The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 04, 1918, Image 1

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    ftentotuf &t0tt.
Marshal H. C. Farmer Finds II. R.
Ik-ton In Ilox aj- Wae WIUi
Deeenet Franklin, WWho Waa
sli.'l hi Huntington.
IUdIrn ll.rlare They Will Return
For Second Fffort nmpnnv 's Op
1m i ill Ion Han i V.tfrrx on Contractor.
While checking over the detail of
the bid for the municipal water ey
tem last Thursday afternoon and
evening the official discovered t lint
the Individual Item In the offer of
(' K. (Ireen of Ogden j:-l nol corrc
npond will) the attached total Till
led to the discovery that he hart tran--poed
the figure for redwood anil tlr
pipe In such nunniT that hi red
wood offer wa lower than that of
( Melmer of Twin Pall, who wn
otherwise the low bidder.
Bnglneer Louis ('. Kelsey waa dls
poNPil to recommend the acceptance
of Mr Oreen'M bid but Hie council
after a lengthy executive elou d
rllned on the ground that the total of
the bill lapcert I lie offer beyond the
limit of the txmil lue. therefore
Hie bid on
r.'Jci lci
Marwhal II (' Farmer ended the
flight of D. R. Benton, a deserter
from Camp Lewis, early laat Saturday
morning when he found him sleeping
In a box car In the yards here. On
Tuesday two military police came
from Tacoma and returned him to the
Henton and a fellow soldier, namoi)
Franklin, according to hla story told
the marshal and Judge Stearns, over-l
taycd their leave In Portland a the'
result of a spree and decided to make i
a hreuk for liberty. They reached
Huntington, where they entered n,
ecl .mi house to get civilian chothe'
for Franklin and were caught coining
from Hie house by the seel Ion foreman.
The ectloii man pulled n gun on
them and Mentor. scuffled with him
During the iutle the gun wn ill i
charged, wounding Franklin, who, '
seeing he was seriously hurl, tnlil
Denton to lake earn of himself. After
leaving hi pal llenlon funnel he was
being followed by a posse anil sought
refuge In the waters of Burnt river
In the icy straam he lay for more
Ontario, Frank Under, Chairman 178, 950 00
Vale, O. F. Wlldhaber, Chairman r.r.,000 00
nyana, i" u. Hall. Chairman 21,400 00
Juntura, David Uraham. Chairman 10,000.00
Westfall, Jack Falrman. Chairman.
Jordan Valley. Thoa. T. Kohoul. Chairman 11,115.00
Mrogan. J A. Kennedy, Chairman II 000 00
Ironsides, Ernest l-ocwy, t'halrc
Crowley, C Cook, Chairman
Big Bend, Ouy Johnston, Chairman, Farma, Rout No ..
Riverside, Duncan McKae. Chairman
Watson, Frank Palmer, Chairman
Dead Ox Flat. Otto C. Miller, Chm , Payette. Ida., Route
Shearllle. Jaa. Maloy, Chairman
Kockville, ah Strode, Chairman
ls.000 90
S. 000 00
8,000 00
8.000 00
5.000 00
1,900 00
4,000 00
(onshler Plan for Prohibiting nr.l
Tallies In Cool HhIIi Cli-nii I p
Ordered PetltinnM land on
Table linn lux on Hevvei
NRRVKO AND I m. i i i i.i. is
Home IhI ni to Furnish I in. n.
nteut Feature- Rig Banuet Set
for Font Oarage- Women to Have
I. inn li .oi and Auto Rides.
I 1 1 i in t 1 1 tli., n.i.ii !.... iiniin i
Hem one and two were . - ""- "T " "" "
, .. . , .. mm n ii i was last i nurasv n g it.
The first covered the gen- T
111, lltMit uu u ... Iliu r'wMp ..,,1 . lllLll..
ersl contrsrt and the last the pumps.
. , .to Ontsrlo Friday While In the
Id. in three ami four were sccepieit.
namely for the filtration system ,.l "",d"1 f ,oc' 0,,,"';U h" "
for the tank and lower The c.l..''""d on '" """ '"
. . . . dlsgrsce hi action would bring upon
fornla Jewel ompany waa awarded . "
the contract for the filtration system i popl"-
.... ...
.. n. I the iiiHiiiirg'iH'HMiiini'H co. M
pany secured the contract for the
tank and tower Thl firm wa inn
the lowest bidder lilt liie Onisli.i
Structural Hteel company declined .
sign a contract dalgnutlng time of
i oinpiciioii of the work.
Before the bids were awurded lien
ersl Manager Wlllisni T Walluce
Naked permllon to read hi M
meiit regarding lhe cumpuiiy ' int. p
lion to contest the building .
Mil did not do so when representa
tives of tha bidding coinpanle de
clared they knew the company's in
telitlon and were ready to proceed re
gardleae of the company attitude
Prior lo thl the council had an. 91
ciiillve m'mIiiii al which Mr Wallace
was given a hearing and st wli cli lie
Trip 9W99 Male i.mhk I mill It a
suinc AHt I of Triumphal Tour
It,. I roan sills ll Tdk And
Make ViMbt on 4 ur -
V t LmLmB , ggga-.
ntanHT " -- gg I ' 9gv
What to do to curb loafing In U.i
tarlo waa one of the principal qaea
tlons for discussion at the regula
sesslon of the council Monday even
ing. Various methods were discussed.
among them s proposal to stop csid
playing In the pool rooms, where, ac
cording lo (ouni iliiinn C It Kmlson.
"some men have grown grav-
headed Mnllmur county Is preparing for
As the Council viewed It. the hab-th enlortalntnenl of Oregon's stock
Ituea of the card tables have Ju'l'nen Commit tee with the various
grown an Inertia playing or watch-! duties connected with the proper
Ing the games and they, I licmxrlvH ' handling of no Important gathering
would he most benefited by belli u ' have their work slurled utnl nsur
forced to abandon the useless occu- I)'" may he given Hist Hie ork will
patlon No uctlon bm taken pendlm. he done
fu-tlier (IIscusnIoii gg to wluil steps At a lunclieon Ih..i Saturday S. O.
..hi lie taken. Correll, Meeretary of the t'attle A
The founcll also ordered the reeu """ Hiilsers' hkhocIiiIIou of Oregon,
lar iprlug cleiin up niul rt n r lieinm.
the pelllioii ... I II Moore. Ilulloti
iiiggs. w i w. !.. k i r7ii i gad
other or an exam nation of the nniili
of the proposed i svhIciii on
Maple street it wa laid mi the tabl
until the petltl r could lie Inter
In Hie mutter of the Kustslde
sower It having been found thai Hi'
route proposed In the original peli
Hon whs not (.axllile, a hearing Kill
be necessury before Hie route can 99
changed 'Hie regulnr IiIIIn wen
AIo in view of the work liein
done about lhe llv II wur .LiMruiln
ed to iiicreaxo ha polir.. fttrC9 by re
lurnliiK Mnilpn J to Hi" night
shift mid all i.i i huh aaslgu
an to Hie day Joi.
ontiio m sf m
After a 1400 mile i I'.r in tin l 9ra
v lilcli wis raffled off for Hie lied
Cos. I. J. Bluipsot arrived In On
tarlo Wednesday night with a record
,o having ptrHoually Interviewed al-
ii i -1 I ;, per cent of Hie voter In Hie
is aald to have reduced tha ngure en lerrliury through which lie passed
the company's plant from fIO.000 to Mr Simpson Is a systematic sud
112,000. which offer wa declined j ih.uough campulgner and his lour of
Hie council. Kaslern Oregon waa based on s plan
During tha day Officials of the ilcli Indud.d a personal intern. n
.oinpaiiy are aald to have declared vs 1 1 1 t least tin 99ff 999i of the vol
that the company would build a iieu ing irengili of every communlti
system of Its own hare. through which lie went
After turning down the gener.l H ,,.,, , ,,,. ,BMH two weeks ago
iiitilract and tlie bids for pumps Hie , riudlug al Bend that It was ini
In order lo stimulate Individual subscriptions to the Third Liberty Loan.
to create community activity and to inohlllie, systcmlie and null) the
Initiative and energy of clttiena and districts In the ac oinpllkhun ut of a
national purpose, an honor flag and honor toll system hus beep adopt.. I kg
the Treasury Department for the Third l.lbart) Loan
This system Is outlined by the lispm tin. nt a felli.wa:
I. A specially designed honor flag, officially adopted a the Third Liberty
Loan flat, will' he awarded to all communities upon Ibrir attainment of their
assigned uuota
1. A small Individual mister. oiiUIiiIiik a reproduction of lhe honor lias
and a blank for the name of the subscriber, will be awarded to each subscriber
for display In hla home. "
1. A large honor roll, conlalnlug at the top a reproduction of the lionoi Ml" " ''"" v'"o. Ii .-.miIii.i
flag and lhe slogan. Help Our Town Win I lie Might to Hi This Flss '' urn'. Hon lo Mll Hii.u.r! I. in..
bi-loa space for lhe names of all subscribers, will be posted in a conspicuous ,( wK Iau 'IVrin Hus
pMt r oi - . .'ill in .in . . .
4. A large honor flag will be awarded to each state upon the stluiniii. hi
of Its quota, tha state flag to contain the names of those aubordlngti- groups
which have attained thalr quotas
t. A national honor flag will be unfurled at Washington un which will
bo presented lhe returns from all the stales
1 1 inln lor rim tot in
Hie offlc al title of the body to he en-
nii. .1 outlined Hie plans for the
biiHlnes session and gsve a brief
history of the prey lou- .ntlons
as a milde for the loeal comiulltees
The loiiveiitlon villi open Tuesday,
April IS, and com lude lt progrnm
Um next day On the firs! day there
will he a luncheon loi Hie visit ng
ladle slid an auto i l.le In the even
ing there hIII he home talent pro
din Hon at I ire anil. no I l. Hour. I l.y a
.lance at Hie Opera House Kiirly Hi
MM morning there will he a luicku
roo hrenkfaKl at the Fair ground
and in the evening there will be tha
nnniiul luiiiiiii'l at the Cord garage
Tlie lollovvlng chulrtneu ha .
I I appointed to take charge of 1 1 - -
varous poiHoii of II ntertalii
llient: Ladlea' linn lieon. Mrs Wsller
till MS room .omuilHee, Mrs W R
I I "ii pilon. A Fraser;
music wild euiertaluii'. nt. Hugh
VI'. it. automobiles. K ( V'miiI'.II.ii ,
ii'. lions, Shiu t'reem I In uen
eral toinmltiee is lookliiK after H..
biiuqiiel u yet
Mori. Rooms enlel
I'li.-i,. ulll ho aliout ..Oil guest In
oni.irlo that Heek slut so far pro
vision has been made for half that
number Of MB CM OI .ill avl lh
city has been covered by lhe i i.i'
-lit a generous respons.
Imve lo be made In th,- balauci ..I
VI :
I' lilted
ouucll ordered thai naw bids bo call
ed for, to lie oponad on March 16.
possible to cover the territory by de
pending on stages und ordinary
modes of travel. Hi. 91 i.didute for tin
Itepuhlicuu nomination for govertmi .
bought Hie Ford shlch he donated to
the Ontario chapter of the lied 09999
The counties of Ceiilnil and South
Oregon have approximately
111 STICK 'HONK 41.N
Office of the Foatuiaster Ueuaral.
Washington. March 18. 1918. On
and after April 1. 191K. parcels for eastern
members and Individuals connected 11,000 voters of sll parties Tliei
yvilh the American Kxpedlllonary ha beeu some Increase since these
in Europe shall uol be accept- riguras were made bul Mr Simpson-.
..I tor mailing or dispatch unless record or huvlug personally cenveyed:
. ii t m in such artulea only as are Hie principle of his plalorm to nior.-
I.eiug sent ut lb written request of than I Too people whlh on his
lie I . oiiiiei-ied easily made his quota
mental commander or i.n eie.uiivyj H's platform speaks of develop
omarlaus Will Hear WHI known
Porllaud luilgc and With Him Mll
loiue Soldier rm the Treni'liew
louai) s Bnw,MNI.
thus been spent Is to be used to lot.
Quotas Divided.
Malheur county's total quota Is but
tMs.OOO, leas thun half the iimouii
originally expected by Hie commit
too The method of payment i
amMy; five per cent at lime of sub
cilptloii. 20 per cent III Muy. 1(0 pci
.rut July .nd 40 per cent August
During Hie past Heek the Lllur')
Loan flying squadron has r.
the uttermost parts of ilia district
! Everywhere good meetings hav
suited and the Interest is far more in
tans than in either of the previous
dl uen
Hi.. . Iiy ii in, i. ii ii, g to make i
King, chief COU.I I the h, U,,to-forl u. ., ,v.
Any on who hus room M s bed in
i urrsiiK .ni' somehow .
i. urged lo mil In thl- work Ik r"t
thai lu 'ouch ulili tha i
Tlil can he don.' at mi.
While i mi ii i,, i i a, of tin
..iivenllon lhe culll. uoll of llle ell
nil v are prov IdillK u Isll
elitugi' ol the .'ill.-l lalliuielil fill.. I
and buve pro rated slisie ., i1,.
.-H..-I. .- slid are lolleriing Hie luml, OlMlirlo will then lie cal'eil .M.
lo provide the ha la nee needed
Slates IteclMinsHoii Her vie.
whose voting ii-ldi'ii. e is in Ontar o
and from whence he bus emerg .1
from time to time lo ink. puhln -floe.
Is a candidate n.i the 1 1 n , , .. . ,
nouilnslloii for I inli-.l Stales sena'.,
Official Hold lo tins eifeel was f tiy hi local siippoller Hi I
week In the shape of a opy of III
decluillnn to the Hecrelut I Si.n.
Ill Hie preamble to this he ilclni
!i- villi seek the long lurill. slid if uol
nominated will not seek the nninliiu
Hull of any other psrty und lie fur
I her declares: OHHINtlloN wHn;
"If lioiuiusled and ele. I. d I will I l people ol I HHurlo w III Ii..
during ui lerm of niftc- iuihm-iii-.i opporiunily lo sec how prcmheis are
ly support President Wilsons war mde and by what MTOt Il
alms, and Ho- Aduinlstratlon in ll.. are conrucled into Ho-li MeulU
Monday night R W. Swagler and ''''"""""'' '"" e.ary sfler war for fu by alteudiug the 9Ht1hi . , an
Judge John II Stevenson of the
district bemh of Multnomah county K nlh, w K lAmi mui
will be the orator of the day at if'.gl, Doke ut VbI, vu,h .
Rev. Herbert Llvlugslou were at th.
Plouaer school house, whore James
C. Smith aud Mias Luella t'allin fur
ulsliad the musiiul numbers i'uen
C. McH.oi
agil spoke ut v alley Mew and a iti r
W J Weese
.11 . er of the orcanizatloii Willi will, 'i men I aud while caiupslgnlng he took
Hie addressee, approved by his rext time to visit every Irrigation and d. great patriotic rally with whl. h Kas;Lue ,,,,,, r q.
A. S HI IU.KSON y.elopnient proje.1 In the e.ii.ui ..I em Malheur county will launch ll HuB,, .v n. ,, y Houcher and F I.
losiruastet Oen.ral otegoti visited. In each i use he look campaign or the Third Liberty lajau -gUwarl ,,,, ,11( w K Moseley.
It, me enough to go over the works His address will be delivered here in i A M.e,,Ug W14 mluo ,leu , K.
.......--! .. . .. ., ..i - . .i. u.'ili him will he a soldier .. ....
mau of less ptiynnai smuw... ...i...... ursnga null, uiiuresscii uy v
The government of Hie Colic. I
Si ites, as a matter of Natiouwl
Defense, has ricriuiueudcd con
rvation of the irsoune of Hie
. .nintry.
In recognition of this sugges
ts ilon. and the imperative
Hy of keepiug all liusine
'lou in I'lty, Htate and Nation.
we i -.-.pel I fully urge Hist sll
loitld hardly have siood the grind of returned from the trenchoa. Ontario Wood ,, w K llom-ii Tin-
,.- i , -' -- .. iIimi luulnrs Milded to its uro-' . ,.,,,.
it waa
tour, for to make coiiue. Hon to nave inai leaiure uui .o ... w. ;iugit. WUb by ll ......
.. ..- ,..u ..i.u,.,.., , UV Sllltll, UV . . . .. .
one Instance necessary grsui mi ... "- lorchcsirs si., I J., ii .smtii w.d.n
da. Unlit no. ilnrs were held ut '.
The officer who wilt be on
a ,.uuui ,,,,.r than 100 miles at night April K
I "This trip hus been the mo-d inter . Hie Ontario program is a Major in Its
i-miuk eM.. in t.ce of my life." said Mr Canadian army aud saw service In H.
ilMBOOB And to me the cotidl- battle of VpreO.
thins which I found is to me the big- While these speaker, are I
. 1 ....14.. ll.u UullAU tit I llC I'MlUUal L'd II !'
'ransarUonn In u Muuii iull Ket rM.Kon rr lite ueiiimfiii - .. w- (1
. . . ai - ..t f'n,.a Hul xi II il
cooperutloii of Hie whole siaie oi i, j ,-yiinp.. ... -
whul, 1 speak in toy pisiform liver the address al Vale and in Ik.
I'olllically this tour has he" ...mug be w.ll speuk al Ifcg
wonderfully successful. 1 cuie to rally
.. I -. i .!. -. .4m...u I.,.,. I liuFl
.-.,.. o....... with uiv friends tell ' rreceauing me ug. ..-
rm r-x' a .-..-..-
... ... n..t I., exuect loo much I will he a
,u , , - ---
can sav without vioishus "
a greater imiuorecy . inuusi rtully uu.. Ordliiulion ' ouiicil i.i I,, n. !,,
pollllcally Am for developc . ut ol t'ongrcgullonul . I. mil, Jinn day.
'ion of human slid pi. .pen. April I I th
riguis, numan rights nrsi , lor the r I'lsuk, ll
best lu the world for lhe boy. In Ho- , ' Is il,. . ,,
,ud Hirougli Federal all .ouiu.iiiiii.y mui... in.,
lauittllou of all arid up eemly laiinil,..! ut II unllln i .
su.l I igged-off lands, aud for good utnlei lakin, in, I.
roaus auu tne improvement ol lbs phenomeual sue. ess, The
in.iu.nal park My record n l.-gi u. iner. hauls and r..l!i
lature, on hem h. and lu ,., ..r whom had i ,,i
i v guarantees my proinl
Word to be prluled after ni) niauv year-, sre mil,,
. ..tflclal bullot "M ng , ih,. ,,n, ,,,,. ,..,,.,!
tiiiill I'pliold the. Aduiinlslrallou; .r 'unk i u man of g-
-1U port our noiuier Hey: Develop ,., .ollege trunlng
ha .i
..I r.
I'Otil N lH ARM. vvC .
I oltW iHDFD III I lilll .
, . I . i uit I y
holdlag ie
rsliy w ..i
hills rendered by merchants and
-nufuci urers be paid In u.
4 cordauce with tlie tortus of sale
hi order to k-ep trade lo a nor-
uiai state Thla Is a patriotic
-'ingestion and nierils lhe up
pn.isl of all
. I.I H
Liberty Loan n.
ono-lwhicli the citueus will form In
uL. . ft V. ... ft... I. all Iftftftt llV Ihftft
that In every . oiuihuiiii stun ami ui.uii ." ws -'
,,.. vi-lted I hsve left bo-'HIgb School cadota with tholr band
circles of
l of lb- No elaborate preparations are being
Kn eiprlss school Ionise .nil al I'urk
,1 Imllse un Ox Cial
..ere by It W Swui. i .n.
ii. I , Then Ulvlngalon at
pn slid W H Wood audi M.....U.
,.t. . I I'ark 'I i i ii.-- in
in w,s u Ml Sluilh all. i
Hi , i ..llin Ontario has fallen I.. i, in, I in i
Tooifbl Hie laiopu.ginis go lo I "" u' couilii illillles that an- in Hal ll ItatlOII . In
,.l uouse near Welaer W sending books to lhe soldier hoy pu' II.
W Wood aud C. M.Oonagll aad ll W ,TI"' iirUv 91 ' was Just below tin ,
Sw.iglor speak uud Hie Woinle Trio quda soil sloe- iheu lliih- . nun has .,, -,
been taken I hose alio hav lusiks 1st I i -: -.
..I 'in el n, i-vaiiir
Um hi i , in pui.i
KM o i on!iin,iU,ii will I .
- . prtl I llh v
Mil Ml I'.lll
I -II. I .
ii ouiinaod on paoo I.)
lines Friday nlnbl R W. Swagler i
si"- urged to go over llieiu and In in if tir . ,
I. KA.lft .ft U. .... ...I ftk. tX.'.l.l. I
o -ie . a (,n) ii,,, can anaro tti tho m j ,, clock Sslurduy alien
Tsi.v hi I ft-, uiimtii ilia iniwlcul rutCi.ii . a .1.
made for this parade in the way of.'"" "" sw sssy -- ' i inrary aim Muy will lie Oo.ed uud Afe 11 stli. Just after the patriotic
floats lor the wont) that would have urea of that gathering. PM warded froti. n (parade