ONTARIO, MALHEUR OOUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1918. PAGB8BWEN NOTICE OK DKIJNOITKVT Mim&OKB- I M MKNT OP DOM ujont TRKT $14884. penalty fit. 47, ooat UUUUATION OM- Jafnea D. Murark raid wall Iri.hn SB SW See. II. Twp. II, R. 47. ISIS. 1J. penalty $14.78, eoat III. NOTICE: Thorn to AtOtoUMU James U. Rerark. Caldwell, Idaho, the following describe hands la the NH NWH Bee. 14, Twp. II. R. 47. rayattM)regea Slop Irrigation trie- 1411. II, penalty 114.14, eoat III. trlet. on aoroaat or lb assessment Chan II err. Payette, Idaho. B of for the year 1117. which paid assess Wii Bee IS. Twp II,- R. 47, 1141 -moot was levied by tea Hoard of Dl- to", penalty 97.11, coat f SO rectors for aatd district at the moat- 0. W. Lattlg. Payette, Idaho, NK lag of the Board held September 18. aa4 NNWK See, SI, Twp. II. R. 1117, nd on account of the special 47, 11461.88. penalty 173.69. ooat assessment of 11. to. per Irrigable t.to , acre, which aatd assessment wan O. W. LatUg, Payette. Idaho, BW levied by the Board of Dlpctora for of NWfc Bee. SI, Twp. II, B. 47, said district on January Ith, 1118, ISS6.1S, penalty II4.7S. coat Ml. the several amount are aa follews: O. W. lastt'.g, Payette. Idaho J. M. Swsneou, Payette, Idaho. W HSRi of KW 4 8ec . , Twp t, NW14 8WK, Bee. I, Twp. II, R. 47, R. 47, I14S.II. penalty $7. IS. ooat III. fi, penalty 14.41, coot I to I 6P R W. Blaheeley. Payette, W (IE Hall. Payette. Idaho. SB SEW and NEK BW. Sec. I. Twp. NB Sec JO, Twp, 17, R. 47. 138$.- II, R. 47, 1518.48. penalty $11.27.. IS, penalty $14.76. cost I 50. coat f .St. Lester Seawell, Payette, Idaho, George Miller. Payette.BK 8W , Vfam Sec. SI. Twp. II. R. 47, Bee. I, Twp is, rt. 17. f 10 z. pen- 1670.24, penalty 128 61, cost 1. 60 alty 46.36. cost I 60 Mrs. P. J. Berg, Weiser, Idaho. R SB14. Soc I. Twp II, R, 47, ISI3.11, penalty 128.16. cost 160 Frank E. Knoi. Weiser, Idaho, E HNW V of NEVi. Sec. 17. Twp. II, R. 47, 114.77. penalty 'i 14. oet$.60. E. W. Blakealey, Payette. NKVi NBK nd NBttSEKNEK, Sec 17, Twp. II. R. 47. $331.71. penalty $14.04. cost I SI. Portland Livestock Co.. Portland. Oregon, SW M Sec. II, Twp. II. R. 47, 11114.14, penalty $55. 34, cost I.St. W. E. Lallaiue. Corvells. Calif., NEW 8WH Bee. II, Twp. II, R. 47. 117110. penalty IS.tl, cost $.50. Claude Mcculloch, Portland. Ore gon, HK HK'. Sec. II, Twp. 16. R. 47. 1241.48, penalty $12.47, cost $.61. R. E. Wilson, ainbridge, Idaho, HW4 8E14 Sac. II. Twp. II. It 47. ISIS. 14, penalty $10 II, cott .St. Bert W. Anderson, Pavetie, Ni, SEW 86. It, Twp. II, R. 47, $570.24, penalty $28 61. com $ 50. Bert Anderson. Payette, Eft NW'i Sec. SS, Twp. 1G. It. 47, $570. 24. penalty $28.61, cost $.50. Mrs. Zeda O. Fields. Weiser. Idaho. WUNWtt See. IS, Twp. II, It 47, $670.24, penalty $11 61, coat $ 60. Martha Thorn, Payette, Idaho. W sv; Bee. IS. Twp. II, R. 47, $499. I. penalty $24 14, eost $.50. J. M. Marrow, (sllfornla. v, HW'W Sec. 15. Twp. II, R. 47, $71 81, penalty $8.61, cost $.50. A. T. Bishop. Psyette, Idsho. W Vfe KK,NW', Bee. 15, Twp. II. R. 47, I4S.II. penalty $7 12. cost $.60 Frank Cram, Payette, Idaho, Eft sk wv. Sec. IS, Twp. II It 47 $142.5 penalty $7 12. eost $.61. Frank Cram. I'ayelle. N NW ' BWH Soc. 23. Twp. 1$, R. 47, $142. 61, penalty $7.12. cost $.50. Mrs Mabel Blgelow, Moscow. Ida ho, BttNHNEK Soc. 16. Twp II. R. 47, and HBViN ',N VNKW Sec. IS. Twp II, It 47. and ',, N ',S ', ', of Nh of NEW Sec. 16. Twp. II. R. 47, $382.04, penalty $18 40. cost I.SI. V 8. Gunnel, Ogden, l-ish. BW1 NEW Sec IS. Twp. II. H 47. $385. 12. penalty $14.76. coat $.61. Mrs. II. .wen suit A I' Mclutyre. MallauiyiK'. Montana. 8ENEW Sac. II. Twp 14. It 47. $178 20. peuall; $8.81, cost $.60. A H. Held. Wrlwr. Idaho. NEW BWVt 8ec. 16. Twp. 1. It. 47. 1386 12. penslty, $14 76, cost $.60. Ueorge Wludls. Payette, Idaho, WW8EW Sec- 16, Twp. II. It 47. 1671.24. penalty $21.61, cost $ 60 Ueorge W Indie, Payette, Idaho, HKHEW Sec. 22, Twp. 14. R. 47, 1216.12. penalty $14.76. oust $.60. C M. Johnson. Payette. Idaho, EW EWSWBB Sec. 12. Twp. II. It. 47, $71 28. penalty $S 54, cost $.60. tleorge Wlndle. ITrelte. Idaho, NWWNBW " Twp. II. R. 47. $285.12, penalty $14.76, cost $ 50 Ueorge Wlndle, Psyette, Idsho. WW of WW of NE NEW See. 17. Twp. 1. H. 47. $71.21. penalty $1. 61. coat $.St. J W. Coatee. Hayetle. Idaho. NEW KVt Bsc. 16. Twp II, H 47. $243.- 73. penalty $12,17. coat I.M. W. Urlfflb, I'ayelle, Idaho. SK1.. BK' Bee. 16. Twp. II. H. 47. Zo - 12. iHMialt) $14 76. com $.60 lilooil. Klchard and Adair, II.. i-- Idaho, W NWW c '. TP ' LB. 47, $813 73. peually $13.17. com 9 60 III.H..I. Itl.har.l ul Adair, noise. I Idaho, SEW NWW ". . Twp. 14, R. 47, $816.12. penally $14 76, oast I 60. lll.H.d, Klchard and Adair, H.ilse. laho, NBH SWW Sec. 14. Twp J It 47. $286 12. penalty 814 7ft. c i N.60. Mrs Myrtle Slout. rayelle i.iuiio, JWU8W1, Sec 14. TP 1. K 4.. 121 1 14. penally 110.48. eost .M. ('. ('. Hargrove, weiser, uiino, IWHWUBWW Bm 14. Twp 14, K 17. $148.61, penalty $7.12, coat $ 50 U t. lAony, Weiser, idauo, ft 1W ' rf ' Set 14. Twp It. it 4f. l43 64, peually $7 IS. cost $.61. W Urlfflu, I'aveti. Idaho, am IW Sec. 14, Two 14. K. 47, lilt. IS. peualty $14.76. coat $.51. Mm Mabel Blgelow. 8wt. Ida NWSEW See. 14. Twp II It 47. 7U 24 nenaltv 828.51. coat .6t Mm Mabel Btgelov. VKecow. Ida lo, BEWBKW ,t' ' T. $286 12. peaaityS14.:6 coat $.60. Jo.epb Jaeoaa. ieaMle. Waumg- NW '' .-. 13. Twp is. It 7. $286.12. peu'.- I4 ... . Lit Joaeuh Jaawhe. Bewttle. Waahlag- a. SW'.XIa Dec. 13. inp - . n I $816.12. penally $14.76. om Ltt Joseph Jaeoaa. Beattle WaaUiag- a. Iai 2. Sec 13. Twp. is. n . 171 21. penally $3 . ooal I aU Joseph Ja.obs, Stttla. Washing- NWV NEW See 21, Twp IS. 47. $216 18. penalty $14.75, etst m Lestsr Bewail, Payette. Idaho W of NEW Sac. St. Twp. It. K. sad NW of 8EW of NEW See. it. iwp II. R. 47. 1487. ti, peaauy MM, .oat t Joseph Jacoea. Swato vs aahiag . NWV18WH Sec! SI. Twp It. B Leater Seawell, Payette. Idaho, 8WSRW Of NEW Bee. 36. Twp. II. R 47. $114.66. penalty $7.12, cost It. O. W. Lattlg, Payette. Idaho, NW BWWBWH foe. IS, Twp II, R. 47, $142 54. penalty $7. IS, eost $51 Harry K Lattlg. Paystte, Idaho, NWW 8WVNWW See. 24. Twp. It, R. 47, $71.21, penalty $2.61, cost Ml. Harry K. Lattlg, Payette, Idaho. NWBWW Sec. 84. Twp. II. R. 47, $33$. 58. penalty 114 82. cost $60 Hsrry K. Lattlg, Payette, Idaho, 8EW8WH See. 24, Twp. 14. R. 47, $141.41. penalty $7.48, cost $60. Harry K. Lattlg, Payette, Idaho, BWBWWNWSec. 24. Twp It, R. 47, 1142.66, penalty $7.12. eost $.60. Hsrry K Lattlg. Payette, Idaho, NIH4BW14 Of NW W See. 24. Twp 16. It. 47, $32 07. penalty $1 40, cost $.60 John liary, Payette, Idaho, NEW See. 23, Twp. II. R. 47, $1140.48, penalty $67.03, coat $.61. Mrs. K. W. Anderson. Payette. Idaho, N'W NEWSEW See. S3, Twp. It, R. 47, 1122.20. penally $1.41. cost $.61. J C. Lochia. Aurella, Iowa, WW NWW Sec. IS. Twp. It. H. 47. $570. 24. penalty $38.61, coat $.61. J. C Lockln. Aurella, lows, 8W W snd WWEWNWW of NEW Sac. 34, Twp. It, H. 47. 1286.13. penalty $14.76, coat $60 Ora Wllklns. Weetervllle, Ohio, NWUSKW Sac. $3, Twp. II, R. 47, $286 12. penally $14.76. cost $.60 W. A. Ay era, Payette, Idaho, 8W W BBW See. 14, Twp. it, R. 47, 1216. 12, penalty. $14.76, eoet I.St. W. A. Ayers. Paystte. Idaho. NEW of NWU Sec. It. Twp It. K 47, $216 12, penalty $14.71, coat $50 L. II Martin, Wealorvllle, Ohio. KUHKWof 8WW Sac St. Twp. It, R. 47, 1148.64, pennlty 17.13. coat $.60. J. E. Allison, Beattle, Wash., Btp WW8BS.8WW Sac. 38, Twp. II, R. 47, 171. IS, penalty $3 61, eost 50. Clark Khoadea, Weetervllle, Ohio, W WW WBEWSWW Sac. S3. Twp.lt, It. 47, 171. SI, penalty IS. 51. coal It. W. F. Vincent, Payette. Idaho. SWWBWW Sec S3. Twp. II. It. 4 7. $216.12. penalty $14.71. ooat lit. J. V Dorwart. Seattls, Wash ington, MWNWWBW W Bee. 23. Twp. It, K 47, $124. oil. penally $7.11, coal $60. WW Itaiue. Orland, Indluua NK'i SWW Sec. 28. Twp. It. It. 47. 1116 -12, penalty 114.76. cost I 50. Arthur (V Miller, Kalfurlu. Texas. EWBW8WWSEW Sec. 23. lv.p. II. M. 47. 171. SI, penalty 13.61. coal 1.934a Mabel A Barton. Payette. Idaho. 8EW8WW Sac. S3. Twp. It. K. 47. I SIS. IS, penalty 114.76. cost t 60. Otto C Miller. Psystte, Idsho. NW NEW Sec. S3, Twp. it, It 47. 1670 31, penalty 118.61, eoat $.60. into C. Miller, Payette. Idaho. 8EW8EW Sec $1. Twp. It, It. 47, $285.12, penalty $14.76, cost $.61. Otto 1 Miller, Payette, Idaho, SWW SW W Sec 25. Twp It, H. 47. $285.12, penally $14.75, coal $.6t. II H I'roul. Salt Lake (Tty. Ulna, EWNWW Sec. 22, Twp It, It. 47. $670.24. penalty $28 61. eoat $.60. II II Prout, Ball lke City. Utah, North 14 acrea of NW 8W W Sec. 21, Twp. If. It. 47. $454 18. peually 122.81. cost I 60. H. B. I'roul. Salt Lake City, I'tah, IEWNWW 8m- 2, Twp. 17, R. 47. 1 1627 47, penally $24.37. coat $.50. C, M Johnson, I'ayelle, Idaho, SWW and NEW snd NW 8BW of NEW Sec. 22, Twp is. it . nil 48. penalty 111 38. cost I St. C M. Johnson. Payette. Idaho. WW8WW8EW Sec 23. Twp it. H 47, $142.51, penalty $7 12. coat $.50. C. M Johnson. Payette. Idaho, WW o W BW ' of 8EW 8ec. 22. Twp. 14. R. 47. $71.28. penalty $3.60. com $.60 R. W Swagler. Ontario. Oregon. NEWSEW Sec. 22. Twp. 14, It 47. $386.12. penally $14.76, coat $.10. Charles McCosh. Payette. Idaho. NWW8EW Bee. S2 TwD ' " 4? $286.12. penalty $14.76, cost $ 60 W N. Oraoe, Payette, Idaho, EW SWW Sec. 22, Twp. 14. R. 47. $670 -34. peaalty $28.51. coat $ 51 W. N. Grace, Payette, Idaho, BW ' NWW Sec 22. Twp. II. R. 47. $216. 12. penalty 9 14. 6, coat $.61. W N Urace. Payette. Idaho. NW NWW8WW Sec. 23, Twp. It, R. 47. $141 12. peaalty 11.34, eoat 9-6t. p. M. Urace, Paystte. Idaho. SW NWW8WW alec 33. Twp. It. R. 47, 171.28. peaalty lt, east 9.60 H. L. Barlow, sa.raaelo. Call foraia, EWBW 8 11. Twp. It. B 47. 94ll.lt. penalty $24 84,coet $.61 F L. Paaihe. Wsiaer. Idaho. EW NEWSEW See. 2. Twp. It, B. 47. $11.63, penalty $4 27, coat 9 60. A U McClurg. Salt Lake City, Utah. BWWfWW aVat. 81. Twp 14L R. 47, 186.14, penalty 91 79, cent 9 St. Oaaar Merrill. Alaio. Waahlugiou. NW NEW NWW Sac 17. and BBW NBWNWW Sac 97. and NBWSBW SW W ec 37. Twp It, R 47. 9143 -St. peaalty 97 13. aat 9 St. Cimitm U Patavaam. Baattle, Waah SCEKSflElP FOR PUBUC UMiB WtU Ask States aatd MwsJripeJUJea to Was- iwadaiwaas J oost I.St. Claaa D. Petaraoa, Seattle, Wash ington. EWWWNEW of NEW Sec 37. Twp It. K. .4!. 971.31. peaalty 9l.lt. eoat 1.60. E. U. Johnson, Parma, lew he, SEW Soc 17. Twp. II, R. 41, It 140 48. peually 167.03, eoat 9. St. ' Milt Laoer. Payette, Idaho, SW W aw W ' snd Sooth 14 aeroa of NW W SW W See. SI, Twp. II, R. 47, 1338 -68, penalty 91t.ll. coot 9.11. Mrs. Edwin Lauer. Payette, Idaho. WASHINGTON, D C Followlni "" r " WH the rooolat of Oommunlcatlooa froaM 47. 1118 58 aeoallv 111 It. eoat Wt Public Utility Cor- $60 poratlooa asking that state and local C. M. Attabery, Payette. Idaho, authorities bo or gad to consider r,?r.?rf . ..WP " . A' "ulckl' J8ta for readjustment II, tylVA.BV, UWooBUwJ fl.ls. VaJMBI, f.DV - . . . . . . . u t.,-; t....... u.k. nki. of rates which would tend toward NWW Sec. 36, Twp. 16, R 47. 9171 - maximum of efficiency. William O 17, penalty $8 66, eoat $.60. McAdoo, aa secreatry of the treasury Hen J. Smith. Lodl, California. II brought tho matter U the attention wane ta wi aws. , 1 w. is, 1. v., . PramlAmBt w,i..m $36 53, penalty 94.87, coat 9S0. of President Wilson. I. I. Culbortaon, Payette. Idaho. " Mcelved a reply from the Pros! NWW NWW Soc St, Twp. 11, R. 47, teat oxproaaing the conviction that $286 12. penalty $14.79, coat 960 the public utllltleo formed a vital .wnVWW-wWwMS -"' tM war-mhlneryandau NV4, of 8EW8WV. Sec. St. Two. 14 looking him to take up wllh the K. 47, 9193.84, penalty 91.19, coat proper officials, when circumstances 9-St. might make such action advisable. John Howard, Payette, Idaho. ,k. ,k,.,. ....wj 8WW8EW Sec. IS, Twp. II, H. 47, 7T.:r . v tad 8EW8WW Sec. IS, Twp. It, H. rep''ootstl"o of the public 47. 1613.31. penalty 326 44, cost utilities had brought before Mr. Mc- 9 50. Adoo what they believed to he the John Bartache, Payette, Idaho. nMM.v - . .., .,M.. . & lot 4. s7 , Trp. 17. R. it. '"- " "- - - 9213.94, penalty 110 14, coat 990. oet the Increased demands of war Mrs. Anabell Kelley, Butte, Mon- time activities It Is poslbla that Una, NEWSEW See. 36. Twp. It. R. ,,,, consideration msy be given by 47, S77.l8.penalty $13 88, cost 8. 60. ... , J F. Orr. Payette, Idaho. NW W ,he 'nl 0o"nn " SEW Sec 86, Twp. It. R. 47. $885.- "on ' rxtendlng credit necessary IS, penalty 114.76. eoat I 60. for eipanslon, especially If the war J. F. Orr, Payette, Idaho, NEW finance corporation bill Is adopted SWW Sec. 15, Twp It, R. 47, 9216 - Th- ,,,, , ,,,,, ,,. STTT. . 12. pennlty 914.76. cost $60 T,h u""' ln hlcn "l Ueorge Thomas. Payette. Idaho. R"road administration will Interest WWNWWNWW Sec. IS, Twp It, Itaelt are street, railway, light, heat R. 47, 9142.61. peaalty 97.12, coat ,d power companies Where It ap- ' C O. Heslup. Payette. Idaho. SW T "r,r ,ncrV '" f NWW Soc. 25,Twp 16, R 47, 9670 34, ratea may be suggested peaalty 922.61. coat $60. IVewldeert WUsoa'a Rruly. Ben H. Goddell, Boise, Idaho, EW Here Is the President's reply lo Mr H ..'.' J.wr 'ht1, MrM- McAdoos latter: penalty $41.11, eoat $.60. .... .. ,, ... . , , Oliver Mayfleld. Payette. Idaho. Tho White House. Wash ngton. EWNWW Boc 14, Twp. It. R. 47. My Dear Mr. Secretary: I have ei 999. IS. penalty 914.79, ooat 9 61. amlnod with oara the memoranda and Fraak Bpofford. Bolao Idaho. !., wnkh you traasmltted to me Hi st stwp it! X iiss.. w,u '" ,tur ' ' ""-n,h I 13. penally 91.34, ooat 9-9t. '" share the views you eiprcss re E W. Tomlln, Jerome. Idaho, 8W gardlng the Importance of the public SB W8E W Boc, 96, Twp. 19. R. 47 a.,. utilities as a part of our ns- m.'penalTy 94 9.0.1 '$ f.lt ' tto"' ". -- ' I. M. Rockyfellow. Parma. Idaho. It U essential that these utlll- EW8KW snd SEW NWW of SEW Ilea ahould be maintained at their Bee 3, Twp. 17. R. 47. 9979.24, pen- maximum efficiency and thsl evory- "MrVV.'bTooicPayett.. Idaho. !,h, """" "M' "'"u,d !, EW8WW8BW Sec. 2, Twp 17, R. 47 done with that end In view. I hope and EW NWW of NEW Bee It Twp. that state and local authorities, where 17. R 47, and WW NWW NEW Bee ,njr ,, no, aUaady done so. will. It and WWBW'WBEW Soc. 3, Twp . . . . uroD,ri i,,i ha, 17. R. 47. 9285 13. penally $14.76.'. ,e" "" ,CU V TOrl " " M cost $ 60 1' em, respouu proinpuy 10 ine ne- U. W. Mathews. Psyette. Meno, ceaslllea ol the .-It nation SEWSEWBWW Sec I, Twp. 17. R. .hall be glad to have you com g'g teres iMttt v t ." I j0 . whenever the Information In your D. O. Hambly. New Plymouth. Poasaasion suggests thst such s course Idaho, WW NWW NEW Sec. 10. Twp is deelrsble and lu Hie national in 1. It 47, and w mw '.HKH hoc 3. teres! h Vagatea. BWNBWNBW too. 1, Twp. Marah 14. lilt hT7 47 9142 St. osnaiiy 97 12, Last poblleerio. AprU Twp. 17, H 47, $215.12. penally ' $14.76. coat $.61. W. N. (ravel. Minneapolis. Mian.. NEW8WW Soc. 2, Twp. 17. H. 47. $286.12. penally $14.76. J. E Putuiaa. I'ayelle. Idsho. NBWNEW Boc 19, Twp. 17. R. 47. 9216.12. penalty $14.76. tost $.51. J. E. Roberts. Psyette, Idsho. 8WWNEW Soc. It, Twp. 17. R. 47, $186 .11. penalty $14.76, eost $.60. H. U. Sluve, Payette. Idaho. SEW NWW Sac. It Twp. 17. It. 47, 9215 -12, penally $14.76, eost $.99. It. U Rogers, Payette, Idaho. SW BW 'WNWW Soc. 10. Twp. 17, It 47 and NEWBWWNWW Sec. It, Twp. 17 and SEW of NW W 8ec 10, Two. 17, R. 47, 9216.12, peaalty $14 75. coat $60 Goo. Bloueker, Payette. Idaho, NE W8EW Soc. It, Twp. 11. R. 47, 9216.12 penalty 914. 76, eoat 9 61. Sherwood 41 Suiiih, Payette. Idaho. 8WWNWW Soc. 10. Twp. 17, It 47. $216.12, penalty $14.76, eoat $.60 Minnie E. Sleffen, Payette. Idaho. NWW SWW and BW W of NWW Sac. 9, Twp. 17. R. 47, $488.81. peu ally $14 86. cost $.60. E. L. Urady. I'sette, Idaho, SW ', BWW Sec. 1, Twp. 17. R. 47. $25 - 14, penslty $14. 7u. cost $.60. Lloyd 1.. Culberlson. Ontario, Ore gon. 317 acres la the NWNWW Sao 36, Twp 14.lt 47. and HWBWHNl-' Be- II, Twp. 14. H. 47. $40 20, penalty $20.24. coat $ 61 I 1 ( uluertaou, Oularto, Oregon, SWNEW8BW dec. 21, Twp It, R. 47, $142 54, penalty $7.12. cost $ 50. I. 1. Culberlson. Ontario, Oregou. N'W NEW SEW See. ft. Twp. II. It 47, $142 66. peaalty 97 12, coat $.60 Robert N. Vanllorn, Bioui City. Iowa. NWWBEW dec 21. Twp it. R. 47, $185.18, peaalty $14 76. .oat $61 C A Barker, Payette, Idaho, NW Lot 4, Sec I.Twp 17, H 47. $142 St. Peaalty $7 12. coat $ 61 Dr Nurvlg, Sioux City. Iowa. K W EW NWWNBW Sac. 34, Twp If. R. 47, $71.18. peaalty $3.61, eoat $.60. Aad unleaa the assessments dslln uusut, together wllh easts sad per centage, are pom. tae aioreeaui raai nroaerir. uuoa which ansssaiaam are a liu. will bo sold at paalic aac- liea oa the 6th dry of April, 1 111, or oa the sutceeding aays to wnn-u 1 may post pons said sale, si the office of the Board of Directors of said District, la the OBe-slory frame dwelling house aear the pumping plant of ald District . mora psneu larly described aa sliaaiad with a tho BBW of NWW of BeeOon 2 Towashlp 17, S. R 47, B W. M, la Malhtar couaty, Oregon, belweea the hours of it o clock a. ss aad t o'clock p m HAKRT E LATTIO. CBMaasoj snrsi nublicailoa of. this aolUei 4. 1818 Cordially yours. W'OODIIOW W 1 1. WIN. White Wyandotte exclusively. Bgga for hatching ll.lt for It. Charles AUorloa. Oolarle. t-4t M) MKAD HOK.SU AVM MAHKH M III Ml I.Kh 441 All broke lu work sud all ages sad kinds can be seen at Smith Warn. On tario, Oregon. Maraais A Basil h BOMMONH. IN THB CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATE OF OREOON, FOR THB ..COUNT! OF MAI.HKl'R Rraeet li. Maaa, "Mntlff, vs. Stella Mnnn, Defends) To STELLA MANN, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby in quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you ln lite above entitled suit on or before the 18th day of April. 1318. the ssmo being the lest dsy of the time pre scribed by order of the Court dlrecl- ' lag service of summons In said suR to be made upon you by publication. 'aad if you fail so to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the aabj Court for the relief demand ed In aald complaint, tewlt: For a decree of said Court dissolv ing the bonds of mstrlmony now pi Isllng between plaintiff aad defend ant, aad granting the plaintiff an ah J solute divorce from you, sad award lap the plaintiff the custody of Cleo Maaa. Mlasle Mann, aad Charles Maaa, the mlaer children of plaintiff and defendant, aad for all other re lief detaaaded la aald eompslut Too are further sotlfled that thla summons Is served npoa you by pub licatloa la pursuance of an order of tho Hon Dalton Blgga. Judge of thla Court, which said order was made aad eotered la said caase oa the Stb day of March. Ill I. aad directed that thla emjaoas bo pablfcshed once eoefc week for sis consecutive weeha la tho "Ontario Argus." commencing with tho Issue of March 7. 1811 Tho trst pabileailoo of thla sum moos la an March 7. 1811. aad tho loot pohUcatiea la oa Ajnrtl II. Mil. MeCVLLOCH A WOOD. Oregon Attoraeya for Plalailff When You Wont Medicine You Want It Correctly Compounded There an two things necessary in a medical remedy. It must be the proper medicine for the particular ailment it was prescribed for; and it must be properly compounded with indredients that are right. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF COMPOUND INO THAT KIND OF PRESCRIPTIONS 0. G. LUEHRS' DRUG STORE ONTARIO, OREOON A Comfortable Feeling A good many things may happen that will give you a feeling of comfort and security, hut nothing will do this more surely than the knowl edge that you have money in the Bank. This is particularly true if your money is in our bank, where you know it's safe. You know it is there subject to your needs. That you ean get it when you want it. That it is safe until you need it. If you have no bank account, wc invite you to start one at our bank now, no mat ter how small. You will add to it from time to time and it will soon be a source of comfort and security to you. BUY THRIFT STAMPS: A MONEY AND LIBERTY SAVING INVESTMENT. First National Bank ONTARIO, OREOON. THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty years ago tho telephone ooe a lusuo today, through porsoaal lalllatlve aad private eeterprlae. It has become s necessity wllhln the reach of earbod Where Meat s bo0 aaas had but oue telephone with a limited talking range, today tkal bualaoaa haa service with a raage three .1 us iters ol a eoall aaal broad, aad every breach of every business Is linked to ev ery oilier by sii lulorroiuiuunlcallBg lelephoue ayeiein The telephone has earned Its respoualble piste sud there are pjts I .inn ..on Itell telephones In this country, over which go II. It. t0 talks dally Kvcry IUII TriepBonv in a 1 .4 mis DialtuMB Station. Malheur Home Telephones CONSERVE Food and- Fuel The Electric Range will help you in your efforts. Start today and cook electrically : IDAHO POWER CO.