tMK J fli OffTAIHO MM MTAMO OWWOW 1WIT Al " ' ' ' - """,ta ; -vy , V: .v .5-r,v-."'ik L -kJiiir.. :jy.Y W-W. :';'Jtfyfi mMrf Zffiz''-iaZSM ' JflEi -J;;'''.' ''Mm WKl JSmM x. he jflfeffv v.. ''.'.rTi. .miGBE -Sak nfjm jB ' ' 'S""'"V .'ir:' '.". , - BwJmOil A,, ' ' 'tjMASSffSS , . ' , " SfiU 'sv 'IBB! Pi" Tft Jr i iH'gP'dtjh''' j9 ''mM.nv 'Jvr"'' .-rSifc$" 1' I WBS'JHffifi jHofg j'1' ;' '' :. )i4 jP Mai v tHmw iA jt&W 't''Sxbj 18" "T! Kiip1. yiT."'.f-' r-t .BB B,J BnnlHV D IBH Hy ' JrrwWAJBXKpW' j -V . ?ai s 7' M7'Ji .W' .'.:'!? MM wtr iTitii wtb X TUiWlTO'PlJWB " TcHir & . - - JAnl r T'h' " THE efficiency of our khaki-clad eagle in A France helping to free the world of the German Vulture depends on our golden eagles r.t home. Men we have in plentyraw materials in abundance but 0Wy is needed to furnish our men with food, to turn raw materials into equipment. We need money for ships to get our men and equipment into the fight Without money to do these things, Victory is impossible our own safety is in jeopardy! Put an end to German fnghtfulness now and insure the safety of our nation by purchasing additional Liberty Bonds. No matter how many you have already bought, buy more. It is your opportunity to do your share easily, safely and profitably. Buy that Ijbtrty Bend today. Thu tpace reserved lor name of individuals and firm cmttrifcrtiaf lo the local Liberty Loan Advertising LIBERTY Aro Unitod Statat TboUrtorosal titan onrnod by of Government bat TWf d n4 re" Dn onrofitprodnciai" 1V im danonw "" - U nsgnnwardrronif''- ani- vory Anaorsean' kolr baa conntry. u Jfafl .. x - - -. , Ma aav MM "" T--pr-r I aWoei el any chnrge for Aay Baak WiB W . d wfmn h ,u H x. w.c--------- This space is paid for as the patriotic contribution , of : Rader Bros. Co., Ontario, to the successof fj "V4(XXo