PAGE SEVEN Ilexall Remedies Ea n tman Kodaks ONTARIO PURMACY Prescription THK RK.XAI.I. STORE PHONE NO. a Specialists Nyal Remedies ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY,,, MARCH 7, UU8. PIANO WANTED Oood toned, upright platno wanted to rent; relia ble party, no children. Phone 128-w. Lota 1 to S Inclusive In blk. 110 Ontario township Two amall hous . Make me beat ouh offer. Will oa14ftr nmli balance payments C. K. DeNEFFE, Baker, Ore. tf A Meaa Ixwk. aklnx ordera for 8. C. While leghorn Day Old Chlcka and hatch ing kgg" a it Cain, Phono 208KI, Ontario. Or. No. 6-8t Qoofl K-rond hand Singer Sewing Has at apeoial low prloee. Opp. Library. Phone 10-w. O. W. Aber- MBIngei Sewing Machine Man. Mo. 6-t r Ontario Argua. BALE $700 realdence In for M0. Terma. Inquire 7tfFL8 Adv WANTED Collodions. Write Box 102. Ontario. Oregon. No. -tf PIANO loll HALE. Immediate aale we will aell ietnuly cheap a new high grade plafBtored at Ontario. Liberal terms m a responsible party. Qual- iranteed If Interested In a tlon of thla kind write THE MUBIC COMPANY. Colo, at oi ce for particular. There are people right In thla vi cinity who seem to always have a mean look and a crabbed, fault-finding dlapoeltlon. Thla may be due to a disordered atomach, conatlpatlon or a headache resulting from theae dls ordera. Whan auch la the caae a few doses of Chamberlaln'a Tablet will aoon make them cheerful and happy. Theae tablet have met with much auooeaa la the treatment of those ail ment. Adv-mar Why We Are At War With Germany By Ephralm Douglaaa Adams, Bx Leland Stanford Junior Unlveralty. ecutlve Head, Hlatory Department FOR 8ALE I fin thorough bred Rhode Ialand rooatera. D. A. Hllei, Ontario, Oregon tf FOR BALD 8. C. White Leghor eggs for hatching, Also order tak- n for day old chick. Write or phone 19-J, Frultland, Malm. Harry Powell. 8-6w itr gun propoel DBNV Davr, I Hale: Apply A K. HRITTINfJHAM Track Transfer Phone 167 M DR8. PRINZLNQ A WEE8B Ontario, Oi ajjapj Office In New Wilson Block. Office hour 9 to It 1 to Brood sows and pig 1 i Parma Water Lifter Expert Service Reasonable Charges and The Kind of treatmentSteady cuajboniors deserve Is the li Bipal upon which we do Kesories carried for all kinds of cars. SasoIuh', Lubricating Oils and Supplies. mtario Auto Co. K7Jf FORI), Prop. Phone 134 Notice 1 hereby given that "The Parma Water Lifter," of Parma. Idaho, la doing Its "Bit" to win this war. In that It I eklng to help you pump more water with leas pow er, to Irrigate more land, t oraise more wheat, corn, barley, oats, pota toes, to make more flour, to feed mora men. To wla this war, to es tablish democracy, restore freedom, ssfety, and make happy homes; to drive oat the despollsrs, to restore to the world s vary groat and lut ing peace. Lot us show yon how to do thla bit. A post card will get you tha desired Information. PYr further particulara, concern ing thl deed of good will toward humanity, write. The Parma Water Lifter Co. PARMA, IDAHO. "The object of this war Is to de- course not the main motive of our liver the free people of the world Kultur-activlty, but it la on unwel- from the menace and the actual come by-product." "Our belief Is power of a vast mllltsry establish-'that the aalvation of the whole Kul- ment controlled by an Irresponsible tur of Europe depend upon the vlc- government, which, having secretly tory which German 'Militarism' Is planned to dominate the world, pro- about to achieve." ceeded to carry out the plan without These quotations are but a few regard either to the aacred obllga- hundreds of like eypresslon, and the tlons of treaty or the long establish- I ant one cited la from a manifesto ed practices snd long cherished signed by thirty-five hundred Gorman principles of international action ami professor and lecturer Reduced honor; . . . This power Is not to simple terms, tho Oormsn belief the Herman people. It I the ruth- at the beginning of this war l les master of the German people 'nod directs Germany. Civilisation . . . It Is our business to see to advances only by combats between it that the history of the rest of the Rattan In which the stronger and TRANSFER. BAGGAGE AND EX PRESS Meets all trains. JOHN LANDINGHAM HI-W. Ontario. Oregon. DR. W. O. HOWE DENTIST Phenes: rilson Bldg. Office 117 Res. 1171 WREN VOU WANT A MESSENGER We Can Supply Yonr Need a THE SANITARY BARBER SHOP SBw a The place where the Service la the Best, where the Baths srs a . , tb Newest. world Is no longer left to Its hsnrt ling. President Wllnon, uAgust 17. 1117. THE GERMANS AS A CHOSKN PEOPLE The foundation cause of this war God-directed one has the right to pre. vail and must prevail. The Imme dlate anil present object Is to make our KKuKltur prevail In the Epst (In "Muscovy" I. and In accomplishing thla we shall also gain economic ad vantages This Is the flrat step In hi Oermsny's firm belief that she our world domination " alone has the RIGHT to direct the) Where does America stand In this progress of the world and to exploit theory of a "chosen people"? Amer It resource. For thelast thirty lea denle that theory; she denies years the military autocracy of Oer- that Ood haa chosen any one people to It that thla belief, a Ills own; she asserts rather that many has was taught In the schools, and today, thera are many civilisations, each that autocracy Is rasping the benefits J with its own merits snd defects, and of s blind obedience to Its will . (ler-' to each must be left the working out man political writing sof recent years la full of th Idea that the Oerman people Is "God's chosen people, des tined to impose Its 'Kultur' upon all other peoples." of Its own problems. We Amerlrsns sre unsble to un derstsnd. or ssytnpathlto with, a peo ple who conceive of themselves aa chosen epople. chosen of Ood--a peo- "The German aoul la th world's pie to whom all things and actions, soul. God and Germany belong one' however inhuman or brutal, are re- to another. eOrmany Is tha center garded aa permissible, even holy, be-i of God's pen for the world." "We csuse of a fslth in their superior hope that a great mission will be al- mission and civilisation. To us audi loted to u German . . . and a belief Is direct evidence, not of a this Oerman mission Is: to look leading, hut a lagging civilisation after the world." "Oermany Is This German Ideal, when express- chosen, for her own good sad that of ed merely In theory, -ven though other nstlons. to undertake their taught In Oermany for the last thirty guidance. Providence has placed years, stirred hut Indifferent Interest the appointed people, at tha appoint- in other European nations In this ed moment, ready for the appointed war Germany has revested In the ap task "' plication of hsr theory a luat for "The German people I always world power at the expenae of other right, because It Is the German neo- peoples, a lack of good faith, a hrua ple, and number 87.000,00 souls." allty that has stamped her theory as "Kultur Is best promlted when the Involving a return to barbsrism. strongest Individual Kultur, that of By tho application of German a given nation, enlarges Its field of theory we were forced, unwillingly, activity at the expense of other to go to war. But today we know national KKulturs " "The attempt I that there was uo escape from u war of Napoleon to graft the KKultur of between two contrary Ideal. Oer Western Europe upon the empire of many'e economic objects are many (he Muscovite ended In failure. To-' and larga (thsy will be pointed out), day history has made us Germsns but the basic cauae of this war was the inheritor of the Napoleonic Idea." the German Ideal of a dominant na "The further we carry oar Kultur tlon. That Ideal, by Germany's own Into the Knst. the more and the more challenge. Is on trial In arms. Against profitable outlets shall we find for it we must prevail or we shall per our wares. Economic profit Is of lah W.S.S. w.s.s. FIGHT OR PA Y! Save and stick; that is, save two bit pieces tor Thrift Stamps. IN MAItCII A WAR STAMP COSTS ONLY ft. 14 AND IS WORTH ON ON JANUARY 18T. 1923, 15.00, MAKINO THE IN VESTOR A BETTER RATE THAN IS YIELDED BY SOME OTH ER FORMS OF INVESTMENT. i I UNCLE SAM MUST HAVE IIOTM FIGHTERS AND PAYERS AND EVERYBODY MUST HELP AOAINBT THE COMMON ENE MY. SAVE YOUR CHANGE; STICK IT INTO STAMPS THAT WILL STICK TO YOU AND SAVE FOR YOU. THRIFT AND WAR STAMPS ON BALE AT ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK WAS. W.S.S. A Singing Army Is a Fighting Army OH! OK THK NATION'S GREAT- EST MUSICIANS Mil NOW? BJMM IN PRANCE COME IN AND HEAR MR. EDISON'S RE-CREATION' OF THEIR VOICES AND THE SONG) THE BOYS ARE SINGING AT 1'HJfl FRONT, AT Turner's Musical News Shop last puhlicatiou Is on April 18, 1918. bids will be opened and action taken McCULLOCH A WOOD, thereon by the said Common Council. CATTLE FOR SALE We have on hand 000 head of good Idaho Cows and cartings, all Short Horn and White Faee in good condition. Prices right. We also deal in Horses, Mules, Stallions and Jacks A. McWilliams Ontario Oregon To 8TELLA MANN, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE' OF OREGON. You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed agalnat you In the Residing at Ontario, Oregon, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE OK THK HALK or IIOVItH (City Seal ) ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican Voters of Harne) and Malheur Ceunties: I hereby announce my candldacv Ihi nmlllnn of Joint BtlUMnll .t.: .-..-. . .w . o.mnlalnr filed analnat vou In the1 The City of Ontario, Malheur session of the Oregon Laglslaturs above entitled suit on or before the County, State of Oregon, offer for subject to your will In the matter. ' lth dsy of April, 1918. the same sale Ita negotiable water ej If nominated and elected. It will !st day of the time pre- bonds In the sum of One Hundred be my aim to promote laglslation bribed by order of the Court direct- Thousand Dollars, bearing Interest that will enable the State to provide log service of summons In said suit st not mora tbsn six per centum per meana for the care of th families to be made upon you by publication, annum, to become ,'ue Is i-n years at and it you rail so to answer ior wsni me upturn m ion t " H y order of the Common Council of th City of Ontario, Oregon. W. r. HOMAN, Mayor. Clay M. Steams, City Recorder. NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS. Walts- Works My stem. Ontario, Oregon, March 5, 1911. Soaled proposals' will be received ,. tl.Jk SSI I .. ,(,.. .u IJU...J.. of enlisted mn" to provlda ror tho "" " '"u '"" "" l" aaswwwi " -- - - . ' hm- .,. i thereof, the plaintiff will apply to tarlo, and to become absolutely due of th City of Ontario, Oregon, uutll dustrlea and to carry out the war ! fonrt for the relief demand to a eucoassfal and early conclusion In ld complslnt. tewlt: I will alao promote and work tor For a decree of said Court dlssolv- - th.i .in tend to Increase l"g the bonds of matrlmouy now ex- . --.j ... .. Istlur between nlalutlff and defend- ted In writing and will be receded me proaucuon oi iuuu ". u - - - - f M.tMri.. in the marketlns ant. and granting the plaintiff an ab- subject to the legality of the bonds .. .t. . w-n...,- .. ... a,-, solute divorce from you, and award- An unconditional certified cheek, and most Importsnt business 1 to lP ths plaintiff the custody of Cleo payable to the Treasurer of tie ity win this wsr, snd next to that, the Mann, Minnie Mann, and Charles of Ontario, for an amount sraaJ la '. a a .4.1IJ-. M ft 1 A iSM Ji u a mm ..j.M S a nu A 4 ft. I .1 . . 1 .1 1. ..di..a.i uroductlon Mann, the minor cmuiren oi in.tiiiiui no !" com " " ' " uiu" and defendant, and for all oilier re- pan wie same inns win oerecen.-.i lief den, .in. i, .1 in said compaiut subject to the condition, that tho bid- callous for their personal use may ob- You are further notified that this der to whom the same are awarded tain them from t It - Knglneer ou pay. summon i- served upon you by pub- will either acoept or reject the same meut of 110 00 lor plans ami $6 00 iicatlon in pursuance of an order of within ten days after recelvelng a for specif leal ions. t' proceeding un lei and pay-hit- In twenty years from March 1st, 1918, the date of issu ance Interest payable Komi iimiii ally. Bids for same must be auhmli encouragement of farm and if nominated and elected my ef fort will be devoted to thla policy a well a othn- meritorious legis lation. P.- J. GALLAGHER, Ontario, Oregon. (Paid Advertisement) S o'clock p. id , Thursday. March St, 1918, for furnishing materials and constructing Waterworks system. I'lans and specin. attons may he seen and forms for proposal, on rlilch bids must he made, may b obtained upon application al 'he of fice of the City Recorder or of Louis C. Kelsey, Ontario, Oregon, or 410 HellltiK Bulldiag, l'ortlauil, Oregon. Parties' desiring plans and spei Itl- MUMMOW the Hon. Dalton Biggs. Judee of this transcript of i Court, which said order was mads which Issued land entered in said cause, on the 6th The Common Cmiucil of the City day of March, 1918. and directed : of Ontario reserves the right to re- !.. . ... V. ...LUI.J nnr. lu, ... .wA mil 1 mat mm suiouioiib o" yuunsuvi ,,.,., . h.ij a..u ,. ..... IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE each week for six consecutive weeks All bids for ssld bonds must be STATE OF ORIi;N, FOR THE In the "Ontario Argus." commencing filed with the City Recorder of said . .COUNTY OF MALHEUR. with the issue of March 7, 1918. City of Ontario, on or before 7:80 Ernest R. Mann. P'iittiff, vs. Stella' The first publication of this sum- o'clock p. m. of March 25th. 1918, Mann, Defendant mons Is on March 7, 1918, and tho thereafter and ou which said day, the The right Is r ervd to reject auy and all bids. By order of the'lty Cyouncll. W I". HOMAN. Mayor. CLAY M. STEARNS. city Ratordar. I.OCIS C KKI.SKI civil Engineer, Portland, Oregon.