ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. FBBRTJARY7, 1iis. PAGETIIREJS WOMAN DIRECTS RYE BREAD FURNISHES HOME PURCHASES : NEEDED FOOD VALUES Quick to Recognize Genius and Sensible Men. HER WEAKNESS AS A BUYER loiuosH MM Teew-lier Toll- Hon To Help Win the War hy llng Now I'uiiiiIhi' llye Hour. Her Susceptibility to Bargaine Worn n Have Mori Strength In Their Look Than We Have In Our Law. Man Allude to Them ae Weaker Vee-ele. 11 Minn LfMiiH Under. llye ii ii Substitute. I '"i I i lulllrtn WoBMg bar iiiihv -In ntlli Iii (Ml kasha Him wi. hart in gnr biwa and - power b) their lean than bare b) our argumenta w to ar i, in. u tu rBcvgala genius aud to listen whi'ii wtadjom apeak, 'iii.',. mix 1 1 lat in tin- ureaem a iJ t....i., inn kaaw nil :iinfi i Hi- iba raht ol aarnaat, sensible il It Is aaat ;ii thai tin- Almhjht) i null- iiniii an Mm maalurpfcKti mul. i inn 'lli .1 lii.nu tlmt In- In, mini accord I'll till" alMtl'IIICIIt II H I i-. f ill II Hill Tim t I lie ninth mill nil It cumulus war mle fur hi apart I bwnrflt tluu ivnimiii ns limited solely fur hi mil fort, tlnil tin- -1 in Ba iniiih' in give l.iiu Hull! hy eal) Hint llM n n In i-n liln tit lie tu tlnil his u hoiiii'iil Bight ml llm heuieiis Malta hung with u re InVultaal i-iirtiilii ejf -tin-mid llieilnn els sent whirling through -pint In ii i iiijcstl. ilnuic iiIhmii tin. aajej ,,f in nlmply tu nPord him miller for mm il"r mill niutiseiiioiil nle.i, ,,f (i! aurl i linn tin eimflsni Him k only Imp ac- 1"elltiSl tu 1 1 in 1 1 MiifttiM-plevi'i iinliiHl Why, Off f miln tun 11 mill, niullin: Unit lie cuiilil i.-it MM 'Hi- ill 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 iii.nl,. hu MB tu mi'i' wi In in. mill sin. la ili. charging inn baan ail iini-ili mill . ip.i .Ii. in ii. ii, -I Are Women the Weaker Veeeele? Mi'ii Bfa fmiil nl .illiidlhu (u iiouien a "the Ucil'ei ossel " mil Tup,, nulla in. in tin- "great i..ni .if iklaga.' Mi'ii rule with ii i. .J nl In. ii the crciitnrcs r thn ml rill, liln BBB mill IBB nil The.i burl ili'li.in. .- in I he line ut klnipi mill prvlilt-uti Teat) ln-.ul I In- is-ran I'NIiii lvii.ni ill their ii.,.. iiu'.i hiirneas t ii- liiipnrlnl iliiiiiih-. ImiIi-, in (In- Jauul lug electric mi- mul i'iimi in reed In Hinillilliig tin- el.. nil mill tiling upon tin nihil, lull thn lining uf llmin tremble mul In- llkn I'lnliiis whin mil ! lirt-.nl I npiin by limit ulir. I inxpliiln ..nil.' of thilr fill in nit. ml iun lwe. mul fur till ii. linn in. mi nun delegate llii-lr A'lve 11 tllu Official --filllllly sllo.lcrs ' anil thereby .lull he ieHhsllilllty lu Itiaui. More Good gene Than Men. Wiiuh H bara Mara auud smmi IhaB men llu-j haie fBrBT prnli-iiMluna. ail' Iras lltiplh nimi In I lii-nli... mul I ulge nf values in.. I.- 1 1. .in their I in iinill.ite .mil mi oliinlnr.i liuiiclona mi KM mliiil iiihI Hieiefoio nunc duly i iHiiiiniii ii i. mM "mi. ii bar a .in. . .inn lualghl .' i ..i iii.se ami I I'll. nil. B nllH-ll III 'ki I..-I i. r abuppora I baa Beta Women rcguiaic I heir piirchaaee Ml t IIiit li I In- Miiuiiiiii thry have la (etnl nimi lit tllr muuiinl nf credit I ei MB .' Women like lu put (hell i muej "In i .. If will tin the uiukt good. men where II will iiuiku llio greatest atinw. Men mn nimilly "broke." WO i.ieii very si'liluiii M uf wlneli ajuoa to abow tlmt wonieii urn the "atniacar l rea.ela' after nil Women Are Prone to Bargaina, Wniiit. ii . weakinwi Ma m pun liaaor line III her .i uuniiiu.il nuaix-ptltillily In luirviiliik n until er fulluwed fiiHiluni . rim: fiir pmilniiiin with ll llf till' elilllll.lll.lli tlmt wuujhii will I ill llm nil. while Mild lilue Hull inn Mtllute the Im liner uf llm uui'kmIu iouii ter. Anil Iherelu lie. hei leuiptNtluu Thl. trim ut (NMHM'l nnture la racognlaed i tin uuili prdac .mil retail oabahnTua bobmb tu naa bsIbbI tfiat iii-iii l .ill of Hi.. ii mi .li miIihk i Iriiilan. I .i ml pi inriii .'iii.il.iin. - ara nlilroM-od i the rti.uu-ir Ami III.- wmueu. truo t-i tllelr 'n'llllllW. l-.-.p.i;i.l Willi inun Their Spirit of Loyalty. tint ii Mnin.ii urn pruin lu LMtrgalaa ttiej urn al.n mi..i...iI with Hie ml .piilt of loraft) lu llmii nwn town and couiiuiiiiil.! w lien Hi. ...un til a. fllll lellll III. hi nl lln- llljllll lllev . arorUna ImiMi to Ibuniaolraa '"I't tielr Imiue iii.Tiluiiit. hi M-niliiiK llielr in. .in-, nwiiy in .nn.' Inrije .urHira (ion in I BBJ allj Ini . i.i.l. 1 1 1 ii t they mi ban a iiuapi.i ami u( aioea h.iiei ,..iil. ill hoiiie mul Willi. .in tin- In- "ii I -11 .-in .- he. -..II.II..I lil l'HI ill-lain when i Hilar) ng from out ol tow ii luer ita The Slogan of Woman. VVnllllll liU null HIMki- I lie llOUl i. .III. While lull lln. I lll.ike tile loeMI twn ( Iii- i oiiiitri .l.le .iml tin Wholo Hiiiniiiiili worth "while. Wlmrerer I tier.- H fuiiinl u i eineiit OB foul for the Uplift .mil liellellllellt nf lliOl iiiunity liileii'-l- : 1 1 t mliiiuiiM woui au'a Miwei iihI wo in in'. Influeliee rao U- fnuiiil MM H Wmuan'j I'li'in uf im i.- purity ol .mi - 'i .!... tnw ii and home men na ni lon-ier." (Ii.- i. .all onlei BBtTUOa ale hot will r,,ili ami -.i.n.li in Ik wrung: ira merely mistaken That) am -u us" the blumtgB of a joke.inlth uf i dead .ei:i -kiu a Slat worth a ul.kei and .po.innf a Jaek kaife worth a titular. I.'i.'. nlllm It linn linen urn al In Dili ciiiiniry, linn m.t hern gSMftaelg tilled lis a flnur fo- niakliiK In Hie r.nn Bfl i ii i-1 1 ),... rv(. I,,,. (,,, 11H),( n ,rpiid inukliiK for iiintii .mars mul la nd nliiiosl entirely n plgtt ol Ii Ml among IhB poor or Raroga In eniiipiiN lion It vnrlea only Hllahlly with wheal The iiroiem onti tit Ih nf n different niiturr antl for this reiiHon ll Is than Hint of wheat. In intikinR htead from ryo flour It la usual ly combined with other r-erealH aurli aa barley. riirn ni.-l. whent flour and oiilmenl And BfwMI made from ninxluma of the different flunm Ik very nutrltloua, and mnv well take the place of Htdnlaht wheat In '. 1. 1 when wheat la In mich de mand aa It In at llm present time Kor bread making, rye lined with half wheat flour makes a very light easily made loaf of bread llelnw In a tented reelpn of rye bread whliii ban proved very nuccen ftll. It 1 1 lln .nl 1 qt of liquid. 1 rake of compressed yens! 2 T align r. 2 T fat 1 T aalt. Half milk and half water may he used an Hie 1'iMild Both BtatSM Bg Htlaliieil duty in scalded before ualng lllanolv yeanl III a portion nf the lukewarm li.in.l Dlnnolve fat i ml sugar In hot llnu'd When nil is lukewarm udd yennt aud enough while flour to make i hntter Bet nsldo In warm place over night In morning add enough rye flour to make stiff dough. Allow lo riee until double In hulk Shape Into loaves. when light bake. Owing to the na ture of protein the dough must be made up very ntlff and the loaf must he Hioroly conked or II will be I ntlcky, henry, unpalatable loaf of ll.e llaloo ill Muffins H (' milk. I (' .onked oaiiue.il or rolled oala. 1 egg. t T fat 1 (' rye flour. 1' T nugar. Vt t aalt. 4 t II I'owder. i ook . :. lineal, uaing one art oat meal to two parte water. A large portion of water makes too aoft a mn .h and gummy miifflna. Mix milk. oatmeal, egg, and melted ful Add dry Ingredient after sifting them together. Hake 25 to SO minutes Thla makes 10 lo 12 mufflna. Before-War Prices on a Few Hoosier Models There are four urgent reasons why you should act at once in selecting your Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet. Read 1 lMit (an Well M MUUnotl st-iisc) imw c in. mils tlmt vim conquer wastr iii the kitchen. Ymii eaii do it most easily antl completely liv h.u tag this modern laboiHMring machine Tie lliuisier. j '' Many popular iiiotlels imt all. Imt mhih are offend now at hefine-war niees. Antl you ean pay us as eniiveiiient. four iiiimey all hack it' ymi are not delighted ii other cabinet bringe Jrou the edfiec at the brainy eromeo comNieing Hooaier'ii Uouncil r Kitchen Scientists. ., other bai Honeier'. scientiiic utangementeand patented i'eatui-es. 4 Our alltitineiit is limited the war tune .le mautl already exeeedH the t'aetnry's itapaeity. ( ui mlviee is this eofln antl pick nut the model j mi must admire at nine. Lota t to S no i us.. lu blk. It Ontario townahlp. Two email hom es Make mu beat caah offer. Will consider H oaeb balance paymenta. C. K. DeNBKKK, Baker. Ora. tf HOOSIER ML M KITCHEN CABINET JL Don 't put off. You can afford a small payment now as nc as later. That 's all yov need to get the Hoosier in your home. ONTARIO FURNITURE COMPANY ONTARIO, OKKt.ON Vj.aJ MaaaBBBBaS I aaaaaaMaaaaV A Singing Army Is a Fighting Army HMK OK I III NATION'S i. HI I I -I MIHIC1ANN till MiWg iii.iniM. IN KBANI l OOafll IN ANH HKAU Mil KDIKON S ItK I ItKATlOS' Off i HKiit rOaOM and Till-: wiM.t Tall ivs auk hinuino AT mi KKONT. AT Turners Musics News Shop ftwtu i AiircaUi fr Am. .ttlun Captain Hmrry McL P. M . Official Government Pictures of the Retreat & Germans At the Battle of Arras Tllr-SK raUl STOKIKS OK 1 II r. WAII HKiOltliKI) I V IIIK ( WlKltA IIAVK MVIH. I.V TIIOl'SAMlS ItKAI.IZK Jl S I what MOOBBN kihiiiim; II OS ink int.wn ICAtal UTAOKD AT A t'OSI m nilHUAMi.S Of I'OI.I.AKH. i.iV'H ram, uim mu k wo iiititi.i: shown in W K I'll 'I l Ills. II THE DREAMLAND Wo'S IW.IIl IIIMMV. HT.iltTI.M. KKUItl H liiTU ADMISSION 15 and 25 CENTS Machinery will be hard to get this year Mr. Rancher If you think you will need a$j Farm machiiier this year, now lln- time to deter mine that fact. Luoit tv your uiacliinen earefiilh tnsee what will have tu he upland and what paitayou will need. SHIPMENTS LONG DELAYED BY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Vou imth island the coiidit ions of railroad t fie and VOU alhal kltow how all liuodlilli i.i I aud caat iron .u In n I ti get, so if Mm want iii .iv. ml delaya, that will oi ujouev, phnc your order for what you 11 m il now. VVc h.i v ii. big shipiiH ni coming and bavi received iMi.il already . but if you want quick nervi clianii- for while ui have antieiiMtted tin u . of the raiii'liiis nf tin action, linn ,ni Ju.. HOmC'thiUgM thai llillst li ililed. Watch for the big tltMtOf demonutration which We will announce soon. Troxell Implement COMPANY ONARIO, OREGON