The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 11, 1918, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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i&Itr (jpntariii Aryiw
' ' n . . i i
A itl I HKLT.
Geo K.AIkea. KMtor ud PabUahor.
rubliabxd Thursdays at OnUrlo,
neon, and entered at the Ontario
pest of flea for .llntrlhiitloD M 2nd
la matter
Ob year fl 50. Sli month $1 00
Threa montlia 60c. Single copy 6c
I pletlga mr allegiance to ny Flag
Md to tha Republic for whlrh It
faand. one Nation Indlrtalble with
fibartr and Juatica to all.
AjMftM'l Third Liberty i.oitn I-'
going "Over the Top" with a greater
Mae than tiny of Itl nfeeeeeaaon
Tha reasons for thin arc not hard t i
find. Gradually hut rertnlnly arc
the peopli hcrnmlng aware .f tli" n I
lure of tin' MBBJ with whom Hull
hoy am Mgactd la the ntrugglo lii
France Tha analea of elf tierepi on.
In tha campaign to awaken tha
American people to tha raalttlaa of
war tha officials of the various pa
trlotlc bodlen could have done noth
ing more effective than the bringing
of Canadians veteran to "the states "
The moasagc which these eoldlera
left with every tttidlenre .not alone
by wliat they aaid, but the sincerity
of which they gave evidence waa,
that tho the game of war I a brutal
one, the Justice of the allied cause
make participation in the struggle
a blessing they would not forego
Tliero wbh no attempt nt heroic In
the graphic story of the front which
Major J. S Matlievvi sket. heel to his
I audience here last, week anil ihi'
Wltli the forbearance of soldier ami
with respect for the feelings of the
women and children lie niiiltiid MM
griies'ome atrncllles, that might hme
appealed to the mure nuirhld of lih
HinlitorH Hi' even. ri mi' m'nii mi,
told of a kindly deed by a Herman
..Wilier, and by so iIoIiik. In his evi
dent desire (o "play fair, and give the
devil hi due.' Impressed his me;
s.ige the more firmly home i'laln fl
bs after L'vory meeting he nildres-e.l
that hi and. tors had renewed their
determination to do their utmol In
ever) effort looking to the Ktirec-.-.
The Ford Model T One-Ton Truck Chaaata, 1(00
f. o. b. Detroit, haa baan thoroughly te-ted for mora
than two yeara. It la aold you now In the aasured
confidence that It will meat your requirement! and
ixpectatlona. The regulav Ford frame, only larger
ind heavier, tha regular Ford motor with direct
driven rorm goar; wheel bni:e of 124 Inches and
Bill l urn Inaide a 46-foot circle It haa all tha
ilmpllclty of the Ford car, all the economy In oper
ation and maintenance. Gmo In and we'll glva you
further dalls.
of Ignoram f Hue conditio! Ol Pn
ft AHm Mm m kB.hti.ailt,jlB 1 . .. - . fli(l fffllin I
., mm. easy. - If ,,,,, ,,.,, ,.,
their e e I he truth MiiiiiI UU
I he people or Ontario who tune
had the opportunity of hearing lil
gg feel honored, Indeed Ills
bring ng of n eomplete lii hint rj ma B'l
plain In all Its hold reality
There can he not peace for thai
Anieiiriin people until tha tam rei
lice of danrer Iroiu llolic nr.ollcriilM'i
....... 1 .... ...... L.. ...! I .1.
The terrible weight of ITn u"""""- "', """"n """ "'
gave a concrele picture of th
r gone The terrible mcIk
Ian militarism mil"! never dr:'"
America thru the povert) and i
adnesa with which It ha cur d Bhl
rope And to save this natlo-i fro::
that calamity our boys are
France and our dollar must b -lv.
freely for their support
All this I readied now by llM l
pie aa II was not In the t ataM
months of preparation in which th
last loans were subscribed The re
ports of causaltle are gradually
bringing home to those who IT st i
herfi the hell In which UM be)
are suffering An aroused pitbl..
opinion Is compelling the relm t.iiii i
bring their dollars from hiding, bu
thank (!od. the number of reluctan'.
half hearted citizens Is fast dimlu
Ishlng and the Third Uhaft) Ion
Is going to surpass all others wltl Ra
total of cheerfully loaned dollars
The Third Liberty Loan, aMtBI
with the anniversary of the entry ft
the nation Into the struggle for um
rami Jutloe and liberty, la en elo
quent, emphatic, practical renewal
oi I ha faith in the Justice of our
e It will hearten our allies and
give subsliiuce to the pledge u latt
laaafj preeeasweea' hj PraaMaal wu-
aon at Iialtlmore on Saturday
.o.. s In in t on. lor this and lor hi
message appreciation was express;
ry band The continuation
the custom of sending s, h men i
the Major to visit the remote cities,
where there is seldom an opportunliv
of meeting npre tatltnaj of othe
rountries. will lirliig about a I Ifl
fellowship and greater svmpalhy gad
understanding between Ilia great
demorruclcb of the North Amerli
v sn i; NT Its llui in
day evening the visiting offlcera. ac
companied hv M ss Marguret Dunbar.
Matron of Star theater, .Mrs U
l.-'i on. Past Matren: Mr l.etaou and
C r Trow, attended an enjoyable
aaaatOI of the order at Vale
NeTtrr: n nTitA tiks.
The bread ration of tha civilian
populitlon In France has been cut
vldual bread cards allowing only
HANOI Kl loll VIHITOKs about ten ntincea a day. barely one-
Star Chapter. O K ri, was honor
ml Tuesday by the presence of Mr
Lena (' Metidenbiill of Portland.
Pauline Moore Itlley of Caldwell. Pail
(irand Worthy Matron, and Mr.
tiranil Worlhv Matron of this stale
The early evening waa davotcd to Hi"
aaaaiaJtBaai aa or tha ork thru tha
Initiation of six new menilwrs. Mr.
John Kasmiissen. Messrs C K Tro,
Italpli Dunbar. Marry Clement. Julia
ftasmussen, and Kmory Hill
Following the lodge work and a re
ception for the visitor tha gathprlag
adjou d to tlie Carter lions,, where
i bun met was served On Wednes-
nil N w koii riu: .Mm.
I. J Simpson oi Coos Da. u ran
dldaie for the Itepubllcan nomina
tion for Governor, came to Ontario
last Friday an unknown personality
He left here Sunday morning alter
meeting formally or Informalh per
haps twenty per cent of the popul.t
Hon. bearing ID unmeasured r
apeit of them all .not Hie expressed
endorsement ,,r i large majorlo i ...
his candidal
The result of Mr Simpsons visit I
la a tribute to hi. peraonalitv lie'
made good with the people het,
eauae by 1,1, uiannir he iini.r. , .
them with the fa. I Ihst he Is big'
enough for the position ha seeks He
did not indulge in lha he,ip trl. ka of'
the politician and hR frankness In j
pbuMig tit cumiiii.o hafbia tha rt4 '
ers was the M8MM wlmli oaaaad Uk
way for the consideration of his plul
who knew hatora at eaaai
that be waa Louis J s
Coos Bay, the successful lumber .md
shipping man, were not airartaad n.
finding evidence in bis manner ,.i
successful bu :,,, , V
broad and i omiirelienaive grasp ,,r
Oregon s problems be i
surprised that he had the aMItt) i.,
put tbeiu forward with the aleaan I
of the trained orator
Tills. boweer. is the out. ma of
months of public speaking in behalf
Of the Ited Crosa iu n,,. Hrt)
Loans, for until he undertook 1,11,1,
public seriice. after r. tiling fr,,u,
active buainess. Mr Mmpacia bad
never iuduige.i n public spaahiai
He spent lin lime In n,, m.,nttge-
ment of the Siiniisoii lam bar and
shipping hUBlnes. ,,, LlU WMH no
small Job All He tlllu loo. lie s
working for the itpfealldtaa oi thai
rich ectiioi of 1. . 'iilcularlv
In Um ad ..ncitii. nt nl MarahftaM, a
city wblc .1.1111I- as .. monument 1.1
hla iibilit a alaar and it
In uew of the parord Ml Simpson
has made, of tha need, or ih
at tin- rime and In tha reconstruction
par od whicii win coma after tha wai -
R la evident thai 111 of the ;.er
petual politicians who are seeking
tha position, ha la tha man tha peo-;
pie of Oregon ahould aaiai't. formic iai
big tSOBfh for the Jul)
BIG, white, mealy with
butter melting on it
Um-m-ml And you like
it because it is baked. Same
with Lucky Strike Cigarette
Cooking makes things deli
cious toasting the tobacco
has made the Lucky Strike
Cigarette famous.
1 ;. n.o
Iff '" ! IXeufc
' . to Tk Aaariua
Iuk.cC.N.Y ca
Water Work System.
Ontario. Oregon April 1st. 1118
scaled proposals will be received
at lha office of the C ty Recorder of
tha City of Ontario. Oregon, until 3
o'cloi k p. ra. MouJj. . April I "t'i,
1P1S, for furnishing tha material
and constructing the following por-
. linn, of lilt. VL'hImp lA'nrt-. ftf
most .everely; they are now on ndl- tha Cltv of Ontario
ITKM NO 1, It being the General
Contract, according to the plana and
sperifli-ntlons therefor.
1THM NO. 3, It being for the fur
nli'ilag and installation of the
pumps and motor, according In the
plans and specifications therefor
Plana and specif Icationa may be
sn and forms for proposals. 0:1
which bids must he made, may be ob
tained upon application at the office
of the City Recorder. Ontario, ote
gou. or of Louis C Kelsey, 410
8elllng Hulld ng. Portland, Oregon.
Parties desiring plans and speci
fications for their personal use may
obtain them from the Knglneer on'
payment of $10.00 for plans and
fO 00 for Specifications
Tlia right la reserved to reject any
and all bids
Hy order of the Common Council
City Itenirder
civil Kng'naar.
Portland. Oregon
third Um average dally bread con
sumption of the French peasant or
workman before the war How does
It compare w it U your bread ration?
"Germany, the country with wlilatt.
we r:' at war. controls food, save
too,! stretches food as no nation
ever did before That she baa not a!
read baan beaten Is due no less- u
her food 01 k.i n 1 .at Ion than to bar
lighting organization She has put
food and patriotism together So
must w. 1 s Food Adinlnlstrn-:
Hon. I
I VSlv V4lWL 'stlaterJJL!
mJWr mteLM3
l M M aWaTMaarZT m w
tm - mm mm lw m m
ms,. iKms
07 uuaranleedbvs XJT -
W 1 1
- JH
f uimranted by
vr U
Jhts JhiAjLeaW
rnaat R. Mann. P'sintlff, va. Stella
Maan. Oafandat 1
,To 8TELLA MANN, the above named
OF OREOON, You ara hereby ra
quired to appear and answer tha
! complaint filed against you In thai
abova entitled ault on or before thai
18th day of April, mg, t,ie Mmel
wing ma last day of tha time pra
acrlbad by order of tha Court direct
lag aarvire of summons In mid suit
to ba made upon you by puoiicatloa
and If you fall ao to anawar for want
tharaof. the plaintiff will apply to
e .-, l0urt for tha relief demand
ad jx r?ti complaint, to wit
fV t Wraa of aaid Court diaaolv
V t'te booda of matrimony now 01-
-r."K M.'.aaa plaintiff and t.A
U S graatlajt the Plaintiff an a.
aolute divorce from you, and award-
ing the plaintiff the custody of Cleo
.nn. Mlume Mann, and Charlaa
Mann, the minor children of plaintiff
land defendant, and for all other re
jllef demanded In mid couiph,,,,.
iou are further notified that n.i.
aummonis8erved upon ylt by puh.
I llS'Bllt.... I aa
' " ' ,u l'ruauce of rder of
' ,h"'"n '""l "KH Judge of ,H
ourt. .blah said order was made
and entered In said cause on the Gth
?hatth,Mar'h mH "
ithat thia summons be uubllKb-.t ...-.
.each week for six consecutive weeks
-"- Ontario Argus' commeclnB
run tne issue of March 7 lois
Tha first publication of thl. .um.
ona 1. o. March 7. m8, tno
taat publication 1. on April 18, lii
v,...AM M WOODi
Raaldlng at Ontario, Oregon,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
When You Want Medicine
You Want It
Correctly Compounded
There nrc two things necessary in ,,
remeay. 11 must De the pror ,
for the particular ailment it waa n
for; and it must be properly comp
wiin lnareaiems tnat are right
TUtl TTTAT WTVTi AV lannn.
w -.-, was araswovjaxjry.
0. G. LUEHRl
A om fort able Feelii
A good many things may happen that J
gire you a feeling of comfort and securitrl
nothing will do this more surely than the ha
edge that you have money in the Bank
This is particularly true if your moner J
our bnnk. where you know it's safe. You'ol
it is there subject to your needs. ThatmiJ
get it when you want it That it fa nit 2
you need it. If you hare no bank aeootraj
invite you to .start one at our bank now, w J
ler now small. ou will add to it frwn M
rune ana it wiji soon be a source of coofort
security to you.
First National Bank
Thirty rear a aao tha t.i.nhn.. ... aaasss
throngh personal Initiative and private anterprlsa, It aa
a necaaalty within tha reach of evarrhAitf wtiara aaai
aasa had but ona telapboae with a llmltad talktag napi
ui naainoM bu aarrloa with a range three-quartan-n
aaat broad, and every brmaeh el arary bntlaaat la uia
7 oiuar oy an Intercommunicating talaphona syataav
Tha talaphona haa aarnad Ita raapoaalbla placa aM I
- vuu.vou Hen talaphonaa la thla country.
16.000.000 Ulka dally.
Every Bell Telephone it a Long Diatanc
Malheur Home Telephones
Special Price ,
Order this brand new, fully
ameea, (ieneral Elect Iron
A limited number at thii