ONTARIO, MAlflHUB COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 21. 191R ' I ' Personal Mention Painless Dentistry by Nerve Blocking MY RECORDS SHOW 3000 APPLICA TIONS OF THIS SCIENTIFIC METHOD OF ELIMINATING PAIN IN THE DEN TAL CHAIR. SKILL SCIENCE EXPERIENCE INSURES PAINLESS EXTRACTION PAINLESS REMOVAL OF NERVES AND PAINLESS FILLING OF TEETH. NO GAS 1 DR. CRICHFIEI D, Boise. NO COCA1N Falk Building 5mm1 IP )j Economy of Operation, Flexibility of Power Comfort in Riding It is the car discriminat-ng autoists, those who have owned cars for years, placed their stamp of approval and the demand for the demond for these machines has demonstrated the wisdom of their judgment. H f MMaaaVtH emJ Bn lih fl aAmJL mi " I tmmm mmm! B 1 R MV iJsMMrll '"atir " LB vMai 1 The Nash Truck Built for Dependibility and Service The greatest addition of the man power of the nation in the great war was the introduction of the Nash Truck. No matter what the load may be The Nash is equal to the task of transporting it Hundreds of these great cars are performing wonderful feats of strength and service over all kinds of roads, in all kinds of weather. The result is a vast reduction in transporta tion cost, great saving in time. LET US DEMONSTRATE TO YOU EITHER OF THE GREAT MOTOR VALUES--THE NASH WAY IS THE BEST WAY. E. C. PROPST, Agent MALHEUR AND HARNEY COUNTIES IN OREGON PAYETTE COUNTY, IDAHO Salesroom, Old (.olden Rule Buildup, Ontario, Oregon ! I C. T. Cox made a builne WelMr Monday. trip to Two Cars of Exceptional Value The Great Nash Six The Powerful Nash Truck No motor car values offered in recent years repre sent greater efficiency, greater strength, greater power, or more handsome lines than THE NASH SIX which achieves the H. C. Borer left Sunday venlnc; for Portland on business. Smith Crane of Hunt arrived In Ontario Tuesday afternoon. 0 Mr. Jaa. Q. Smith ipent the week end visiting; friend In Welser. Mrs. Qo. B. KellnRg, of Welser was an Ontario visitor on Tueaday. Carl Gamble of Caldwell waa an Ontario buinea visitor on Sunday. -o 0 H. Oxman. the Jamlrann ranch er, In In Ontario on business thin week. MIm Lola Dearmond, who I now a ten I dent of Welser, apent Sunday with relatlvea here. Urn. W. J Plnney leave thin week for Seattle and other Sound polnta to vialt with her aou. A. P. Boyer left Friday of laat week for Texaa to look after Ma In terests In that aectlon. o Mayor C. C. Wilson of Nyana spent '1 uenday morning In Ontario looking for the political Rltuntlnn II II i nrkrum left Monday for Caliper, tin- oil clt ol Wvniiilna. on I He will be none days o f I. Sheet of the Cat.' lt Jour nul. which In porlliiK a Mat Ml In ullna: till-- week, tai in I I MonSaJ n J I. I) Morrison, representative of the i ii t-Ki.ii Western Colonisation company at Crane, wa an Ontario visitor on Monday. e -Mill Mla Evelyn Gallagher and her small brother. Thoma P . who were III for nevcrul day Dili ween, ae reported better. B William AIIIkoii. aim Ih now a rel ileiii of the county neat, npeiit Hundwy In Ontario Hill I now one of Sher iff Ben llrown'a force o Letter received this week by J It Blackahy from hi son. Willi m Blarkaby, tell of the hike (he boyl have been tuklnji In England Mr. J. W. M.-t iiiloch left TMadav noon for llolae. She wa accompan led by her daughtsr Bather, who wa making her lint trip to the big town Attorney W. W Wood left Sunday iil moon tor Maker to be present ,.i the xeaalon of (he Baker eoiinii court, appearing for lilaho client III ' liw in Hon 0 A MrWIIIIuiiiH muiie u Irln to el- full on Moniliiv wh-rt he ImiukIh tin luiner Htlnirl' herd of cattle Htid Hi negotiated for th dollvery of another herd here this week. Mr A. I. Cockruni leave thlx wm-Ii for au attended tisit with rein tlvei lu Kansas and Missouri Mr Corkrum will follow her In Hie huh of a few weeka. J. A. HoMkliiH returned S.iiiint.it from Portland, where he appeared lu ault be had pending against an Kastern ImiiiiIIiik house. In which lie received u verdict for fl 0,700 i Kay Wilson of Wilson lirother ab sented hlniHAlf fr Hi' buslueiM on Mou day while he determined that tln b wa aick, he did l.'oi hu . the in. On Tuesda he was able to he alMiut aa uaual. Homer Settle, who ha been em ployed at the Democrat of Hie. and Mr. Settle, who ha been with the Millinery ft Art mure, left Monda for Payette to rare for their ranch and bee colouiea. II I' Schllppell. the Oregon I. II man lu this territory, spent the in i of tin- week in lowu lie wa SOMM) aisled by K Strong, assistant manager of the conipaut Thin la Mr. Strong's first ialt to Ontario in (Mr year and lie Minimed up ilia i Ii i pressloiM thu "There must be an active bunch of men In Ihia town io accomplish the change 1 cau see " i Mrs. J. Q. Staple received word title week that ber little graoditaagli ter. Margaret Uiulae Shluu. la very III at her home in Port Benion. Mou tana with diphiiieria The letter waa written by a neighbor uf the Slilun family and gave but few details fceeoud grauddaughter, but week old Is in ilia lioBie wllb. aick child, relative here are ap prehensive and dally are awaiting WW4 ! MM fsaWly's oaaditio To The American People There ig no foundation for the alleged violations of law attributed to our Com pany by agents of the Federal Trade Commission and I want to say emphatic ally that Swift & Company is not a party to any conspiracy to defraud the Govern ment. Nor has Swift & Company been guilty of improperly storing foods or of making false entries or reports. Conferences of packers, where prices hare bean discussed, have been held at the urgent request and in the presence of representatives of either the Food Administration or the Council of National Defense. And yet the packers have been accused of committing a felony by acting in collusion on Government bids I We have done our best, with other packers, large and small, to comply with the directions of the United States Food Administration in ull particulars, including the furnishing of food supplies for the U- S. Army and Navy and the Allies, now be ing handled through the Food Adminis tration. We will continue to do our utmost, un der Government direction, to increase our production and assist the hood Adminis tration. We consider that the opportunity to co-operate whole-heartedly and to our fullest powers with this branch of the Government is our plain and most press ing duty. The Trade Commission Attorney has, by false inference and misplaced empha sis, given to disconnected portions of the correspondence taken from our private hies and read into the Record, a false and sinister meaning with the plain purpose of creating antagonistic public opinion. The services of the packers of the United States are most urgently needed, and I regret exceedingly that we should at this time have to spend our efforts in defending ourselves against unfounded, unproved, and unfair assertions such as are being daily made public. s&.Fintf&C' President Swift 6c Company, U.S. A. Auto Truck Bargains W K HAVK A M MHKK ill KX I l.KNT I'l.KASl KK ('A HI I'M VI Wll.l. MAKK 1 INK I'ltl'i KS I UK KNt;iNKS IIAVK M.l. IIKKN DVI.Ii II Al. I. Kit HO UK Gudr.iiiirT I very (Jar to Be in GimhI lomlitiun THESEGUINE A17TOCO. (TMK oi ia si i.iHMd in M n mm Kim vi .) A I'omplete line uf i irsnrl. HsaTlea in..n lor Ool tear T lie. Automobiles of Character Hudson buper-ix, Velie Buick and Oakland You are taking no ehiuicos in buying one of these well known machines, ; they nave proven their worth by years ol ti ice. HKItVICK AMI ItKI'l ill H 11(1 Ik-. EASTERN OREGON AUTO CO. Oatarto, Oregoa V. B. hlU-IKh MANAUkH