PAGE TWO ONTARIO, MAIJOOTt OOUNTT, 0RB00KTHTTR8DAV. MABCH WW- iflljr (ntatia Arnna (Established IB!.) GEO. K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher. Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, Mid entered at the Ontario post office for distribution as 2nd class matter. . . - - . i SUBSCRIPTIONS: One year $1.50. Six months (fl.OO. Three months 60c. Single copy r)c. The Pledge. I pledge my allegiance to r Plaff mimI to the Republic tor which make an offer of the plant to the city. Ittfj proposal for arbitration was not exactly inj ooint for the citv council would not have) THE JUNIOR ARGUS been sustained by pnWio opinion if it agreed ice that three outside parties placed upon the company's iH-onertv property. The company did make offers to sell nt various times but so Indefinitely, in the council's opinion that no serious consid eration was given them. 1 1 iid the company placed a vji I nation on its plant, and a selling price there might luivc I n i point from winch negotiations oould have worked. The tact that an effort was made to Influence the officials of the t stands: one nation, nulivisinie, witn noer-j'(.(j(,.;d ,.,.s, 1V(. district to use their intlo v anl justice for all. rnri with the war securities committee,with - out letting the eit ottlcials klloW ot the ef Children. ..,. ....,,1,1 ,,.,t fnil t., result i.tlirr IllMli it lias.l The bori Blid girls also ri,ld devei ONTAniO ORKiON THURSDAT. MAPW , 11 NO. 10 TMK HCHOOI. OROINDH lURTHIHl IWHTV. room celebrated the OVKst-THKRK little . . ., .- U . I'l M R nUMlI IW.'i"- v. - The school grounds 01 um.r.u ... -.- - (',, ll.rf Jim Hr tlie snl,il,r h.. err bare and derold of anything to birthday or u.u. , -..-- tot , uu u I M.rih T(,e piiro comnioni-eil found lilm. afford amusement to the ltfJjJ PonpP,nes by j On night Jim and another oM,or pop,e . . ... .,,., , nwar Thev host of the went out on listening posta; It was Moat of the arholara look upon (Hlu ll-n .onwav ,.,,, ,in,B ,.t M.....I,.,. party rroHon on nw - .- - - -- -- -..-., Napkin ami K" "'" ian.l bskp.i ii." niiiuiei now ,ur u wan, lillilrxn I"'' (!"' ' "Tliri'f or tour .uinnrcu yarns niori- cation as a dry and profitless routln. This Is more apt to he so In r Khool the tahlv where tli-r.. I nothing to do In the passed to I Colli' treee, especially TtttJ some klrol ol xwiniss for the ,;,; tin- answer Jim was alrwdj tired of (Tropins; along on his stom ach At last tbeqr war almost it CITY'S CREDIT GOOD. up and down on the Hldcwulk Kllznlx'tli Wllltmnre TIIKASI tUt WIITIUNKKTITMI As iroes the "Id saying, "It's an i that Mows no one rood", su it i 'I'''' ''"' "' 'hoards with the city Mfi4 I'edi ral reuiihitioii of issues lias wafted I No citv can afford to he unfair to its the n""l of the Financial situation toward Iconstitutents, and the Water company la Ontario. As the result, or latin r Oontribut- such ill as inueh as it is one of the taxpayers.! ngtti the result. Ontario's water bonds Sdld Bill it is likewise true that no public service A1((P xtormu and I ent on n.o boVC par. Corporation Can alTOra TO lie lllliail To Till' Treasure and Trlnkot rirh,' Sutiird.iy municipalities t serves. I he public, the ArgUS believes, would he willing to see the citv huv the present distributing system for . . ..- or.,,,.,,1 a was- awfilll KOO'I l'" """ ' bar. mmir school noMfl m ." mtam - um """;' lllir IM'IHHM ft . M ., .. ..,,.,,,,.,.... i f I...W.1, .. i need ioirhln the too. m . ,.-.,,..... ... mail I tharnk Osj jlgjil ii .-.! thai mm nir,"- Qaraana coming. 'and "Wlnilinlll ". t ""'"" ! "tUca m,'' wan t ho whispered torn- which thai int'd '" '" v,in" ",' ""' "i1"1 t0 J1U1 " "'" "hurl "ul li, , ,'lilldien march. Hllent hattle and Jim and hln frl. n g thelrlrame oul lth only a few flesh wOttBdi "Shall we search them, KI'TH 1IOMAN und MAROARBT BUACKABV " .' ' u , , oPWIr muaclos a great deal more In en.-nalnnon. The '"" in creating a feeling on the part oi man) ymwinn , ln ,,,, , , , goog orM nu.-n wind tiu, t the company has not dealt above the n9A(l tne ll0h0O, bulMtaf or walking jtmdr iu iiaf llll HSlTITIO This was soiiM what of a surprise to Qiosi of the citizens who have been following the Situation and have known of the opposition which was tiliictlv brill" offered to tin mi I ie saK The vuiatloli Is ggttSal lalail The Germans arc advan ..., i i... ,.i- .i Such discouragement an we did Ik,." cIi.k steadily toward ran-. .., -.- xumu .i... o, nie .i.,,,n,od the door In the efforts of the Kngllsh soldier t. our far At one olaco we wen. t It look- very much like ti German . The Kren, h turned the Oerman plan ithn houfe and said as nicely as will gain IMrls in -non Jim asked "Well, maybe we had I, dter" the other said. One of Ger mans was a captain and they at onct searched him. Some papers were found In his coot pocket and when a light bomb they saw some army plans of the Herman written out on The two crept back and unlckly gave the papers to the Major The on the Gorman who were taken . . "..... .. .i line noiiKo ami sniu n nn-i " "- " -- - .. i issue. what it is Worth to the city as a part "I tliei ,, . .,., ..,, ,,.ll, e.,ie In England, i.owever take this, by aurplse that the first line tr, f 1 1,.. 1 1 1 In .nds however. IS uiuton iil:on.cil and that ill view of the ! .. . ,i ir..,i,.,i nn.l Hie as a matter of (get, and are very cool naj, taken I iiii I'- " - i -..- - -. , t i , ' s ssi - ...-. ...... --- -- 111 II Uainill im oi""""' .... an excellent example of what is transpiring health question involved is all that the com answer we ot mm um woman h in reaj-,i t, in the financial world and a review of the cir-'panv can expect, tho everyone is willing to "i dont .are if you are ,, Mts TWg M eu.listal.ces indicates the position In Which admil that the officials of the con.panv are .ny..,.n l.ere;-.nd she slammed tu- DOTlOTIlY OIIAM ii lie rix THIK lt investineiit hankers find themselves. The federal capital issues ronunitl has decreed that issue.- of more than 1100, (MX); unless for ahsoliite necessities shall not he floated, so the bond hankers and the in vestors who seek tax-exempt securities must .seek their purchases in the smaller fields, ,. ..linn i. :.. .. t'snecia v earniiiu' utiiiiies. micii iik in servinir the interest ot their emplovcrs in trvinbT to kc1 allthe rawMfun, However it Days, always, tO play With all the cards on measles, and of course we did not ton the table. This applies to all who parti-! want them Kvni after our hardship . , we beat the boys We got fit 1" he cpate .1. am JJJ fj JJJ uM w- f(n. Isl.ed our work at noon and were very KEEP COOL. I tired and hunary.but happy o the Ml til li.. we will nae in " buy more l.lle.-o ll,,nd; .l..n ' &.. I Aoqt. more inriii mamps. uwwi.i At another place the lady said tint may find tlie Germans marching Ul Tje b(kU,e ,,, u rMDg now on a the mil) thing that she had was Ihe Washington flrty nl)e frM)t R the decisive buttle rrank "" ''"-" ,of lh frm, war. Aerial obrta- tlons have been made and it has heen found that from (0 to 10 division of HKVKXTH OIUHK PIC'JCK' The Seventh grade Is planning to the Oerman army ara waiting behind the German llnaa to ba called The Ikiixiii.r tli.iui. ilnvii vv-ll.. li tile 1 ii r 111:111 l""'K I II. .-i .1....- ....... ..u Lino's water ssvtem. To keep their custom- horde is makinc its supreme attack on the en supplied with such papi i the bond men western front of the hattle lines in Rlirupe must coinh the market and thus h coinpet the Anieriean people have need for all tin ir inj; as they did here Monday niht they fortitude and courage. It is no time to silb bruig np the market value of issues for the utit to misiviiis and undue excitement; smaller localities. that would serve very well the purpose of There was in the local issue another fea the Hun. ture militating to the city's l.eiiefit and that; The thought! of cvci-yiinc be een- was the fact that there was a very lively tered on tlie work to he done lure nt Home p..ssihilit that if the bond buyer did not The war gajdftat must be eared for and ar-l td'fer a u"'l price for the bonds the council railgelBOltta must he made now to p'odu-i would reject all hids and sell them here thru the mveatest crop of foodstuffs the nation the local hanks to Ontario people as did the has ever grown, directors of the Malheur Dminage District The strength of the (ierman anny indi- 'I'h. h I men did n..t like that possibility, cotes clearly thai the task which the allies I To get such a practice started ucneialiy face la a gigantk one. All illusions St t(l thru. nt Ihe state would not he healthx for, when the war will end must he dispelled be- the l I hrokerag hnsiuen fore the task of preparing to feed millions of The third element, and this was not Americans in r'ranee and their allies "over third in importance either was the fad that there." the vote iii Favor of the 1 ds so emphatical At the same time, too, every loyal eiti- y demonstrated thai the issue was popular Ma must increase his vigilance in watching with the people and that the plant would re for the enemy at home. No I. Y. V.. DO I ceive the unanimous support of tlie people, pro (ierman. must be permitted to .sow And lastly the element of C petition treason here at home. The temper ofthel between two of the buyers, ftecler Bros, of people is fast reaching a M.iut where drastic Denver and Portland and the Lumberman's metiutdsal will satisfy and silly seuti-l Trust rompani had auincthing to do with ment must go by the hoard to make way Eur the size of the premium offered. Bach of adequate method of treating traitors. these companies appareutlj was anxious to gel the issue and i hose who watched the hid BEATING THE SUN. diiiK enjoyed a real treat Two exponents Ontario will be among the eummuui- of great ind pastime could Uoi have cam ties in the Tinted States that will heat the OUflaged better and the council and specta, sun. after net Sunday. Mut th the new ois s;iw the game pla.vcd to the end glad that daylight saving plan was not needed for On- the situation was just as it was and that the tario the city will fall in line with the rest ul hv.stem would lie hunt with a punt start the nation to unserve ine regulation. financially. It is hclievcl that the first element which raised the mice, iianu h the federal to sun now. hut just Supervision of issues, will als., have its ef- mean to the husiuess men who work by I'ouv feet on the price at which the work -will be time. Our neighbors have sometimes triid contracted. There are many contractors to jolly Oregon street men tboul getting whose eiuiiiiuieiit is now idle beeause eauital down to business "with the I'ony." but issues for new work are not how permitted, they'll have as change their tune for Ontario will he there when tne time ciianp-s iMinuay mornim; e can all pt used to it celebrste April Kool's Day by giving i ,,,, ha? ,aCceded In holding I.MUII IM. Alice Her, In wienie roast The children of the room kept their spelling grades for a month, and those who received an average below 0 are destined to give a party to those remaining Those called upon to "help" were: Hicham" Adam, Karl Secoy, Karl t.u ehrs, Guy Secoy. Krank Vanl'etten, and Hoy Shaw The room uverage was found to be '' their trcnchwi after a rotroat of sev eral miles Wa, the Allien, will havo to win Gil battle and the war tho rltUetis of On tario ran help Is to buy Liberty Bonds in Ho Third Liberty loan drive whleh Miarts on April 6tb. Blchard Adam ri'i.... i..., ,r. ...l ... .1 . ......II ......r,, I lie I .III IICIII I llll, Mil O' lll, .-,111. Ill l,'lll-, aul maintain their organisation than to per nut them to be idle, and thus Ontario ma.v be on the right side of thi wind antl get the gttod from tin blou A TARDY EFFORT. The belated effort on the pai-t of the of ficials of the Water coinpam and T II. Moore as private eitist'U CO retartl, and if possible stop the issuance of theeity 's inuni eipal bonds is to be regretted. No good can result therefrom. Whih the coinpam is within its rights When it ; l tempts t . . sell the present system to the .it the method taken is not one caleu lated to promote that fii line, of friendly eo opera! ion which should evist between the citv and ous of its big taxpayers. 1'iior t,, the election for the change of charter, before the election for the sale of the lioiids. preced in", the sale of the bonds proper, the com pany had three distinet op ort unities, and as manv more as it might have Bought to A alec game to play. And one that will pry. In aummnr when it Is warm. And the bees are In the swarm, Is to use the apace from fence to fence To rats food for our boys and the, was found to be M Laet Friday a Joint debate came off French. will have a good time at the between the Seventh and the Eighth Thejajwde are the Huns, j noted pan patch, watching (or tUe grade TIM Oral Use the Seventh Knenilea that are on the run. different species of bird", hunting (on best th E'ghth but this time It was . When you appear with the hue Ipansie.. and eatlna wienie, for the other way. The question for deba'e To meet the terrlhl' foe. lanswer we got (rum the woman wax was "Resolved; that the Monroe I..-.. a.. 1. 1 Foxl Florence Hale' Doetrtae should be abolished " caTtliTsaLe ONTARIO, OREGON March 30th, 1918, at 1 P. M. Steers -150 Head - Steers Three years old, coming four. Yearlings Head Yearlings One-half Steers One-half Heifers COWS 70 Head - COWS Cows and CalvesSpringers and Dry Cows. ! Bulls - 7 Head - Bulls Some Registered These cattle are in jrood condition nH wpII hwx rmsses ed'l'Hieorntmiul'riutof Durham and Hereford, and will be sold. Of course this will make but slight dif tVrenee to the farmei-s. who work from .sun ii sun" now. hut just think what it will e THE STOCKMEN ARE COMING. According to the ejhranee inlmaaalfani in the hand of the committee iii charge of the convention of the Kastcrn Oregon Cat tle and Horse Raisers' assoeiatitui, Ontario will he calleil ujM.n to care for ."SHI guesta iut month. That is a big task for a city of this size, but Ontario will make good. , "iiii Uig of gtMatS is still to lie solved. If you have means of supplying a bed. let the rtxun committee know at one. fall Mrs. W. "W. l.i-t-ion on tin- I'boiic and help tlie cans', ;iloiig. Ontario is Id have a new water system. It also need B new spring die', and a fine new bonnet The only way to get them is to i;rt them, and these things bif eitj mean a clean up. Ontario netnls that clean-up badly. Who is going to start Regular Junk Sale Day Will sell Junk at Carter Garage at 1 P. M. Cattle at Fair Grounds at 2 P. M. ONTARIO SALES CO.