ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1918. PAGE THREft i Hpi i uii.m.i K! Piillltty I ! I In ear-lie Fertilizer! FARM FOR RENT One to 8 jrra; 190 acres, 50 acres In cultivation. Ootid engine, and pump, low lift. On Snake river, mile from R. K. depot. Good outside range. Inquire box 182 Ontario. No.-tf WANTED A furnished house by responsible party. Phone 91-w. GIRL WANTED for general house work on ranch. Apply at Arus office. No. 9-2t FOR RENT Modern house, close In. Apply to Ontario Real Estate. 9 No. 1-tf. ARGAINS IN REBUILT uarantccd Automobiles ANVMI'.KU (ik U TOMOBILU OF VARIOUS IAK1B WHl WE HAVK It ERT'ILT AM) K NT I RELY H THAT WE CAN GUARANTEE EVERY W THEM i( il GOOD 8E RVR'E. IF YOU WANT A AR, AND A HAHOAIN. no NOT KAIL TO SEE THESE BE- MAKflll A PURCHASE HESKOUINE AUTOCO. mil linvn,i:ii.i. IN mviiiiih t oi vrv.) llef MiBf accessories. Sen Ice station tor Good Year Tire. - lachinery wit be ird to yet this year tr if nu think yon will need anv fann Pthis year, now i the time to I t r Look over your machinery D sec ! i ; 1 1 will have to he replaced ami j',11 ! II will need. SHIPMENTS LONG DELATED BY f TRAFFIC CONDITIONS stand the conditions of railroad traf 11 also know how all machines of steel on are hard to n;et, so if von want to ML that will enst money. plOe your hat ou'll need now. We have many ig Htrnts ei.niin- and have reeeivd several hvudyjjkt if yon want quick service ifive us a hancfl m while we have anticipated the needs !' ti,. Krhers of this setioii, there are always n H that must lie ordered. 'on Wki void del.. rdefnr u Jatch the big tractor demonstration which We will announce soon. Ixill Implement COMPANY ONARIO, OREGON sn tam9an?Emimmmmammmaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I jj I I THE UNIVERSAL CAR 'ord Model T One-Tun Truck ('li.i. linn trolt, has been thoroughly te-ted for more years. It Is sold you now In the assured that it will meet your requirements and ns. The regulav 'ord frame, only larrer ler, the regular Kord motor with direct 'onu near; wheel base of 114 Inch inri Inside a te-foot circle. It has all the Of the Kord car. all the economy lu oper- M llialntenun,A n.mA l j .1. - wmu iu auu wo 11 give you FORD GARAGE KlttllK HAVKh, Manager. ONTARIO. OHEOON. Tt. I Ui. Bi o p1 ' ajar iivd lie lrl.i; v. wilt tr, ilranlasit tl'n I'urthe MANY PRACTICE FALSE ECONOMY Farmer Saves 15 Cents, Squan ders Big Sum. FORGETS HOME MERCHANT. Catalogue House Cannot Entor Com munity Whr Local Pride Is Con sidered Bo Frank With Merehant and Ask Him to Bo 8amo With You. A Town Worth While. Cop Hchinl. 1114, by Thnma J Sullivan. If yon know how to upend less thsn veil ga yiu lisve the philosopher's Hmm lay Is the parent of Integrity. of liberty awl ef oaee isd the itenu teoui slater of temperaace, of cheerful ness mill of lua It h llllul areata is u cruel and crafty domn t lint gniilu.ilh Involved licr follower-, in depeodettfa mui debt! mid o fatten then with Irttta Ifcat enter their lunnt -mil. Economy s n pfocedare by which a certain sum of money con lie saved winl waste "n the other hand, by which the same earn of monej is dipping tod To Illustrate, n dinner wishes to bay in nu' local tnercbaaf a pejoa la l Id. Imt (lie farmer inn buy "an" si from the retail catalogue house for $1 2fi He Is economical nnil Is gulug to sine (lint in cents Abandons Machinery In Field. The prevlow Miniiiier the economical farmer bought n new mower with will, li in harvest hi hay iiml paid then The inn liine wns nice iiml new and ebbs), mui when Hie fiirmer completed the cutting of his bay be promptly un bttcbed Ms team and ibaadJOMel the prett new mower to the teiiiler ele metitM of Hie Imj field, iiml there II re iiialim, the sent mui towjue protruding from ii huge snow drift. That Meciii" tu Ih? ii eai here wuate t"ik em iij by the bund mid led It out Into the llilils mid lust It. Negloot lo Notiooable. It la a regrettable furl Hint the prac tice la not inn-. .in in. ii ; that It In the rule rather Hum the exception amoug farmera. l.iHik nut of the wind-in- of any train aa you piikk through the country, ami almost the lii-l thliia that meets the eye Is a iienlet ttil piece of fa.'iu mai'hliiii') slnii.llng In a vacant field unprotected from the ruins of the summer, the wind of the fall, the sleet, lea and hiiuw of winter and the mud slid mire of sprlug. VS li.it iiiiim he tin million of th.it mm hluery lien lu the course of time the runner Is again leiul.r to put It Into service? lime runt, neglect nud Hie eletuenta sdded to It value mid cfflclentyr Dip.ic td SO Fer Cent. lime they not depict iMcd It nt least oil -cr cent lu ccij ns'; NeBMMrl of this kind la'wlUfnl waste Thrie U no In Iter Held iu nil the world In Mlil.li Hie' fniuicr .nil prac il.r eniiioiui iliiiu In the pioHrr care of his mm hluery. Pome funnels .i..,. tli.lr inn. Iiln ery nil i kid from the elements. They tin ill It lu under n sbed The liiuuynid fowl hnve also dlseov area' this "bice sbed' Bad iiml tool inn. hluery liuike the nhi-t kind of raaottafl phue, with the rei-nlt Hint hen the inn. Iiliii-H nre iik'iilii hroiicht out Into the SUallgbl lhc are things of si.rdld ii,ieiiiiiiu-e riilhei tllllU of worth mid U-auty. Machinery Rusts Out. Tim back door robs the bouse, and Hie tuick door lend tu the inn. hluery lied mid to Him OBofe fields. Qo out nud see If your uiiichluery Is prolis-ted from both the weutlier mid barnyard dirt Keineiiiber It Is better for macblurry to weur out thnii to ruat out. Kavlug Id . .nts ou an ax aud losing ISO oil h mowing mat lilne Is false ueuuomy. tbe practiea of which lesds past the gate of thrift mid ludustry and up to the door of "noeful want and willful waste" and to the II reside of lodolen -e aud neglect Tbe man who ueglecta and abandoiik bis farm machinery lu the Held le not only tbe must ludolent uimi In the world, but also the most stupid. Aud the straugeet part of It all Is that a iiihii will uduilt his Indolence, but will fight If catted stupid He sort of persuades himself to be neve that linlnlen. e cherishes all the peaceful vlrtuea aud that without de atroylug the others It merely susiends their fun. tin in Be Frenk With Dealer. He frank and open and munly with jour self snd ssk your deuler to be tbe same. Then there will be mors consumer in the low ii to feed, aud tbe farmer will proflt by it. Mo will tbe retail luer chsnt Slid also tbe oiiniiiiier. 'IU xeu of tbe loan, tbe professional man aud the employee, as they will be prof itably employed snd earning money When I be itlaeus of s town bave money iu tbe Urnk or Jlugllug iu their pockets ii loan north while Is la evi dence a fanning community worth while Is alio icry nuliienble Whsf help one helps H. and no cat alogue house re a better conditions In a locality that works together la tale way KelBubueea Jealousy ami stubborn mui are s leMsui kind ef barpooe efcel cots deop BUILD UP YOUR HOME MARKET Farmers Should Patronize Lo cal Trade Centers. AVOID BOX CAR MERCHANT. Interest Your Locsl Newspaper Pub lisher, Bankers and Lawyers In Plan to Advance Your Town Mail Order Houses Stifle Development of Smsll Localitiss. tt'. irrigated! M4, by Thomas J Bulllvsnl There me two wnyB of looking nt the objects nf h.ime mnrltota. mid the sub- Jecis toooM be studied from bott rtawpolBBi if ii nejsonntily correct un derstnndltig Is to be arrived nt. t K It shmild be understood In advance fhnt eneti coramunlty, Inclusive of all the people who live In the mnrliot town mid Hie farmers who surround It. Is mi ludiiNtrlnl unit mid Hint the roopertty Of the Individuals living In the coininunlty rises nud falls, ebbs snd flows, with the prosperity of the community n u whole. it it One linportmit aspect of the sltun Hon Is Hint the farmer bus a right to look for ii good market for whnt he rnlses mid hu.i to dispose of He Is n producer, lint of nil. nud must pro flitcc before he enn consniue. t St The trndliig center, w here he would onliirslli expect to dispose of Ids sur plus product, la not performing It functions ns ii pnrt of the coiiiinunlti If It does not uiiike prepiirntlon foi buying overj Hung the fanner wishes to sell, n ml Hie -nu i hit should ulwajn be n ciish iniirscl - t This much the fiirmer has a right to demmid In return for the support In la uhle to give the town. Could Qst Better Prices. If the fm huts bave In their local tow it it u. .iik. -I for their products or a grent pint of them thev would oltuln a tun. h boiler price for ever) thing thc i. ns, :nnl Ho iiMiincr would pn.v '-oiiMdcrai.ly less than the people living ra Inrge congi il.-d centers " it To supply tbe uceris and demanda of tbe ieople living lu the Inrge olti.-s great uaiitllies of n.uiiii prtnlnce are dally hlpHrd to tbe commission men hunts oiemtlug there. - Tbe city consumer paya the price for firing In tbe center of excitement, aa be Joins with the pi. ..liner in abarluK the cost of moving the fsrtu pi.slu.ts to tbe Urge titles; slso the exieuse entailed lu luindllug. storing and dls posing of them Town Is Entitled to Support. On the other hand, having provided for a good, adequate market, the town la entitled tu the supKirt of the form er. It Furthermore, the only manner In which the market can b maintained a for tbe farmers to give nil their trade to their local uieichanta-keep tlwlr iiioury at home. The cow must be finl If she s to coo tluiie giving uillk. You cannot draw mole nut of u cnsti than hns been put Into Hint cask If the fiinui-is of n coiiihiunil) par sist III sending the money tiny receive for Hicir product awaj from boass 1.. boj gniKls the time surely will come when there will he no money at liiiiuc with which the town tradesmen can buy the farmers' product This U the philosophy of the altua lion In n nutshell. The resident of n town arbjO dQOO m.t even Id .nil effort lu It interest to build It up and milks It strong mid prosperous, la Indeed retarding his own sdiuuceiiieiit. That's the logical reply. Devotee a Home Msrket. The first step in I he right direction , is the crealiuii aud development nf a borne luarkel Kverytblng within your power should Is- done to make your , towu tbe trading ujecca of your vlcln liy. Vou should volunteer your senium and cooperate with the other citizens lu making your town the trading envy of your section of the state. Ulve tbe quellou a little thought aud when you have reached a com lu Hon do not hesitate to nil, e your sen amenta io to your local uewspaer publish er, your banker, your men haul, your Iswyer, yeur hotel keeper and your druggist and tell them what you think would be tbe beat wny to build up and advance your towu. Cittsene Are Theuahtleee- The efforts speut sboukl not lie di rected la speclBc channels, but should embrace tbe betterment of rural life aud couditlous The worb for the luiproteuieut of hot town and country ought to be made a community Job snd every res l.leiit sbostM engage lu tbe work with equal seat. IOcsl development will be hindered lost aa long as tbe thought! cltl neiis line up st the counter ,,f (be faker and tender biiu their bard earneil duller snd a bile bef continue to sid I increasing tbe bsnk Anonnl of the enormous iurportlons engaged in sell lag goods by wall through deceptive I ictnree la espeuetve ,ialegiiea let tbe cqsBOiunhu rise up la one taydg ead kot '' lo this practice. When You Want Medicine You Want It Correctly Compounded I ThTC arc t wo tilings necessary in a medical remedy. It must be the proper medicii for the particular ailment it was prescrio 1 for; and it must be properly compound' tl with iiuliedients that are right. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF COMPOUND INO THAT KIND OF PRESCRIPTIONS 0. G. LUEHRS DRUG STORE ONTARIO, OREGON A Comfortable Feeling A good iiuiiiy thingi may happen thai will give you a fn-linn of comfori -i nl lectrrity, but lKitliiiij"- will l this more surely than the knowl edge that yiiii have money in ue Bank. This is part icuhirly tnii' If yniir money is in our bank, Where you kimw it's safe. know it is there subject to ymir needs. That mui ean gel it when you want, it. That it is safe until you need it. Tf you have no bank account, we invite ymi to start, one nt OUT hank now, DO mat ter how small. You will add tu it from lime tn time and it will soon be a soiuve of comfort and security to you. BUY THRIFT STAMPS: A MONEY AND LIBERTY SAVING INVESTMENT. First National Bank ONTARIO, OREGON. THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty years ago tbe telephone was a luxury. Today, through personal Initiative and private enterprise. It has become ueceealty within tbe reaeh of everybody. Where once a bual nesa had but one telephone with a limited talking range, today that business has aervloe with a range three-quarters of a conti nent broad, and ovary brancb of every business Is linked to ev ery other by an Ini'-n uiiiiininlcatlng telephone system The telephone has earned Ita responsible place aud there are iioh S. nnil. nun Boil telephones in this country, over which go lit. 000.000 talk- dally Every Hell Telephone in a I.oiik Dialaiue Slut inn. Malheur Howe lelephom u HELP WIN BY MAKING THE BEST US EOF THIS GREATEST OF ALL HELPS ELECTRICITY An Electric Range MEANS FOOD AND FUEL ECONOMY IDAHO POWER CO.