 81 Inc.. Block 8,
Villa Park
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
l-ots S3 to 36 Inc , HI jck 8.
Villa Park
Interstate I-and A l-oan Bo .
Lots 27 to 31 Inc.. Block 8.
Villa Park
Interstate 1-and A I-oan ....
L.ts 32 to 36 inc., Block 8.
Villa Park
Interstate I-and A I-pan Do.,
Lots 37 to 41 inc , Illock I
Villa Park
Interstate I-and A I-oan Co .
l-ots 42 to 46 inc., Block 8,
Villa Park
Interatate Laud A I-oan Co.,
Lots 47 to 61 Inc . Block 8,
Villa Park
IntersUte Land A Loan Do.,
Lota 52 to 56 Inc , Block 8,
Villa Park
Interstate I-and A Loan Co.,
Lots 57 to 61 Inc., Block 8.
Villa Park
Interstate Land
Loll 67 to 71
Villa Park
Interstate Land
A Loau Co.,
inc. Block 8,
Loan Co..
Lou 72 U 76 Inc ,
Villa Park
Block 8.
Interstate I-and A Loaa Co.,
LoU I to I Inc., Block I.
VI1U Park
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
I-ota 6 to 16 Inc. Block I.
Villa Park
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lota 11 to 16 Inc.. Block I,
VlUa Park
Interatate I-and A I-oan Co.,
Lots 16 to 20 Inc . Block 9.
Villa Park
InterataU Land A Loan Co.,
LoU II to 25 inc . Bio. k I,
Villa Park
Interatate Land A I-oan Co.,
LoU 86 to 30 Inc . Block 9.
Villa Park
Interstate Lead A Loan Co.,
Lota 31 to 86 Inc , Block 9,
Viiu Park
Interetate Land A Loan Co.,
LoU 81 to 40 inc.. Block 9,
Villa Park
InterataU I-and A Loan Co.,
Lots 41 to 46 inc.. Block 9.
4 44
4 44
4 44
n i ' W I issssssjsssssg
Vina Pari . 4.44
Interstate Land A I-oan Co.,
LoU 46 to 60 Inc., Block I,
Villa Park 4.44
IntersUte I-and A Loan Co.,
I-ota 61 to 66 Inc., Block 9,
Villa Park -
IntorsUte I-and A Loan Co.,
LoU 56 to 60 Inc., Block I,
Villa Park 4.44
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lots 61 to 65 inc. Block 9,.
Villa Park ...'. 4.44
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lots II to 70 Inc., Block 9,
Villa Pnrk
Interstate Land A Loan Co,,
Lots 7 1 lo 7li Inc., Block 9,
Villa Park
In '.- I. no I A Irfian Co.,
I to 6 Inc. Block 10.
Villi Part
IntersUte Land - Loan Co .
Lots fi lo 10 Inc., Illock 10.
Villa Pnrk ...
Inten Uta I-and ; o
nc Bi... k lo,
Villa ivn
IntersUte Lan I I Loan in.,
l-ots II lo L'W Inr , Block Id,
Villa Park
,.!. Land A Loan CO.,
I to Inc , Block 10,
Villa Park 4.44
i.' I-and A Loan t D.,
Lois 211 tO 30 Inc , Block 10,
Villi Part ,.,..
'nterstnie Land A Loan Co.,
81 lo II Inc , Block 10,
Villa Park
Interstate Land K- Loan Co..
Lois and II, Block 10,
nnd LoU i to :i Inc., Block
11, Villa Pnrk
Intorstalo Land A I-oan Co.,
Lois 4 to 8 Inc. Block 11,
Villa Park 4.44
Interstate Land A Loan Co.,
Lot 9. Block 11, and l-ots 16
and 17. Block 11. Villa Park
Interstate I-and A Loan Co.,
Lota 18 to 22 Inc., Block 11,
Villa Park ' '.
Iaterstate Land A Loan Co.
LoU 23 to 27 Inc.. Block 11. I
Villa Park 6 6
Interstate I-and A I-oan Co.,
I-ots 28 to 3 2 Inc. Block It.
Villa Park
Interstate Land A
Loan Co.,
I-ots 38 to 37 Inc ,
Block 11,
Villa Park
IntersUte Land A I-oan Co.,
Lots 38 and 89, Block 11.
and I-ots 1 and 2, Block 12.
Villa Park ..
Interstate l-and A
Loan Co.,
Lots 3 to 7 inc ,
Villa Park
Block IS.
Interstate l-and A
I-oan Co..
l-ots 8 to 13 Inc.,
Block IS.
Villa Park ..
Interstate Land A l-nan Co.,
I-ots 13 to 18 Inc.. Block 12,
Villa Park 4.87
Martha K. Kershner. LoU I to
10 inc.. Block 318
L. Myrtle King. Lots 1 to 8
Inc. Block 318
Fannin 8. Taylor, l-ots 11 to
16 Inc., Block 256
W. O. Cadby. LoU 11 to 20
inc. Block 276
Thomas Kehout, Lota I to 10
Inc , Block 101
W. 8. Wiley and T. W. Brown,
Lota 1 to 10 Inc.. Block 106
Msry E. Uannnn, Lots 16 to
20 Inc.. Block 281. and Lots
16 to 17 Inc., Block 878 6.31
Martha A Parley, Lot 16,
Block 23. Lots 4 to 10 Inc., (
Block 31 and Lot 13 In
Block 40 . I. SI
Accruing inleroat. To each of tha
foregoing tax items, add Interest at
the rate of six per rent per annum
from November 32nd. 1817, to tha
date of aale, tewlt: May 4. 1916.
Being a Bat of delinquent assaaa
meat for the construction of l-ateral
Sewers Nos. 6 and 7, with a descrip
tion of the property assessed and the
names of tha reputed owners thereof.
M. L Hohlnson. l-ots 11 to 20
Inc.. Block 106 146.10
Loda Davla, 1-ot 9. Block In 7 . 13.40
W B. Shlvely and Ell- t
Bird, LoU 84 and 16. Block
Thomas Kahout. LoU 6 to 10
Inc , Block 109
Harry H. McCarty, Lots 6 and
6, Block I ..
John H. Banks. 1-ot 7. Block 3
Accruing Interest. To each of the
above delinquent Items add Interest
at the rate of six per cent per an
num from November 1st, 1917, lo
the date of sale, tewlt: May 4. 1918
Being a list ot dellnquet assess
ment for the construction of side
walks and approacbea, with a de
scription of the property aaeeaaed and
the names of tho reputed owners
T. H. Moore. Lot 10. Block 13 617.30
Mary J Hallo, k. Lot 20. Block
119 4.80
Martha Parley. Lot 10. Block
81 116. oa
Martha llutman, 1-ot 80, Block
30 11.11
T. H. Moore. 1-ot 1. Block 8 .... 18.46
Mary J Hallock. 1-ot 10, Block
16 4.80
Accruing interest To each ot tha
above delinquent Items add interest
at the rate of six per cent per annum
from Jauuary 1st. 1118, to the data
of sale, tewlt: May 4. 1919.
Advert Ulog
To the amount if each Item in thla
notice contained add the cost of ad
vertising computed at the rale ot
Twenty-Bve cents per line.
Any person purchasing any of the
real property herein described at said
sale will be given a Certificate of
Purchase by tha City, which said Cer
tificate, if not sooner redeemed, will
run for one year, and bear Interest
at the rata of twelve per cent per an
num If tha said Certirleate of Purchase
la not redeemed, at the end of one
year from tha date of aale, upon sur
render of the same to the City of On
tario, the laid City will make und de
liver to the holder thereof a deed con
veying the real property therein de
ad rt bed
Plrst publication of this Notice of
Sale April 4, 1118
Last Publication of this Notice of
Sale. May S, 1118
Marshal of the City of Oatarle.
4 44
4 44
4 44
4 44
6 66
4 31
8 61
10 10
14 34