The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 14, 1918, Image 1

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    vfeaw &r0tt.
that LAMM VOn in: foi.i,-
lil.i: UOM BVYRRH.
Here antl There slight 4 m.i ion
Sulci. B ' Failure 0 Slinli
Propositi Mow Ih Time. In
CM Informed.
Tor ihe first ttmo ataoa Hie udl al
a now wuter estem stnrl 1 there BM
. I. 111,, ad I doubt III the minds
rltlxeiiK No strenu
ous objections I
th onl ii' tinna presonlcd for dfav
riiHHlon hive been In relation to the
detailed plmiH for operation mi 1
The memlipre of the ft. Coanotl
an unanlnioiiN In their belief that
the system wll Ipay for Itaclf llirn
Ha earning lupnctty. They look Ital
mailer Into I nsldcrallon In hating
the pi. inn an nired for the mi
which l designed lo aupply miff I
a (tat la m alt al booo and to
i mi aara af nm I Tin
man who p.-i pared thoae plana H
Unite c Kateap, tun- al the best in
draullc engineers la the Wi ' Hi
Kalaaj baa to his credit taa araattoa
of Ihe H.ii'r ayatenm of Halt Lake,
Twin Full, llll.l in: li V nlhiKV
In thh rid rcKlon Hint H.
ficlnlH are ronflilent thnl with hla ex-perlonr--
uh a gu!d Ihny ace pntei led
fro in. ii r and HiaV Hie plant will il i
ii H Intended to do.
Went a ItlK Vote.
During tha, week Mayor W I'.
ii. nn. in i rat atvaal a avail
niunliath na unking for infe:
ran-i relative to Hut puhllr'a dem.i.i.l
for a naalelsaJ water ayatem. Hlncn
l In- aaataai of such a Myatein In de
pond mi i pea public patronage wh ' h
ran he Jo tged by the demand for II.
It make I material different e In IM
0 the hell. Is I'.. I II .'
renaon Urn M'tyor la uux'oua that I
big off In. 1 1 vole be caat at the
uoa that If Ihla
Ice- i.i. en held last '
December when Ihe
typhoid epldfmte waa on Iha rote
would han m nivtoon " i"
:ne II 1
oul an dvote now M
II Ihell
has. Mi ( I if I ollllil ill I'e
of Hll.i o in i in.'
I" as I Sue Mitarlln to
Ik- Trlisl Ijiler.
tlty marahul M. C, Kan,
ouhlo killing laat Satuid I
. hen lie hill, led llinll.e. M. '
ias realded I. We for inontln
, Hi U .1 red eye. M
i r lib .1 euilty and wan fined $150
UN in Jail beside
The arret dlewad ure or
McCarthy aa he waa
laavtaa for i yatte I aa toM lo
Is car I v the Maiahal M artliv
jnnpied oul, iun back of Ihe car and
two i ottlaa af aoaa oa tin
wheel of the ar before ta Marahul
i ould top linn. The odor of the
spilled rnuld waa conveelnlng and
Hiaie he had been watching for me
time the otfteara had an ide .
it AciIiik oiv liloi knowledge
Mm lure wm arreatod and tho cache
'..cuted in lit coal houe. A
w iniaii waa ab 1 Uken in the raid.
o arrained pled nol
guilty and hla trial wan u for len
ruary 21.
Mra. M. 1). (loud of Truiiland waa
culled to I'oniatello Monday by tin
sudden death of her inotlrer. Mra
(loud came to Ontario to take the
.mil at that time
veraant with the .1 l.irl o
how Hie
end came.
U. will meet next Tuea
II. Frank Miller, deputy roll.
Inlernnl llnvrnuc "II lie ntTi
Hall nil next v t inK bright
Mini early Monthly miirnliiK tO aas'nt
you In determining Just how mu.-h
you owe Fncle Sam In Hip wny of ln
eorae tax. Even If you nv la doubt
(in not Nike dinner Kiiilty
al eviici iik tiie itatataa which i
severe penult n
New Owner Has Hail Veur ol I' p.-i
lence In Meal llualiioss n i Plan
I nlnrglng Scne of l.lhl-
Andrew Itohinsm, owner ol I
tarin lee and fold Manga, on atoa
day pnrcl.HHed t Mai
ket when It wan offei-ed for ante bj
Dr Printing Hie mortgage (,r
plant. The Doetaf who fte
('rank DM in copied the lohH nlti niln:ii
lng all He r and
Mr IlllhertHoll look nirr tin- pi. I -i
The new ., mi,. I me .i
market and pukdiK pant' or year:
and la conversant with every phaxe ol
Hie huMlneaa. The Storage and r
duce bualneaa will lie con 1 1 tin
the of the . I:, M I ei.l, reil. I!,.
moat market devoUng Itaall aotlrly m
loe.ll tlllde while Hi p.iekillK hll I lie
Wll bo conducted In I I With
the proudce huahieaa.
The i urn of evenla end iik In Hie
oreclouure of the plant made poll.h
the arcoinpllHliinent of Mr. I.
on 'a original IntenHon when he eamo
hare inroinl'ralrlr illy I wo inmile
llluuest Year's llunlness IKoic In' nj
I ompMiii in Ktate Itee.inh l In
lliooe 1 or pi -a Hi. ii
The largeat ameuiii ol
evor prodit.ed In t Irv. Ktate ..I I
by a alngle tnaurajn
produced hy the Oregon l.'le lawai
i paa tor the ear 1917. ac
cording lo II. (' Sihupp'll. ol '
rapreaeiiiaihe of the Oregon Ufa In
Ihla aecllon. who is Ontario this week
llUHiiesH ieiied and nilir.1, hea
ported, lotnle.l t,llT,tl(, an In
eraaaa of I92B.037 over the pn
year and the largest uniouui of lm .i
OjOaa It had ever wriiN I
At present he aald the company
has 12, 4!, 391 of Insurance In force
winch moans a net gain of S3.13P.P47
over the previous year after deduct
ing for death loaaei and auriendeicl
ami aaaaad laauraaee.
Tliat a soldier's chance of death
or Injury on Hie battle front the rela
tively small, waa the assertion of K
N strong, assistant laawapaf I
perlnt) ndent of Hie i .
Figures compiled aa late us Nl
ber 1. 1917, show the lot-sos on Hit
Weelern front from bailie IM OH
eaaa to be IS per cent, while in Un
civil war the de.fch rate from battle
and dlseae waa 7 per cant," aaya Mr
In the Kusi. in Japanese war
man waa killed in baitle to .' 1 2-by
dUaaaa. while in Hi a war 20 a
ed in buttle to one dying ol dieaaf,
thanka to the advance :
science, which baa been turn
unselfishly to the needs of Hie gov
ernment. "
"This war la a wouderful uinu;e
to the aokency and aaftey ol leual re
erve Inmirauce," aald Mr. Stroiis'
"that ai far aa can ue ascertain
life insurauce company o recognlieil !
and operatlug has fall-. I to pjawt Ita
obligations in ai belllgareat
I i I sl'l i I u ii ( OMIM..
If your eye are troubling raw
come and aea me at the Moore llote,
91 I Ir M II
. I
j' -
IrvinnT U bome ti
oNTAItlo ell lPTRR A. It. P. Wll
in; iii i:i m i m or sn.i rM
(;M)iw wouth Mem:
Til IM aiinm.
linns Oft mill i. WJM'an Start M..
ineiil Tlml Is timwIiiK I ike Wllil-
lin - -"l lint Are X on ;oin to
i net ton." ix QaaaUaaif
linns Oft and t;. w. ), -m of the
iioiiIim i 1 1 on aaoM the
Hint the Motilovard nnxllllarles i M
Ontario rhaptar a it c should t
raal baai mi nhow tiie eit ten
I rnlae niot.. t.r He
So Inning ;hal Idea they milled to
It the conception that an auction of
farm iiroduce. farm machlnon ntnl.
"'' I" ' l'1" """ '"' " I " l
that can bo cirfien together at aA.
auction, would fill the hllj to lhe,
liking. Will Hi .it ettled Ihey pro
eaeded t.. latarriav tbatr aaJglibor
toyathaj r Irad i
prod et- . in value worth DOI
"J"" ,l0,0" '"' r nX-
plR. anothor n phf-p, onfl a piece of
farm iniichliieri thai he bad replaced
and mo uiilll On- m,n were swamped
Then 1 1 1 . - c.iine to town II'
the oficlals u( I i what tin'
had done and llnrned Hint the flnane
eominilee had been plannln
similar ntniil. so that the two
were Joined and Hie aSOtloa "III h
held here In the ci Bin I than Ik
iainuaih In the .11- ha:. iC.rted and
aa II la on the II . IkA nte
asking; "Wbal 0 10 I. '
Mra. W v- I id, chalmii:
finance committee of the thaptaf
In general charire of ihe plaai for I
iiieilon lire In and
week wll iiiilnniiiicc (he appoint ne e
of the i - s to bo In charge (
tha various phaies. What (he prot
gram will be and all thine thlnge WIN
he deici mined Inter.
Among (h possible added allrai
tloaa will be (be auctioning of a
tow n lot which .1 i: !iUickul .
to the aoclely In l spring for a rarrio
N i.
While ho In nol here now. It la In
tti-ved that he will eonlliiue hla off
at Hits tlm
Since there aie (Till two we.
fore the dale scheduled lor the auc
Hon m.ii a ii '-' UPJPJ la i".-
your belongings to determine h j
you can "put up "
Annual tuff Is atlll bu-y an I
is, for the local
o '
Tl,p """' """
playara, but pUyad taa mil U
rest of the game
will bo played this week.
The atudcut body has n
Opera House and basket 'ball baa
luii.d 11 full swiii it is probaMa
thai league gan
Ilia near future
The miliary ompany uu.l
stiit'tioli of CoonecnA KTA( il.S'vbgki.o
llruotloii of 1 oloiicl lloucher lull'
taken uu innch warfare and are
going oer Hie to(i 111 a verv r.
and creditable manner.
A new shipment of chemicals and
apparatus has af rived for tha
.-nt This puta Hie
Ontario high laboratoi up la
standard higher than that mniiituun '
. high school in flits vh n
Uirotby Turner, a senior
commercia rourae, waa the proud r--
: this week of a leather unl
eaaa aent htr by toe Iteuiiiih'io
writer Company us a reward for bl
ability in typewriting This prize te
offered to atudent. to high
and oommerci.. bu.'.ne hoo
a record of 49 worda per minute
...I. I... 11 .i. tltfl M-nA nil III mm-
U.ine I ' rdof 49,V,rUf ,'le, A,h
. . -s... ,.-
Tljki jlfef UlMlUlr. niie in PUP UUl i"i
ha .ull medal record -6S worrit
FRlDtl , ajs, i- imit si i
i on rriu.K nisi i iu in
I'ili Oflhlals Want ubln to ll
Thoioli Inliiiincd on rilipaW I
linpiot eioenl for n . 's
If there In nnv
I mi In
n relation to
mind nf any voter
d bond laaaa for tba eoaatrtM
"" o ; naalcrpal
opportunity will I,.
I'm!.. . wiine. lei,, g . imve
the qSI .vered A in. ism meet
'" of , . In en called for thin
rl propoKed pi. ins w,.r,. dtaoaaaad
a meetliiK of the Coara
Mlolherhood HiIh eetiliiK
,u..,l, , knoll the Vlirloll.s I
,,r taa haiM and the praj
,.,i hj dentil b Clyl n rdar
, HleaniH
ral weeks , Argua pre-
. . .
kii t .it I n ir In our lv i1 mi. v i, t ii iiu I ii ili.
.' ' I
tall so Hint most of Ihe .
MBitraaai with Uu details but omelwara the puaala r tha Rad I i
of Hie features may have baai
gotten and the disks mealing Is he
lug held for the purpose ol r
Ing the lueinoii ol nnyoiie who h,e
Krrir ikus Transfers Iteprc
sciitntii.ii io Teaaai ' " siiouhi
subi Oaktaaat
Tbu un error on tho part o Hie
Argus last week in announcing the
arrival of another auto Him to He
ii tie lalmeiil wag made that the
Voung Auto i'o would rajprataal Iba
Dodge Uros eoapanj In Ihla fhhl
I ne I mdgo ageno baloaaji toll
llan'wiii Mil havi
11 What lie- Argus Inl'ciie.i
waa that the Young company has the
Oaklend aloiiKKlHi its other I
The Ontario High School has again
shown its patriot! by aaaaii
toning the Junior Md Cross. Bev-
oral of tho grades have also Joined in
HJ uioveini na nulteaden
7a elected chaliiuan of .his ,,
rruIlk 1)ormul, , ,L:il
lotto (Taggelt, aecrotary.
The "How to Study" class which
haa been . omlice 1 lor Bevarul
iiioniha by Mr. Douglass finis!
work thU w'aek. Each pupil nr
asked to Hate on taper with 11 Bl
aitaehed whether they thought tha
course waa worlli whlta 1
49 favoring the course and tart
aaw no value In It. Earn one of Ihe
high school teachers will some urn'
in the near future give a talk to Ihla
class on bow to study (he particular
subjects taught by that teacher.
With the exception of one room
the grades in the Weat aide
have Joined Iha Junior Ued Croat In
It la expected that tin
room will complete a 1H0 pel I . lit e,
lollmciit within k few days.
The Domestic Art girls ha
pleted altogether III baap)lta shins
for the Red Cross Owfng ( He
lack of material for the shirts, the
KirM are going to change Hoi
(1 Illuk miK black pinaforea for
igium refugee ilnhlr. n
. . u ....... ,., ....
01 nm. nufli d. 01 ,n 1 , .11. ........
itu a a. I V la ll,iir.iiiili naJPwl
I '! n.xt.i. - taa ihwivi
1 ..laud roonler l A Mil
argus mes
The Arp-ils moved this week from
(Ion In Wilson building
to one ol Ihe flora room . In the Hoy
er block on .
i lha Max i aanth of tht Po I
k or riai i i" 'in
ing plant is not i aaaall ona aad uaaj
dolny were enrounteicl hj a i
of Ihls the plant in ngaln Jn Ofl
hit press, so thru the I oini
esy of the lleinoci icy this Issue I be
lg printed on our conip. torat es press
We aak the lodalmoo of our reader
for this laana for with more apace and
'orklni! roiiilltttms we v 111 h.
able to nerve on in.-i tely la
the fin
warrmt .... II
olo ami Vi.sii Audiences Mnnlfc I
ricnMiie With IVi foriiiaiices
Njssn I 'rowil I sM-elalh
Volewortli.i .
On Monday night at Viile and W.I
nesday hIkIii al yssn the
elab niinstreiH daliffbtad audi
At Nyssa the hall waa packed
altar Ihe performance the I... al Inn
a ilnni I mid siippei
Al V'.ile follow bj Ihe pei I, rin.iii,
(prrj Morton, lornierly of On
tarlo iirniigod fo an oister llippar si
thai Ihe hoys had .1 good lima la Ibt
1 oiinli Seal, lo
ai Kpaaa at ate Iha 1 aka uui.i. 1.
Miss Morrison of Jamleson was rat
fled mid the price Increie.ed with h
passing. The sumo culinary pi mini 1
will bo offered later hero In Ontario
Ontario Auto I oiopam- lrinKs Vmil
er (oe.ollne IIiikui I or lime
lo Select I loin.
11 l a dull week on auto row whei
a new auto agem-i 1, not annonie..
This week the lint nln A11I0 eomp.un
.1 I with Ihe annoiini I
m.'iil that 11 ,1 the Franklin
1 11 for !h . in Id
iii aiiiiouncing his determination to
add Hie big air cooler car lo hi
I'.ie Dotard declared that he
wanted la keep abreast of the lim.s
anil have something 1. lass of
. .it purchaser
Erb .it Hays of Ihe Ford UK I
In Portland this Week lo see Ihe ,.,.
nl tho auto show.
ouh. . Opcueil in Malheur fount)
for Cnrolli.i.-iu of sklllc.l
lailsn- fur Sen b es
Vule, Or , Feb 14 Editor Ontario
Argua: Oregon's uuola of 1
1.1 rolantaan t ba .niinted In
each county of the atate la 3.'I04. and
iilola Mall 'in county is r
1 to enlist a in I ii 1 111 11 1 .
Uriflilh has wrilten
that he hopes thai Oregon will en
,ard loliinleeis, ami
at that rato Malheur sholu 1
about .'HO men or 1 hla I ei 1 1. 1
The lion ie lired I'.r 1 nrollmei.i lg
Stutes shipyard lolunieii
ol Ihe follow,.
Acetlhll" nil I eh .'leal weld. I .
ushestos workers, hlacksui.His, angle
drop forge men, Maul
ers, furnace in.n. battel PMhara,
ulers, slop
r. hlllhle,
.md caikers, atectrh ana, wlremeu,
crane up. uim , t.undry worker.
laborara, loft waa lamplate 1
inacliinisls and maehiiie I.
era, painters, ptuuihers and phjM
fitters sheet tiieatl workers and aop
ship fitlers, alrie
N'l 8
" '"', s W III lis .; I
'Wlio HIGH NtiitM.i.
11 ' IMII B1 l
Tt)oi von
fo mi mum in march
QMMta ... lb. , ,,,, ,n(rr
,H" "-(-Hums Folks
Oara UcaJ Tea,,,
Mntl Iteieptlon.
,. 10 one rote at Durna .,t
rlday evening ,be Mtm of
"""'""'""""hco .,,,,;
l,lM''" Ctom Crl aad
""-me champ,,,,, de
hatlng team of Soulhea.torn Oregon
;'';,;'- '" ngu. . ,,,,.,.. ,e,r
.....,o, aKH,nsi the icon. tfo
111 the
nruiowa high school, which
thai district
won In
I"'1 t the Murna contest
ware: John w Bit r i,rlls. f,.."
lark of Junturn. nd Mr Alu
poison of An .. ,r,erlv ,.r
lnilllat.,1 Mrs lch(, ,,
Hlad ihe local te,,,, . nnma act
ing as chaperone With Hicm :,N
""" ' n" ' 1 'iilbertaon
Willi Ml l... .
'" nniuerine i onw.n
eil Hie .
Tl1" f", ulty H11, Hiudenta f th.
local school are pwrtlcDlarlv or.,, 1
"l"1' '"'"a for Hie winners are so far
as known Ihe youngest Lain to tsk.
auch honors. Miss Craig, lead. 1 .1
tha team, u a ppphoniora .uni
is yaara old, while Vesi,,, . -
Preahinnn and la only 14 years old.
I ho debate at llurna w upon Hie
"Itostion Keselved: ihst 11,,. ,.
Btato Senate be abolished In the
next debate for Hie chiui.ploualilp of
aantern Oregon, which will h, ilnhl
elilie. Mar, h IT, or If, the pi 1 not
Pal decided ajjfj, Ontarh, wll uphold
me arrinnavive r n propealttoa:
If" ole, ,h , Ih,. , I,,.,. ,,f ,llW
praaant war the United Mataa i.ovld
Join in, Internal In, i I laagae la en
force Ita decisions "
In speaking of the debate at llurna
mambari or ihe i, ..,,,, ,,,,,1 n,eir ci,
were enthualastl. over the raoaptlon
tendered them in Hurt,, and declared
Milton llrowu and Otehol
Huff Ihey raced a stroiiK. wall p,e
i.,l-d lelili.
RaaraJar Innual Election of rlvk I....I,
Hut) Hcbeiluleil for Momlnv et -
cnliiK a ( omioeri lal lull.
The annual ehcimn of oiilcWra of
III!) Is scheduli .1 lo,
Monday tvenna While but slight
alterosl In thl event has been inanl-r.-i..l,
due to the direction of uii.-i.
Hon of most ctUens to various war
society acllilti. s, yet Ihla Is iiupoitaM
and the Bam hers should In
nl who has aaaaw
ed that he will be a candidate I
aad bin
who finds the growing work or CHy
lar inaking 100 great a d
on bis '
I l i ITUI'K Wlilioi T P7VKN
si mm. ill n mi BMARJHK
I l.aiidlugliam, iiiarler
master first rluss, I' S N
of Mr. and Mrs foha Landing
ham is ha me now on u two
leave after months
lormy AHanin
Tho the eiuiBi-r on arbtek he bis
been a member ot ihe , n w i . i
voyed five fleota of mercbaut
men and transports to i
he has never aeeu a He .
uiarlio 10
Friuies doui appear like
.-tain's navy ut all gad p
nlly fight si.i
If the young man is a good
criterion by wh ch In Judge Hie
boys In the i well looked
for l.e look as HI a a
day with Mra
Earl Hauna
day furlough from cmp
Outario, Oregon.
The W