i.- ONTARIO, MALHEUR OOTJHTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAROH 28, 1918. EASTER FOOTWEAR IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES F OR the "nifty dresser" we have just received a line of Shoes that will meet every requirement in style, fit and service in the Famous J.&K. Colored Patent Leather Shoes PUMPS AND OXFORDS THE COLORED PATENT LEATHER IS THE VERY LATEST i-M 3 THINO IN SHOES AND WILL BE IN GREAT DEMAND. WE ARE SHOWING THESE IN ONTARIO FOR the FIRST TIME. High Topsam Oxfords In white and all popular shades A large shipment of the new Oxfords for men and women. Oxfords are coming back strong this year and we have a most excellent stock from which to choose. Also our line of high tops in white, black and all popular shades was never more complete. n szn m ei' if r i V,; -Z HOSIERY Of all kinds Our Hole Proof and Black Cat Hosiery stock offers greater inducements than ever before. The lines are complete. You can match your shoes or dress from our offerings. I ALLEN SHOE COMPANY ONTARIO, OREGON SUCCESSOR TO NEWTON'S M0MMOMMOMMMM BUTTER FAT ! 55c The cow is the farmer's friend. She will fur niah you with ready money all the year round.-1 That is if you bring your milk and cream to us, " for we PAYCASH HO DELAYS That the r;jJichers of this section appreciate th service of mil omniiatinn is. evidenced by tli.-'i increased number who sire bringing lit. prodi of all kmd. If you are not one of fJawn w- -Kpect fully solicit your patrona ' Ontario lce& Colo Storage ONTARIO, OREOON Wtrtmy ail kinds of Produce AUNOVVCmUUMT. 1 1. the Republican voter of Malheur Ceunty: I hereby announce my Candida, y iur tlio office of County Judge of Malheur ('ouoty, subject to your will primary elect iou, May 17, till. Uuslusss efficleucy tu the Ccunly bualnetu. based on buaiueah prlnci plea, will ba my aim lu office ir noiumatrd i.nd elected. Good road to be a onalderMlou lor nil parts of the County. ILSON. Nyssa, Oregon V lone Third Crop Hay for !--C. at Haaa, Ontario 11 -If a FOR BSJUal o'raue Hun. h an i Belgian Stallion can ba seen at n. ranch half mile Baat of Ontario J P Schall Adv lS2t WANTBI) A wlrl, or woman for general housework Koor In fatrllv Uood wage. Jamleaon. Oregon Ap pl Phone -H. Ontario '. Adv.lt 1AAHI Had Km Maff at depot laat Saturday nil i pli-am to Millinery a Art Moir and n.ew reward. Waated la trade: koree for good caw. Ontario. Oregon Ood drlngi l J. Mrs. T. A. Hager aad two children who nave baa vtelllng aire, Hager parent. Mr. aad Mra Law Adaiue. ra tarned to tbelr boma la Cambridge Monday. Personal MentionL Jamaa Lawrence of Vale attended tha cattle sale Saturday. -S Thnmaa and IHve l,ngn of Tlrognn were in Ontario to bid on cattle taut Saturday. Mm. J. R. Rasmussen spent tha Mr and Mra. Kay Wilapn.. aater Inad thla weak Mr. and Mr. I-aw- ton of Minneapolis, who are touring the West. woek from her son Robert that he had been trsnsfered to Utlca. N. Y., for special training r.nd study In Hit aviation sen Ice i Mrs T I.ng of (llonn'a Ferry Is spending the week here with her hus 1'nnil at Miss t.nvine Smith's Tus- waak end visiting Meads In Ulenn s day she went tn Crsne, returning I errj . o T!ie Wertnesdv Rrldge cltih mot HiIh woek at the homg "T Mr.. l( 0 Drang -Up- Mr and Mrs. Prank Rader wen host Tuesday evening to the Carna tion club. John- Gordan. the SkullsprlnKs sheepman, was an Ontario visitor this woek. Allan Johnson of vVestfalt looked Off the stock offered lit Inst Siilur day's sale. A daughter. Miss Muriel Margaret, srrlvnl Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M Walker. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brooke are re joicing over the arrival of a daughter at their home Wednesday morning. Thursday o Mrs A Murphy of Ttetilsh. stop ped off in Ontnrlo Tnaaday on lior way home from Maker where she 1 1 m been visiting her (laughter. Mr nrd Mrs. .1 It daughter Margaret motored to Home ilnle Sunday to visit Mr and Mr' Otto Rlnckahy In their new home they have Just built Hi Mrs n It Taggnrt gave a very en lovable afternoon party on Tuesda; Those present ere the Milmni J R RastnUHsen. C. M Staley, Paul I'iiimi. Jacob Printing, (1. K Alknn iitul Miss .n inn Smith. According to n letter rerehe.l h his aunt. Miss f.avlne Smith, from William llliickahy. (he soldiers l'i Rngland are on quite a rigid war diet alt lu ho adds "so far, however, I haven't lost my weight on It " U PAOEFTVJ. I 4 also mention the fact that few ato are aaaa. gasoline being ana dollar a gallon and nearly everyone riding a blrvcle Ray Hover had left cftmp lhat day February 28th preeani ahly for "somewhere In France." IMIKO STM'rM MXKINK CORPH WANT IKMVI M The Culled States Msrlne ('orpt is uilting for 2000 men at nine Met between the ages of 18 snd H years Including registered and married men may ehllst The Msrlne corps Is the oldest branch of the I'. 8. aer vlce, being organized In fore either the arm) or 'y. That have car rl'.l tha Flag of Victor) In Tripoli, Sumatra. FIJI Is"lnti(ls, Mexico. Phil ippines, ciilnn. Mil v t i itid Harltfl Dth Hlncknhy an. I mlngo. Marinea ara aarvlnf ia France at the present lime, they be ing the first Amartcan troops of the Expeditionary Force to set foot on French noil. Murines tire Irnlned and serve a Infantry. Artillery, Cavalry, Engin eers, and Signalmen, also on board batUeahlpI and cruisers Men can en ter this plendtd lir.incli of '.ervlce only by voluntary anllatmanl Men desiring to enlist for the DCHATION in-' lit i : v.i; ...n obtain full Infor matlon by calling In person or writ ing to the United states Marino Corps Recruiting Station. I'nnatiin building. Third and Alder atreeta, Portland. Oregon l I I l' a") ViV aBaaaana aV mHaSTaflgaV atvr' " jff H BkBj ' Jaawftai' -aaanafi bbMhI hi ' w; a. a o NXil ,mi W R Ktrkpalrtvk Of rupremt aiianaiil la tbe laaue of the war. The price of wheat aad the turn ef politics are aenoua injuV i but - the ITiird liberty Imui in Oregon meana more than all. It meauie Baekuig up tti bay who have beam eent te the evtraeaa battlafieMs. rjijl aaM abuiwUnl loans of spare rash to the war treasury, in loral trade terms, ia the translation ad mirnrr into airplanes, guaa, ammunition, proviaiona, ahipa aad every device of raedera war for the Anvrrwaa. War . p. i .hturee reach every avenue of huaiaeiui la this taU. Threara. "Bridge the IW Bur a Uberty Head." ia the were ef Mra. H. M. MrKenna of Aatoria. and M. Eva I hall ef Kugwae. Prepare for tha Third ltaa which opeM Saturday, April , with Victory celahraUona throughout Orrgoa. Ihe governor aad Mayor will ereelaim the aigaificaaee aad argaaay ef aartksrpatien ia the raising ad Oregon's share of thai defease fund. Rallies, opaa air gatherings, sperchea. parades. UlumanUeaa, the Riaa it Again lit. rt Hell ea the door ef rvery heueeliold. and Dy rrarf aaaan. ne niiuu or mm rged to forke all egftar aeuvttaag aaa ym ia use apint aaw ss wv.. w aw. Bag ia buyiag a Bead tha IVat Dagi This the first ef a aenea ad earte aad iligaa by baked by the UaVKaTTT IOAH OOMknTTtai aad the space naaity an Oraaaaa iUmeaaitera aad vraMaao wktak will be gsaV fa whiek. U part at tha paaadaakr aflWtag of tha BOYER BROS. & CO. DEPT. STORE Join the Crowd Are you behind Uncle Sam? Our comrades in the trenches are giving their lives for us. Let's loan Uncle Sam all we can at this Liberty Loan drive so that there will be a steady stream of focd and ammunition going forward all the time. BOYER BROS. & CO. DEPARTMENT STORE ONTARIO, OREGON