, ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1918. PAUETWO EASTMAN KODAKS START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT PARKER PENS You Get the Right -Kind of Goods at the Right Prices Here The OntarioPharmaey mora m SMPHONY LAWN STATIONERY PYRAUN IVORY HOODS thk RSXAIX hteiii: iik.m: no a eessaaayi BMHaHBBiillHIIH,H,IH"HH, - .w.r -..-. 0 nBetter Service to You tti: HUNT WANT YOU TO THINK Of I III: ONTARIO NATION I. IINK JU.1T AS A H 4CI TO DKI'OSIT YOUU MONTY ILTHOUOH Of i niTCiK vk auk OB D TO H Wl VOf KKIT AS I.AHUK A BAL- AM II with is as 18 reSsiui.i: Tin: ittl MODEL m itltol'OllS BOOK i i:i-i r a mac him:, which vk ha I Jl ST WIPKl) TO Orit KQIMI'MENT. POWIBH loll US TO OIVB 1 00 B ri BR MEVK I than kvi:u IN TilK HANDI.INO OK YO II i T I speed, accuracy and protec- nlcal bookkeeping ye- d to OUT thorough knowledge of .1 Linking aod business .K II poaalbla for ua to offer you nn Improved atnriet UMi I l .;ual to d by tin' country's most pro- Ontario National Bank Oldest Hank in Southc istrrn Divjron t LODGE MEN GATHER FOR DISTRICT MEET Vale, RjMM) Htnnpll, I'nrniH ami trthrr Towns iteprcsentett in Mrrtlnt Here Last ll- ilaj Rveiilng. as PATMOTK MEETING CALU D FOR THUR8. Mm. Jennie M. Kemp Welcome Speak er In Address Audience mi Sub ject llf I'mxl ClIIINI-I'Vlllloll Next ThurHday evening a put Ho' i. maaa meeting will lit addroaeod by Mm ji'inii. m Kami or Portteai om ,,r Hi,, i.i'hi known of tho woaaa workers In OW " She will dlsi us. Over UM T.iI.'k Top," and show what Um houeewlvee of Oregon eun (l"1" "''' In wiiiiinic th tlri'iti War The iim-i-i iiik. will be held in UM ndi'i the auaploea of ,l. 0.1 l which bus a number ,.f . ommltiee working on the meeting CRANE CO 1G RIGHT ALONG, SAYS CARTER Interior Ni'spu it Midi hero Kuroui. Hi. on- l-'nini lVilliinil Harney nil. Isioks tonal He N i lull's. Thai with UM advent of Irrigation the Haruey Valley will i-omi I own and alep forward a our oi On gon'H greateat aiaela la UM bel i I tleogo Carter, editor of tlie I Aim -Hi an who passed thru o.m.u'. Monday I'liroulu from I'mllum! Mi i .iii.r Lu.l i'i (,i to the big town to got a nw pi. . M M the growing needt of UM An. which he aaya la keeping up with the thuutry and moving rlghl ah ng PIMM nit; NN n i i oh HIGH IIKKD rVTTI.i: NOW J. C. Bedford of Caldwell waa In Ontario this week Interviewing cattle men. Mr Uodford la a dealer In high bred cuttle and declarea that there It a marked Impovetnent in the ii maud for heef atock of the better strains He alao aaid that he wouM he among thoae preaont when On tario entertaiua the Cattle and Sana llalserai Aaaociallon next April. At a meeting of the Matkodlal ladles' Aid Society at tho home ol Mr W'bh Thuraday, February 7. the ladlea paid off a note of $75 which they contracted aa pari of tlnri payment on the church debt laat fall if.. v Karl llnntia, tho paator. wan called In anl after a few appropriate rmnarka waa aaked to burn the mite A district meeting ofthe M W. or A. waa held In Ontario Inst Frldiu The dlatrlct comprlaea Vale mil Ontario and tho nearby Idnlio town. Delegations were preont from 1'iinnn. Iloswell, Vale and C'nld writ At 7 p. ma baniuet wn served at tho Ontario hold hy Hie W. C. T. U. Earl Hannn acted as toastmaster, with a few appropriate remarka be Introduced the speakers, sponded with happy remarks The speoche wore pregnant with patrlotlam and well could they be for Instead of making tho soldier pay for IiIh war rlak each V Inian la pay ing an extra aaaeasment The speak rOI Addreaa of Welcome, Ven erable Conaal J P. ImP?tt; " aponae, Venerable Sonaul Tunning of Koawell. and vlaltlng deputlea. Ilia tclel lniiit Howell. State Deputy of Idaho Tyer, and State Deputy of Ore gon Simmon. After the banquet an open meeting waa held in the I. O O K. HaU. where ill). nit 100 men gathered to llaten to a program of apeech and aong. The Welole Trio of tho Oregon Club gave a few aelectlona which were well re ceded, and Deputlea Tyer and Sin. in MM gave atlrrlng addreaaea on Woodcraft, after which an organiza tion waa completed to launch a big drive" contest for the dlatrlct, to be completed March 8, when another big meeting ia to he held In Ontario i ii Tate of Portland, head aud itor and nalloual -le. hilt lor Hie Hociety, who waa acheduled to be the prim Ipal speaker and guoat of honor. I wue unable to be preaent. due i,, i;. aerloua lllnea of hla wife. Hu will In here for the meeting March lie.leiiek V Truukil and M ::, ,,t lle.,1- gl , I ,i ii MethodlHt chur.li Sumla. Kel. 10, al I P " I . il ll.iuii performed, the cereiuonx ,. , ,.f UM bride' pani.i I ,. i. g in ml Mr Trui" I BfttWa It n It ami lle on a home aoietaiM Um Kopim boom I L mil. riom Vale Expert Service Reasonable Charges and The kiiut of ireatnu-ntStcau) cuttomori dtftrv Is the princ;pal upon which fft 1' butinttfi AMtMOlitl Maffifd l"i' :i!l kinds of care. Gasoline, Lubricating oils and Supplies. Ontario Auto Co. rt:iEl)UFORD. I'rop. rhonr 131 WESTFALL IS READY TO DO ITS UTMOST '.i. J.. nn li.M s IK.vtn I nun liiurli.i tell or Miiii Villi llle. Ulil.li II.. I ..Iks Tlu.re Kii.loy. Tho Wealfall la aomewhut In (lie in lerlor and off the main line it la nev er t lit- lesK not hehlnd the limes Tl. t la evident from the reporttt of the hlg tline that take plaoe there for the Ite.l Cii.sh or the Soulier's lotuue.. fund or anything that will help tho soldiers In the treucliua, which Hie (iraham lirothers, Andrew arid JfM hroughi to oiitiirio Tuesday Accordlug to their enthualaalic ' . ouut ot how U e. tlall ia lining up on war work all that It la ueceaaary to do la to announce a benefit for the aul dlera and sailor and the people do the real. Hi.. I her at Jeruaaleiu. The (iraham boy have a brother w lia has had the unique dUtlncllon of having fought on three continent n thl war He wa at Chiucy, Modi, and a uuniber of other battlea in Kranco during the early atagea of t lo wer, and after being wounded waa In valided home After he waa vent to Aferlcu and more recently waa wth ileneral Alleuhy's army that capt.. Jerusalem In a letter recently re ceived from him. whitten at Alexand ria. Aferlea, he told of being within a mile of Bethel when he look ill and waa Bent to the hoapital al tAlexan.l ria. KEKI' cii! --All alxea and age huroc hog for aalo. F. 8. Bailey. 20-No. I ItlOTOl S III SSI . The lid Ih off in Kuala 1'l.e r. .nils of the "break down" of the In Htltutlon of law and religion will he the eubject of iIUcushIoii In UM i ii service at the Congrega tional church next Sunday In UM evening ut 7 ao the "Marvola of reuiecoat," the aecond ol 1 1 ..1 Siudiea in Act." We Can Do What Others Do The U. 8 Food Admlnlatratlon doca not aak the Impoaalhlo. They Jo not even ImpoRe a hardship on anvone. They are doing only that which la AIISOI.ITKI.V NKCKSSABY for tho good of the nation, and thai nieana Tor TOOT Individual good, alao. IT IH MOST IMPORTANT that everyono ahould do their Marl lo conserve wheal -ue loaa flour and all other wheat product Our aolrtlora In France and our aaao ciatea in war MUST have the wheat, and we MUST use leaa ao that we can have the wheat to Mad M them. DON'T aak your grocer to rlo late the rulea of the Food Administration DON'T aak him to lt you have flour and other wheat product on Wheatlen Mondaya and Wheatleaa WedncHilays DON T ak him lo let you have meat on Tueaday or pork on Saturday. DON'T ask him to make more than one delivery to your home In a day DON'T kick tteeauae ynu have to buy other cereal with your flour THINK of the boya that an fighting for Vol' THINK of UM boj that suffered and loat their Uvea In the I-. ild Atlantic, and corn bread, rye bread, rice, pinto bean and potatoes, with Hie bundled of other good thlntta of which the market ! bountiful will Btakf foa nsharned to oven think of wanting wheat bread on Wheatb- h Daya or meat on Meatless Daya, or pork on Porklesa Days IT IS NOT A HARDSHIP IT IH I'ltlVH.KtJK BOTEB BEOS. AGO. DEPARTMENT STORE hiiakkspkahun sth coMi'l.lTis riio'i'eDi: STAR WflLCH'tJi TO K PICT ROLE OF MOTHfR LOVE i-'-.ii . gM i Frederick Warde. the Hint Ian atar. has conipln. .1 . photodrama "Tho par'. In t.ie modern story Is ao big and M UM l ml runilshea ao adequate an oppi rtut.it- for Mr War le' gift that It wa decided to Interrupt hi clas!j aerlea, " .aid Ed ward Thanhouaer, praatdenl or t ti Thaul.ouier Film Corporation Mi Warde' Thanhouscr serlea huve In eluded "811a Marncr," King l.ear' a.id "The Vlcnr of Wakef eld." alt In the ciaaalo darts, of cour I Ft lie In I he . Iiixslc llMMi of count. The l.li.y.l l.one.gan play Is unite the other axtlM '.a with an up i.i tela oonflda u un, who portni)e.l by Mr Warde Tim film in elllltleil "HlatOO'l Hollhle ' It I I story of mistaken Ideality and Hie law; released hy I'athe Dreamland theatre. February 19 No one won hi think ol keeping 4 gun for shooting rabbit of :hat gun were needed by a soldier at the froni, when all the rabbits u . i . mid i caught wit ha trap Wliai is needed In fighting Europo, and we cau UM elation of her love for little onea. and ..inuieal, oatmeal and other suhsll- the at.ecn.ui ol thl stur lo depict the tutea for home couMuiupilon. uisie.id heroine In "The Eternal Motnw" was of white flour. Save Hie wheal ami a happy one. Mia Barrymore la ...ml it to the front ideal a Maria. Ethel Barrymore. the celebrated Metro Star. Is moat happily cast In the role or Maria In "The Eternal Mother," the Metro Worn! rday, In which the famous star of ste e and creon will be seen at the Drca land theatere on Sunday, February 17, In thl adaptation of Slduoy Mi 'alls novel, "Red Home Hill," Ml Bar rymore play thi i rl of a yi. inn woman who hat man led, &sa!ni her father's wishes, a man who turn om to be a worthlem d'.unkerd. She report nd haiMilnes.i In ih. Mi child Felice, and lavlahoa on the child a wealth of mother love and affec Hon The acene with the child are liartlcularly beautiful. Later alio ahow liar love for other child. aid and benefactions Mlaa Barrymore, In private life Mrs. Ruaaell Coll. I the moth r of throe beautiful hlldron and her dutlea aa a mother always come first Her appearances with children in Men., woh.lerpluy hate been rev- jUoyal Orcffornans are SProud of this unmatched ffiecord n&SET3 I V .NKOKuX A 3IOD00 jL-y!-i 0o ' 'A agaEl 7,3 00 t0 ..MMiX o0 I, m f J9b.O76.0'0 ' ' H ,0o W5I3.878.00 A t A A'$ 645.806".00 fotf$ 31 I n00 ;c0 S!0o0r 94I 8I6.380706 ..$ 345,362 Ofi L . S vj ltI;Qor w 988 0997m 1916! S gO.lOfcOQX 94s$ 6. 0a.480.00 11914$ 63l.69 0"0 90 $ I. 173. 79.00 I 1917 1 $ A7Z. 370 .0 0 jWS'j 9. 093 456.00 1915 $ 785.418 00 19 7i $ I 404 788 b0 " f96 S 10 602 . 44A.00 96 $ 936 376 00 'T ' 1 l i 11917 $12. 640. 9.00 9J7,'$I. 3I.I08.0q r Figure Show Our Marvelous and Continuous Growth Our Business is all in Oregon. All Funds Invested in Oregon Securities We Are Prominent Factor in the Upbuilding of a Greater Oregon (Jimnljfi Insurance Company produced a larger amount of business during 1917 than mnn ikii.i III 111 , 1 (it 1 i C t . . . . . F Hin 1 I It Wq .mum-cu in utt- oian- m wtcijuu uy any are HiMuaiKe company in any previous y ear. QrCgODlJfe gionXSufssMUfe Insurance Company Kor Sale M'l'li A llrood Athey sow and pi Home Office: 1 VJSEZEL l'orllaiul. Oregon A. L. Mil 1.5. t'rcaldrul. . Ml,,,,, u, ,. II. C. Schuppel, Baker, Oregon Distiict Manager "I Htsifcr. Aaaiatet Maoaaw- 2434 Baker St. Phone 360