PAGE EIGHT ONTARIO, M ALHEUK OOUNTY. ORBOON, THURSDAY, FEB IT ry 21 , I I HI I, HI' ' H I IW 1 '"a r ft I HHvwm The Osborn Milliner Are Showing a Fine Line of Spring Millinery umiuvp.d in kvkry mat shown by ch ajrk thkhk fiinifyth jiaijta and hmajitkm. i i iniKinv invitf.o. Dorr"! biy rvnL you have IRKN IK LINK. THF. IH(i T AND MOHT KXCLVMVK UNI WKHT OK HALT LAKK. Hair Goods Cut Flowers FI.OWF.KS I-OK FINKRAI.S A KPF.tTALTY .'HOMK OK GOOD GOODS" KOKMKR ONTARIO BOfW WRTTK OF UfH IN THE ( f 'oaUaoed from First Page ) A. for mine They Ml to In m far behind bare. "There are aoldtera here of erery nationality and description. The cit ies are pretty dirty and mndy. I will write more about -tal country ' when I km to a IT. 8. camp and can net plenty of paper, (th letter waa written on stationary of the Y. M. 0. 1 A. marked 'On Active Service With the Brltlab Expeditionary Pore'). Say hello to the bunch, for ma." WII.MEK BOYKR. ONTARIO BOY STUDYING FOR SUBMARINE DUTY Bob Arnold Tell of Mfp nl EM School fur Niihnvrnlble Nports Make l.lfe Pleaeaat. i FOR SALE KXTKA FINE YEARLING BULL Cheap if taken at once Some mighty fine Work Horses lor safe. H. H. TUNNY - Ontario, Or. In a letter to the Argun thin week Bob Arnold toll of life at a nubmu rlno 'raining nchool. Following the usual salutation h? aayK In pnrt : "The training here ban Its pleas urea as well an tin- oilier kind ..r ex periences. Inn an fur danger, guen UHM i M fiiori- of It in thin lima than In the other, for when your ttSM NM you can't dodge It anyway. "The navy la not all work -were out for a bane hall game yester day ulth Kort MiArthur Tin' Itgfl wan to 0 and the Hough hoya got M) no runner pant Aral and he wnn walked. "We have one of tlM MM teanm on the ot and hope lo play the t'uun when they come here to train llellevc me we will capture the pen I naflt for one of our twlrlera beat Wal ter Johnson once list summer "The people of the coaat It lea bare treat the soldiers and aallora fine They have opened club houaea lu all the clflen and the men In uniform certainly enjoy them. "Jnat received the Argua of Jan uary 3 and aae that. you folk neard tbe Canadian army officer account wee interesting and aunh a thing will lei tbe tolke at borne know what la golpg on 'over there.' ' Wlab I route tell you more about the training alunta we go tbru but It la again) the regulatlona, tbo 1 I lleve It would make you alt up and take not lea "Well I guana th'a la aagugh for (hla t)l.'k - ' RON AHNOI.IJ. When You Want Medicine You Want It Correctly Compounded Then- are two tliiii-s iitssary in a nii'tli;il ii'iiii'tly. It must be the proper medicine I'ui' the iai'tii'iilai' ailnii'iit it was d rsci HhmI forj ami it must In- properly ootnpoundMi with Indrcditnta that arc rilit. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF COMPOUND INO THAT KIND OF PRESCRIPTIONS 0. G. LUEHRS' DRUG STORE ONTARIO, OREGON u . Jm CHRISTMAS PACKAGE HAKES HIT WITH BOY IN HAWAII IU NI..II.I ii. June IVIIv nl I.Ur M- itlrrlug In !- Tropk liruuglil Oier i.nn,iii,. to He Interned In a letter lo ' Hie folka hai k home." Itayiiionil tl MM MM of .Marion Join'. Inlla of Ihe pleasures whlch the Christum package from the High School girls and Honor Uuard ricliorleld Harm, k. Hawaii, Jan. Nl "Aui writing thla letter lo let you knoa how I appreciate the Christmas package and iloink you Dreamland Attractions oM'tltlo, OHJMOM ui,.l.,i February J lib. na o miaNn Kiiiniy lii'len, I'athc Newa TU8CANIA TORPEDOED I s Troop in Battle lvrhlug' Hoa righting Side h Side With Alllea. BULLS FOR SALE li you an looking for EtegitUred Horiford or Shorthorn Hulls, at any tinit', the ytU round, 1 can supply you. 1 have them in carload Iota or tingle animals on ordtr d livercd t the neaivst railioatl station. Iest Hulls for the Money Prices Reasonable See J. C. Bedford 210 Cleveland Boulevard, Caldwell. Idaho MomU), I rlu uary tf.Mli, THE CHARMER Klla Hail I'omed) "Seeing Tlilnga ." Tuesda) anil W eliu,l., I eh Uilili and '7lli. THE GERMAN CURSE IN RUSSIA The mot aanaatloaal war picture Wf luWi-ii. Thrilling from -tart to Inlah. Ific and lie. heartily for them. Since my enl meat at Ontario tn February 20, If 17, aad left tar Pendleton that cv ealag with HaroU Thorn peon wbo en llated wltb meWe were paanoJ I second examlnatloa and wern i t Vancouver Barracks where wo w outfitted aa soldier. "On February 18 wa were sent to . Angel Inland where, we started drill-j tag. While there was aaalgned to special duty for a time and on Aluy It wltb 200 others was tram-fern 1 to Honolulu. Not long after com here, with 17 others 1 was on1' guard Oerman prisoners being taken to Fort Douglann, Utah. We arrived j In Salt Lake September 16 hut only a 14 hour stay there b. starting back to San Fraaclnco where ' we were given passes snd turned loonc to have a good time. Mont of I the boy stayed In Frisco but I to Sacramento to spend my vacation My 1 waa aorry that I did not have time to go home But I enjoyed my self In Sacramento. Then on Octo ber 3 we sailed again for the land of the Kanaka, "Now we are drilling 6 to ft hobrn a day snd sometimes we have night drill in French methods of warfare. The last time we drilled nights It rained awfully hard and by the time i got borne wa in aad mad all o "Hawaii han baaT e.l by nature ' on the mainland "T!o not Hke ths aoldten, but h n the) hnve not him: on u for we donplso them After a i awhile III Ala HkPH it for then gM ton few win. I woul .oldler ot the mainland because there are a va t piyc ' Honolulu In the only i mounts ti much here. Thnre i.rt- many scat tered settlemuit'i but you could place a hundred of them la otnarlo. "With kind rei Ui and many thanks for the Christmas packages." RAYMOND On JONE8. That tbe price of living Is going up Is attested to by the wire which the Ford agency received today boosting the price of Fords from 7S to $0 per car. The Kingman Kolony Oraage rais ed 141 at a pie supper last Friday. One pie sold for 13.50. !SFV ST W It MKN ARK (TIOflKN TO OFFICIO I First Page, I I The list of speakers coming to Ontario will be representative of the blcgcnt cattle Arms from Omaha. Denver, Salt Lake, San Francisco. -Portland and tbe entire tntermountal territory. Many of the agricultural Colli ges will be represented on the nnd the biggest gathering er held In a city of On- i cln n la scheduled for thla 'g. J R. Blsckaby and P. J. Gallagher with Walter Oleen and Tom Trfgan havo undertaken the preliminary work and they were empowered to se lire other members snd to pro wlth the work of arranging for the entertainment of the delegates. President Gallagher reviewed the work of the past year and declared that while Ontario had not added new tndustrlea to Its life the city Is fac ing a bright future. He urged that the coming year be used to continue a campaign for a better Ontario so far as health conditions and the ap pearance of tbe city Is concerned. TtlUI-MU). It'blllMll ISM FRECKLES i.oui Hup. Jack Piokford llurtou Holmes Traxela Frhlay ad Saturday. Mar, I. I and 1. n rail. LESS THAN THE DUST Mary I'l.kford lAMik for Meal Meek, Aland auli FATTY ARBUCKLE Pre-war Prices Workingmen's Requirements Take Care of Your Want Now and You'll Save Half Full Cut Sanita Workshirtt Blue Only 50c EACH, OR 3 FOR $1.46 Special Quality Brown Wriirt Cotton Glove '.3 A WOW. 26c Extra Heavy Weight Blue Wriat Cotton Olovea Still at : v'-rwivi 16c Odd Pant Specials GOOD WEIGHTS IN CASHMERE AND COTTON WOR STEDS EITHER FOR WORK OR DRESS WEAR SPECIAL DOUBLE VALUE $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Pair BIB OVERALLS FOR LESS THAN TODAY'S WHOLE SALE PRICES, PAIR $1.60 Wool Socks Cashmere Socks Cotton Socks FLANNEL SHIRTS AND ALL GRADES COTTON AND WOOL UNDERWEAR, IN UNIONS AND TWO PIECE Still at Last Year's Prices WE HAVEN'T THE NERVE TO INTIMATE WHAT 1918 FALL PRICES WILL BE, BUT WE TAKE THIS OCCASION TO URGE ON YOU THAT YOU SUPPLY YOUR WANTS NOW. WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO MAINTAIN OUR USUAL STANDARD OF QUALITIES. WE HAVE BEEN ABLE THUS FAR TO KEEP PRICES DOWN. ALEXANDER ONE PRICE CLOTHIER. ONTARIO, OREGON : REMEMBER THE RED CROSS AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 2ND.