tol I III ' I ' Dreamland mAttractions 'I '. ! I ' worn itao, cMaooif 10 THE BARGAIN WM. 8. HART Path Nsws ' Mnndajr, March 11 STORMY KNIGHT FRANKLIN FARNUM COMEDY FOI,MW THE GIRL TikvmU), March Vi RETREAT ftV (.KKMANS AT BAT WIK OF ARRAS MnoQsAWH AND SUNSHINE Baby Oaborne fJndnfwdji) , March 13 Mknbr shrink Margaret llllngton Barton Holme Travela Thursday, March 14 Kn.NU THR CANDLE Henry Walthall Path Nawa Idey nnd Sitnnbr, March 1B-10 i "BII.I-Y" BURKE Hhrstortona Mjaa Terry ft&P FOR ITED STATES SENATOR asSnsfinvIUcr ri i jtaKjjjgfgjf smV '""VBP fci II N Btanfleld ftM'" SftK kllAlMI It AMI Ul HINKSS MAN ifltaii who doaa thlaga 9ho i n eorapllshed aomelhlng. Who know how to work and gat Nanlta. 1H know a Oregon's nseda, ra uairtuc ii u and rssourcss. H baa the experience, knoal Stfsn Sd hualnsss undaraUndlng. 'Bt. aa a aiate leglalator (or all Bas already done uiurh or Ora- ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1918. f par! tfcal asset the BOOST FOI GAUACHIR nyssa o rs mm The Joarnel wlsnss to rtrtcw Ita hearty appnrral of the tsBtatlrs can didacy of P. J Oallarher (or the loglaleture. No better man could be eboaen to represent thla aectlon In tha state legislature and the hearty nndoraement of hit candidacy by practically the entire press of tle county ahowa that hi quallflcationii for thla poaltlon are generally recog nlisd. It la expected that a formal announcement of hi candidacy will be mada In a (ew days. Journal Thua doea our Nyaaa contemporary place Ita approval on the candidacy if City Attorney Gallagher (or the leglalature. That makeH it almoat unanlmoua, so far aa the papera art; concerned over I ha district, and per- tonsl letter, too, Indicate that th? folks want Pat to go to Salem for tho nort aeaalon. Oi the average Individual oaa at th ssrloae la a common esatt. It la not tha rwtd Itself that Imam we oar wall sslug. bat tha aevloaa dlaeaana which It leada to. Consumption aaually atart with a cold, or a euceesalon of colds. It Is a germ disease, and contracted when you have a cold. A child that has a coM Is mora likely to contra diphtheria or soadlst fever than one who haa not. For thla reason every cold should be re garded aa a peril and gottsn rid o( aa quickly as possible. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will help you throw g-ajajaa-i I IS . I J immmOomomiMmmismmimmommmmsMo4 germ diseases are most llkaly to be It off. Try It. Adv. -mar m "' tl Kepuhllcanlsm la I whuae ability unqura haa boon (1'aid advsrtissmsat.) reby announce myaelf as a can- Me tor tho office of Sheriff o( Mai- Bounty, Oregon, aubject to tho mtill the voters of ths Osmocrallc 1st tha primary nomtnaUng to he held In Malheur oounty. ( Oregon, on tho ssvsntssnih May, IStS. II. LEE NOK. (Paid Advertisement.) BAUD It 11 Ford Itoadater. condition. B. B. Wood. tit I'bCI TO BUY A (our horse B. B. Wood, Ontario, phona -t-Jt WHITE WkANDOTTEM. Ita Wyandotte exclusively. Eggs Itching tl SO (or It. Chsrles n, Ontario. -4t KENT 4 -acre ranch; II alfalfa, balanos in high stale lvatlou Also 10-acra orchard. laman, Brogan, Or. Adv.7. rty Bonds now In our hands silvery ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK HE AKUU8 PHONE it i t'a Job Printing. You wish w leans you Ws are resdy at ah to quota prlcee on all yoai lag High School Notes The N. N. Club hsld an Invitation party Friday evening, March 1st, at ths home of Dortothy Turner. At that time ths club socepted aa mem bers Lola Howasr, Msrgarst Oram, Delta Hill and Olsdya Overstrest. The evening psssed pleasantly with mualc, gamas and varloua Initiation stunts sfter which delicious defresn- ments were ssrvlsd by the bostsss and Imt mother. Mrs. D. A. Turner. The N. N.'s look forwsrd to msny such enjoyable times In the future. Rev. Livingston o( the Congrega tional church adreaserl ths sssembly lsat Thursday morning on the minis try aa a profession Ths course of Iscturss on ths different professions la proving Interesting and instructive Last Friday morning P. J. Oalla- ghsr visited tha High School to en list ths hslp of ths studsnts In task ing ths coming Chautauqua a sucosaa. Many of tha studsnts ars selling tickets sad sll ars doing thslr bast to ndvsrtiss and boost tha Chautauqua. Frank Dorman Is back In school again after a slogs of "liberty" mssalss. Following the usaal custom of ths O. H. 8. Ssalors will sach write a thsala of fifteen hundred words or mora? The subject must be approv al by ths faoalty. Last Saturday aftsrnoon school was dlsmlssad to glvs ths studsnts snd members of the fsculty sn op Dortuntty to sttsnd ths Red Cross suction. John ndell, S member of the aoph- ouiors class, donassd s beautiful bridle to ths Rsd Cross. The lsdles thought ths bridle too good to be sold at auction, so suggested thst soma of tha high school girls ssll chances on It. In thla way fifty dol lars wsrs secured for the Ked Cross. This wssk ths girls of ths Domes tic Art department have a display of tha garmenta thay have made for ths Rod Cross In the window of Radar's store. The garmenta are beautifully made and reflect credit on the girls and l heir instructor. The Owaeliea, the High School annual, is wall under wsy. Ths pic tures have all been takan and some of ths susravlngs are arriving. Ths Argus hss been awarded ths con tract (or printing tha book. a M. Boucher, chairman school committee o( ths local Rsd Cross, re- porta the following as enrolled as auxlllsriss: Owyhss, Mrs. W. Uuy Thompson; Big Band, Miss Martha Overetraet; Moore's Hollow, Psarl Wallace; White Settlement. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Roberts; Cslro, Mrs. E. B. Conklln Tha above schools and the Ontsrlo public schools bars enrolled 100 per cent as members of Last Thursday Dr. Wsaaa gave a talk to tho O. H. 9. studaaU along tha llass of msdlclns nnd nurelng as a profession His talk was lntsrsatlng as wsll aa bsnsfletnl to all who hsard It. whether or not they wars think tng o( taking up slthsr of thsss occu lt parson who wlHully hoards nscsssitles shall, upon sonvlstlon f. bs fined not exceeding t00 lmprlsonsd for not mors than years, or both. Necessities shall aoemeu hoarded when either hsld. i itractsd for, or arranges for by person In a quantity in excess of raaionabls requirements for ass consumption for himself nnd de- adents for a reasonable tlms. U. f Food Administrates Act. METHODIST CHURCH NOTE. 10:00 s. m. Sunday School. 11:00 a. ni. -Preaching Evangelist Oaborn of Seattle will be prsssnt and will preach at both services. In fast ha will firs the opening guns for tha big "drive' against aln that Is now going on In this community. You will want to witness the atart. ao be on hand at 11 o'clock. Automobiles of Character Hudson buper-Six, Velie Buick and Oakland You are taking no chances in buying one of these well known machines, as they have proven their worth by years of service. SERVICE AND REPUBLIC TRUCKS f J EASTERN OREGON AUTO CO. V. B. Ontario, Oregon STAPLEH MANAGER Debate f 1W allowa High School vs. Ontario High School FOR CHAMPIONSHIP OF EASTERN OREGON SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FRIDAY EVENING, MAR. 15 WALLOWA HAS DEFEATED LA GRANDE. ENTERPRISE AND JO SEPH. ONTARIO HAS BEEN AWARDED ths CHAMPIONSHIP OF SOUTH EASTERN OREGON. PROGRAM COMMENCES AT S: IS ADMISSION, SB CENTS The Ontario Argus MAKES CLUBBING ARRANGEMENT WITH THE OREGON FARMER Offers Unusual Opportunity To Its Readers P 1MONG our large circle of readers there are a great many who are interested oirecny or lnaireciiy in iran kiuwii,B dairying and other branches of farming. All of these nat tiralfv wish to keeD in close touch with agricultural activi ties throughout the state; and to know about any fight which is being waged for the measures Oregon farmers want and against all sorts of schemes that are detrimental to tne peopie ana agri cultural interests of this state. We have, therefore, made a special clubbing arrangement with THE OREGON FARMER whereby any farmer or fruit grower, who is one of our regular subscribers and who is not now a subscriber of THE OREGON FARMER, will be en titled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination ""Vital this paper at the same rate as for this paper alone. This offer applies to all those who renew or extend their sub? criptions as well as to all new subscribers, If you are interested directly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this unusual opporturity but send your order in now. THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is devoting itself exclusively to the farming activities and interests of Oregon. It has a big organization gathering the news of importance to farmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and poultrymen; and it has the backbone to attack wrongful methods and combinations and bad legislation, and support honest leaders and beneficial measures. We are confident that our readers will A congratulate us on our being able to make this splendid and attractive clubbing offer. ,'M i i This rssnarkable oaTer l saads oosatble br a radical redectioa la tha subvention rata of lbs OREGON I I II Us WW to islssn a large aaaabsr of men from Its army of solicitors for aas In other Industries In Orssmsi Harsasr, every week, S jrrs., eld price Ontario Ararus, swarf week, one year 91 JM 94.00 By oar Special clubbing plan, all for only 01-0O i -m - 3 PAOIFITI m r