ONTARIO, MALHHUB COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 21. 1MR An Easter Event of Great Importance DO NOT miss this Printzess and Redfern Week's Display of fine ready-to-wear coats and suits. Even if you are not ready to buy you should see these dis tinctive new Printzess and Redfern models the very last word of Dame Fashion in women's outer apparel. These coats and suits embody the latest accepted Paris and Londcn ideas faithful reproductions which are absolutely correct in silhouette 'and line. The materials are quality fabrics, splendidly tailored. They combine with their fashionable lines a distinctiveness that every woman seeks-.-the distinction in dress for which the Printzess and Redfern lines are famous, Just at this time you will find our Garment Department at the height of its attractiveness, with a wide variety of choice models f ram which to make selections for your Easter suit or coat, You are cor dially invited to pay a visit to this style review and note the new ideas for this season's wear. Printzess DISTINCTION IN DRESS For the week of Mar. 25 to Mar. 30 Redfern New Dresses For Ea$ter beautiful NEW PROCE FOR STREET AND PARTY WEAR.MADB UP IN SATIN, TAFTETAB.CRKPK8 ETC. MANY ARE DEVELOPED IN COMBINATIONS OP TWO OR MORE MATERIALS. SMART NEW ETON BPPBCTB AND THE POPULAR BTRAMHHT UNE STYLES. WITH PLEATED. OATMERBD. DRAPED OR TUNIC S4CIRTS PRICE RANGE KROMV- $14.00 up New Waists New Skirts For Easter For Eator l. A OREAT ASSORTMENT OK THE WAIBT SRlTION IS PILLKI. TH. tut MODELS POR WITH THE NEW SEASON'S BUH 8 jjTKBET AND DRESS WEAR BB IN EVERY DESIRABLE MATER. ri-AITHD. DRAPED. TAILORED IAL. INCLUDING A SPLENDID AND TUNIC EPPBOTB IN PLAIN ASBOBTMENT OP MODBIJ MADE (OU)HA mm pLAIDg UP IN OBOROETTE i UEPE. DAIN MiJW OTLK PrrriCOATB or AU( TY NEW BTYLBB WITH BOLL OR TAPrBTA, OR or iILK ; SHAWL COLLARS ALSO NEW -BT wmi TArrBTA rLOUNOBS TAILORED MODEM OK i REPE DE j ppUj rq, BHAOE8 AND CHUVB AND 1.INCKK1K WWAISTH CHINE AND LINGERIE WAISTS RADER BROS. CO. SMART BOOTS For Easter NEW HIUH HOOTS of Gray, Brown. Walt. god (ulor kid, with ilutu loaa to aultu, narrow too, medium ANY NUMBER OP STYLES