ONTAl.lO, MAUIKl'tt rOl'XTY. ORFJOX, THtTRSDAY. JANUARY 81. ID1& PAGE TITHES Corn Meal Makes Good Substitute Says Domestic Science Instructor 'HTTl7.lig" leMrtiuent '(inducted In the Interest of Thw Who Arc Striving to do Their Hit, In MIhm lmi Kadrr. Teacher ol lnmetlc s t-ti. Ontario High Mchoo.l Corn Mi'l ait a HuhMllule. together. Beat egg slightly and add it to the milk. Then stir milk Into One of the moat useful of oar!"'8 ,lour- m,x " we" ,,ul 'lo no' b1 coarser cereals In our war delt la corn and It product and particularly urn meal Torn meal and other rorn products can be uaed In making an endlese variety of braadii, rnhe anil othnr iIIhIich Corn nil-Hi and whaet flour do not vary a greateriral an to chemical com position, altho there Ik some differ ence In the protein content of corn, which doei not have the elastic na ture of wlieHt, and thua It doea not make a Haiti porua loaf when used with yea at. For thla reaaon II la not uaed with yeaat In rnlaed breada, but la uaually cooked In the cakea which are granular rather than poroua. Corn meal when uaed for bread, cakea, porridge, pudding, ate, la a cheap food, well dlReated, and a aoiirce of protein and energy Corn vontalna much fat and rarho-hydralea or atir very long Add melted butlei substitutes aa aoon aa It la mixed ami pour Into muffin pana two thlrda full. , Aa corn meal contalna no gluten tliB gas eacapea rapidly, ao work vary quickly. Inatead of mufflna thla may be uaed: tVrn Oema. 1 c corn meal. Vfcc flour. 1 c sweet milk. 1 egg. 3 t H. powder or 1 c Hour milk. 1 t "i "In 1 t augar. 3 t Shortening. 1 t Bait. Mix dry Ihgredlenta, add the milk BIG CORN CROP IS NOW MOVING More Than 3,000 Million Bushels Raised in 1917 Gives Big Surplus. SAVES WORLD FOOD SITUATION A aaakaaaaaVaaaaal uli..atanUa limn flirt alaTaV and ao it a fattening food and la "-" -" " " '" ., -ii.rf h...i. lnnA n ihl.iPul In hot oiled gem pana and bake KVIHVIIHm VWIIOT IW. wvw w ..... aocount. Corn eal way be substituted for flour In a variety of waya. You nay uae II lo roll your meat or fowla In. la place of wheat. In desetng for fowla aa well aa In quick breada. Darn Meal M..nt- :; elfteg corn meal. I t aalt M. t . Powder S oweet milk t I batter substitute. ll or Id mlnutea In a hot oven. Hoar Milk ra Ucead. t e corn meal. 1 t aalt I egg I 1-4 I .oda, t e IMck aoar milk. t ( shortening 1 tthmlth'aa bgkn cgafyw dralhvec Mi dry Ip-gredleata. beat egg aHghtty, aad heat llk well before adtilar te dry logrediems Cook la a greased paa baviar batter M of aa Sift flear, aalt aad baking powder Inch doea i ii i . i .i ''i.tjeiai 'ini'niia Babe for St mlaatea uiut- muxlj Kii iit.au ,uui. a; 4 Grocery specials AT Boyer Bros. & Co. Grocery Department i V. 5s PUBE LARD $1.45 lOsPURELAto . 2.95 i Best Crbamery Butter 45 PEARL OIL, gallon 16 America Beginning Qreateet Cera Con- sumptlen In History, Uelng Cereal In Many Oallcleua Dlahea. Corn, America'! greatest cereal crop, la now moving rapidly lo market. Mine than N.imi milling biihel -8(1 buahela for vvtry man. eiman ami child In America -were I nd In MIT, It waa a iniitht) crop. 1 he actual In crciiKc la about Mm million huihela Ami till i'ira Mlore of grain In umi lug on In I he market Ii. tin- nick of 1 1 inc. since (he Amerhau wheat inr plus iii, h I n seal to help feed famine threatened Kurope, IBM an Ii luii'iii'i In the Colonial das, the War of the Itevolutlon, ami the Civil War, corn haa net mil ly be ..nil. tin- n.n Inua iiialnalay. In thr entire lint of America a bod commodities there la no Hem dial ll belter than corn. In pmlillnga, bread, i-oiii Mne, and af hutnlny combined wiih tueal er eggs, corn la without a peer Huoeeerlvee are faat learniug the large auuiber of delicious dlahea that may be made with euro and Ihel. feiniltea are benefiting by an ihi-reaa ed uae f tke Cereal (lera.'nmre Iban any ether cereal, oaaialns all of 'the elements aaeenilai to etelatelelug lift iM beaitb. la erdar tbai tbe Naming men abroad and lu the aiasy naata al beene may be fed. and lei enter thai actual famine may be kept Prom the nations aaeei'laie with aaierlea In Ibe war. the Hllaeee ef Aaaeriea are flaaiag nam preduria ilaUiieae anal palatable en 'waegrUsa dgye" an glory la I ha hfi lhai '" heatiaaa days bare nieaa mere nbaal foe ibe war wetn allletl nation la Nacepe Ragle ug iraa.a aad Italy et ' be nae from America great alerabnae "rtiey will ' gel aonta cettt aeeeitaflv Italy bat Meet e nantr greiil amp menie meet be wheat na u ern 'a facllltlea they bate fee ualog whtpj Mm.ll le tbe nattaUab af e.-il ha if hial-n Ibat ibe Kaaemt e aw ttaas te Ire ant 'bang lie eatabaMhaf er". Vaaetaaa graateat aae at -! he in the ferna nf cera beaaa and re meal mlaew with wheat la tba making of leaeeaew bfaaS k Mtnt with flO per real, wheal flour earn meal raa be need la.hread mat hag, a' "dating a leaf mwre ralrliioaa than bread baker1 wlla Wheat aleae. It la a ran era mlllera will verify Iba' iloaena of the large 4mat1in bak era have bf4reor eaafully uaitig a com flour lii'aeaeh7 maklag fr aeveral yeara. Hominy grlla. aereg at .hienkfaet whh a M,acbed egg. or eaiga at any otlo-r iihmI "lib meal or grav'. a aa Other Raw of inin that will become on oauall) popuinr daring Ibe araf Com M.vrup lo aweeteti rorn cnki nn. I ..nil oil for ue In all hinds .-f c king, are Ifra aeara fsafneta thai nn- iilnii'l arelcoi I In Iboiisunils of American Im mitick i iini, MBTTLKMKXT Notice In hereby given that the nn Igned executor of tba lust win nml tastaxaetrt nnd estate of Sarah Nnn KuHsell, deceased, has filed In the County Court of tbe State of ON gon for the County of Malheur, bis llnal account of the ndmtnlatratlon of ,uld eaiate: nnd that Saturday, the lath day of February. 19!, at the .hour of one o'clock p. m of aald day, .1 the court houae lu Vale, Oregon, 1 baa been duly fixed by order of aaid 'Court aa the time and place for hear ing nnd paaalng upon aald tlnil in-muni and Heiillng the aald etitate Any and all peraona Inter lenled In aald estate are hereby 'notified to appear at aald time and place nnd file their ohjcctlona In writing, ir any there are. to aaid llnal account and conteat Ibe name Diiih' umi dated and iir i puhllahed I Ihla I Tlh day of January. 1 9 I s J 1) KAIKMAN. Kxecutor of the Katate of Sarah Ann Rnaaell, Doceased Expert Service Reasonable Charges and The kind of treatmentSteaely customors deserve Is the principal upon which we do business. Accessories carried for all kinds of cars. HK BaVUE CHBAF Lasts 1 to r inclusiM! In blk. 120 Ontario tinvnshlp Two amall boua- es. Miike me be t casli offer. Will conalder M cash balaace payments. t K DeNKKKK, Baker. Ore, tf IMtNM K.itial for immediate sale we will eett trennnd.ouisJy cheap a hew high grade piano -.inr'e.d at Ontario. Liberal terms to a reHponSible parly. Qual ity guaranteed. If interested In a proposition of this ktnd write TIIM HKNVKK MUSIC COMPANT. nenvef.'t'olo. at o. re for particular. V'OU BALK -Hay close to town. In star or delivered K tt. Hanford, Phone 159.J. tf Call and are the new Vulcanizing shop two doora not h of the Moore hotel. We bave ne of the beat equipped ahopa In th I North Weat. Hepnlr work guar nteed for the life of the caalng or tabe. Have your old tires made new. Ontario Tire and Kubber Co. i I in l ii t'HIJHf'H t wheat- Their ebntf agaaii aaaajsMgal le the Hnnday swma.. Low Maas, 8:. le a. m High Mass, la -.0 a. m it A. CAMPO, Paster OftS. PKINZINO A WEK8R tlntarln. Oragoa Office la Naw Wllsoa Dlaek. Offloa hoar to IS I te TYPrrvViUTKR; New modal Mas ter Royal. Uaed aaly two weeka. A bargain Inquire No 7. at tb Argue. (iiisoline. Lubricating Oils and Supplies. KKKP A PHI All aliea and age. Duroc hogK for aale. I' I lliilley. 20-No. S Ontario Auto Co! PETE DU FORI), Prop. Phone 134 POK BALI: Wall located hooae. wilh two lots A bargain. Terme tlbtral, Inmilre No. 6 at the Argus. .... . . . . . WRKX OV WAXT A mi sm m.i i e WO Caa Hnpply Vuur Ned, I It t HAMTARV RARRKR HMOP avt-v. a Tba place whara tba Barvlca la the Beat, wkera ibe Baths are tke Newest e.eeea I r RRtTTINRBIAM Track Transfer a Pbeae tlf M FOR SALK White Wyandotta pullelH Inquire at thla office. M-4 AUTOMOBILI COR HALF. SIT Maxwell, Maxwell Koadater; M0 rsh bailey. 20 No. S TO TKApK Kqullv In realdoaon properly Ip Ontario for automobile la tui.il condition, laqulre at Argaa. 1-tf FOR AALR JftaV oloaa in la stack or delivered " llaarara'. Pheah ISeM. ft--air4' THAT PUR TRaJJV. BA-'Jtl'a'! a0 VL- ;,. My.ts H.,ria, WJWI.ANOWUIUIS MS-W. .Oatnria, Oragea i 3 -l ' I We have received all the coupon 1 J bond f the First Liberty Loan 1 that were purchased through ua. I We are now making delivery of' I I tke bands. .II 1 -I J First National I I (asjctrit, OrajfftR ' I I - - I; I J J1 "T Bait I v - ' j. M aaaaa aUalA x.uaa TH1 UNITED STATES FOOD ADMINISTRATION 8AVS; Food saving la In Its essence the daily individual sarvies of all the people. Every group can substi tute, and avan the great majority of thrifty people can ssvs a little and the more luxurious elementa of the population can, by reduc tion to simple living, save much. This mesne no more thin that we should est plenty, but wisely anal without waste. Better Service to You In J& I M I tlra ' . MSrS- I IM A . wtAejaaj - .fJT '"TaiTrr'. 'asill' aaasV aV ' lb SI I ti K j WW DON'T WANT Y0U, TO. TiNK OT TRK OfsVARIO MtlMVtl, MARK JinrT 1Ut A PIJkCR TO DHPOHIT YOUR MONRY ALTUOUOH Of COVttRtt WH ARR OLAU TO HAVK VOi: KRflP AH I.AROR A PAI. AN:K WITH UH AS IH I'OSaiBI.K THK Itaj MOIIKI. aUKROUONB BOOK KkinPINO MACHINK. WHICH WK HAVK JlrhT aJaaetaO TO OUR rXJUIPMKNT. tpxKKS IT POHSIHLH HOII I'M TO UIVR YY)U IIKTTKIt HRRVICK THAN KVKIt IIKPORK IN TIIK H.WDI.INIl OK I'lll'll Atilil w . The Increased npeeil, accuracy and proi-i lion ol this inrrlianlial Imuk Keeping gB ll'lll. mllleil III our I IlllllilIKh Kliowleil, good, coiihIhiihi baakini and buali methods, make n possible for us lo offer inn .in hnpi.. . Him i- equal i.i thai (iirnl-iii'il by the Qnuntry'R mo ' pi treaaive hunka. Ontario National Bank OliJi'Ht Mm.k in Soiitht'iiHtt-rn On 31 II JB aaaaa ia aWalA C Food Will Win the Wir I AlHiK pari f tba world is .mini tart! ilia pueilioe tfcatM Retgium is .-west Ins l- lb siese ' when ik v ' aisry ana lasv ii nissi shin In Ufa 'a aruitah f e e i te heag, gM Wf4 haa so tahan a lanallll the war. tWjJ l svaeavex I aasgaees as aaK'enaae Tgw .baa waa s Spat mesgbi Vr. " P . Xfea aaMt Mai new Sajgh X-al -at hswey bebm f s 'e,e weeha Asaertaaa e,tHsg ' i iHMH aatiraja a 'a Aei aaaV i .1- . aaTJasSaaa AaVplaa TeW mejeaaas gr as a jut UuM saaAh aewi a asejf Dirsu as war sgaieat ue igi Hi I'M s awea sh)l -e4 le itaaaTJewaaa haa MM eh&ae-r rhe stela. Painless Dentistry by Nerve Slocking MY RECORDS SHOW 3000 APPLICA TI0N8 OF THI8 SCIENTIFIC METHOD OF ELIMINATING PAIN IN THE DEN TAL CHAIR. , 'SKILL SCIENCE EXPERIENCE .i t ERTRAQTlfJ PAINLHW REMOVAL OF NHRtJaR AMB PAlaM, nsLLMwr P T41RTR 4VO GAS t aJsw-i R. CKK'HKIKLl), Botae no cm AW m 1 aata4a av 1 4 Baa . folk Bui Wiik aVatafaaal aeaW Saaanaaaai Mar aMplmBpa I bave far ornt a SssM (raka aam h af S i4 tn OMisyihtA4ixw 41 J f sfcChyTvcb. Ohvl (aJMk IS4 wSJSt "awfr BhV