ONTARIO, MALHEUR OOUNTT, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, ISM. PAGKBEVKU aU Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists THE KRX4IX STORR PHONE NO. Nyal Remedies PIANO WANTED Good tond. bright pUtno wanted to rent; rtlla- party, no children. Phone 129-w. J.ots 1 to 5 Inclusive In blk. 110 Hario township. Two small hous- Make me beat cash offer. Will aslder V cash balance payments. C. K. DeNEFFE, Baker, Ore. tf booking ordera for S. C. Whit Ihorn Day Old Chicks and hatch- eggs. A. B. Cain, Phono I0Ki, arlo. Or. No. l-lt Jood aecond hand Singer Sewing chines at apeclal low prices Opp. krary. Phone 0-w. U. w. Aoer Uiy, Singer Sewing Machine Man. Co. -tf There are people right in tble vl clnity who seem to alwaya hare a mean look aad a crabbed, feult-flnd- , tng disposition. ThU may be due to I a disordered stomach, constipation or a headache resulting from, these dis orders. When such is the case a fa doiee of Chamberlain's Tablets) will (soon make them cheerful and happy. Thee tablets bar met with much 'suocess In the treatment of those all 'menta. Adv-mar Why We Are At War With Germany By Ephralm Douglass Adams, Bi Lelanrl Stanford Junior University. ecuttve Head, History Department OR SALE $700 residence In larlo for 1410. Terms Inquire IIU. 7tfFL8 Adv FOR SALE I fin thorough bred Rhode Island roosters. D. A. Hlles, Ontario. Oregon. tf ,'ANTED Collodions. W rue (OS, Ontario, Oregon. No. t-tf FOR SALE 8 C. Whit Laghor egga for hatching. Also orders tak en for la old chicks Writ or phone lk-2, Frultland, Idaho. Harry Powell. W PIANO I ( HAI.K. or Immediate sale w will sell ondously cheap a new high grad o atord at Ontario. Liberal is to a responsible party. Qual- kuiii nut 1 If interested In a position of thla kind write THE Lnvkr MUSIC COMPANY. Kvr, Colo, at ce for partlculara. 1 K. IIIIIITIVMMM 4 Truck Transfer rhone 157 M DRS f'RINZLNO A WEB8B Ontario, Oresjoa Office In New Wilson Block. Offlc hours I to II t to kir Bala: Brood sows and pigs. Lly A. W. Athy. Parma Water Lifter ;pert Service Reasonable Charges and e kind of treatmentStead itomors deserve Is the i BiH'ipa! uon which we do kiness. W JuiafLr j V fressories carried for all kinds of cars. line, Lubricating Oils and Supplies. tario Auto Co. ET EDI! FORD. Prop. Phone 134 .Notice ia hereby giva that "Th Parma Watr Lifter," of Parma. Idaho. Is doiag Its "Bit" to win this war. In that It is seeking to help you pump more water with leaa pow er, to Irrigate mor land, t oral more wheat, corn, barley, oats, pota to, t mak mor Sour, to feed mor aaeat. To wla thla war, to -tablksh democracy, rate re freedom, safety, and make happy horn; drive out th deepollera, to rtre to th world a vary great aad last ing peace. Lot as show you how to do this ML A ot card wlU gat row th daatrod laformatlea. For furthr partlculara. coacern lng thla deed of good will toward humaatty. writ. The Parma Water Lifter Co. PARMA, IDAHO. CATTLE FOR SALE We have on haiwl M0 head tf jgood Idaho Cows anil failings, all Sliort Horn ami White Fsu-e in trood condition. Prices right. We also deal in Horses, Mules, Stallions and Jacks A. McWilliams Harm . Oregon Germany believe, that she hss the RIGHT to dominste the world. Ilex militaristic autocracy believes that this wax is a step toward such world domination, hut that German de mands for the present may rest sat isfied with substantial galna In Es rope. For years Herman political writing has been full of "terms of peace" after a war, and today those them t Thla Is one of the tseks of war. Such forced migrations may appear hard, but It la th only solu tion. .The Inefficient peo ples, discouraged and rendered In different to the future by the epw tacle of the superior energy of their conquerors, may crawl slowly to wards the peaceful death of weary and hopeless senility " ' The writer of this was here viewing esperislly terms remain unaltered Th Kua- slsn negotiations have served tw the non-German populations of South prove that what has for a long tins America. been public opinion. Is now Official How Is America In' rested 'n 11 ' opinion The quotations will show Kiirnpean political ana teriiii run 0,1, n oils of i'U war? Well. Mr I. art Flral. the more general purpese: ire at war German HltH th.H "If we come victorious out of thla p as now, i u the terms sM out I n -wsr, we shsll be the first people on means a Gcvinany vl.'orlcu- Thaj tha arth, a rich stream of gold wimroean- r con inuanve :.r TRANSFER. PRESS BAGGAGE AND EX- ttl-W Meets alt trains. JOHN LANDINOHAM Ontario. Oregon. DR. W. G HOWE DENTIST Pheas: rilson Bldg. Office Res. 1 117 WHEN rOC WANT A Ml ski m.i . i, We n Nnpply Your Seed, THK SANITARY BARBEK MMOff e f.Vw e Th place where th 8" let Is th Bast, where th Bonis ar e th Newest pour over our laad." "Expansion of our power both east and weet.lf possi ble also over seas; political and mili tary domination combined, Indlsaolu- bly connected with economical ex pansion, this Is our war aim " "Tim territory open to future Germsn ex pansion! must extern! from the Nor'h Sea and the Hsltlc to the Perslsn Gulf, absorbing the Netherlands and Luxumburg, Hwltserland, the whole baaln of the Da nub, the Balkan l'en-f Insula and Asia Minor." Second, the Immediate alms: "Our relations with Turkey have drawn us Into this war. . . the Bagdad Rail way must he extended by us to the open sea. even to nulla iimmi nei- K I il in muni reiiiiiin under 1. tmi. in domination . . there exlsta no belter line of attack for th Oar man army In a future war with Prance," whom It la necessary ti weaken to such a degree that she ran never aaaln he dangerous to us." uu'ocno In 0rtaii out anie . f an j,f rts!v potlc) a n tlnuanc of German faith In Its sa clal destiny to rule the world Agalnal that German Ideal we ar" righting. Hut we are also fighting to save the America from the "NEXT STEP" In German Imperialism In th flrat yr of ,tM war. the one one grest tear expressed by German officers was that a long war In Ku fop would "cause America to wake Up." Wake up to what? Not the ned eat American participation In th war. The German officers thought America negligible lor this war. But they did. end do. fear thai America would awake to the dang i to herself, her Ideals, her Insllt.i tlona, her Intereata, and that being awakened. Germany's next step l.i world domination mould he hanlei than Hie present one There Is no hope of a changed G i aiaey -of establish!!! those peat- Will anvlaidv believe that we will ful and friendly relations which m.iim! over the landa which we have ,sliould d termlne International eo occupied In the West, on which the duct If Germany galus her Deject! blood of our people haa Howe. I' or any part of them In this war She "We are not an Institute for length haa set hei heart upon ceiialn ihh nlng the life of dying slates." tarlal objects. We jtiust see g Hut It la on Poland and Western that ahe does not gain them Then Russia that Germany has all aloug her Brat step blocked, we ma) liopi Axed her eyaj "We ought not to let that hr people may awaken from fall tha sword from our hand before their dream of empire. We fight foi we hav aaaured oar future Our a world peace, tea; but we also fight W.S.S. W.S.S. FIGHT OR PA Y! Save and stick; that is, save two bit pieces tor Thrift Stamps. IN MARCH A WAR STAMP 00911 ONLY 14.14 AND IB WORTH ON ON JANUARY 1ST, lift, $.r..00. MAKING THE IN- IS YIELDED 11 V SOME OTH- VKSTOK A HETTBR RATE THAN KU KllllMH OP INVESTMENT. UNCLI SAM MUST HAVE HUTU KK1IITERS AND PAYERS AND EYEKYHOHY MUST HELP AGAINST THK I oMMON ENEMY STAMPS THAT SAVE YOI It CHANUE; STICK IT INTO Wll.I. BT1CK TO YOU AND SAVE FOR YOU. Til III KT AND WAR STAMPS ON BALE AT ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK W.S.S. w.s.s. eaaiaru boundaries must not remain where the ar." "Livonia. Kur land, Esthon'.a. haie for more than aeveu lenturlea been alater .muiiih united through German tradition" It la true Germans do not yet repre sent 10 per cent of the Inhahltsni ' but their character Hilars through Hie whole." "Let ua bravely organ ise great forced mlgrat'ons of Ho- la ferior peoples Poaterlty will be arateful to us. We must coen e for HMlf-presertafloii. and oil " ' chalice to saie ouriwlven Is ilil- pn -enl moment now. Ciagh MllrlaM fur (lilhhrco. Th fact that chamberlain's Couah Remedy glvaa prompt relief and i plaaaant aad safe to take mad It a favorite with the mothers of young cbllarM. Adv.-mar. A Singing Army Is a Fighting Army MK OK THK .VVIIOVN (.HKAT- KMT MUHICIANM ARE NOVO KIHHTINti IN HltMI. COME IN AND HEAR MR EDISON S Ri:iRKATtON IlK VIIKIK VOICES AND THE HOMH THE HOYS AHE SINGINO AT THK FHONT. AT Turner's Music News Shop ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican Voter of Harney and Malheur Counties I hereby announce my candidacy for th poaltloa of Joint Reoreeen tatlv from thla District la th axt saalon of th Oregon Dgmlatur, subject to yonr will In th matter If nominated and elected. It will be my aim to promote legislation that will enable th State to provide To STm .LA MANX, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OK OREGON. You ar hereby re quired to appear and answer the ( complaint filed agnlnat you In the above entitled suit on or before the llth day of April, 111, the earns being th laat day of th time pre laat publication la on April II, HHI Mcculloch t wood, It. -Mil ng at Ontario, Oregon. Attorneys for Plaintiff MM H I OK THE HAI.K OK HONDS The City of Ontario. County, Slate of Oregon. sal Ita negotiable v. ' luiiitts In I h sum of Olie arrlbd by order of th Court direct- Thow11, ,,., ,.,, Ing service or summons in sum sun to be made upon you by publication means for th car of tb families; and ,f fa to ,nswer for w,n, of enllated men; to provide for thth.- ,h n.tntirr will snulv to protection of Oregon homes and lu ! ald rour, for ,h- nlM dalI1i. dustrles. and o carry out the war d . d ,...,,.,..,. ,ew: to a sucosssful and early coaelustou. Kor , AtCTttl of ,A (ourl ,hoIv I will also promote and work for'. th d . .llatr,lllollv -- M Istlng between plaintiff and defend ant, and granting the plaintiff an ah solute divorce from u and awsrd inp the plaintiff the custody of Cleo Mann, Minnie Mann, and Charlea Maan. the minor children of plaintiff and defendant, and for all other re lief demanded lu said coiupaint You are further notified Hint thU summons ia serwd upon you by pub lication In pursuance of sn order of ths Hon Dalton Biggs. Judge of thla Court, which ssld order was uiu'le and entered In ssld cause on th 6th day of March. 11 8, and directed that thla aummona be published once each week for alx eoneecuilve weeks In the "Ontario Argue," commencing with the laaue of March 7. 11 1. Th first publication of this sum moas Is on March 7, II Ik, and Ho lagialatloa that will tend to locr th prod actio of food stuff, and prevent profiteering In the marketing of the aame. I believe that our first and most Important business la to win this war, and next to that, the encouragement of farm production, aad tf nominated and elected my ef fort will b devoted to thla policy as well as other meritorious legislation. P. J. OALLAGHBR, Oatarlo. Oregoa (Paid Advertisement) Malheur ffers for syateni Hundred uteres! at not more than alx per seat am i i annum, to become iue in ten years al th option of the aald City of On tarlo, and to become absolutely due uf (ha I L ai.d payihl In twenty years from 3 o'ajfait ! March lat, 11 1 H, Hot tat of Issu ance. Interest payable s.'inl annu ally. Bids for same ihii-.! ha su'onli led In writing and will he rccel-cl subject lo the legality of the .,..i I An uiicuii.l tlonal certified i heck payable to the Treasurer of the City blda will be opened ami action lakea tharsou by the said I 'num. on Council By order of thu Common council of the City of Onlati.i, Oregon W r IIOMA.N. (City Heal ) Muor. i lay M Stearns, Clt Ri.ordsr Mil UK HI KiMllli LUIS Walie ltaAS -ifsiein. (n.i.irl.i, Oregon, March 6. 1111, Sealed proposals will he recalled at the ufflce of the en, u.corder r Ontario, Oregon, until iii , 'Hun d M.irch t litis. r.,r furulHl,.' . lain g i i t iii k Wail r in '. item Plans i.l aai mn he seen and fun,,- . r possl, on which h da iiiu-i U !', may t.e olitalned upon .ipplli .ill. iii at Ihs of fi . 1,1 ti.- cii) ! ; . .ii .l.-i ,,r of Loaia of Onlarhi, far an amount ecual In C Kiilsey, Ontario, Orogog), 01 410 five per cent of each bid must ajaaasj Selling Jtullilliitf . Cortland, Oregon pany the same. Illds will he re. elved Parties desiring plaim und ap auhject to the condition, that the hid- cations fnf H.elr perannal us mat dr to whom the name are awarded tain ll.eni fn.ni the Kiigiimer mi pat will either accept or reject the aame uient of 1 1 n no fjhjaj plana and tr uii vlthlu ten days after rat ! ng a tor npe.ciricati.mn transcript of t'e proceeding! under The right Is reserved in reject any SCMMOKH. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THB STATB Or OREGON. KOR THB . .COUNTY OK MALHEUR. Eraaat R. Mann, "ilntlff, va. Bulla Maaa. Defendai : i which Issued. The Common Council of Hi City of Ontario rsrtee the right to re ject any and all bids All bids for said hoods must be nld with th City Recorder of sai'l City or Ontario, oa or before 7.10 'clock p. m of March llth. ll thereafter and on tiled raid day. Ih- and all blda By ordsi of the City Cyouncll W. K HUMAN. Mayor. . I AY M. STEARNS, city Recorder. LOUIS 0. KBLBEY, Civil Engineer. Portlaad, Oregon.