ONTARIO. MALHEUR COUNTY, OREOON, THURSDAY,FEBRUARY7, 1918. l'K OF K1NAI, SKTTI.EMKNT tier In hereby riven that the un- Itned executor of the Inst will testament nnl estate of Harah Ituaaell, deceased, ha filed In Ing and parsing npon said final account and settling the aald mate. Any and all persons Inter ested In aald estate are hereby lounty Court of the State of Ore-1 notified to appear nt aald time and for the County of Malheur, hla place and file their objections in account of the administration or j writing, if any there are, to aald testate; and that Snturdny. the final account and contest the came. day of February, 1918, at the Done and dated and llrat publlHhed lof one o'clock .p. m. of aald day. ithls 17th day of January. 1918. court houae In Vale, Oregon., J. I). FA1RMAN, leen duly fixed by order of said j Executor of the Katate of Sarah Ann aa the time and place for hear- Ituaaell. Deceased. Wlllt trade for Ontario property, or will take livestock or cash for fonr residence lota In Portland; four In Boise and one In Montpeller entertain any reasonable offer property offered la desirable, dresa n No. 7, Argus -3-4t Will All Corn meal for rle. wholesale snd retail, on noulevard. 1 1-2 miles from Orange hall J 11. Taylor. On tario, Oregon. No. 3-It XOTICK OF NPRMAb KI.WTION. ing's Fruits nd VEGETABLES Make your Pantry a Garden and Orchard SOLD ONLY BY .A.FRASER ONTARIO, OREGON THE UNIVERSAL CAR I'lie Kurd Model T line-Ton 'I f 0 k It. troll, has lie ruck t'liassl. tiuu 'ii tlmruuKlily tested for more man iwoyear. it la hoI.I you now In the IllgJll '..nlidence that It will meet y,,i ..,,(, ,., ,,,( v latlons. The regula.' JYrd rr.uie. only largor '.ml h.-utlor. tii.- regular Kurd in..i..r villi ,,,.,i driven ,rtn (tear, wheal ba of 124 inches and will turn Inside a IMM circle It kjaj all Hie impm-iiy ,,f ii... rord car. nil the ,-. ,,,,,,, u, . bun .iiui maintenance. Onine in aud wu'll flirtlie: ,1 .all- , 'J FORD (.ARAGE KItHIK HAY KM. Manager. OXTAHIO, OIIKOON. give you HORSES! HORSES!! 'his is the time to sell horses y will be high ami it will he expensive feed this winter. horses now. The market is rijjht from 5 upwftrd ant to gel good BOUnd horses 10 years old from !f0 oonnds Mules Wanted, Too III also buy goo,l sonnd mules Irom ten irs old. Irom ll-U uoward. AiMiokk A. McWilliams tario Oreuron NOTICI IS 1IKHKHY IIIVKN. That a special election will be held In the 111k Hend Irrigation District, Malheur County. Oregon. M the 23d day of February. 1918, at which election there shall be submitted to the iiialifled electors of the District the IVJWttM of the right of the Dis trict to enter Into a proposed con tract with the I'nlted States of Amer ica, and whether or not Hie Hoard of Dlrectora of said district be iiuthor lr.ed to execute said proposed con tract for and on behalf of said Dis trict, In which contract the I'nlted Rtates of America agrees lo furnish, durng the low water season, from s.r row Hock Iteservolr, or other sources, for lands under the Itlverslde canal within the Itlverslde Irrigation Ills trlct In Idaho and the Hlg Mend Irri gation District In Oregon, the same proportion of storage water actually available from said Arrow Hock Wch ervolr as 1000 acre feet of the rapa city Is of the total available rapacity of said Heacrvolr, for the sum of $20,000.00, with maintenance aa In said contract provided, and agrees to construct a drainage syslcin for the said llig Hend Irrigation District of Oregon and the said Itlverslde Irrigation District of Idaho for the purpose of draining the water-soaked lands within said Districts, as pro vided In snld proposed contract, to (lie extent of expending. If necessary, the sum of 1280.000 00 In the con struction of said drainage system. as provided In said (outrun, which contract Is Included In the general plan adopted by the Hoard of Direct ors under date of Vo-eniber 14, 117, it ml the cost of said water supply and drainage system Is to lie apportioned between said Riverside Irrigation District of Iduho and the Hlg Hind Irrigation District of Oregon In pro portion to t!ie number of acres within the boundaries of each of said DIs li lets, the said Districts being Jointly liable to the lulled States for the entire amount of the il.llniiiliin, the number of .ores within .ml M Iricls being as follews: Itlverslde Irrigation District of Id.iho, 9.211 aires, ii ml tin. Hlg Hend Irrigation District of Oregon imhI I In- salil Districts agree to pay the cost of said dialnsge and uddl llonal water supply in twenty annual Installments, wit -unit Intereat, as pin v tiled III snld eoti-riiet The p:ivneiit of the first installment for I In- I i. i apply shall become due and pavahle I -'inhe.r first of the year during v -.ii teli witter Is lirst furnished to the District by the I'lilled States, mid Hiil)seiiu-nl Installments mi uaremhor first of each year thereafter. TlnJ p. it in. Ill ol the llr-l Installment inl the drainage st stein shall heroine dun ami pay. hie lleet-niher tirs of the year In which the drainage system shall he const ru. -ted. to Ihe exlenl de termined propt r b) Ik the lllliTl.i. Hi. I lUll M ill-tl t IllMull- manl on the Ural of December of eui -h i ear i Installment! tor bath and dralaaga shall be us folio- st four two per i out. the next two Tour per it ni viili-d ! ,iii.i a 'in ; , .intract is on nli ii ,. Hoard ol Director- of Mid district, at Krattk A. Mill i. ure within aaid In- tricl, alioiit i .i miles Souii.. I.tlln-lll rmintt. Hilton, anil is herein n . 1 1 id lo .ill.l iii.i.Ii- p.u i hi retif. Maps, plan- I t. mates. surveys and spei -Ifle.itions. together with the repnrl of I he Slate Knglrieer, are on file at -.till limn ..i il,.- Hoard or Di rectors and at the office of the Raja. Engineer at the State t'apitol, Saletu. Oregon. That under an nnlei nf Ihe Hoard nf Director! the whole of aald In trim shall coustlnn.- dm ehn lloa pre clnit, and the place nf holding said elccll. in shall heat Hn W..-I. School liiiii.- in naid District The polls shall be open .. n'clnck in tha liil'i'lUMjil ami hall i'iiU liuiie open until five p in of aald day. at which eleciinn ll.e ballot -i shall enntaiu Hie wonl-. ii.nlr.ei with thr rnileil Si ' and I'ontract with the I'nlted States -no," or words equivalent ln-i That the Judges for aald elect mn ara L. K. I'llisbury. Krank Millar and A c Holly By order of the Board of liiininr. or the Big Bend Irrigation District, this la day of January, 11 a rKANK MI1.LKU. Set ret art of Big Bend Irrigation District LOCAL PAPER AS HOME CHAMPION Great Hid In Fighting Mall Order Houses. BIG HERDS GONE World War Wastes Meat Supply. Europe's THE POWER OF THE PRESS What Qunpewdtr Did For War the Printing Prtss Can Do For Horns Merchant How to Make tht Beit Us of a Very Efficient Weapon In Fight For the Horn Market. - Ited l IM . Lt . Iimilaa J Hlllllvsn III funnel days superstition rites were lived In aSOfCbM el II spirits, hut in Out limes Ihe -nine cITci t Is attain eil mid hcyiuiil . ninHrlsn more ef fcituall.v iy tin ncw-spiiiier Hefme tin- laliMimii chosls. Htuplres. will lies anil nil their klndretl tribes ure driven f ri. in ihe land pet er bj return. Noth ing is mi Iniiik-riiblc to them as the smell or priming ink. Nsw Element ef Power. WIihi gunpowder did for war the prliillng pfaag I an do fur the hs nl met chants wlui n i e competing with Ihe re tail iiuill nitler houses, but the drat step toward enlisting the aid ami frlendihlp nf the editor is to undei stand thai be lv ready to Ismst his home Inn u nil the time aud i hat every dollar cxMiilcd with him fur iiiImiIi Ing iH i ft ii i ti n dollar's worth of bt-u III ni ii. in.' lie asks no (alius of ant niie. he has a dnllal s win Hi o ell. snd sn dellit-i the gnniU et-ry time. I In ikcMIi.ii id . ilnllng added a new i h-iiiolil of .uwer In the l . l-'rom that hniir tie- liraln and mil Ihe ami. Ihe Hunker and iml Ihe -ulilli-r. bask and ma ktaajsX were to rule I he woiltl. Hie wcii.oii firu-i.i In Ilic in n.l lyi-d and luluhlel llinii Ihe sun Is. mi. n.ir in ii..laiil ihe IWord and the biittlea t Power ef the Pre. The praBJ i not only free; It Is powerful ih.ii no war is oajm, it is the ajNaeajl ibnl man rat kxj it araa mi itantad bj monarrba' it a- inU Mined Im IM hi a-i-inira. les, but American Stock Reisers Co-operate With Food Administration In Con servation Measures. YOUR washing! It Is probable that Kuropo for many years nfier the war will look to a great cvtsbt to America for Its meat euiply Kumpe'e herds are dwindling under war's ilfiiiiind faster than they can be replenished. When the Herman armies retired fr-un occupied portion of franc, and llelgliim npproiliiidlely 1 simissl hend of cattle were appropriated, This ad ill', .. a tiriiuiiit siifccunrilnd Herinnnt from caltle shortage other n.i I Ions now suffer. In l.'ngland some MStMSt acre of grnss lands have bj coinpuNory mens lilts heen forced lillo grain production, thus reducing pasturage ami hay lands. A declining scale of ii.h t liimiii incut price for live cattle was orihilned In Kngtsiid. aa follows : Kor Kept ember, $17 76 per huiulred Ojound ; ficlohcr. 17. '1H; November and December. IMM, snd for .liuiiiary. $14.40. The ethleiii Intent of this measure was to drive the I f siiltuals Into market as Soon hs possible. According lo offlelsl I'reneh figures, the cattle of 1'iniiie lutte decreased to a fatal of u'ui ikki as inn til wiiii IdJSTpSM In Kill. Today. dtieSo lack ef forage principally. Kram-e Is pro dnelng only one gallon of milk where before the war Iwo and one half gal lons weir pioilin id Meantime the Culled States food ad snlliiNlrstli.il hi. i n kin stem in con- I aertf our flocks and herds ami to In- I crease ihelr numbers. 'I he k bfajad Ian of ibis i-oiiniiv kIiow a dlsHislllou PAGE SEVEN aaaM tdMaa la one of connected life. tha essential things with your everyday X You want your washing well 2 done, and under proper run. It- X tlons, with proper nml Ojkll) deslgiied eiulpnu -lit . so thai wneti It conies hack In vmi 1 II a 111 be clean and the natal alia will not be .lamageil , vk CAM DO Yont v sfHINQ .n -si in vr v v. ONTARIO LAUNDRY H. U .IOMS, I'ropileloi- ti perale w lib the gut eminent III this. lor many venrs it has been a prac the aiming miiii.t of Hie dalrt pie nf Ibis iiiiinlrt to kill male ealtes at Dl ri It and In many lusuim-os Hie fe- I mules If iml iieeiled lo leplcnlsh Ihelr Ifearda rather Hum go to tha ! liuiiiii'iiig I hem inn. teul. The h prices nf im. in caused Ihe vlriiial leontl ime nf Hiis killing Another eneniiiagliiL' fm-i Is TO per . ml. of Cllltc- killed fat Ve. il Ihls villi Wile it sprang from tha paofda and with nn henlaa, lin tnl Instinct II baa n vv avs wiii-ketl Siiiiiebnilv baa very aptly snld Hull rr Mm people the man a the atiriil have i n araa t as with grease, meaning thni baron and V..I InficpienHt are the isdliois imd Lave I.e. n ns ossenllnl to success thcnisitos p. i. la,,,.- r..r the aaajanl j " aan paasdor, whtrh ha trans, lliiHi sshui thai the i luef tnllle nf The lings if RumajO bar a been tery ttiial paper Is all i-v lllelli e (hat llle gle.Hlv -in I llleed III presenl ilav m eds tow ii Is fullt allte slid fully up to This UNtkaa Hie Aiii.i h nn l.iii.hn all dale. Ihe more heuty ami makes doubly ,.M White Space Hi Stock In Trad. seiiiiul mi In.-r.-nseii pork pro.liictluii 'Ihe publisher's stock In trade Is the while -i.aie in bis papei vt till Ii hi Has In .ell. Ihe value ur vv hi. n tile, men ii. mi can determine uj iii efforts In make uisni use nf il. unl liy a Utile fniii or six iii. Ii ail mi. e a imuiHi. Inn lit a t.sill. Utrge, vvell prep, I ad run I lllllg week nflel week Expert Service Reasonable Charges and The kind of treiitmentSteady customors deserve Is the principal upon which we do ! business. Accessories carried forj all kinds of cars. Gasoline, Lubricating and Supplies. Oils t Ontario Auto Co. PK1BDUFQRD, Prop. Phone Hit Dreamland Attractions oNTxIilo. OattSOOM In Ihls tint liii. In llaly grain Is now i forlihlllell lo he fell III lloL'S. In le I mart under a r nl order one fourlh or Hie l,ni, were niihlcd In be killed. Il Is cslliiinieil iIihI one half have now been killed Hllnilav I ell. IO. SLEEPING MEMORY Kmily Si tens I'lltbe News 1 . St. War I Hoi Tlie hs nl uieicliHIils and low us people who are li.luiiig Ihe retail mall nd. . boaaaa aaa Hud no more valuable aid than Hie In-sl t-dlloi a at Tin I. unl merchant can do liulness on a smaller uunglii of prulii than the mail uidei bullae as In- expenses are less Hi' does II. il Boa! I" ealiv .lull ii large sps k. as ba knoara his naaada and lli.li desires, and he kii.vv mil t-aii pt.- llil II '. I 'in II I (Ml "'III. I lelluW How to Get ReiulU. n llnlllil I III- pllll. I.'.' lea-. .11 In a few .... local papi r ihn-. n il pa.. Is Is llleV HlelllHcIV IS II I I k s , , I 1 1 lis.- Ill ill. i hev Inl' Ill I In I.lv .1 III Hie piper lilt: III I 'i- time BHd Ihuliuhl I" : Hun or Villi! nl- I In men haul vt Im i . this will .is and g ill In nmpl ilu of being im a I is . limn m llnvt inaiit nl then: emphiv lli.sleru up I" date iiielhoils in Ihe uudin l af Iheli hllsiuess i., Ihev nlv el Use III tellin. -ully end ..iisi-teni . lelllug the pill. ii. what 'lev ha.e I" -i1. and a' whnt prleal When there is a slight hllsitiesi, (Ivpresslnll 111 I hell low II fit they In.-rease their adveafjotaai M SO Hoi burn '" Um bteal newspaper ami cut anil lllell I He Weu dn't Advert.ee. H.v . "i -lam .mil In nf the advei i.siuu nliiiiiiis of Ih. the merchants rm unr -ige lln- editor I efl..l I III pi "I llllllg lie Iielt.l In. al ic nil a. ,. it Ii ; a i .1 ill Hi- i. in. adeerttelng aortb nf Ibi is materially . of a ier mirth whi, awaited in the boaaaa M raw uiisum er. at k And wlieu you i-ome tu the end g life's Journey do nut lie in a position in urvr i he following iiiwillied upon ymir tumhloue Ami nen he oiefe go plsnt him deep Thai uaugbl msv hietk hie 4rsjile taaa Wher 'it rutie t-liuui may iipl Tt uuiet that be loved o well Arwl erhee tSe world mar know lis toss nit. H. lit gists ffath of uiuee Aad uei th el. ..I- iiwfti. "Nei lies A sbaissa wfcci ttoutdu t advertise" , K Sc aa aa v LbbH Lv Bi BBr M. iii, In I ell, I I . THE RESCUE llomlhv I'hlpps lunicilv. Memllug the llabt h.v I ah. IH RETREAT OF THE OER MANS AT THE BATTLE OF ARRAS lltlillHl STM '!' Hes Klrst ni i ..i i iv im ' . toil I'll! lie I a. lime. Ttilil ul Tttlllgbl. Halu llslMilne, A. inn gon i and ttiulo l. A... i. an I'll s Aaeis-latloa. -!(!. e- tinrl Cileries J. Stsikty. W..I I . I. I.I HIGHWAY OF HOPE Barton Holnn I loo I I. BALLOWELL MUSICAL CO illi II... il.... Hh I i i .mil sal Id. I.i .unl III BAB'S DIARY i lark I toney Home Helens.- &34X .llMBMWM Put i 'I i H. vn Glauses when ymt set tiic I. i tha lie you've prepared foi the nuri i I ng As u . ggrstioi. lor a duinly I Cream rhafM and rhopped oBv adl, Idl picklei Bhrunp sulu.i I Its. If ii nutritive dun's, Sn.. ii...k an appetising .irhghll 1 llddltll i, I,, am lnr.,1 let Ol light ni In Hevu t tie all-y ear-Youuii soft drink. u L"ttm ..... . - ,nrl) by ANIiSUll k hUlCH II I ''-aaa..s.jibaf-- ' ' .fl B" '