The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 04, 1918, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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PAOt t
NOTICE: Thnre In .1llnn.... .
ih. a..r,..i i .r. . ..
... ...-... inuiin in me
trlct. on account of the aaaassment
for tho year 1917. which mil.) ...
m BLLD-I M 1-kllll I1IIMII' II IIV III lit Ilia
ment was levied by the Board of Dl-
rectors f,r nald dl.trlct at the meet-
ins of the Board held Beptcmhor 28.
1917, -nd on account of the speclai
assessment of $1 00 per Irrigable
acre, which Bam asseaiment ..
l.'i iiuimii i 1.1, com a no.
Onorge Miller. Payelte.SE ViflW U
Sec. X. Twp. 1.1. It. 4Tio2 pet,!
alty 96 36, coat $.60. "
Mra. ! J Bnrit. WolHor. Idaho Eu
BE. Hpc. 8. Twp 16. H, 47. $563 11
iinnnllv 928. 1G. cost 9T,n
--. '- T--..
1'ratik E. Knox
C HNWK f NK'.4 47. 944.77. penalty 92 14.!
coat? B0. h . '
E. W. Blakesley. I'ny-:lt. nri.
NE and RIHIBHNlHi aori?
Twp 16, R. 47, 9320.76, penalty
$16.04, coat 9 r0
I'ortl.ind Iveatoclt Co., Portland.
Oregon, NW Bee Ifl, Twp ifl, r'
47, 9110' 94, penalty $66 24, cost
$ 50.
W. E l.nllnnio. Cnrvclla. Cmf
NBVi HWH IM Ifi. Twf 1U, It 47,
$178 20. penalty $8.91, coat $.50
Claudn McCulloch, Portland, Ore
gon. SEVi BEV4 8m. 19, Twp. 14, It
47, $249.49, penalty $12. .47, coat
U. E. Wllaon. Cambridge, Idaho
8YVBEU Sec. 16. Twp. 16, K 47
$213 84-penalty $10 69, cort 9 60.
Bert w. Anderson, Payette. N
8K Sec. 19. Twp 16, R 47.
$670.24. penalty $29.51, cowt I .11
Bart Anderson, Payette, 1:4
NW'4 8-" 23, Twp HI, It 47, 9570.
24. penalty 926 .61. cost 9. 60.
Mrs Zcda O. Fields. Welser. Idaho.
WV1NWV4 8c. 16. Twp. 19, R. 47,
9670 24. penalty $29,81, coat $.60.
Martha Thorn, Payette, Idaho w,,
8V' Sec. 16, Twp 16, It 47. $498.
96. penalty $24.94, coat $.60
J M. Marrow. California. VV
IWH See. 16. Twp 16, K. 47, $71.
28. penalty $3 66, coat $.60.
A. T. Blahop, Payette. Idaho. U u,
SENWU, Bac. 16,. Twp. 16, It. 47,
$142 56. penalty $7 12. coat $.60
Frank Cram, Payette, Idaho, EV
HK '4 NWH Se. 16. Twp 16 K 47
$142 56 penalty $7 12. cost $ 60
Frank Cram, Payette, N NW ,
su , Soc. 23. Twp. 14, It 47, $142 -66.
penalty $7.12. coat $60.
Mrs. Mabel lllgelow, Moscow, Ida
ho. SViNViNEK Soc. 16. Twp I, R.
47, and SHHHN'HNViNEH Hec 16,
Twp 16. It 47, and S ', N '.,S vN V
of NS of NK'i Sao 16, Twp 10, It
47, $392.04. penalty $190
Cost I
C 8.' Uunnel, Ogden. rtsh. 8V,
NK., Her 16. Twp 16, It. 47. $296 -12,
penalty $14 75, ooat $.60.
Mrn llowen anil A. P Mclnlyrc.
Balliintyne. Montana, 8E NEW
Sec. 16, Twp. 19, R. 47, $17$. 10,
penalty $9.91, cost $.60.
A. 8. Fields. YVataer, Idaho, NE
8V, Sao. 16. Twp. 19, K 47. 9296 -12.
penalty, $14.79, coat $.60.
tieorge Wludle, Payette. Idaho,
VVH8EW Sac. 16, Twp. 16. It. 47,
$570.24, penalty $28.61, cost S l,
iorge W Indie, Payette, Idaho,
8EV8EVt See 92, Twp. 19. It 47.
$296 19. penalty $14 75. coat $.60
c M Johnson, Payette, Idaho, EVs
EV8WBEH 8c . Twp 18. It
47. $71.28, panrlty $2.69, cost $.60.
lieorgo Wlndle, Payette. Idaho,
NW fcNEfc Sao. 17, Twp. 16, It. 47.
$295 12, penalty $14.76, cost $ 60.
Oaorga Wlndle. Payatta, Idaho.
WV, of WH of NEW NEW Sac. 27,
Tv.p 16, It. 47, $71.28, penalty $8 .
. coat $ 60.
J W Coataa, Payette, Idaho. NE'.
8t Sec. 16. Twp. 16. R. 47. $26J -7$.
penalty $13,17. ooat $.60.
W Griffin, Payetta, Idaho. IIV
SK', Sec. 16, Twp. 19, R. 47, $29u
12, penalty 114.76, cost $.60
Blood, Iticliard uud Adair, Boise .
ldalio, WV, NW1 Sec. 14, Tup 1.
at. 47. $298.73, penalty $13 17. com
Blood, Kh hard and Adair. BoaN,
Idaho, 8EW NWW Sac. 14. Twp. Ifi.
R 47, $295 12, penalty $14 76, goal
Blood, Richard and Adah'. K i '
Idahu NEW HW ' Sec. 14, Twp 1
R 4 7. f:) ". 1. iienalty $14.7.'.
Mrs. Myrtle Stout. Payette Idaho
NW ,sw If Bm 14, Twp lti, I;
liu 84 penalty 910 69, cost I 19
1 c Hargrove. Welser, 1
WSW8W '. 4, Twp Hi K
97, $142 69, penalty $7.12, cost $ 60
M. E. Loonay, Welsar, Idaho. W '..
tV '4S Sit 14. Twp. 16. It 47.
142 66. penalty $7 12, cost I II
W Qrlffbt, Payette, Idaho, 114
l W Sec 14, Twp 16, K. 47, 8296 -II.
penalty $14.75, coat $.50.
Mr Mabel Blgelow, Mode . . Ida
ho. N'WSEW Sac. 14. Twp lti 11 47.
$i7o 24, peualty $28.61. cost 9 50
Mrs Mabel Blgelow, Moscow, Ida
ho, SEWSEW 8c 14. Twp lti. It
47. $291 If, penalty914.T5. cost $.90.
Joauph Jacoba, Seattle. Washing
too. NWWSaVtj See 13. Twp 16. H
47, 2S l, peualty 914 70, 10M
Joseph Jacoba, Seattle, Washing
ton. SW'WNEW Sac. 13, Twp. 19, K
17, $296 12, peualty $14 7
Joseph Jacoba, Saattla Washing
ton, Lot 3, Otc 13, Twp 19. It 47,
71 28, paaaltj IS.M, coat $ 50
Joseph Jacoba, Saattla, Washing
ton, NWW NEW S- 6. Twp. II,
? 47. $295 12. penalty 114.75. cost
Lester Sewell, Payatte. Idaho
"UW of NEW Sac. 19, Twp. II, It
47 and W of SEW of HW Sac. 19,
JP 16 R 47. $427 $8, peualty
21 iH. cost 2.60.
, Joseph Jacoba, Saattla, Waahlng
ton. NWW8WW Sac. 91. Twp. tl. R
. 4249 94. penalty 112 47
levied by tho Hoard of Director for laR ii ..-T.'i. ., , I?' I8, K 47,
...d dlKlrlct on January 8th 1918 Q 61PT ' ,y, ,1475' COBt B0
the aeve:l amounts me aa follows- ' uriae-V," ...". J v't. Idaho.
J M. Bwanson, Payette. Idaho . . TT., . ,.W 8e?: 2'.TwP- ".
U 8W14, Beo. 8, TWD. 16. It 47 1 r.n '""" Penalty 17. II, ooat
Jam.. O Rar.rk
8EKBWU Bee la x
llAAK ifiTj.'o
t'aldwoll. Idaho
16, K. 4
-- , yciiBiij n.r&, cost V o0.
k,,,J."" "rara, tatawell, Idaho
-.? ""' "c
84, Two. It. K 4
penalty IX4.B4, cost 50.
III . .
BWtTsti ia Tn , i 8. '
?. LT..1.3:??"' 2- R '. la
b W iliti. ,. T.' 'A0;
and NUNW L' a' Tdaho?E!?
47 I14B1 3 nenai.v' t7ha6,
9 60 ' pnaltJr " 69, cost
O. w Lain. t.....- .....
imu;., .""'.."'.' ,u,au'""
11 ip u.n
M70 s4 Jl 1, S'T.W,P' 18, U 47'
iLrlVi'T1 ,&,
auTtu Tmu o '''V' I,n""-
u 47 iir ' ",' ' Pwp JK
i 60 ' Pen",y ,7"' '"'
,,'... . ...
Welaer. ,daho,8W8WH 8 u Twp ,7 H 47
"cc I 1. un 'till it i. ..'. ' . J V "
u w iJittiv it, ,..,. . . ,
ifur-J ...!' 'V.00" ' u.-
nwT. lwuZT"'uJ,Kl,S..w'"'
D ? . " K' " 1WD "
R 47
$71.28, penalty $8.56, cost
$ 50
miKS?!,; Utt,- yio. Idaho.
JfHIW W Sec. 24, Twp. IB. II 4 7
"'". penalty $16.92, cost 9.60.
ua3 .K . U,"" Wt. Idaho.
8EV48WW 8ec 24. Twp. 1, R 47
9H9 9, penalty 97 48. cost 9 60
Marry K. Laltlg, Payette, Idaho,
SWSWWNWWSec. 24. Twp. 16 R
47. 9142.66, penalty 97.12, cost 9 60.
a.sil!2L ,'","- 'yttn. Idaho,
NhWSWW of NW W Sec 24. Twp.
1. H 47, $3207. penalty $1.60.
cost $.50
John Oary. Payette. Idaho, NE',
Sac. 23, Twp. 14. R. 47. $1140 48.
penalty $57.02, cost $.60
Mrs. It w Anderson. Payette,
Idaho, NH NEW8E'., Her . ;.
16. K 4", $128.30. penalty $6 41.
cost $.6i.
J Lockln. Aurella. Iowa, WW
NWW Sac. 22, Twp. 16, R. 47, 9670 -24,
penalty 928 69, cost 9.60.
J C Uickln. Aurella. Iowa. HW.
and WWEWNWW of NEW See. 34,
Twp 16, R. 47. $895.13, penalty
$14.75, coat $.60.
Ore Wllklns. Wastervllle. Ohio,
NW',8EW Sac. 22, Twp. 19, It 47.
9295 12, penslty $14 75, cok $.60.
W. A. Ayers. Payette. Idaho. 8WW
SEW Sec 14, Twp. 14, It. 47. $296
12, penalty. 914.76. cost 9.60.
W A. Ayers. Payette. Idahu. NJgtJ
of NWW 8ec. 16. Twp 16, It 47,
$295 12, penalty $14 75. cost $50.
I. II. Martin, Westervllle, Ohio,
EW8E'or SW 1, Kec 23, Twp. 16,
R. 47, 9143.69, penalty 97 12. cost
j N
J. E. Al .on, Seattle, Wash., EW
WWSEWh.VW Sac. 23. Twp. 16, It
47, 971 .58. penalty 93 59. cost 9 80
Clark Itlioadei, Westervllle. Ohio,
WWW 'i8E'8W', He. 23. Twp 16,
171.22. penally $3 66. coat
I 50
F Vincent, Payette. Idaho,
Hon imc. U, iwp. is. it. 4,
$295.12. penalty $14 75. coat $ 50.
J W Uorwart, Soattle, Wash
ington. 8WNWW8WW 8ec 23. Twp
16, It. 47, $124.68, penalty $7.12,
cost $.60.
V. W Itslne. Orlaud. Indiana NEW
SW' Sec 23, Tap 16. It. 47, $295.
12. penalty $14.76. cost $60.
Arthur C Miller. Falfurius, Teias,
EWEWSWW8EW Bar. 23, Twp 19,
R. 47, 971 29, penalty $3.66, cost
$ 50
Mabel A Barton, Payette. Idaho,
SF.'.SU , Sec 22, Twp. 19. It 47,
$296.12, penalty $14.76. cost $.50.
Otto c Miller, Payette. Idaho, N W
VK'i Sao. 23. Twp. 19. R. 47, $570 -$8,
panalty $2$. 51, cost $.60.
Otto C Miller. Payette. Idaho.
8MW8EW Sao. 89. Twp 16, It 47,
$295.12. penalty $14 76. ooat 9.61.
Otto ('. Miller, Payette, Idaho.
SWW SW W Sec 26, Twp. 16. R. 47,
$296.12. penally $14 75. cost $.60.
II II I'n.ul. Salt Lake City, Utah.
EWNWW S4 22. Twp. 16. It $7,
$570 24, penalty $28.51, cost $ 60
II II Prout, Sail Lake City. I'tsh.
North 4 acres of NW SW ' Sex-. 29.
Twp lti, II 47. $456 lit. penalt)
111.11, cost $.60.
II I! I'limt. Hall Lake tit), Itah,
4NW ' Se. 2. Twp 17, It. 47.
$627.47. penally $26 37, cost $.60
i M Jotuwon Payatta, Idaho
SU '4 an. I .SK', and N W
NE'4 Bat It, Iwp 10 It 47, $4J
eualty $21 38, coal $ B0.
c m Johnson. Payatta, Idali 1
WWSW'.SK', Sec II, Twp lti. II
47, $142.66, penalty $7 12, cost 19
C M Johnson, Payette, Idahu
WW "I KW sw '4 r hi-. .
Twp 16, It. 47, $71 28, penalt
$3.50, cost $ 50
It Swagler, tlni.uh. Oreg..n,
NBWBEW Sec. 22. Twp II. . R 47,
ltll.ll. peualty $14.75. cost $50
Charlei McCosh. Paette, Idaho
W'SEW 8 2' TwD l' R 4"
$295 12, peualty 114.75. cost I
W N. Grace. Payette, Idaho. BW
HW. Bet 22, Twp 16, H 47, $570.
24, penalt) $99.61. cost $50.
W N Grace, Payette, Idaho, SW Vi
NW' Sec 22. Twp lti It 47, $295.
II, penalty $14 75. cost $.50
W N (irace, Payette. Idaho. NW
NW W8M '. '-1'-' III T ltf' K 4'
$106.92. penslty $6 34, cost $ 50
p M Grace, Payette, Idaho, IW
NWIAIWU Sec IJJ. Twp 18, It 4 7
971.28, penalty $3 56. cost $60.
H I Harlow, Sacramento, t all
fornia,' R W KE Sec 1 1 , Tarp 1 H
47, $498 96. peualty - t. -
w I I'auike. V eiKir, iu..
urn ai'l. U- 2. Twp IS.
$85.53. penalty $4 27. cost $.50
A It McClurg, Salt lka ItJ,
Utah. SWW SWW Sec 82 Tw,. U.
R 47, $35.14, penalt) $1 78, cost
' oacar Merrill, Alino. Wsshlugton.
. . wi.vwi. Sec 27, ana aw
NEWNWW 4' ,7',iN,7,.,7
NW, IM 27, Twp 14. R 47, $14-
56 penalty 87-is, c ". , u
;,,"" n P.t.rson. Seattle. Wash
lugto" EWNEWNEW Sea.- 27, Twp
1IL R. 47, $142 59, penalty $7. 13
CI. us D. Peteraon. S..UI.. Wash-
ingioa, n.WWyjjNa.W of NEW Boa.
1H. Twp. 16, R. 4i, 91.29, penalty
93.69, cost $.60.
E. Q. Johnson, Carina, Idaho, SEW
Sec. 27. Two. 16. H 47. 11 I4ii 1,
penalty 957 02, cost 9.60.
MIR Iuer, Payette, Idaho, SW W
SW W and South 16 acrea of NWW
SW W Sao. 29, Twp. 19, R. 47, 9838 -08,
penalty 916.92, coat 9.60.
Mrs. Edwin l,auer, Payatta, Idaho.
South 16 acrea of NEW of BW'
and SEW8WW See. 29, Twp. 16. It
47. 9338.68, penalty 916.92, cost
4 50.
C M. Attabary, Payette. Idaho
KW8EWNEW Sac 26, Twp 16 It.
47, 9142.56, penalty 97.12, cost $.60
M. Tyree. Payette, Idaho, NE',
NWW Sec. 26. Twp 19. R. 47. 917 1
07, penalty 98 .66. cost 9.60.
Bon J. Smith, l.odl, California. I i
acrea In Lot Sec. 36. Twp. 19, It. 4.
$85.53, penalty $4.27, cost $.60.
I I. ('iilhiirlHoi,. Parette. Idaho.
NWW NWW Sec. 88. Twp. 18, It 97,
$296.12, penalty 914 76, coat $.50
W Applegata. Payette. Idal...
WWNWW and NWW8WW and
NW of SEWSWW 8c. 36. Twp. 16.
It. 47, $163.94, ponclty $8.19, cost
9 60.
John Howard. Payette. Idaho.
SWW8EW Sec. 35. Twp. 18, It. 47.
and SEW8WW 8ec. 35, Twp. 19, U.
47, 9613.31, penalty 926.99, coat
John Bartache. Payette, Idaho..
8WW8WW Sec 36, Twp. 16, R. 47
and lot 4, Sec. 2, Twp. 17, It. 47.
3213.84. penalty 910 98. cost 9 60.
Mrs. Anabell Kelley, Butte, Mon
tana, NEW SEW 8ec. 36, Twp 16 R
47, $277 , penalty $13.99, coat 9. 60.
J. r. Orr, Payette, Idaho. NWW
SEW Sec. 35, Twp 16. It. 47, $296
12, penalty 914.76, coat 9 60.
J F Orr, Payatte, Idaho, NEW
8WW See 86, Twp 16, R. 47, $296 -12,
penalty 914.76. coat 9.60.
Oeorge Thomas, Payette, Idaho.
WWNW'.NWW Sec 36. Twp. 16,
R. 47. $142.69, penalty 97.13. cost
C. G. Heslup. Payette, Idaho, SW
NW9J Sec. 36,'lwp lo.K 47. u70.94.
penalty 928.61, coat 9 50
Ben II lloddell, Boise, l.liho. EH
Vt ec 34, Twp. 16, It 47
penalty $49.89, coat 9 50
Oliver Mayfleld. I'ayeile. Idaho.
EWNWW Sec. 34, Twp. It, R. 47.
$296.82. penalty 914.79. cost 9 60
Frank Spofford, Boise, Idaho.
NW '. SK', He. 34. and N 'Hv4
SEW Sec. 34, Twp. 16, R. 47. $106 -93,
penalty 99.84, cost 3.50.
I W. Ti.iniin. Jerome. Idaho, SW.
SEW SEW Sec. 36, Twp. 18, It. 4
and Lot 2. Sac. 3. Twp. 17, It 47,
999.79, penalty 94.98, coat 9 60.
I. M. Uockyfeiiow. Parma. Idaho.
EW8EW and 8EWNWW of HE'.
Sac. 3. Twp. 17. R. 47. 3570 24. pan
alty $28 51. cost $.50.
Mrs E 0. Toole. Psyette. Idaho.
EWSWW8EW Sac. 3. Twp 17. It 47
and EW NWW of NEW Sac. 10 Twp
17, R. 47, and WWNWW NEW Sac.
10 and WW8WWSEW See 3. Twp
17. I 7, $296.11, panalty $14.76.;
cost $.60.
G. W. Mathews, Payette, Idaho,
HE ' HE W SWW Sec 3. Twp 17, R
47, and NEWNWW Sec. 10, Twp 17, ,
It. 47, 9330.79, penally $19.03, coat obtain them from the Engineer ou
,?' .. ... v, ... ... 'payment of 910.00 for plans and
11 li llaiuhi), Now Plymouth. lZ'. . a v
Idaho, WWNWWNEW Sac. 19. Twp 5 00 for Specifications
16. It. 47. and W W8WW8EW Bee. 8,1 The right Is reserved to reject any
Twp. 17. It. 47. 9295 12. peualty
914.76, cost 9 50
W. N. ravet, Minneapolis. Minn
NFW8WW Sac. 2, Twp. 17.
R. 47,
$295 12. penalty 914.75.
J. E Putman, Payette. Idaho,
NEWNEW Sac. 10. Twp. 17. R. 47.
$295.12. penalty 914 75, cost 9 60.
J E Roberts, Payatte, Idaho,
SW' NEW Sac. 10. Twp. 17. It 47.
$296.12. panalty $14.76, ooat $.60.
11 G St me. Payette. Idaho. SEW
NW ', Sec 10 Twp 17. K. 47, $296.-;
12, peualty $14 76, cost $.60.
It 1) Rogers, Payetta, Idaho. BW !
SWW NWW Sec 10. Twp 17. It. 47
and NEWUVV WNWW Sac. 10, Twp
17 and SK', of NWW Bae II. Twp ,
li. u 41, 2D iz. penalty n ... -
cost $.50. SUMMONS.
' SK' 8c"k!o ,Tywnl",lV"R0'47K'IN THB CIRCUIT COURT OP THE
$395' 12 penalty 914 76. cost' $.50., AT OP ORaWON. FOR THB
Sherwood 41 Smith, Payette, Idaho. . .COUNTY OP MALHEUR.
8WWNWW Se. 10. Twp 17. It 47 Krneat R. Mann, "'slntlff. vs Stella
-:i.. 1 .' 1 enalt) II 4 , ,., i-ost ..i)
.Minnie I. Steffeu, Payette. Idaho
NW', SWW and SW '
of NW W
Sac. 2, Twp 17. It 47. 9498 96, pen
alty 924.96. coal $ 60
K L Grady, Payatta, Idaho, SW',
JW )i He. 2. Twp 17. It 47. $295 -
nait 14 ; .. osai 1 I
Lloyd I. Cull.. 1 1 OB I '.1.11 10 1 m.-
NW W So"
, Twp 16.R 47. and HflWtyNBW
If, Iwp n. I 47. $406.20.
penalt) $20 2ti. i..m II
I 1 Culbertaon, Ontario, Oregon.
BWNEWBEW Sr' M, Twp lti. It
4,, $142.99 paaaltj 1 ; iz, cost $.50
I 1 t ulbertson Ontario. Oregon.
-K', S.c , Twp 19, R
4;, $1 , .all) 1 12. iot 9 60.
Robert N V'anlloin. Sioux I'll).
Iowa. NWWSEW Sec. 26. Twp 1 'i
1; 1 tl tl penalty $14 75 ...
C A llarker, Payette, Idaho. NW
l.ot 4. BM -'Twp 17. It 47. $1
Ipaaalt) $7 II, "
Dr Noi ik Sioux City, lo'
UNWWNI it. Twp 18 U
147. $7 1 II, I" "ally $3.66, cost t 10
n,l BO I eta the assessments delta
natal '" il" r Willi costs and pt I
entage, art paid, the aforesaid nil
iiupatl) up'"1 i'ich " "";.
are a Hag), HI M sold at puhlii IM
lion on '!. IU 'lay of April, 1 '. I
on th.- in reeding da)S to which I
irilniav postpone sain sale, si me .....
g the hoard of Hireclors of aai.l
iiu,n..i 11 the onesiory nam-
dwelling house near the pumping j
plant of said District, more particu
larly described as situated within
the SEW ' HWtl "' Section ?.
- -hi.. 17 H R 47. E W M . In
Malheur. ouuty. Oregon
of 10 0C0l.w
1 uu ',. - - .
, between the
a. ui and 3
o'clock p m
Klrst publication
of this notice
March 14. 1919
Ust pabllcatloa April 4. 1919
(Special Correspondence.)
Mrs. Ed Stockton and daughter
Mildred of New Plymouth were over
and visited several days with Mra
A. Sinclair, who moved to Cali
fornia, has returned to a good coun
try and looks for his household goods
to be In Adrian this weok. He will
live on hlB homestead on the Owyhee
Mr. A Weston and Mr. Burotighs
went to Plymouth Sunday for a visit
The (1. 8 I. bridge crews are at
work out of Adrian fixing the hank
of Snake rh.r where It came to.
near the track.
Mr Pomeroy has lis 20 acres al
most seeded It Joins town 01 'li
north and looks One.
The Short Lino ditch hax ..
cleaning ditch thin week and will
turn water In by the l.'.th of this
B. O. Roberta and family of the
Big Bend visited at the V V. Hl.kox
hnm'' Monday evening
The new time keeps some people
I running all day to catch their ne. gu
ll. or who set his clock up
Mr. and Mrs. B If Kerr and Mr
and Mrs Will Snyder rum the Boule
vard called at the Ilickox home Sun
day evening. It was their first tr'p
jto this part of the country. They
' think we have a nice country up hero.
Water Works S stent.
Ontario. Oregon. April 1st, 1918.
Sealed proposals will be r4NMftl
at the office of the City Recorder of
the City of Ontario, Oregon, until 3
o'clock p tn Monday. April 15th,
1919, for furnishing the materials
and constructing the following por
tions of the Water Works System of
. the City of Ontario
ITEM NO 1, It being l he General
Contract, according to the plana and
specifications therefor.
ITEM NO. 2, It being r..r the fur
nishing and Installation of the
pumps and motors, according to the
plans and specifications therefor.
Plans and specifications may be
seen and forms for proposala, 0:1
which bids must be made, may be ob
tained upon application at the office
of tho City Recorder, Ontario, Ore
gon, or of Louis C. Kelsey, 410
Selling Building. Portland. Oregon
Parties desiring pluus and speel-
flcatlons for their personal use may
and all bids.
By order of the Common Council
City Recorder
Civil Englnaar,
Portland. Oregon.
All broke to work and all ages and
kinds can be seen at Smith lisrn. on
tarto, Oregon. Mnr.iil- A N111I1I1.
Mann, Defends)
To STELLA MANN, the above named
OF ORROON, You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer tha
complaint filed agalnat you In tha
above entitled suit on or before tha
18th day of prll, 1919, the same
being the last day of the time pre
scribed by order of tha Court direct
ing service of summons In aaid suit
to be made upon you by publication,
and If you fall so to answer for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to
tha Court for tha relief demand
ad . M complaint, tewlt:
-.- ae of said Court dlsaolv-
l.i nda it matrimony now ex
1 'aaai plaintiff and defend
trranttajr the Malntlff an ab
solute divorce from you, and awa-d-1
11 k the plaintiff the custody of Clej
Ms 11 n. Minnie Mann, and Charles
Mann, tho minor children of plaintiff
and defendant, and for ail other re-
lief demanded In said comnlalul
You are further notified that Hi1.
summons la served upon you hy pub
lication In pursuance of an order of
the Hon Halton Biggs, Judge of thlsj
Court, which said order was made'
and entered In said cause ou the 51 h
day of March
1919, and directed
that this summons be published on. I
each weak for six consecutive weeks
la the "Ontario Argus," commencing
with tha Issue of March 7. 1919
Tha Brat publication of thla sum
mons la oa March 7, 1111, aad tha
last publlcattoa la oa April II, lilt.
Residing at Ontario, Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
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