The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 21, 1918, Image 1

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0nfati0 mm.
NO. 11
THKKK Ml HT III " -.1 ICKr I!-
IIOMI 111 ISO n: MM, MM i:
Will, lOAlN I 'AIL To (.(i
o I'll TDK TOP.
Citizen- of I .-,.. I l) t Int. Bt Ili-nil
iimi otiwr Ofemnttta Kmii to
Idaho Than OlHM (Hies Mui
It.-. ..i.l I. Holts In This Himlr.
Facing n task greater than an yet
Imposed on the patriotic citizens of
Malheur COUIIt) the riuilliilttees on til
Third Liberty l.oun are striving to
arrange .-very detail of the drive)
which starts on April tf. No charge
of lack of preparation or zeal In ser
vice of the . hinteers will be per
mitted. As never before the entire count)
la to he ciiiiYiisKcd before the dth
with speakers and publicity nutcrliil. j
The effort to tx m ide In order that
the nutnher of purchasers of l.lhertv
Ii.'ikIm may In- ne rcascd by nearly!
tOO per rent. Alao tl uprU
aubaeriptlon must he vanity Increas '
d If Hie ciiinpalgn Is to be a sucoeae.
While the actual flgurea of the
quota have not yet hern announced.
hut I.. ,. ! everv fluv II :m knnwti
r. . .. ., . .. . , ....!
UlSI II Will III C!SI IOUIIIC 111(11 Ol (I1C
incnnil Liberty Loan, or approximate
60O, tOO. To raise thai the eooat)
inn i gueura fiery dollar to which II
It en t Mod.
flfti lying District Warned.
The committee Is particularly anx
ious thai the people of Dead Ox Flat,
the Hlg Mend mid Owyhee r-glons.
who by reason of their proximity to
Ids ho litleh have heretofore boon
worked by committees from Pay
ette or Parma, see to It that Ml R
their sulis.-rlptloiiH are turned In to
their local cointiillii-e anil art
erlv ei.liiil in Malheur OOHnt
Thin Is done merely In justice In
themselves, to the county and to
atate. Tho commtttOOS recognlxel
that the money will all go. to tin-
same nliice and garvo the cause if
justice equally us well H uibsi rlbed
elsewhere but (heir district will nol
slve Its right recognition and Hie
work of the county committee will
thus be materially Incroaaod.
Hoosier Parade Planned.
The publicity oiunillteii of the
Kustiiti Malheur District, from Ar
cadia in the North Man!) I iu , has
secured siiliscrlplloti lo Hie piibllcit
fund r i , m 1. n .i I btislnt r men, in will
have Ho- luinl iiuiipl ted by Krlda
saranlnn with tins i i the loan
Will be aiDerlised In every sccllou of
the district. Spakir will tour tin-
Hire region and a big booster pa
rade Is planned for April il which has
Hie double significance of In Ing the
jp. mug day of the campaign and tlie
lulversary of the eutr of Hie
tlliled Slates In the war.
Sam Creem, chairman of the pub
licity committee roeolved word lues-,
lay that the slate coiuuiltlee would,
furalsh a speaker or stale wide re
nte for the April demonstration
nd at the suggestion of busiue-s
ilea aa effort will be made to lino-
Ike day a holiday Iu Outario with all
liusiiiess hoiisoa closed for th day.
Hill On 0O II S II
The oi the Commercial
'lab luncheons -viut held at lha Car-
ir Hotel ibis noon Only a small
lumber waa preasml.
Iu couueellou with the forn loaure
sgslnat W. M VVayiuaa by tbr Mo
lue ompauy, llefrrer William
ralker took testimony at the 1 It
til Monday A large number ol
and rrom Chicago weror present
liaiiii) Clerk Again audhlaie.
County clerk Arthur M Moody
raa in tows Monday ou business and
Iroppen lulu (be Argus lo admit that
le la agalu a candidate (or tbat posl-
loa. Bo tar no opposing candidate
is boon mentioned
P. J. Gallagher retuuad 10. lay from
fortlaud, where be weni ou legal
lusiaoea In connection with the ar-
liguiuoul of William Oram ol i
hiu.etou. who was arrested ircruily
a fedentl bench warrant
The rirsl strlk - ou the big
Malheur Drainage Ditch took
placo Monday noon when eight
teajusters demanded or J. A
Hoskins tbat their pay of 13.60
lor eigUi hours be Increased
They did not gel time to stipu
late lha figures they wsnled, fur
Mr Hoskins "gave
tbam tbe '
uu ict iiioui nju tiirjii ".'
Wnotbor or not any of the gson
wore members of tbo I. W W
Mr. Hoskins did not know, but
-both -be aad his foresueu ars en
. . .(Win u 01 om avucsjHiro iui nitumiy,
!" !Bd0,'r " J,0 .W?1 L'! 'March JP. baa bono 04twnjao0 a ..ak
.... - - J.
w" '
I Oil 1)11 IN (.l
111 IN. l (HI Ik l III '
mi r i per (in..
imI lenient ft Tile
company, of which c. spies In
president In turning out the big
36-lncti drains to be
in the Malbaor Drainage i ,
trlet ditches Tlic company ha
leased a portion of the Chun!'
HIiikIiiiiii plant, back of the City
Hall, and Hie result tlmt they
are fart covering the vacant prop
orly near by. The concrete
afte mixing Is placed In steam
chests where It undergoes a 48
houi treatment and the result
la being admired by many On
tarlans every day. Mr. Bing
ham Is making the smaller pipe
.nut great quantltica of that, too,
la being luruud out.
James Doty has the contract
for supplying the grcvel that I
used in the pipe while the Uolae
Payette ompauy Is furnishing
the cement.
Primary .May lo Mark t hang.- In
Time ol (It) Klrcllon Kntlre
Administration Must He
Besides miiiiinatlng a Inlted States
Senator or two, a governor and State
oiiu.Hin ami ma i ouniy ouiciais,
ine rqirp oi iiuiario win nave in
duty of nominating at the
primaries a complete t'lty adminis
tration As yet there has been no rush for
tho offices and It ia Uoulitlul whether
too I...
ants I,
Hot will be jammed with usplr
ever, the voters have two months 'o
look the Held over None of the
preeoat offlclsls have signified a
mad desire to make the rsoe.
Poll Books Oven.
The poll hooka are now open for
registration of persons who have ac-
iiulred voting privileges since tho
last election. Thai Includes those
who have become of age or who have
been In the slate a sufficient length
of time, also those who have become
OI ago or who hate changed pre
cincts or had- ih-ii-ed their name
since i lieu.
Sleep n I eeillng In Adrian Neitlou
II. m,ii Ilia Crops Needing in
Progrrsu. Haydil, a I.uihIm-i
and Coal ,.nl
". "r.. air. is -mc coin-
mmee n.r me innu i.. an is
an in rue ami reauy lor me glial in
start The men. hers have prartlcallv
all of the details arranged for so
there will be no delay on April .
Mr. Uowen. th sluepinau who
fed bis aheop south of town, had tln
misfortune to loae 75 tons (( bay by
fire laat Saturday afteruoou. The
origin or the Ore Is a uiyst w)
The hiinbiag at Hie llavurtteld-ilar-rls
ismp la nalebed and tba owaora
are well pleased with ihe results
Adrian k store i- i have a new
,w,ug for which were given
Adrian folks sire getting tired
hauling lumber and cot-.l lit uillvs
when a railroad gooa by the iowii.
and this is a gentle remluder to iheli
friends to direct a aool and luiubei
niuu this way
Mrs Hheltou Snd her two boys
were lu Uolse Monday 011 bualuess
bui remained over to hear Madame
Molba. Miaa Cosnack of the Hlg
li-nd school a. compacted theni.
Mr. ilu -roughs mads s trip to Now
1'lyiuoiith but weak
narry inoaipsoa 01 isw riymoalii
was a Big Bend vlritor Saturday
when ha worked ou his place here.
His father la hers tbla week lo saod
wheal and get re dy for Irrigation
Harvey Oils wort .0 Bcise Monday
ou business for cks fifty-fool ditch
A number of Art. Uu folks atleuded
Ihe contest at Saturday even
ing and report a fine program Mrs.
Ueu Laagaa aud Miss Whipple of
Adrlau were the Judges of the speak
Pete Chrlsdansen has 20 gOtOS
uaarly ready to soed aud M Grueling
has levolod bis ground for a big new
M. Moadoola. lbs Owybos snoop
man. was a visitor ai lbs llickox
raask Sunday aad declares that hay
ovlll ft t 111 Ml il till a IT still I tar 1101 I III- VMJatr
., ,,,. .. , .,, ,
Wednesday night Rod Cross plciares
n iuw srsissaagasan.asas st sw savsasw-.
win lie shown alio Mlsa V nipple will
organise a Juaior Rod Cross
The regular wsellag of Ibe Uraagr
1.1. .ha atai k ...I u IJ . si . . uaJ.
go thai Mareb 90. caa no ronorvod for
Liberty 1-oas spoakara. A number of.stiiula 00
x-oBdidataa wUI ho roorlved at tln -
l uoetina Saturday aloOl
Ion Douldi ilcnili-rs I'lnlixl In Ptit
Week Onl) One t.nme in 4
I M lij laicals.
Tim local high school boys' besk.-i
bull team HiiccesKfully defended tlnl,
record as an ever victorious team in
two games during the past week
ljiMt Thursday night the alumni ol
the high school took down the small
end of the score In an 18 to 12 day night teins on some of these ami de
nial, h. hut not until after a hard- Tho local team was composed of'1 dares that small pi s of incut
rough! contest. Wesley Olaai and I'laia CraJg, whoi4 with strychnine whs the i
On the same night the girl's team ' have boon repreoin'.lr.g the High! used. Mr. Tunny, whose dm-
lost an interesting game to the (ol-
lege of Idaho team. The heavier and
older girls were played to a atandsi ill
until the last four minutes of the
game, when a series of baskets gave
llietn a lead and a win by tin
of :'i,to 14. Miss Joyce Turner. 0
II s 17, was one of the stara of the
college team.
Tuesday night saw a double vie -
lory for the home team. The bn
won in easy fashion from the lute;
mountain Institute of 'elscr, run
ning up the score of 44 to 15. ('nil
tensen, Howser and Madden of the
lo :l team w ! in untl i 1 I'M m Iimi
lluder playing for the first time this
aeaaon caged several baskets In the
last half. The girls played t
The girls played tie
lame evenirg am! wfcre
lend themi elves to win
-timers by the icoroJoi
alumni the sal
forced to extern
from tho old
16 to 10.
The alunini teams wore composed
of the following players:
Hoys Hryan Neeb, Fred Test.
-35 -S" a j"
Is JOnnla Honey, llortaase
. Marval ( ayou; llosannai..
,M ,,.
; Ulrl
ment, Majory Turner
Charlos I'raas, aged 14, died at Hie
hospital Monday morning following
an lllnesi; of more than a month
His first suffering waa caused by an
aiicess under Ills arm rrom wnicn it
was Ihot he waa recovering The
funeral services will be held Saturday
aft moon from the Methodist church.
of which he w:is a nemher Intel
ment will be msde si the Payette
i -.neiery.
Mr. Crane was nor i at CfcorMoa.
Iowa, and came lo Ontario with his
pari-nli, Mr and Mrs WlWIson J
(rsne, of Dead Ox' Flat, In 190.'!. and
has lived here OOOtlnnOOal)
In 1910 he went to Kansas, where
iiiallled In Ml i mi llaui.
who. w.tli one son. nut (Ives him ll
also loaves two broth-rs. Pearl n( On
tailo ami Oeorge ui r potto and one
slider. Myrtle Stew, it of Oulario
Mr. Crane was a member of Hie Mod-
em Woodmen of America and ihe
Muthodlst Kpisiop I , I men.
II Cllham. who baa boon
cashier at the freight station for
nearly a year. res. rmd his position
last week to take a job with liirle
nam. Mr. flllnom went to Portlsnd.
whore he enlisted Iu tile Nsvy. . pply
Ing for radio service Ho was ac
cepted and seut home to await orders,
which ho was told would probably bo
forthcoming In a week or two
Vtr Umlm A law ajftl.-!.! KurrMit
Kork Cockerels and a few While Ueg-
horns C
K Dibble. Payette. Idaho,
Phono IP.
rl.Adv. I.
The debatora from Wallowa visit-1
ed the Hlgli School Friday afternoon
and wore sbowu thru the building
They wore aspoclnlly intta'eatod In
tbo salutary and manual trainee de-
pertinents, aa Wallowa Is not aa lor-
tuuate ; Outario iu having Huse de-
Saturday iio.ruiug the High school
celebrated their debate v!. tcry by
having an hour of 1 ood music Thru
lie kindness of Mr. Doaalaas a vie-
trola waa urovldad for tba oceasloa
and the hearty aonlause with which
eacb uuuiber waa roeolved attested
the appreciation of the students
Ai (he close of Cie sddress oa
Thursday morning Ibe High Schools
now flag was unveiled, while students
sad faculty joined iu singing the
"Star Spangled Haiiu.,
Laat Krlday night after lbs debate
the girls of Ihe senior class enter
tained the girls of tbe debating
teams aud ibe other high school
S"' "' rawnpiioa. a very eujo
sble Unto was psssad, after which
light refreshments werfo served
Tuday ev.aing the Onurio
School boys aofaatod lha Walaor
tbo Onurio rioor in
of basket Iwll lo the mm .,r
t.. I
Ontario He-iMes IiIl III lo Meet Unites
Train lor II to Oa In Kugene
on I I oiiiet
Tho debating tnaiM of DM ' I
high school un-t and dc 'rated the
Wallowa High School Mom, cham
pions' of Northeahtern Oregon, for th
hamplonh p of K:.s..-n orogon at !
the High School auditorium last Krl-
School In debates all winter. Atior-
ney it K. Ilaynos of Payette and J.
D Hvun of W-l.-r and Sunerlnion
dent Miller of the Prultlnnrt bOoM
'were the Judges
I he qnottfOO nOOOtnd was. Rg
solrad that the I'nlt ,1 States should
enter a league of Nitons to Knforce
the Decisions of an International
, Peace Court." The winning ti ,m up
held the affirmative
The Ontario debaters will moat the
team from The Dalle t SOOM time in
April, having the same question and
the same side Tho wlnmr or t h I
debate meets a ti in from tho I
for the otato championship
gene. Tho I'nlverslly of Oiegon
pel . both lentils in
pens? ol both learns In
this final debate, at-(1 a slhrOI in
Is awarded to (he winning team
Tho youthful debaters are to he
congratulated on then nSOOUonl
At the City Hall today lha dire, t
urs of the ldaho-Oreon lie, keepers
association are In- aocalon to receive
the reports of Prenldi nt C I nibble
and P J Kiirrell, who ha
returned from tin- K:..i Ii I then
they considered the prohloiiiK whhli
will be presented hee men In reiilug
supptn i . oruing in ma rep.u i
'he director- prese t th. , i 1 1 1 .... I. i
favorable for a big year, tin- boot
, naviag winieroo wen.
i ' n i
( oi vn .. it IPr.ll IMH
iiiimber oi Ontarlo'a side stroet
aru getting tin- siirprlae of Ihelr Uvea
for their surface Is lining nicel)
lollllded Up b) Hie Colin'
which trails behind the hands, nue
new inn tor which the county CO 01
has acquired tor road work ' '"
crew godot tho dlrootton ol (fount)
Kiigiinei i .. m. i ami sitei t i onimlsj
sioner Hsnford trliuiiie.i i regon
-..-.. i...i i
.-(s-ii ,'iiiiiii i t. il il Piiiir iii i 1 1 ,i
traversed the side streets Tin Im
provuiueut resulting 11 oiil-ni
While Oils Is going i ii in town Ml
Farmer bus a crew at work on i
lloiilcvurd with Hie b'g steam trai
tor. llllilllll HIKM.I. VIKKIs
The members of the I'oiigregstiou
al brotherhood held g dlniiei aiilOi
lug last night at the church Sup
lllteudeut of S( IiooIh II It DOUglaai
I .oil the need for playground
and recreui onal training in the pub
lic schools
Mr. snd Mrs. Kiuor.. Hill returned
last F'rld' y from lit may, where they
went to bury their b-by son, cheater
Karl, who died of pneui.ioula earlier
In the weak'le Chester's Iwln
brother, Cecil Kuiury, who was also
III, is recovering aud doing well.
Ontario High School g rls
the Alumni glrla the same
avoolag. Tbo High School won The
score ass 11 lo 11.
Laat Tburaday nlgbl tba Ulrls Col
lege o' Idaho u.i kt ' ball lean. In a
tJeroely fought game succeeded lu de
feating Ihe O. H. M. glrla' team by a
score of 14 to 20 Thia was ibe first
d.fea, ,. ,,rlll u,ve m, tuU ,WMin
The Alumni
(luu.iii boys team played
tba High School boys tba
same eveulag and were defeated by
the O. H . isaai. After the games
lbs Not club gave s dsnee In honor
of Hie trams
Mias lienge aud Miss Hsdar wont
to Boise Monday lo bear
Mel ha
Tbo Drummer evangelist gavo a
very Interesting tslk to the High
School student body last Tburadsv
He also sang a aolo and
several duets with Mrs. Theo Cslla
aaa, lha musical director who acoum
paniaa him
Tba slrla of lha luilnr.' lr.i.1..
m . ,m
cUsa took lbs plscos of several of the .
grade tear bars Monday afteraooa. '
givlag lbs teiu hers sn opportunity lo
boor Manama Melba at Boise
in,.. I'niMivi
Ni;i lldol s UilliK Drill
Pi outl md ol
' US Of tl"
t he pat t fan oaks man) o
' Bat .ml cuts of thai
lion have I ned The
I bnnduomo ngon " i ned bj
Mrs, c it Rmlson, a fine Mi
' tese, owned by .Mrs .1 Printing,
another owned by .1 c M.
freight, have gone to the rnnlu
heaven, while dogs uwuod I
Jas. O. Smith and II II Tunny
have been poisoned Dr. A. O
Moore has performed post ttinr
died today, declines he will pay
1100 for Information loading
leading to the guilty person.
iu Hallej triiii. ui Prott) Uoi k
mill Hlg I !n Isiiiim- Dinner Also
..I Da) of "HokC"
III a leilei in I. mi. iliierln, which
e.l Ontario this week, Ha-
) formerly of tbls city, st)
"II Is just like soring Ion gu
mi. n l',i and the Proud aii
putting In tliolr gardens The flu-
era Ire In hlootn and tin WCathgl C
II IP OS hud only om- lint, go
- f.n in and tho snow went oil In
days. Il the time xiii gel this. I
suppose Miu II have m in garden In
III Sunday so I found lime i.i
write, this Is 1 1 y third letter, and go
sides I hat I bOVfl washed i.iv sloth OS,
ShaVOd mill III have lo mend sole,
clothes loo. and tbO) call Hits oil'
day oi root Thai i golai soms
- had a big tlmi- I'hrlhtin
got packages of tobai-co and cigar
eites, a sewing kii i a im
turkey din HOT W had I ' Bl Irlp
lavof, I did noi t-et soaalok lha it gol
n.iign once ami in, waves wiul ni
.the forward deck
Tin-re I mil innch we ran wrp
0 will Close, hoping miu!
tONOUtklhC KING" 111 RE
1 il. eclllin ol Mr. I.loyil
. ..i,,.,, ...
' unierisoii oi
the lllgll Scle
Chorus of II Ii
in. inn and t line vfollns, ' ,1 1
ni.ita "Tiie ' onqu
the Coiigregnlliinal church 1
ning. Man h I I at . It 0 - lot
The t'oiniiierlng King. by Ixir-
cm and Wilson, Is one ol th, favpi
lites In lontnr enntnta jlini in
ilioius has bOOfl diilllng fol
illllie and an- .,li, lining excellent
work Mr K K Xe I on. iln.itor ol
music lu the ii. -inool, and Mr,
Irving I ullierisou, also of I'
are assisting In Ihe production The
following will lake noli
Sopranos Mrs II I. Peterson.
,Misa Iteba (allln. Miss loin llusteil
K ol Ii McCulloch
Altoa Miss Hose Kronen Mrs.
Dsvls. Miss Opal t-'atley and Miss
lull., Hill
Tnnors Mi Irvlnj (folbnrson ami
Mr T K Nelson
I i.issos Mr Lloyd iilheM ou. M
I'aul McCulloch, Mr Irwin TrOSOll
aud Mr 8 M Hom hei
Violinists Mrs C I- Cm. Miss
Manic Hedge and Mr W 1 lleaiu
M ss l.uella Collins, pianist. Mr
I. lord ( ulli.-ison director
I a-i.i VI. .11,1,1 Hi rvK-e.
Spexlal music Baslai
11 o'rioi k Solo. "Cslvury
Mrs II
Selection from the Kaater Can
lata. ": rrOOtsM Mom," by tie
Palm s h, .
At II o'clock neil Sunday luoimii
(March 24 1 Ilia Triumphal Ki.n.
luto Jerusalem will he celebrated 111
sermou and soug Mr Cnlberisoii sill
sing "The Palms" A cordial Invlla
lion Is eiteuded lo all readers of lbs
Argus to sitend timer services
II i nulls. 1.0 TO HKAM Mr.l.llt
A number of the teachers mad.
the 1 lip to lloli-e Monday eM-uing 11
bear Melba slug, reluming on Hi.
sarly TOOOOOI morning train Tin, ,
who enjoyed Ibe ireal were Mrs I J
Cleiuo aud Misses l.uella I'alllu. Ksoa
lllgga. Cora Mt-X'ulty Mae I'lali
Maine Henge aud Hader
tlKlMil llHVks
For Ihe many kindly aela of nrigl
borly sympathy which wsrs done for
us ouriug our sorrow In iu i!iu.
.a a n. - ,-t. t...,
Hw w... vm .,u. wvt . iinairi ran,
for the floral tokoaa and ass stance
ramlered we wili 1., naM ,..,,
doaoonl grailtude
Mil AND MMS fc-MolO nil 1.
. . MXI.I.III II tl
MTI i ill i it v I h in
Tlo -si l II i ,
Til I i
Ocrliiri XincHcan Fin
lie Able lo Supply i,
ihe tllles Keryoii
. .Over War situation.
icra Slimilil
.ml for ll
i' W MiiIIhU relumed Tin
evening front Washington still
strong in Hie belief that aid fur lie
Warm Springs s stem will he sooaTOd
Irom the leder. il govommenl Mi
M, lieu declared that at tho last goo,
slon held ii, . roelamatioa m
llclals It was declared I halt here Is not
now in the fin, fat tie I
Jen but that the mutter should bo
ii t !n budget la pro
parod in August
Pallenre. Iherelole. s II,.. villil..
whli Ii Hie ! Opl of this ... Hon
dioiild riillh ate In tie opm on of
Mi Mullett. tin iitiluiuiel, h. h.
iies i he mi,. i a iii i .. ,n iiiabla
Speaking al.oill Hi e I
whli h he had tin- ,.( seeing
in in Hon. Mi Mall, it di . lare.l
" W"H a goOM OarnOSl body, bowing
'vidi nt dcsii iii en. the nation
ralthfully with but i ad In vlnw,
thai oi wlnnlug lha win This. too.
'"' doclofl Hie attitude .it the
POOpIl tiiruout I he liast and it was
evident iliai .. spirit ..t optimism i
1 14
' Mallett "It will lake tho energy
"' norj mill Ol u II la a
shame that America should he t t
at war bread The i.ntueis of
InsOl in ml enough heat to
feed Ihe world If given the BJ m
power necessary lo handle tin' crops '
iiMi.n i no in i.iti.i: woitu
Ontario Knlthts or ifolumbna
went lo linker last Satiiiilin ei.iilng
oil No ,i an, I relumed em l Monil
lent ning. Hied and liapp) sftl i .111 111
una ses-sion ii Babar, whom
- empiiiied tin third degre 1
I hose who made tho
trip wen I' J (ialhighor. II. II.
runny i it Portloi I I Dntrl
' in Mi ' oy, Michael II Jo. ..-. Jas.
Sni ii- 1 And) Mi innu
djgnojto -
1 ItTTT KTtsi K sUI IIM I I Ii
Mil! -sill IIOlV I I III I. IIM.
"",,; "
peeled In re 1
all I
tin lu Sil
111 iii aid wall
Horse Mule lolupuliy, ,11. oomnloi
lug Ho- details ol ihe am lion, win h
is the blggsal una ol its Ind nvot hold
In (Ills section
Man ,, si ui 1 Ik Short Inn 11
Heedeis ,1 ,.w .1 1 ,n ol 1 hi
wast, was in Ontario Mondaj -
rauge the details of the big Hllorl-
horn sale 10 take place hers during
the Collin Dealers' couvsutlnii, April
XI, 1.1, and 14
MOTH Kits. 1 1.1 1 .i( Ms, us
At a me. ting held Ibis alien,
tlni Mother's luti at oulario was
formed Willi Mr; II II Ihiugl
pre. Idem Mi 1 s 0:1, .
pi - idem . Mi - i; 1 fon
lory, and Mrs II I. I',, irmsn, n
ill er I-' 1 1 1, en . Ii. 1 1 1 1 1
, oa the i-lub rolls m, I are inn
national u lib.'
S i llui 1 . KM.' 1 1 1 1
1 lug joti.iug Mrs Uaunii m
tal in Initiating 1 1 . .,1.1-1 hers
HUH I ItOfss, H'tsUI N - MIM.
Oolarto'a I'onncil room never ,
busier lhau It IhOW days I ud.i
ihe dimming ol Hn n i i-iuur.
Mrs A 1. Spriiule and Mi, It Payi..
aorkers af"e bua) props Ing ror lbs
pai king or a too of uaad clothing
Whirl Onlarlu folk h e given f.,i
Uelgtaii relugei. 1 , ,u,,, , 1.
being packed, anil kill of lha goods
sir In Snellen id llos ;,,. , ...n,.
of the Utile 1,. an wan par led
with only nest gnu " -..
suffering Belgians Thare Is still
Hoae to sdd to what hog been given
sud the women uire inuse
aot done o to tiring their offering
at om a An espei lal appeal a n
for children 1 Ion, ing bin go., 1 . -,.,l
an garments (01 persoo's 01 all
will b- ai epted 1 ouuit ft
have until Moiida. to gat men hundl
ea lo His mi hail
ihe many friend- ul I Adsuu sri
glad 10 know thai he la making slagwmj
.i ogress toward rOOOOOl He was
sble to up in a wheel 1 i,.ir ll.l
week Ou m luniiei n
a "rh aaauis ara pl.iHMlug nA
aud Mr
..... , .
" " alifuraia
Tks Carnal on clnb mat Oil wo
. ads Mr aad Mrs H o nran.