The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 11, 1918, Image 1

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nfcurtjOf t$m.
NO. 14
iihkrtv LOAN otota IS
iarrtftre of Tlmr r Effort De
ed to Mnkf t.aii Drive Success
wo water for irrigation
is prospect for ONTARIO
In loss NBI action In taken
and that i j n 1 1 -k 1 y there will be mi
garden In Ontario this season.
That uk'hiih a erlou food hort
nge and endangers the health of
tin- i Hy, hh well Kfforta to e
rnre a iiioruin of the Blink
holder of the Ontario Water
Uaera' association ao far have
failed No arrangement have
yet been made for water and
many citizens are not planting
the Kardena they planned he
raiiHP of the uncertainty of the
water situation Something;
muat ho done at once.
ement of tha Mal-
a In the Third l.lh-
Ve for the "ale of
la wflBwBwwBBe The minimum Ik
, ,ii Hike every other dm-1
By the effort will lie i
. to oonti:i I tli" drive until 'hej
', V) prnt greater, If not
Br Issued In Wash
dlrcctlni: thi't the
do not the any
f romm!tteea, that
tliui nuiNi be with
ng to tile
m Tuaedfty
i committer
a wmwi
estl lafon
Masons for thla may
to everv one, the
..i" by Major J. H. Mtithcvv
Hiiug Picture of Win Home to
Mall outity llllH in .-
With gas musk, steel helmet ami
latmlia added to hla many personal
jwlng the ordera of j experience In the righting zone of
lit. rtgrhou nsli i Franc and Belgium, Major J. s
I apparent a -I I Matliewa. of the le2ad Ilallal on.
moil communities Canadian Infantry. captured five Mai
Fifty Per Cent Over-Subscription
Asked of All Districts Work on
Ontario haa another patriotic duty to perform. We are naked to
oversubscribe our Uota fifty per cent. Tho our workera and our
peiple have done well, we muat i eet thi new demand We urge you
who have not done bo to purchase bonds now to your utmoat Those 4
who hae already Imught and ran do ho consider mean of Increasing
your purchases Do It now. No money ever was called upon to do
such noble service for Our Country and for Humanity.
FHAMx iiadi:i, Chairman.
Ita a aplendld work you nre doing for the cauM of liberty. Mai-
heur county went over the tnp the second day. Hut you muat not
atop. Keep the ball rolling Secretary McAdoo aaya we must have
a heavy oversubscription, which Is construed to mean at leaat !0 per
cent. This means $400,000 00 for Malheur county It can be ra's
id ami should be raised Several districts are already heavily over
their ii 1 1 Other will follow Itcinember this ciimpiilKii does not
close until Mny 4th. so KKKi KVKItl. ASTINOTY AT IT From all
over the county cornea the report that the cltlxeTi are responding
nobly to thla call, and many of them, who can no doubt, will Increase
their subscription to meet the new demand, while the byway anil
hedge will be aearched for the delinquent onea.
All together now for Die $400,000 00 mark. On tonight balance
4 It mean lea than $$4.000. 00 to raise
Faithfully youra,
J h.h.ackahy.
lounty Chairman.
Arrangements liuve practical
ly been completed for the pur-
base of the distributing ayatem
of the Ontario Wnler cnmpim.
by the city. The detail of th"
transaction are not definitely
known but the consideration ll
placed near $4,000 for the pipe
and plant, leaa the tank ami
wiiiilMiiise grounds The com
pany ih to continue lo opernle
the system until the city I
ready to turn from It own
pumping plant into the pipe.
Work on the definite contract
Is taking place now
VALi AHLF. sheep . i I .
tahio MAY RRI.. n -
tfao of Desert for Growth of Hardy
b. ii ik ills villi Save exporting Over
$I4,IHMI,IMH Annually Urcat Wool
ami Mutton Producers.
lnatead of paying exhorbitaul pi u
I for Imported I'erslan lamb fura or
Aatrakan, In the near future the wo
in. 'ii r Ontario will wear these beaut
iful garments not long after they
i come from the bucks of Oregon grown
Well Ktmn Engineer ami Business Karakul sheep
Man Hiicciiinb to Illness Tin's.
iIh.i Morning I'miiral
I 'bill -.!
vto Inve
000 In
ft. OMI
$) 6.101
o K llaldwin, aallant farm At The Dalle laat Saturday even
labor specialist of the department of Ing the Ontario H!gh School debating
,rl,i , heur county audlene frotu gatardav i "" -"' " "" - - -
-. i.- -i- i. mU. M..n.l.v .. iht. .k .Ato Investigate the lala.r problem Aa mi year and lost tlie opportunity or
all. -Mi county was The Malor ararW nflirla.
to wtart the cam-,,,. th- jwrt,
when President W ju,urnBy and there lie laid from lhr
Oregon-Weatem ,nl, ,y Ml QMkBAl what he and
n Hiiliscrltieit for .... ........... t..
" I. M MFIUIPI VWVHmWH VBpri JTV.rU III . -, .. .. w& .1. L. J
r hi. . .. ..- .- . ONTARIO. Or. Aarll S. 1$1S tn wi i"y "
.,.. ... "--- TalFIOIIil UllaaKVll III I ll 1I$K(1V. IB . j ... ,i,. lAata.
Iheur wa credited cludln (he u)m of T,r4- lhjW. the a.deralg.ed O-tarR, lm.:aea. --- -- ""-"'
. . ft... ft- . . . - a.a..M -.hM 1 11 an av lha aaa.I In Tin .nil -e ... ... i . "i -
iur umnn m" .real alraaala ob the aaaaia. .-..-.. .
.- . I .. ... ... Bu 10 jui ill. . nm it. in iiij. nil mnifti i.i-
irrwillim or laimr aaa ine aerivtiac 01 - -
nil crop, of food ftaff , taatthi. bealde. The Dalle. Portland
ITllUM peaatr ran do tb.t full ' Vancourer. Wn.
duly to Ikaaea1vi aud tbcfi allbjs in
tl.e great war. cheerfully plclrv
T naian.Uoa aad aeraky Jgailly
oar allllngaena to aid the farmer to
the utmost ilur m: the coming seas n
If '. Iiecome. nercseary, i.' the Judi.
Till la not a possibility but a pro
bability, for with the purpoae of de
termining the advisability of bring-
Ing many of the famous Karakul
iiheep to Central and Eaatern Oregon,
fuesday morning Ontario cltliena nr (J, Young, vice ITealdent of
baineil with sorrow or the death of the International Karakul Kaiu
,A. I. Jaqulsb, proprietor of Dream- jboulletto Sheep company of Helen,
luml Theatre and well known archl-JTexaa acconipinin d W Davldaon,
luiiiral engineer. The Illness w lib -t I president of the Oregon-Western Col
clalmed him waa of but a few day conization company on a tour of the
or rtle he found many bile taking the State t haiuplonshlp
the pool room and a the ra- The debatera, Minn Clara Craig and
ult be canvaaaod the business men Wealey tJlenn. acqulted themselve-
with Hie following reeehrttaa and with honor to their arhool and the
very man nlgaod It: Judge following the derision declar-
aci ion
duration, tbo he had not been tboroly
well lor some time, however, It was
jnot believed hi con dt Ion wa erl-our.
Mr. Jaqulsb leave hla wife and
larney and Crook
rgaiiltatlons which
the W. C. T. U
the Argus of Ita de
ll 00 bond after It
bar Saturday aa
loii" of the country
lion A
Mlgb Si luml band an I
radal. hped by Red Cros.
a tn fed the Honor (iua- I
school p halted before the
oral Kt the City Hall.
e County Hlrman J It lll.rk-
l,r-nie.l B open air raeetlnv..
'. Hkm, held a conaple-
placa tn Hbne of march
title K, following tho In-
Hon by Htarl M. Hauna, Mr.
ftaby Bully told the pur-
When he had finished there wa not
a pereon bat a clearer
picture of life on the battle front and
held. too. a greater reaped for the
fighting Mien and their eeif-aauifUv .
The aiaakar declared that tlie bmw
aaga ha had to bring wa the HUM
aa that which nor n laaya will re
turn with, that u dtwd f valur done
parade )y ( , BIItd,B. m,, lM. ni,OB ttn
counterpart performed by Americans
Knglaud'a reorptlon of Ike Cana
dian... which he said waa lielag re
pealed for American Hoops when they
went lo Hie Bagllab port, waa an In
spiral Ion. never to lw forgottaa.
After detailing the lira of the
training ramp he told teraaly of the
fighting tone and ho wtlie men live
there. He dearrlbed how barage
tires prepare the way for attack and
how the charge goes to drive
1 1 mi buck arroes the bur-
stale which ended In Ontario laat Ft I
day afternoon. And aa the roault It
la probable that the hardy Karakul
and the croaa breeds of that sheep
will aoon he found on the range a
Mrs. W W. I.etsou ntertalned hi
Luncheon Tuesday In honoi of Nil Cranil Wirlhv Mat'. .
of tha .iref.on Grand Cahpler O. K M.
and had her guest. .Mr. Rile., of
, i . .,.., . mmi . r m . ,r , . i . 11 11
111. ill of 111. ..tin ml ',r lie' , -. -. ..... ......... .
Ll.n .. ln.tM m A 411. Ur,l(.
iniiii of Agrlruiiur-'. we Mill ric.n " " "" e - -
iur placea of ligstriess durtac tin
Loam neroeaary or ai range for "'j
ilerr of some of o.u employe pail
I liutibi. I V i.rlbt
CliBVver. I'll rlo
Ma' on of Sttu'
of i brlng and retailed
'.in 0ro( America Into tha ,l'"
Bla waa followed b der
,V.ev.. pVwhlcli lightened the story with anecdotes
Hudy patriotic song ,,f trench life some of which cam.
BBHa like. I wl"' " humor In time lo
, ,i, Llvlngalon then de -drive back an unwelcome tear, for
ei L addrear on the 'there waa no alteuipl on his part to
tiaai to aaalat m ibt. bare ant big or
I si.tlag of rraai.
We also give out uanuallfled en
dorseiuenl of th" ,.r-position that ft
coinpulaory' law or ordar be
pi. mulgated for a' 4mr'.m the
dlriitlou of tha war. that In reallt;
lb.- American people caa wake go, ..
the pledge of it:
Mr. Daw of Welser spent Wednes
day with her eon, Jo. Daus of the
Ontario rharmacy en route from
Homedale. whore ahe vl.lted with her
three daughters. Mrs Alexander Mr
I'heraon, Miss Dorothy and Pauline,
all of Ontario. Reside there la a
I sister. Mra Jennie Oreer of Aahland
'and a niece, Mr. Jennie Carlson of
Spokane. Wn. Mra. Greer and Mr
aim air arison cnioe n-rc . ' , )Uy, naUght In return
tend the funerul service beul tlilsi
afternoon froie the Haptlat churc'i
under the dlrertlon of the Knighta
of I'ythlaa lodge, of which he wa a
member Ret Herbert l.lvlngaton
conducted the service.
Mr. Jaqulsh came of French
Huguenot stock and wua horn In
k'mibuLM t-.lll.llv III IH veurs II .11
,t)n November 12. M3. he married d " "u-u'n "ur n",h " bl"
Mia. Adelphln. Lawl. of S, r.nton, " f"w ""k" ot " " "'" bJul-
,. , ... valuable, urcordlng to Dr Voung, who
Pa. With hi family he came to On
Ikltib. UL..CW .. ....iua. , i I. In ....
tarlo eight yeara ago a a. lakeii -""-.' "' '" "
an active uterert In
the slate.
The Karakul la a aheep Utile kuown
In America, tho the producla of Ita
hide, and wool are familiar and for
theee the United State annually ex
ports over $14,000,000 to a laud that
The Introduction of the Karakul Ml
America by Dr. Voung, raada like a
piece of fiction but the puss blllii -that
the Introduction of this aheep In
to Oregon poaaeeae brings the sub
ject profoundly within theaphere of
practical business. B o doing de
aert lands that now produce nothing
ffulr here !,err'e" hera laal Friday by referencea
alnce that lime Last full he pur
chased the business and equipment of
Attorney P J. Celiac her returned
from Hums today and reports that
bejelaeea oadltloti. In the Harney val-
l'i-sldeat and the lay never looked more favorable
i- f the B and what it means
i i1 paftt Kt patriotic, pleading
every ciBa present lo do hla
I ansa Bed b Major J s
oaen, ke iddreas Is given
Bj was starting the,
ay Bl .nl Nyssa is'
l.adara of the ua'cn tlui
Here and there In bl. apeach he h -bv , u.,do., to mU th.
i a '.is of the 'r edom of ' aorld
"Toggery IHIV W W I.mUkmi. D.
M. Taggart. Aletandar Co., H. Craein.
K. A Fraaer. Irwin Troaell. O. 0.1
l.uebrs, Itay Wilson. Ward Cenfleld.
J. T. McNulty. Van Fettea l.uuiln i
Co . Kroeaalu Harneea Co., Herbert
Livingston, J It Forlier, O. T. Smith. I
!C. D. McX?oy. J. U. Atherton. J A
lu.l.u... VI A Willi., Vlf ,,.II.H V ..r '
. Hroe. by M M Bush, Local Mgr.
Neither was there any attempt to
rouse a spirit of hatred, rather waa It
evident that the magultade of the
leak, the grluiueaa uf the business of
fighting, the self sa. rlfl.e of the
soldiers, the wonderful fortitude of
lha French slid British men and wo
men at home was what he sought to
ut .Irr way. At sjmpress upon his audiences The pet -
f ... ...,.. I.., .Ill U.I.I..1. ll. I. .1.1 (ll.
u was ins spe..arr -" - "... ... ...... ....
r Mi'i Inaug- atory gave It force aud the audience
lign i. Nyaaa In the r,,UI aiieuuon
)ntarl., H.e calebra- Toward the close of his lecture he
iborri., cities were showed the gas masks uaed by the
tlaui and serveu ! sonuera. suowen ine aim s nouui ami
ci deavor of all explained how they were uaod and
do their unuiosi added to Hie reallam by donning a
team i apt. Ins. thu nritl.ti Tommy s sieei neimei which
various .ouimlttees "ore evident e of having been in MM
naat waek reported , "on
I of i".eftratloii ever It costs, he Said, $1500 to put a
Mlaa Paul Cayou and daughter
Marvel leave the laal of the week to
tola Mr. Cayou at Nainpa w liere they
will wake tuelr hoate.
A. K. Browa of Veaator returned
ta Ontario Wednesdav from h trip to
Fort la ud and other Coast points on
Attorney J. W. UcCallocl. returned
from Burn today after a length,
stay with court mattera.
to official government bulletins of the
I'nlicd Stales d-pc t i'i ut of . gr. ul
. . ,. ..ii , lura, the British Department of agri-
I n iitnlaiiil anil lias siiccessf ullv mall-.
i. i .. ! i i ulture and slmlllar bulletins of the
agad It since then . It is under ic.oil
, ... k ,i . Canadian and South Aferlcau goierii-
tliat the business will be continue I . - - - J
by bla estate under the direction of!m
his daughter. Mlaa Dorothy. ftJ 'sn interested n the ,le-
t Valopmeut of Eastern Oregon and
ADRIAN NEWS particularly Hie sheep Industry, which
Is the ouly one that can exist on a
The O. H I. bridge gang slopped In :'""" "rMo" "" brr"n uoumg4n
low n last wek tlotug repair work.
Adrian went over the lop at one
o dock Saturday IB the Third Liberty
mi .nil Mr. u. i. .c.i .r. . ,- - ,. ,.., .. ...
mined at dinner Saturday aud Man w, mm (r ubrry
day evening. On Saturday evening KrM(y ttluooo
they had for their gueats, Major and.
Mrs J 8. Mathews of Vancouver. B rjr. j. prlnxlog returned Wedne
C .; L J Simpson of Coos Hay. Ralph ay frolu Pord.nj w,r he went on
Ixi.ii drive and hy 4 o'clock had over
liO per cent of their allotment raised
and reports atlll coming In
Fd Ten Have waa Id town Monday
. . . . .. .. ,
and subscribed to lite i turn j.inenv or b Dep,,,,,.,,, ot Agrl. ulturi al
l-oan Ed haa a honaataad near gir,. copies of which min be sen,
'Mitchell Butta and expects to prove beri) (D Ontario or can be ebialual
up thla spring. froni the department
sides will be Interesletl In what D
Young bad to sav about the Karakuls
for the United Slates government her
laaued bulletins for 7 ye ,rs concern
ing the experimental work ho ha
baen do ng toward starting the In
dustry In America Details of I Us
work can be found In the Near Hoot
J. Staehll of Portland, and Mra. Lucy
It Fox of thla city Ou Monday even
lug with Major and Mra. Mathew-a the
guests were Mr and Mrs W W L. t
Ralph Euitson
Is quite sick at his
Miss Margaret Ills, kali) Is ill witli
it. V Harland of Alfalfft Heights , ,,'r measles
waa In Ontario today endeavoring la
c nee. v
24 thorubi' 'I
! .. ..- -M
Tti u. i'.. ....ii... ...i, ii...- in 1 1.. inn.i... unit loale i tie owner oi
bats of a tegree of ' by addlug thereto fhe story how Kim- " ,"I rayaa io ins noniest.,,,,
I I VI . ft 1. uv ft. as ..I 11
gag aasilflaae to buy land aud Frame are stlntlug r ,ri""" ", "" '--" aa bv .mi ;.alva of urnl lb. ..aeinbluae ' "ou sre looking
in We.lieaday tvveu to kwva nothiug undone to increase l""" ''ll''IN ,n .vrs The r..- I
lit... .r...w a.wl fr..,.l, b. I.iilllil. I.. lUCIOK lllgll HOW SOd all tlie ,1.1
Mlsa Ruth M. Cull. nh I. Ill th'-
to I e
drive I think aa
If my itt'.ghbor. than
before "
rarork horaa. 2 light
double harneea, 1
heroaas, 1 sat aurrey
auo. chlckaus Phone
try ti W Ab.-i
giaiu I th lift- well
HHKF.I nil M'
carry on the Mar
Uealde speaking al the uieetiuv,
Saturday afternoon Major Mathews
spoke iu Nyssa Salurdai even'ng, at1 Twenty-four head of bla 'It fgi I
the I'uiou meeting Sunday uight, at Ithorobred bucks came to ua bJbis
the High School Monday morning : five miles north of Ihi il.ilc
and at Vale Monday evening He was! bridge ou Sunday, Apil 7 Tin - here by his wife Sun sheep are marked with broad loop of but when thla la done so that the
I week.
Attention is called uf all clllren
that there I. an ordinance of the CI'
of Outarlo piohihllliig the ruunin
i I likens ut large within the ell. II i
It . Owners nre respon Ible and ..,
-nhject to penalty for the violation i
i o ordlnaiice.
Alan there la an ordinance prohib
iting tha staking out of stock of all
kiuda on tha public streets or allay,
The fanners are rejoicing over the
fall rain we had Tueeday
Lytle tnd Robinson left lor Iron
side with their cattle on Saturday.
A car of household goods and
farm Implements was unloaded Mon
day for a new-comer ne; r town.
New pumping plauts of McCrearv
aud (ir 'Hug ere rbout in place and
soon will be throwing water oa the
ut-wly cultivated land.
Mrs Hlckox and Mrs H O, John
son were Parma shoppers Wednes
day. A Urge crowd attended the patri
otic meeting he'd al the Klugunii
Kolouy scIiimiI ' 'Oi'-te
At Sunday atlM si Suiuluy ft! i
'belton was e.lettctl sup. i ,'.ti eilt
for next year, Miss JoIiukIou,
luting, alio pas the
much Juproted
day afternoon they were the guests uf red paint on right side Owner may
Mr. and Mrs J. it. Hla. kaby for :iu'hava same by paying for tbia adfi W
auto ride over tbe valley and le.t J tlsemaut aad for trouble la earing
here Tuesday eveotug for La Uraude. for sheep.
where the Major spoke WedneaUet . R V HARLAND.
erenigf. Outage Oregon
slock will in no wise block foot traf
fic oa tha sidewalks or block travel
on tha streets It will be aarmltted. al
th. owaer s risk
ia- atkrahal.
Miss Clarice Can field waa the
holder of tha lucky number 317 ami
is now enjoylag outings in the c.o
given to th Outarlo Red Cros ('hap-1
ur by I.. J. sunpeoa, candidate (or
the Republican nomination who vl.
lted Outarlo last week
lu speaking of tbe induatry Dr
Young aald to the Argus:
"The Karakul la a weed daatroylng
browsing desert an toil romparei.
to the camel or the burro and is in
digenous to the Kara Kum desert al
Certral Asia l Weal Turke.lan ) lu
thla desert wlilch la ..i. fourth i'
aixa Of Europe, there no domestic
animals except the t. ia, burin tag
Karakul and the goal called Iht
DJran. There b absolutely no gt.
on the desert. Then are two l.udo i
known aa the ntekaaul, whit b
bias tbe sslt cedar, and the so-cull !
Kolitchkl. a bush thai has uctdl
and can nnlv be devouretl b
camel, Ike Kcrakul and the bum
account of tlieir tough i :
sliong lieth
"The advantage of the Karakul la
Oiegou Is this: II possesses at.'
mucous roembrsue and teeth that m v
er wear down ll la very foul t
dry weeda, especially the hussh.u
thistle on which it in subsist faring
the entire year and acciimuliite Ira
menou.. qu. nilll - of (si.
"Teals ui.vlv by Swllt A Co. aad
Armour A Co. aud by Jaaa H I
vice nreaidaat of the Elral National
(Coatiuueil aa Page tit