The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 28, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Continued from First Page )
eiidi'HVorril to se. ure price 'in the
plant without mull and that tin- in
Tr-ntory Iiml only beii k.- urcd on
Tuesday, wherens the i Ity had had
It pinna nnd -pficlflcatlonn on file
. with tha ' Ity cliTk for Ml t tt?i- unit
' the com pan) wn not correct In lis
Muim Mit Hint no plan- could he ite
amlnatfon ai proof of I
Mimt Miffl.W'l.
Mr kll Il 'i'd I
puny had mi luvi
bul would hi II fill 1,1
atiilcment wbh made after H w.-i-.
brought out thai Councilman inn
field hud MM silUK'-Hted Ihnl the rlty
mlirht piiy M'Miii, limning that Iikiii-'
a a point from wl-irh to utart m-trn
tint Ion
Would Radar QIm h Away.
Mr Wiilho I il- clan-d thai i he
Company Would Pot roil dd'T ni li ii
nun: "We wnulil rath' I lvi ' n-
iVHli'in to oii tlmn tnVr ill
be wiiil "W( do not wiint 0
here mill rompote villi rofj, hut iri
wiitii ii '.iii pin-, for ion plan I t
Ciilinol iifrord iii Kin rlfli
Tin' ana genaral
repuii'l h nuiubar of iim.-- hut l
wnye with the eame ennrhiHloii A
tbe reaull Mr Wallace, wh had
done 'no in '.iii- y ra
nmrk.-il ' W" in- getllliK n-n
bcniiHe wn h ivc nothing di Nqil ' l
fore j." i i' iik ili hi 'II
review Iiik Hi ' ! loi . ol i bl
lion ' ii ipp an i hai
been '!" much )m k.-elm mil not
enough utralght inikiiiK ii thii
Counrllniiin ( It Knileon raf
"ti mm to ni tin- m in i
Il '- ii 'loin, ihe Jorke
K'urthei in iiie diaaaaaloa ol
aiaieiiK-ni Hum tho Indvatrj whlcl
represented had nnl madi
Minor lloniiin fin I nil' h i
"la II lint II lie. Ml 'II i
Wnlei here Iiiih li.-.-n in t .. I
ami ni I1 ii In Him
Wallace replied, 'No, I no an IU(
artunilt InveaimJ
NfTAIil.l H til IN
Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by
DR. GRAY DENTAL SPECIALIST at the Moore Hotel, Rooms 203-204
AT the request of a number of Ontario's leading citizen, and owing
to the rush of business, Dr. Gray will remain another week in
Ontario, until Thursday, April 4tht 1918. All kinds of modern
Dental Work done. Prices reasonable.
Consultation Free, pont forget the date Satisfaction Guaranteed
Gold Ciown and Bridge Work and Porcelain Inlay Fillings a Specialty. CALL EARLY
Start your work now to secure engagements.
Dr. Gray can furnish over 200 testimonials from Malheur County s leading cit-
zens. who speak in highest praise of his painless and high grade Dental Work.
NTAIiii ) ORE' JON, March 27, 1918. -1 just called on Dr. Gray at the Moore Hotel and had 14 very had teeth extracted
without the least ,ain. It was really more a pleasure than a dread. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Gray to all my friends. MRS.
VALE, OREGON, January .'U, 1918. I called on Dr. Gray today at the Drexel Hotel and had some very bad teeth ex
tracted, and I can honestly and truthfully say I felt no pain whatever and no bad after effects- in fact it was more a pleasure
than a dread. I want to recommend Dr.Gray to my ail friends, as he does just exactly as he claims. MRS. GE ' VANDEBHOOP.
Jiiiiii- K ii I i Mil mill his OOllipan) i!
II '.iiLm I roiil'mlom will hi the ni
traction ni Dreamland, Thurariav,
April 4 TIiIh t r in ! DI I II
from tin 1'antngea clrru i n . . i i
anil I. the iiioel .-in ixi i i i.-ritiu
.v.t lirniiKliI lo II"' hIiiIih I rum Ihi'
Hn urn l.i ii I lands All il Iilir.ii' I
native singer. Instrument. .list mill, are imri of Ihla orfuRlMllon
aii 'I Mllli their niiw iiml iiiih ml main
'III.. Mil' .Hi In UUUaUull) ll.'S UK
TIum an ' o pretl i and p I In Hula
Jmi.i h ho lire supreme In lha uri
I IlillllK. Mi W 'III 111, III .
fill i! in tn I ... I l.-ri tin- mini
afru nl niiinl'i'i- iiml thellnla
In in il Hi.- compaB) Iiiih n -rythlui;
wlii'ii ii mmea iii things li.'.valliin
Mbey .in ir-xciit Iiik I Ii.-. r i'. vii i"
tariihir mimical production PHK
the Hinge setting Ih h comfort rnpro
duciiuii of on. nf ihi- bdllj i'"'
ih" I luid
AH ructions
Nuuil.ii. March ill.
oi imriaii
I'aiht- N.wa
N I... irll I
I'om.tlv Mmik.ii Marv.U
Iti'f I' II I'iim-pM,'i ill III
no Of Iho l.j'i 'p.. I ell ii rr 1 1 In lha
i la i ii on, 111 linM
Ir hull MM Siiinl.t
ill I i iii TIM HiihJriM of Ihe hitiiikii
will Ihi, "Hi-Hiirrrri mi All mi i "r
illnlli urh nun'
il I i. i ii.. ,ii i hr i. ip.
111 Inirrh nnxl "I'll.. Ilrs
.hi. .ii.ill will In' tin- Inplr li.rh
n. nil. iik iiml .'M Minx Sii'rliil ii.iiIc
M.i ..pi iiiir in the iihiiikIii ni iii day,
l'r.,l, April
u i roa hi wn.M
A h. I-i.iUui 11, u
WMur.ili. April H
III. Il" I' HullUI". lid.
TliurMla. rll I
: II to in
i-u.iir Ward. .s i.i
I'alh.- .-w
I lo 10 li
HUilll'.MUHlin MlStAN
aifh I Im Haaailan Mualr. Sinslnf
Daaclaf T. I'rldn or lb. I'm-lti,
laan ' oatii at Ontario I'lmmi, v
16 and 6".-
l iiii.i. Apiil 5
lo ooi Mil i riiao
Sar'Q Maiaalnw n S, ;
rarlooiia. r.imiMly
ha(uitla) . .rll II
I M.IM.I KIM. Ill llll
Fur Mv.rnl dv r monctni Mo
ii.i M.inh , ihri' offlcera from
.11 ll.'p.ll IIIH III W III III- III l'n-1- in i mi-i.i.i .i, iiluni ii. ii- lor . mu
ll i i. .in. In Ih.- iiiiliiiinri- iirur.-ri. r.--.npH.
nail in ii'.lui'i in. -n iiii.i
ilu- i nllhi.-il i.-r, .iiii.-l of Hit- lirl-
ii. ni..- .I.iui inn-Mi I'm- hoard "ill
...iwlil.-r inn- .,.ilu.iiii i.i.r
Hill :. i..i iiIm on Tlu-.r
ui.-o iiiuhI I.. ...ii... IfMMlW HI
ihiik . .ipoill) of I Tim p.-r mid iiiiiM kin li-i linlrrtl skill
u , mi ill till her In ...IIi-ki- or later
IhrouKh IniMiii -- .-i. ruin .- and
practical ahop work The lioard will
Ian i MTOml hundred ,iiih
' l .ii.ililled within dmrt
loa. Application lilanka may he ob
tained from J II H.ndrlrknon, !
8paldlna huil.liiiK. of a letter xtatniK
fully Ih. applicant -. pr.or training
life and w lit her married or alngle
nay b. mallad to Alma l KaU.
. halrmitu tuiUlary uaiupn aiiMoclallon,
421 furhali hwlldlna
I'rrU- We OMriook.
f the many parila that bea.t th.
aT.rane Individual on. of th moat
arlouii U a rooimoa oold It I not
th. cdld ItMlf that Imperil our well
Ii.-iuk bul the nerloua dlaonaoa which
It lend. In lonaumptlon uaually
atart with a cold, or a aueoaaaion of
cold It la a g.rm dUaane, and
arm dUMOU ara moat to no
contractad wh.a you hav. a cold A
child that haa a cold 1 mora likely
to contra., t diphtheria or acadl.t
fevar than oaa who haa not. For
tbl raaaon ovary cold ahoald ha ro
ardad aa a parti aad gotten rid of aa
quickly a poaaible Ohamb.rlala'a
Cough Haanody will balp yau throw
It off. Try It. AdT.-mar
Fruit Growers.
"BKX" I.1AU.-HI IIHI It Mil.lTION In 'I III-: 'Ol I) M THIKir M VI I III M, I lilt I si:, As IHIIIH T HI'HAV. IN I III
i I'MlilU, Ol MN llosl si Al.l. TWIti IMHtKIt NI I'OK CIK.N'KKAI. t'l.KVN-ll' I'l'lH'OsKN IN OI It OIK IIAIUM
Milt sHrHIH
I hereby aaaounc. myaalf aa a can
didal, tor tha office of Sheriff of Mal
heur aounty. Oragou aubjact to tha
will of iha voter eJ tha Ueuioarailo
party at tha priuary nominating
taaotaon to be hold In Malheur couuty.
State of Orafnn.ou lha aev.alaeaik
day of May. UH
(PaM AdvartUamant )
l.. nut bo uili-leil by Ihe manufacturer or dealer who ha
aomethlug "Juat aa good, nltliough he may have a product
which Ih called a Inn.- Milpliiii in some other form
Otie manufacturer ha adv.rtlaed that HO pound of th.-lr
dry" llme-ulphur will aciompllh th. aam. reaull a on.
barrel of the liquid form. Thl statement, Ha wall a other
alatemeul In their adst-runlng haa been made to mislead the
grower, a 10 pound of their material will make, when uaad
aa directed, only 400 gallon of dilute apray, while one 60 gal
lon barrel of HKX I. line Sulphur Solution when ued aa di
rected 1 1 gallon to 8 gallon of water), will make not laea limn
4K0 gallon of dilute apruy. and w lieu uaetl at 1 to , a moal
growers iiae It. will make f00 gallon
. . fcJr'FK IKNCV and COST are lha only atandard by which
spray material can be compared.
mi pouuda of the "dry" irpieaenta he total ombiued sul
phur and lime In thl product, of which not to eicead it
pound can be sulphur One ,u gallon barrel of "HEX" l.l.MK
si l.l'llllt SOLUTION contain not laaa than 1S4 pounds of
8UI.PHUK. or a total of 114 to 111 pound of combined sul
phur and lime, II per out of tha aJMlphur being lu a eulpbld
or efficient form, and tha total of 114 to 118 pound being
voluble or In aolutloo.
A Sl'l.l'HUR I th. EFFICIENT content It I hard to ba
llere. and atlll harder to figure, that 10 pound of any product
can or will do tha wark of 111 pound of the name material
when need for tha aajae purpoaa.
IF you would rnwlli pounda of "dry. ' and If th. total
104 pound would go Into aolutlon, than. It la our opinion, the
104 pounda would equal out- 50 gallon barrel of "HEX." How
v.r, aa It DOES NOT all go into aolutlon It I necaaary that
an asceae of 104 pound ba used to equal iu BFFll IKXi V oue
SO-galiou berrel of "HEX "
After well considering the (OMI'AKATIVE EKFIt'lENCY
lat ua ligure the t'OMI'AKATIVE OOflT.
Dili cot, f o. b. Fayette, lie per pound. When uaad aa
raconimended 100 pounda will make 500 gallon of dilute apray
at a coat of f 11 oo. or 10.022 per gallon.
"HEX ' coata. f o. b. Fayette. 20c per gallon. Whan uaad aa
re. ouiiii.-uded 50 gallon will make 600 galloua of dilute apray
at a cost of $10 00. or 10 02 per gallon.
If lha "dry were lo be uaad at EFFICIENCY STRENOTH
EQUAL TO HKX It would require not laaa than 104 pounda.
at lie par pouud. making a total coat of $21.34 for 100 gallon,
or $0 0426). per gallon uf dilute apray
It la true a daaler can make a greater profit selling the "dry '
than he can by selling the liquid; In fact, ha can make mora
than 100 par cent greater profit, but can you, a grower, afford
to rlk you eaaon'. work and your entire crop to unable him
to do o?
Ua "HEX" LimeSulphur Solution, and "REX" Araauata of
l.ead. paate ,,r powdered, the material whjeji the Naional In-
.. ZOvSTZl r""w -,Br "
"RMX" Spray, aro dd by
IdaJio lidwa A Flumbiagj Co ..
8 J Siaael
M.ridlaa Spray Mfg Co. -.
E F. Staphaaa ... ..
J. L Baardaley A Co.
Colon Iaa Co -
Idaho Oregon Fruit Orowar Aaaoclation.
.... i .. ... a
Naw Plymouth aad Idaho
Boise. Idaho
. . . BoU. Idaho
Maridiao, Idaho
. . Naiupa. Idaho
Caldw.ll. Idaho
. . Parana. Idaho
Payette Fruit land
eaTc: ;.:;.;:: S'ir0
c;ry.,.,erqn. orowar.. HTl'SSl tS
A. 1 I'ennlngtfl. . w--r
n-a ?'"'; ".' '-.-i.. FrultUnd. Idaho
Ordentomm.a.loaco .. Ogd... Utah
Dlatrlbutor for Utah.
Payette Valley Rex Spray Co., Ltd.
FAVarrr ihahu