The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 31, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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elf (Ontariii Argua
ban K.AIken, Editor and MMHr.
Published Thursday at OnUrlo.
OrsffOD. and entered at the Ontario
pout office for dlatrlbuUoo a Ind
aluaa matter.
One year tilt. Blx month $1 00
Three months 0o. Hlngle copy Sc
I pledge my allegiance to my Flag
and to the Republic for which It
stand, one Nation tndlrlalble with
Liberty nd .luatloe to all.
The over whelming Tote by But ih
the charter wan changed to permit
the kNUM of bonds to 25 per c-nt
of tin' Usable v rtlm- of the ONj hm
' how the BBOpIt nf Ontario feel. Noth
In iiinld I mure siitlHf.iclor.
Tha thln to 'I i i' to i o'ii
an ennui ly .impelling
bOBd BlBCtloB which the -,. II
B 1 1
ii VVedni
...... . ''
liliit IM( i in" iiii,' I in"- iim ' ii'
er, for IIihI shows where Online.
stands nn tin' gBBStaM of public
healthlaOm. I
HIM lit: iMiiNstliKllsll
Why Ih It that noma people will he,
Inon-i ;ii 'eiate of their ruiwU' I".'.,
pie of arty who have gueite auch an
the Canid'an offtcura who visited
Ontario Kunday ahould show theiu ,
consideration Tfaoy ahould not have
been aaked to put their tired, worn
v .dies against tha
luaty lungs of a
half down hablea
" course the motheri who brought
lha liable. , ,1 not Intnnd.ln embarrass
the sp' I make It head tvi
them -'I lie. did m, i mi. .
th. in to I' ai i liii speakers Tl
no Intention to do other
1 1
Iiu Iii I i i . it 1 . , I " Val .1.. jult .. i I ..I i
tea, In. ,i. II,. i ..rt,,f rll.,,1 ...I lu 11... .1.
"w "'
"oi. ..." " ...r sp-aaws aioue
tun ot all
who went to hem
The comiiiiliee which had charg
the Sunday night idoetlngs requeete.)
that all children ulnder fifteen M
ni.ui ut Inline It wB a rkquH-r ill it
elw;'llil, , I fi
i iiiniiiiiiec had uo Intention of si. gin
tng the bahlea. but aa a matter of fgat,.
the hriliies would rather nave been in
tin It ribi than fnroed to alt up mil'
tin glpre nl hghle, , long after th -limn
' in ii hi l ir. put la bod
It Is ii in thai haiT Ikoa me
- the b. ililc si.nie hf tha nml
woaM ""' bata ineo then, v ii in
th tt wt ihn dly 'a
in ii
III" I '," .1 keeping B It '
llllie'lill". ,.l IN,-. ,i. . ill. I, I
Ihn speak el HI II
lata il it degree if ft
the p. ill nf tha
word b .il right iii '
it iholr p
1. 1. in ami nnl in public Imil,.
In thnse il.iya of raorlralnatlon. fol
lowing cbargaa and counter charge i
relative to the oonduc of the war 11
will be better for tha peaoa aad oiia.i
of the people If Judgment la raaareed
until more information can be t.
ed la all da raaaoet U the posttioa
whloa Haaaur OaaaaaorUia holda a
iiiiiaaiaa of thaVgattUar? olfain com
mirtBo. aad tha opportunity tt glvea
hta to Rwt lafermaUoa rolatlva to
oaditlena la the Taftaaa oampa. It is
i ard to believe that Fraaldewt Wtlaoa
doea Bat kaaw what to go lag oa.
It may ho that "Oar George" had
tor tha tiaia habag loot has aaaoo of
prapotloa. hhriag hoaavaohad ha talk
at a program whloh laolodad Toddy,
and KllhB Root, flach thlaga happen
evaa to big au, aad orary aawapaper
i men who baa "oaTorod" baaaoet
' aaalgaaioBU haowa that tha aaoahan
; gtve rohe to eeallaaeaU that thfty
' afterward aoah to haeo oaaargativi
from 'the copy la thai oaoe, hpw
ever, Soaator Chaiaherlila all honor
to imu for tt aUya tha part of the
man aad dooa aot ut to hlda hahtan
thn rnoertaro aoooaat aad Uha maay
aaothar men la puhtte Ufa. give It
our cold that ha waa ugjiiilly guotea-
The puhllo. hawaaor. aoed pq'
lapfrV'. orar tha ChaBgbarla&a-Beke'-
.p.sode. ao aiatter which ef them .,
ulumataiy showa to ho right There
salt of the C
Bharga wi1
ho of benefit tor Uo
l aorrn,,, Tr ,.
know that the pabM
on tha qoi
wlve watching ts t
llaieot of th-'
iui'u Such an enllv
public opts
fftou which Oha
has aroui
is the bdat sifaguard tha army rap
have If m la right, dtocreury Bak
er need r4,ve nothtag m faar from tt
If he Is right Ia theOneaalioie the
poop! will not take asp ludgmsn:
but nil w'uit and get th evidence
i)iu:tM;. hit hi.k;
There w us imililim spt m. ul i r
about the men age "I Ich Major K. It
Nnrti mill Captain B. .1. Cook of
thr CiiiiihII .in riny lirotiRlit to On
tarlo Nundui. Hut It Brag sobering.
It wns Impress!., nml by fur the moHt
potent nml win thw hllc effort thnt
had hen made to arouae In the in-arta
and minds of the people the things
that this wnr with the Huns tucum
The effect create, hy the straight-
forwnril. soldierly message the n.e.,.
left wiih eviiient afterward. It a
not I memaga that "went In one our
and out the other" 'I'liere ere
nifini who admitted thnt they did not
lOaf in ii n Sunday tilRht, for think
ing about what they had heard. The
Vigil iih an Inspiration to many In
. illations which are helni; prn
mulgatad to wlB the war.
Mti r tie iiffh its told of the life
trenehoa ami th chaorful at-
ii udi or i! i any
thing that n man I an do 01 Of here.
rl nl' lil' I'M
iii. il .'
ii. tha
S I llll. I
OB" mil' 'I
b) I In l Dpll at home.
The alocjnanoa of the ipoakara -
ami liny were tloqnoat b i a N !
their sin. arlt) furnished a differ
eat iihture of the war. than nianv
have viewed It. and In bringing thoni
to OregOB Hrm e lleiinls. director of
the StatO '1'iincll of llcfetise. ha
porfonnod an InmpaaurabU service
fl the n iipl' As Hie n.'silll nl I loir
visit here will be a.greajer giving of
time, if money, of tlu.t ol il I . n
. for w lili Ii '.ut Ii men . v n Bj
ami to which thO ,V inei,i( an peoplu
. Hit, MOI lM ivn .V II WrolNT.
' ' '
, .
&.! ' ' '
hniii- . afl I m, 'flint hi'lii. ., i i : ... . li u
B .
I. .i.
'. ttit vr"' '
. , ,,, , , ,,.
., . i . i iii. i
' eh auppon rail
Iiifa-v X.. i
; I I ifleii .
- .mi .!
of (tj..'
i, aid n.. .mi Inn ' In lha i
i Ki n.r ifrTi.aiBMiral pur
A ,
aMu mi - gra'ilng i I fol ill
! we ii holt NMi tdaarKfe prltato
paoport) ' '
1i is als. Hie.i-eiili ntilit ail slock-
.y a, herders hie I
Il l,lii acre ho mill II Ileal
ii In d lha land lilong tin
n cnrral Ihe water i rs.-
i , (he upland '
le WltllOUt
Hidings .,r tha homa
'.," ', ..Ming
uplands and Ininm
lain rani'" . nl rourao, will ueni get
part "i
,n aad
i old ball la lor
.1 I le' till II
p men, loo, claini thai Hull'
,11 not survive null
MO acre law Is repented.
However, -mtch arguments are nut
mri uleil fry' all the big owners, wlm
SH III" da) Ol I lie open rare" U pasi
ami ,. chile lliai II lad hniii. Ii .
w orl Ii silling have all been lak.n th
others will mil Ih- held long ajnl w.ll
,,.,.. n I,, ihe public domaiii III tl"
D. ultimo, liowmer. Malheur counl s
tai pmbli'in is uii-olvi'd
rag head a I lie household -hua his
""'- ,-"-"'1 ''" oaogBlraigny -"'l
ihrt hnil-ehiild celebrates the event j
its du, reremoay. Hut the trouble.
lliat II usually goes on celebrating,
IB the WBBJ nf added eitruvagaii. .
not BOBOoattlOB, uiiu.l tot thai soon
at ii the "raise" and some more
ntcng with It,
T BOl rfaiu knows ihis to be a faol.
lie knows is. i the home
wherein Ihoft mu go ha innri
it y. Mora thrift and leas egeravagaar
i the agcOBAaOn and not Ihe rule.
Mi.res.ver. I'ncle Saiu'wauls you to
do Im inward wiinrlng Ihe wari
again i I'rtraetaa utUltarlagi and au and ha is f uri hl-rtng lha War
BasiBghi BtBig Thou Campaign1 bb i
BBBBM b) which pill ran put your
tarings, from ''two-htta' Pa ti.oou tl
for the U'U . under tl.
ya u,se . i
, .,, , start lis as aasa ha buy
,,,,, stamp .is it i- li
MkydM.load'aKf:;, . icatiei-finos.
. I..H.1.
Suki" ijsiua.-kc 1 ifiit $ '' (t,li4li .' BV- Vd. -s.' '' "ni lliea
i ncc role, rli II gofid ;i i' .. hot-
t,vui nf autdvei i aeuii at
inn's tough Itemed)
i imher
I'rj It a hen
bayB.a casgfs.r gBaVfhaa par
, pJt . eihi'W.iul.V'arlte '"Hjls euvl
lent " It only coat saartor
American Consumer Profited by
$180,000.000 Frenoh Situ
ation Helped.
Hlfllt miLt MtLU Ml V,Cr1U.
TBI Nation .agar Supply "sduoed
to Bsvsnty Par Cent, ef NermaU
Java eteek Unavailable.
Piigar lonirol had saved Die Amer
ican public gltit.iaai.uiio, Herbert Huov
r, I idled Smics fund adinlulatrator,
ileclurrsl the other day.
He pnl mud out thai sugar we 11
lin for 11 cuts a pnund last August
and It WtHllr Inn- advanced hi Be
COBta a pound. with lha woilil short
iii" na a stimulus, had not the food
Hilltltnl ' I "' i'"d the BO "I'i'ia
t.,ii ofi Hi. in 1 vim:
and tlM-d n - llgur i'i lc Mint i. day BB
hUJ sugar ut frnin
bVia to I "'I.
rj 1 .!.. i al le In sugnr treat
. sep'i' i in i magna $is,
OQO.tRM to the American cvjaatuner,"
Mr UuOTBf said. ".Villlllieia of l!''H
il.'i en will toll .Mm thai JO cut sugar
would have prevailed and the puldlc
rubbed of lltUUOO.OOn this goaf If wo
hsd le it taken lie a.llniis.' Later
Mr llnover called aiieiitlon to the fact
thai inn oiitrolleil sugar advanced to
.1". cell is a pound during the I'MI War.
Franca Got Our Sugar.
Today thp Aiiierl.iiii piibfl. baa been
all. M i"d To pel cein of lis iii.iiiihI sup
tiiv Mefore'the war the average in
t him: household iinsuiiiitlnn liera was
53 pmiU'le M persuii In KnglBBd ilhe
pntiuHl oanoBenptl lurnJ .'"'.war is
J, p.ninds. end In I i, ii ach ieinu
la allotted Hill oror .me poiinU a
in, null '
I -isr hi I rein II " i nnieiii
found Itaetf Otialde in iiia'iiialii even
) milieu.
' ' ' tuna e
i m nh llifa mauiiiiil ,n up l.i
! ..'I had -hippc '
ititlni" an llppi ,nl" I..
public in reduce
.ii .iiiini id -sal roiaeta were
made in illsirlliiiiors m aUpd l'1"
Inllal'i jihI sweel llrlllks lrini
.. V
m ,f..
Vi ,.:..
i lllll
i administration hud
In tlnpuse lie in "
Domeatic Price ia S' j to 9 Cents.,.
in , . ui I- '! m Ink) n i ii '
nnc'e illlll .si iiiiis a nim.ireu
, , .nnl. i mi sugnr. II
r t .niniiiii-,1 1 alien ri'utilai
I W holes.iliu s. the re
in iildc IihIiI) Iii i.H
from 8 in I a i mi. Thla
i iii the houoaw
Ills puUlul.
There Im I n line loin I i. n
' '
nml, ,i-ii.'.l. W
II, I w'e Imvi
Sffri-.t on Mih
An,, i lean i hi ha th
rO ,,, linllu.ll VOI - dllpS ' INlld
i, aeoi mi J. ii, i wl isfttyggi nil. .-I
i i- waning tt-v shipiiieni Cm
ihe si a sillun mil I- au Si "
In, h.ilnui .inlliu spin, he e'ei.'ii
I in raliaHirt ibis
Ii wi.nhl lake the lew I a real to
haul .'.".I I I H I lulls. Ill Ihe silllle Hill.'
iliei .old, I he u."l l..r ir.ii..,
'.laiiaai .,l.i,-i-s in I'l'iincc
I he food adiiilinsii ait. hi believes
ills' lie- Aliierl.-aii public will .Ininnisii
--' "-""iim..,, b) It ... 13 .-
cciii wliau n la made clear that su.-B
,,., -ftai ,, . palrtoHr .e, gj
-)0 lf h,,,,,! ,,, ,,, r
that ihe Aliierl.-aii public will .liiintiisii
,,iui, jf woiwrin available to tek
ihe place nf sugar, auch aa honey
ra syrup
Why thertaaa Caiata.
Ihe lines giesl u.n pindU'ing cen
iia ef ibe world eie IseraMBX the
vyeat and Kaat Indies llgrasBB 'Bgi
la of eoBBfja aaad a. huaaa the RaP
' tndiaa sugar la unsvailalile lie. sse nf
1 ibe slilp l. u tage
Wltlle I h.iai-. inailr big iMrasxlfl oil
ike wmlili skipping, I can. ami Italy
eased to In- elf auelulUilig l -uai
mauufaciur t.iighi n.l. hg vbe! mean
tints waa . nf ofT floin Hennnn sugar
I in.). am inns a year he, suae of ibe
a The rcufcws'l...eii i gat M he al
lied nations have been furred In itiru
in Anii'ilca mid I he Weal Indies for
ih.-n augar.
Foed Is Bought In Qsrmany Burrsptl
tiousiy In VipUlioo ef Awl . ,,l
.: .ifc.eJ-.l
dVMi UeJ 4Ul" lit I ! fiMol tiMKlol U imx
Viti' . y , III', it'ialee "....!
sciui nrtl-t.,1 rep'iiis i en, mug i In- rkajt
sales of hulter are
InHng mw.le IU .'
iii ,ny ' prices ranging from l 7S f
I i pniui'i I i's ..ld .mi nn i
'.s l lerill 'U ha.'l 4 . , ,1 i
i.iii.jmg in i . .iiiwr4ssv,e. Bsmmafl
I in, tu thews re His ! i.s. ..u of
- brlugtag from SV..'
la .1. voted to th BXpreaalon
MY Tllll' TO Al.ltOltM
Aa the train was going BlOBg by
tin- (oliiiiihla river we saw niaiiy
pretty sights. 'I'he river was on
side and the highway ol the i.tli.'i.
It was pined all the WB along Ve
passed may fplln. They seemed t.o
cnine frnin nnwhere fur they tutnliled
dnwn nff the mininliilns and w"
couldn't see the river they came
li'niii Aiiinui: the niaiiy were Mull -
i . i. .. in -i'i. nituuiu
fall, did ,,t have such a TOldm. ot
. ... n u,.., Tha water waa
n l "l fr iii' -
tha natural inliicial water and they
also liad pllBgl "lit of Willi Ii we had
ta le hi tha watof
A i in. ghaata irinr
i.. i ;t Bhaata W9
ennM aa nnli tl now white
gad It lool "d kind Of blue tl
Other noted moua
.'.el. Hie Tlll'ee Si '
when we croaaad tha bordor inio
California i thoaghl it groaW bo
wni'in but there was not nun h dlfl II
nee until we got near San Kran-
risen We saw oil kinds of flowers Senalor t'hainbcrlaln of Oregon
growing and orangea and lemons speech. He called linker a
rJBBatgg nnl "h''1 I'resld.nt Wil on didn't
When we were going down from know the truth about the situation,
lleiilcla in Oakland the train ran BB .iaad thai he would never hear oflt
big steam ferrv. It took us about Huu these swhel chair iirtlsts.
twentv minutes to gn liver flic hay.
The gulls circled hrblnd the hunt
When we went In Long Iteach we
BBBghAf aafhS of PVl'V'rl) , "'V'1 wl'"'
iaagj ti, ii,,. he.,, ii,i,, .pud, thasculla
wiitch oi within iii fs.i ofraa4o Tie next muniing we mi
... laQ Mlg. 'if altd" tl(
li ii k In deal Old Oregon. " .
lu..l;oTn .,i'tA.M
i .- ..; e i'
atarday tha Blghlh,grado)lv1aJt,
Bll (III IllHlillllli lia11liHB)lTlWSBBl
Mini to'' Ran AjdgfSBd "aadthdHi
I rnt.-.t flT" tht-'TrMenf
.11 '
..Til i
X. .. ..
rinuih" lin. i Jin
. let e -,.! fe
ii. ...i. Bii.;.. . y.r.r i 'ir.v.. i... .
in, I, I. nimii . mt. ...iv lJ.',l,u'.ll.e,i''wl',;- -
w .( the nVor .i . ,'.vl:At.ii.,,...v,hoajl.e.lafari'X'n m, saying ho
i'. iiit keh!r.wai. - ieiei..i m tc4bw irk on in- fa tli
TTiii bii ' 1,ii - ."-! nhroil'.'i f.vne'v, lar-ht' neift"l.iu 'f. ThO n s ill
Ivi iii idia ir; .li'TfhfH'''ii!' he''' nVgn m "aomawhora la
rririnailvart )Vfl Ji,nV 'J.1' .,' ' BV ARU LUKHRI
We have just installed a completely
equipped Sausage Kitchen. In it air
all the new meat cutting and grind
ing machines so that we can make
sausages, of all kinds. If there is
anything special that you want in
the way of sausage come here and
we will make it for you.
farmers. We Will Prepare Meats for Yon
For a reasonable charge, cheaper
than you could do it yourself, Mr.
Rdncher, we will smoke and cure
'your hams, bacon or other meats.
Biting: them to us, we are equipped
torpare. thernxojrectly.
Yfo9ii Gash
llll 1 aktdt. ' I f a 1 ,' la. B I a '
ruuowirjK sv&JB1 W -"illustration,
of the optalOM Of th. youths e: Ontario nnl was edited by the pupil.
of tha s. n ui'i t'.taiie
' I One of the questions of today la,
There are I great many llilugs be- ,i the government own the
fore the gBfOll tmlav, liut one of UWjfgJifQggf if the government did
t Important things that is lierore ow1 ,,,,, rr,id II would run better.
the people of Ontario Is the in ed of n ThBTB wouldn't he s-o many strikes
new wall r system As we all knon. , WIM,ld he run on Ihe same basis aa
the plan How Is to filler tha Snake
river ami move the old tank In Villa
Parti, In-tead nf going to Hi" .
pen e or mortal tB BM tank, why
not build a larger lank ol ill, i
'"tie norll, and al to the -nd of
W 'nngton
avenue, oo still nigner
gOBBd. wliere th" pie-sure Wolll'l
p.. graaiarf . This will give i gtaatoi
..,,,,,,1, .,i .atat Bad ' ! .ii"' an
sine. v. id. i. would in rarj I M la
,,, , Thla na eoncrota tani..
with a gn ettj and rt t r
not out I'liv more than the moving
il the Bid
ting In on I
tank I'll'
lei' pal in ' good mi"
t HAMHtltl IN S HI'tM II.
' Haying that .he asked
linker liow
iiiiiny gnus hsd been tnade B)B0fl MB
war . Iluker . adinllted only ntn
jiii. haviv been made "Think of
RaW.a saht the' enatur. "Only nine
tne'diiri' the Waa has been declar-
ed'" He said the I S. made a grenrin p,, rather hard on II ui'i nr
ihlslake III not receiving the Lewis! (,',, eouiil rv . w li,. In v ' In prop m " Ihn
in. i. Inn" gp li, and end. ,1 g day In I ,. . )u ',,- JunlOK, of Ihe
he ji M dv... hiii'k up hi ' ' ,i iinlaln. hilt
MM lime . raaiaTOI tRl H M I I i
. . . - 'AMI K IKIRMAN. '
IHI-M-XI Rl i: .
- ,i , nfc. mil rT thai I
'IT. 'V " t ' '. -. t... i
lull lilies ii-ii
iiimiii of him,
.... ...m r.i.h.K.,,
.. !. M.Ik"
-aLlfcMeP (klMaVetVe. tlKl
s. ntji i l.
I -av' V. -r'"r
NO. 4.
the postofflce
We would feel pretty bad If ell the
mall agents and postmen would go
on a strike. the pnatofflce would
eta nml we could mil get our mall.
S() wul,, ,. wl. were traveling
and had gone pail Hie way In our
Mini and the cill
w enl ., 'I il . i iiil "
lett tiieie Wf onl bod aaoacn
ni.ine.c to gl nnd
W0 wein
h,d M, n,s
town till we had
II our in. 'i ' en me
i i.i i ti ; wars runolng again - woaM
ml) and wai. li II leave us Im-
if tha gororaroanl had ooalrol of
1 1,., ,,, ,,l Hi. ii wmilii In- no strikes,
and the people w.inld he more sella
Hi d.
i.m.ii ldMKIt ATlOX.
The goveinmen' as estnlillslied
rules, heloie siilnc that we siioulil
I hav one wheatlea day a week Hut
Inow they are lathing of enforcing a
law which will make us hpva.a'
having a wheal le s day Tills law
. . .
, iiiisi il in ii.ii.i I I I ,......., ..
in nl Tills Is . ' the
.. ......; I li. .. . .11 1..,, I mnliil.
Soul he ' M
undei nflueno of th a llqagt
j will
fflc. W an In In ; is that Oregon
miii-1 I. ill in Inn'
i ; i v 1 1'.' ' 1 1
we have fn'iiUgruft-
1! lis.
i.v.-j: ..;.i
s - . , ,
igb ; s ..;.' Ovhs l- ..- ej
iV,N.S''' 'l '" ' '"' f
farsat -t.'- si '
: -
'a etau!