fee ithxfati &r0tt " " - ' - - naa i osnks 1 1 i i . L ..) ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OBjEGON, THURSDAY MARCH 7, 1918. NO. 9 FOR WORK ERED SOLD II TakOs MfU Action Monday H Bought for In- jSKKflPt "f city -only fatal"' Now. I J. T. MAHAM OP IIAKNKY THINKS GKORGH WKNT TOO FAR Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mahan of Har ney county came in from the interior on Friday and returned to tolr horn ; Monday morning. Mr. Mahan spent Saturday with the Implement dealera .while Mra. Mahan interviewed the I dry good merchant!, milliner, etc. .While hurrying from one buslnog jhouae to another Mr. Mahan Hopped to admit that he regretted that Sen ator Chamberlain had "gone too far with hi criticism of the administra tion. srtsg I W0" Tld "v tnfl told on March 16 and at me tMjwtprtarlng that the, It wlU jfOtjjKbld for the con- VL5 -iTOWNSITE COMPANY TO lg Monoay craning en me m- i n motto for the early on ion at the tfw municipal water HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WILL PREPARE PLANS SINGING APPRECIATED TOR THIRD LOAN DRIVE Large Crowd Out to II. . Operetta ,' Blackaby Name ,Oonimltts ABIIilTY OF HTVDKNTH IS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT OF WORK BE PLACED IN TRUST Red Cross Benefits by 1'r.KP.Mls. In theatrical parlance the High School airla' Glee Club ataged the event of the season In their operetta, "The feaat of the Red Torn," to a packed house at tho Dreamland Mon day night. Solos, chorus and dancers for Various PrrriacU Will (at tier at Vale March IS. J. R. Blackaby, chairman of the County Liberty Loan committee, 1 aued the following statement: "A telegram from the Liberty Loan headquarter at rortland. of thla data advisee me that a general oonfer- Refugee garments for Belgian re fugees, sweater!, hospital shirts and other evidence! of the activities of the girls of the Domestic Arts class of the high chool were on exhibition this week at Radar Bros. The work not only shows what Hie girls can do but shows that they are putting their time to good use under the direction of their Instructor. COMMERCIAL CLUB HAS ITS FIRST LONCClCN Succor Creek Itoad, New Wtr ss. Kin. Sim kincn'a Convention hikI OUbfl Matters Disruseed tins Moser Speaks. nun. 11 also r reived the petl Igoed by Eastslde property anfcln B sewer system In -c tlon of A ey and ordered er Lot Is mKelsey. who was or- Hf plans , ; . (iBMscussea various At a meeting of the directors of the n?B and water prob- the Ontario Townaite company Bat- iidJOrurnrl to meet Tuesd-iy urday afternoon It was determined . .ir Mr the ii. stlon Director Determine to ftwalt War's F.imI Hefore Disposing of laical Holding Plaaui Incomplete. roeolTod lavish encores and deserved, "oa of all committea named In Mal prals. Tha antira seating capacity " County will be held at Vale, Ore wu sold out before th doors were ion. on Wednesday, March II, at two opened and many bought standing o'clock, p. m.. On of Oregon's big- room The proceeds amounting lo men win oe nsre irom i oruanu about 1200, after expenses have been address this conference and make deducted, will he presented to the j M"l arrangement for the drive local Red Cross. I which Is to take place on the 6th of Mlas Viola Husted sang the leading April. It Is deIrd that all oom ,rol. Her solos brought forth par mltteemen be present and the public tlcularly favorable comment from all j 'n general Is Invited to thin confer who heard her Misses Mary Meaaee once. and Brma Von Readon. as Impee WALLOWACOMESHERE AFTER CHAMPIONSHIP Winner in Northeastern and South eastern Oregon to Meet for Fast en Oregon CbamploBahip, March S. Next Friday evening at tha High School auditorium Wallowa High school's debating team and the team Light and Old Suiiaw a; plaot. l t tin it. Qfe Tiii i, neai la Wa ' of a being found thct bridge win In- ay a site up nbar and Kress ed and declared nable llgure waa no further action directors. made the most to place the holdlncs of the cunmanv ' tn"lr Prt. Those who sang the with a trustee until conditions na- minor parts gave the principals ex tionally and Internationally ire more c"Hnt auport. Betted J. W. McCulloch attorney Th Flaming Arrow, the Fairy and for the company waa en powered to ! " Ohosi dances were among the prepare plans for the trusteeship and i fAturM particularly pleasing. was taken by the Tn" accompanying orchestra, rom i posed of Miss l.uella Callln. piano. Th following, which Is Incomplete representing Ontsrlo will battle for Is ii portion of the committees named the forensic championship of Eastern from the various sections of the Oregon. With thsf honor goes the county. privilege of entering the flnala In the llrogan J. A. Kennedy, Chairman. State High School Donating League Ja. Morfltt, Tom Logan, Melvin Kel- and to debate the wluner In Weatem CROSS AUCTION QIMIFfD SUCCESS C. E Ken yon find. H. C. Whltr R w Jones, violin, and L . V . Shlmlk, worth of Welser who with C. A. Trow , drums, was In excellent form end de of this olty are directors, ware in served the unuaual amount of corn attendance at the mooting. The ' mandatlon they received, presence of Mr. Whltworth waa a M," Msma Bongo, supervisor of distinct surprise to his Ontario friends music In our public schools, directed for they bad been under the Impres- nd trained the youthful performers slon thai he waa still 111 from the effect! of sn auto accident of a wok Tbaptrr la $14041 Better Off a IO .all f flgV Kverj one ha 'and B' "" """" "" HgUao- gaB" re til Uaal ngtsl are avallab ft w iw crowd oather rondltlona big crowd proooajt, tlo laal Saturday nnOalifiet seee. , effort the local raloived and pro- ' e work this aum- . - . a t a from in annual C. H. & M. CO. HAS BIG YEAR AND GROWS New M ibrei llovs wtee H.wvm ii,. Ttaao ay Matfce Wa of tlo- MU.O III I and ahould no congratulated on the aurceaaof the production. Thla la feature of our arhoola that should be continued and encouraged. The following characters In addi tion to those metloned above took part: Pudgoe, Wudgae and Kudgeo Eunice Foater. Elinor Wood aafl Helen Thomas. Flamla Arrow Dosveer IUim Firm Wharli nndVr. Opal Rawl. Vella fronln, Oladya Overatreet. Ethel McWIII lama and Mary Bervln. Uuoeta Helen Dunbar. Helen lay, Committeemen. Crowley, 0. Cook, Chairman. J. K Venator. K. N. Dhalo, J. M. Orell, J. S. MoCumaOy, Committeemen. Ironside Ernest Locey, Chairman, W. J. Hinten. 0. E. Rutherford, Ell Rosa, James Weaver, Committeemen. Jnntura David Graham, Chair man, William 1. Allen, Daniel Gal lagher, William Jonoo, A. F. Master son. Committeemen. ' Nyaaa Frank D- Hall, Chairman, J. Hoy del I. Tho. F. Coward, Dr. J. J. Saraxln. S. D. (Joahert. Committee men Jordan Valley F. i. Palmer, chair man, T. T. Kahout, W. R. Helm. Kred L. Johnaoa, J. B. Duncan. George S. 'Uarkea, t'opsmltfauicn ' "n J A. Anderson. Mary lackey. Croaaa Haley of Ihe Caldwell Horse . ,,.,, ,.. i.n rv-...- a. i . ..... ... : ". l"1"" """ " """ ,,,....,..... Maa oompany waa In Ontario ia.t d at the sale , week wearing a Mw "meaauring fted to gather for ' ,.mn" . whioh h i. v rv urou.l H i 44Mltli time and people. ta ,tranga stick with It concealed bom all the Eoaatorn L,e) rod wn,cll g,,, ,. neceaaltv The Boulevard of gUMan ,ow many hand high a real "hoaa" la. Of course horse buy era never guess After displaying his stick Mr Hal ay talked about the C. H. a. M. Co which 1 represented here by A Mc- KT. . ibooo nil Lor started the wop Oi if force a well end and Kingman too waa wall repre- buyera present. rowd njoyi'ii n- ...:. mh. Williams and hlch has purchased ao gmmHgHnoa auara m W i i aa A ai ,.m- '". -w.w """ many auimaiw in mi. eectlon on war while of coura tho contract The company reoelved a in some other caeca v g ro,llr,r, , wh for K00 , a nd everything went Md had u f,eJ thrM ifiyn time resulted for ..Tl no( ,.. ,d Mr ,u,-y "we handled SS.StO head of horsea Dickons ft Miller, ,na ,., w,c, w-re DUrchaeed at an. tloneer and waa ay,rag prlc, of $118. inning fir of repar- Th., dU! no, fr-... ,i1B aaaamslaa: wn In good humor .. IIn,ii i, ,,.l hi ,.r...n . u... til th last article roUfllg tne reJt agd found that It ting him were P J man, th, iuue M 0ldwell had Tunny. E. M. Grelg, ,. tne can.er . huvina nmnm M Grelg, and ,,.., i,ii.ii.i II MltAA in... ..., . T, ..,.. ...v.... ..... year. And then Mr. Haley just kept right on handing out the dope and atarted talking about big additions and the fact that the company la going lulo sheep and cattle now and ha buyer Dearborn. Fairies -Margaret Blackaby, Ruth Human, Alice Dornian, Alice Bervln, Evelyn llagana. Indian Chief Paul MeCul... I, Soprano -Oladya Emlaon. Delta Hill, Huth McCulloch. Mrnret Oram, I.uclle Hagaus, Dorothy Tur ner. Altos Opal Farley, Myrl Blng Iisiii. Helen Bloni, Marie Keller l.ola Howaer and Helen Caldwell. the Junior Red .INK l IN I ItA.Nt K AND ANOTHKIt KNIUMTK THIHWKKK Oregon for the Grand State Cham pionship Ontario ha been awarded the champion' hip of Southeastern and I Wallowa by defeating Joseph, Enter-j prise and l.aOranda. won the cham plonahlp of Northeastern Oregon Mlas Clara Craig and Wealay Glenn I will repreaent Ontario and uphold the affirmative of the queatlen: Re aolved: that at the end of the preaent war tit- .'nlted SiHies ahould entor a league of nations with power to en force the decisions of ita Internal Ion al court. Atorney Frank 1) ltyan of Walaer, Superintendent of School J.K. Tur nr of Payatt and Superintendent nf otarlo . L Adam, chalrniau. it n U. jajt- A in ( cKkrain Frank Itsder. K A. Fraaor.be nreeented and s chnrae will he A. I. McDowell, Committeemen. mad to lt In defraying cxpomao Parma. Idaho (Big Bend Country Tho local team has been coached gj and Kingman Colony) Guy John- Prof. L. L. Culbettson and Miss Cath- Thirty Ontario huslnos man met this noon at a hurriedly aMTiiiiged luncheon at the Carter Houso for tho j first of a series of noonday m.ciingn. ' Th director determined on tho mooting at a session on Wednesday for tho purpose of arousing Interest In tho building of tho Succor creek road to Jordan valley, which waa promised by the county court last year, but which wa not started. The people of that section aakod th club to cooperate and to urge ao tlon by tho court and since that body Is now In seaslon at Vain action had to be taken at once. At the same time It wan deemed ,i.i !:. I.I.' to secure reports rnlatir to the progress being made toward entertalnllg the Cattle ft Horse Rslser's association next month, snd to take advantage of the presence of Knglneor Louis C. Kelsey to present to the husinnsw men the proposed water works plans. C. C. Wilson, chairman of the County Oood Roada aaaoclatlon, was present and a resolution he had pre pored urging tho State Highway com missioners to spend Kastern Oregon's portion of available funds was pas. Od. Gus Moser, who Is a cnndldnte for th Republican nomination for Gov ernor, was preaent and in a tlve mm : ute addreaa dlacuaaed the atate road situation. Short talks were made by J it Blackaby, who reviewed the his tory of the Succor creek rod; c . . Wtleon. who spoke on the general reaolnilon. I' J. Gallagher, who told hL U.I...M. Ulll... ..f 1. r.lllin will 1... . --' la '-'-- ! iutid tha satar A inusleaTpriOaTfR wtIT' . . lainiueai oi uianuomra, mr. rt.mi- who tlld what tha new water ays- ami. Chairman. Rlvarsld Duncan Mcllae, Chalr- erlne Conway. Since the queatlon la sn llmely and tbe fact that Wallowa has come so Rockvlll and Sucker Loo Strode far tha school authorities feel that Chairman, Final McKensie, Andrew , large audience ahould greet them and Greely, Alvin S Moas, Richard King, Committeemen. Vale O. F. Wildharbor, Chairman, It II. Dearmond, C. C. Mueller, Brute It. Keater, John Houston. Committee men Wataon Frank Palmer. Chairman. Woatfall Jack Fairman. Chalrmau, Andrew tirabam, Chaa. Buah, J. L. ljiiubefNou, Stewart Hanna, John iiuniennaii. Committeemen. J. R. Blackaby, County chairman thus encourage debating In the local schools. ONTARIO MEN HELD ON BENCH WARRANTS i. a. while C. K. Emlaon Mr and Mra J. S Milllkln of this city have received word this week thai their son Kenneth who la iu an engineer regiment landed in France The learned, too, that another son, Damon, who wa for a tlsje at Amer ican Lake passed thru Ontario on one of the many troop trains which went Eaatward last week ilugle Item sold was horse which H. H. for, of course bunch a larger cum: while irt. e sases for 15 cents ,n nlne western states and Is the big gest horse and mule buyer woat of Kansas City Wa believe him when iwe that of the flg-urea While heudlag out tha dope, Mr. Haley also added ni.i-.-ii.r.i nr.r.11 w iu-j Hlli, Pavan ll.a l,n rlri.r Sli..f.V dw. atM a. ... .,r. .fr mnn v U,,k " ' -' W k.. ...... .uiniiwia, wm, ..at the firm lor some years . aT : added to t tered the fl in.l MIMIMIvM KAMTKKN OI1MJON I.ANH in STAHTH WORK NKAR NYHHA Work has been atarted mi the development of the 1000 acre rau.h which tho Kaslani Ore gon I .mid company Is to put under cultivation near NyaiM tbja year. .Th company has service of lugtey paafcin t di 'hb, hlg sy, local repraaen- Oragon-Weatern Bompauy, ha soma Haifa seed in his days. It la aa lur aubatitute, and lad. This alfalfa Irfo.l pedigree It 'per cent pure, thus well of loaod seed waa not an accident, for in I"- "" '""' w'-t "' lands Wig).' "W" ""r boju sure.l Hi SAVE YOUR TRINKETS BOYS ARE COLLECTING Indictments Itcuiiiieil by I ..I.. .1 Grand Jury at l".iillainl Prince. Ion and Crane Men AImi Held. sy. teni will accomplish. Waller Glenn, who told of the cooperation oc county sn.. iiifii In the coming con vention, and Judge lllggs. who dla cuaaed th Chautauqua program and the city'a duty to provide entertain ment for Ita citizens and its neigh bor. Thoae preaent declared theuiaelvea In favor of making the luncheon a regular feature of the cluh'a activ ity and the details of the plan will kg discussed at the next regular session. The I'otninlllee appointed to aee County Court and to cooperate with similar committee from Nyaaa and Vale on the Cuccor creek road la J. It Illackah. II C lloyer. E A. Frasor, Sam ('room and A Jaqulah. United States Deputy Marshal V. B. Tlchnor came down from Crane Wednesday with William H Grant of Princeton and C. A. Varlan of Crane, agalnat whom federal bench warrants were Issued In Portland by Hoys la HUlli and Heventli Grade to the Federal Grand Jury Here h. If you he an) old Jewelry, old stiver or even heavy plate, that la not In uae, and which will probably not be used; again, there la way in which you an make it do good ser i Ice for your country. Miiiiinon on W A ii Mullen, iii.ikriu ... respectively on Hi" Drive for MI Jewel aerved similar HaturtU). liensou snd W and mall clerk Crane run Messrs. Varlan, lienaon and Mul len are held for hunting with n the federal Game reserve on M.lheur Itke and sportsmen of Ontario and MANY BROS. CO. IS READY TO GIVE HELP i II fen. to QtvOjMatO ' from I a. Ii Acre Hold U, llullil Itoarl to Iteacli HI.IMMI Acre Project. Stale Engineer Joliu A Lewis ha 'approved the plans of tint Many Bros. a 'ells company for th develop ment of Hie Jordan Valley project, lwlil.lt Is .ilrea.1v n-i-li-llv iuin.1 i ... I . ....... u.i... lit. ...... . i..... ..........I I. I lane woo imrwiM. nave iiuiinn in ,. , . j . ... ... ... w. i can lie a.iueu ui ine iieasuie. umi icliiliy are deeply uueresie.i in ttitkA Tvliilfl h'liinl " ulil,.i iu IkMln ,1... i i.l .. II..I. .... Ili.ru . . .MU ..... MW. ...... , ........ . (III- O.I,,, ,11.,- 1, I 1...-I. 1.. 11. V.. ..- Iiroill m HI fll-ie sold up lO 9HVVU I'uder the terms of the agree ment the company Is to set aalde flfi is siockholdsr iHdlrUlv. S leafed by the hoys of Mrs Pox and (atlng a difference of opinion cone Mr. Ho in an a rooms in the Grade cerulug the houndaryliues of die re-1 school. Th gooda which they col- serve leet, and they will start their drive Grant la held ou a far more sen Saturday will be seut to a mauufac- ou charge, so II Is aaid. ilio the de- 3e bojn soaured llnf srvlce of lttigley ,.(, jewer am the money recelv- t aailM are not known ll Is believed lid 00 Jrokes. formerly In chaise of ., , u g,ven ,( a(, e Junlor ,,ed , fce ,, (0 be (ped ((( ,.,,,... ,row,g t'lf Mt3 ln ,,ie aacrainento (.rOM ,u ( u.ed , (he purehltHt. of lout of ,,,, po81M,Minon f B reo.ulah w .-...-.. . - ... . ; NyffiA 18 mnftD IN A : GWAT WAIT Of REl ORH J ' At a mooting i vsaiMypsffixti: of the Nyaaa city a war Unit: uau was w hllc daaoe hall; a 1100 nor month lleinaa waa nro-14a-l PMipl hall and a general 0 valley, and whose agricultural 4 experience waa first gained In t hi 111 in A reai- ie ranch and with powerful company Work of Agslrgaa. grid ' has an shaiMwof hol work daiice m tojie SuHt onSl finf lUVkumrffltendewf tha addition of the vhTcTT for the wdaalaXgJjiAB, aro no- w'lhal It waa dm Pof That, thaav have Ihe ca hi bfri,y -rm, fbayfUtoo .1 Kertu 1 Is III .td g m n ii Ufa waatefl ,Nle it Unactm L'O , folio wftg X',vw?ur. ', - '- "- da4a. the boy an lo bs't -Jason oiber-w near. Jar If aaVl, 1st the caaVajbr feies tingle Ju it oidraatlc blawl A w a kt Ffc IfK 1e Jool go II clnael tie aVvlw Ixospthi The Paaaaa nim ordl-" machinery which the l.suKkt last fall tile completing the ground for sjsnpg will he speeded up. "eTTo the company's holrtfV aaa It will be, LL hUgfst H4'e 1 tie .-lui.'.i iii. alleyywih ttrd poaeAle n of ffie JM'oo.l lioldiuis materials for the Belgian relief work which th flrls of Ihese roomii aie ..oing. SERGEANT FRED CANHELD HOME ON SHORT EURLOUCH iiient of a claim of a man named Olaf Wick, whose whereabouts is now up. known Thru their attorneys, Brooke It Gallagher, all of the men appeared before United States Commissioner Stearns and 0v l.all for appearance in the Kedral Court. H4Mrn.KtK.Klt DoVAWfl CJKNI AKD THIRTY DAVH, TOO Fred Canfleld, who uow wear the awots ofithe sergeant In the alg- Mc(..rly who I corn t'j 8. A., la hare this wKk i.u. . '-- - w L - -, - . ii.'t.in o. -lutuci ll iiik on aiurlougfi to ee his family "A lie.-l. l Tho u the service but a snort broke on wheel of his auto when Marshal Far- mar hailed him a month ago. drew tlrajVh ha traveled high In the nou- 1300 snd thirty days when tried by a "com ranks and exnecls to aa sort ice Jury In Judge- C. M Stearns court ovr-eos before long. , today. IU case waa appealed acres and I III from the balance of 31,000 acres lo build a road to th project. The company has dojotarod ita de sire for the road up Succor i reek ' , that its lands will he open (at sen! menl Already tin- canals h.i.e h. . ., ibuilt and the company Iiuh r. -.-.enroll -'completed to .are for N.OUO ucron .l .land this season, and all of thla has I been sold The addition oi that body of land to the irriated area of Malheur con.. ty is the biggest piece of developi.o undertaken in years aul ll for thai reason that Ontario and S'ysaa are anxious tiial the County Court pro vide a mean of reaching that scith.n without compelling traveler to go tWo over into Idaho the The tegular montly buKines- mi Iiik of the l-adles' Aid society of lh. M K Church held thla uftornou society voted lo dlscnntinae the sji cleo. um.