The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 17, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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NVH8A X)IN.IL IH I Ml tm o cntor a bulMIn whore
HTNOira mm t" "TV thojr uiel to -nter. because the A mer-
:..- -.. hue hppn ilrmil'il In Hint
( CoiUlmiod from FlrM re. I
In varlniin (tertloni of II." lTnl(rd
State men Iibvp hrn found wlio hart
no reapecV for the flan of Hi" I'nlted
.,,,,1 ti,o ovprnnient for
whirl. It lUBdl Tktm men whon
found havp hppn eimpellpil by loyal
cltl7.-nK to hlHs thfi flan and pled"
allenlanro to It Thin dors not make
tlinn Nttr UthMM hut iplially
baa the (fCt of making them rr
uprrt Hi.- Una. or ar IphoI not to at
lurk It oppnlv or to ridicule It In
this iv It Ih wild tli"r" Is n
Ml who hH prevpntpd hit family
from Mlkrtal I WrUh 1'iill'HnR l"
ihp Am-rlnin Hag. our (IflR, hM
ban dnipeil lu that building; :.ihI it
la alao said that this aanip man Imx
been very prominent In profcMslnc
bla loyalty and claims to be n rood
and loal cltlin What do you.
think, reader''
There are those men who have1
means and who have refused o aid nnd
ika foifh of the
to borrow moDi-y au ...
city, to loan the credit thereof, or
c '' . . ...-. .,mM for the
votlce Is hereby Riven, (hat a spevbotn. anu -'" .
" . . ... k- hiH .i thelKsnanre of nonos anu ---
bulldta. and this a major.ty cat c., "'""""" . nv which. In the
f the people has spoken In favor of Icily II.... - "JJCfl! -unci. I, beneflc.a. to the In
,. war. 7U a fit man for your ,M.lh T JWJJ? " of 5 cl.y. and to .
, ,,,v and aaaorHlon? Oo you cod- day. the 301 . V Of "f , mBnn ,,, ,)mn for M pay,,,-t
" .. . . .., It'l.on V..II tO.S Tint IIP DOIIB IOr WBIH -.-" . . ,.
cider him a loyai cium,. ,...-..,------ .
. mn !,., Ine. n anv way dls- dial! I prne.ii h. - -
six percent per annum.
I . m . t. .. I..I. r. lit
H.. ' 1...II 1... i.hl'lll'l Ml III" IIVIII ' -
mi.iu fl Ml II 111! Ilil II I'll.' ....j . -.--
..i.i i i . . . l r tiii
lu .. ... ... i.i j.. .....i i mi in nrii 'i-ii. iix"' --- -
c,uraKed or att.-fd to dtaCOUfM- o O00P " " J ""V ' ,,,. ,ntHrl . not have power 10
.... ,n fmni enllatlnK In HW "" ODtB until t'l"' o clock ... ami tnen ni ,,, ,., IDCUI
........ ..... m.e.l to claim or Ml- clOMd until one o'clock p. tn . when
. .... .,... . ..,.,,.. ivtll he reonened and re- any
vi' : I in. i i ... ' "
. . ... .rns over the alt oi , - ihmv
1 Mill it I I I7' itw-
.wenty-one years, who aro not aliens, I Athletic work In army J
. ., re.idents of (he State of cantonment la In the hand. J
HI H It Hi' ' . . - i
" .,,1 who have reeled within trained orranlzars Md
ti. wnenU HHi f the City Of They are civilian aids on th,
Ontario for ,1 lOMl six months next commandlnR orflcers, ,nd thf,
,,,,,,. Md election, shall I n- ntles are ad by the Oov,rniIln
., , t mi MCh Kpec.,1 I iloi Hon 1'artlc.nnr attention ,M
.Its bonds for any purpose or to Bit m
1...1. hlmlnra (eXCellt tlOnilH
. . in i nxiiir. in ii asHinta ...
.1... I'liv i.r ii - in
.T - --,.. ,. ...I..l 4
In n. Ilia. i-'-v 01 lOt ''...:''., 9
...,,...., ..i r .,r the city oi on- ""' - ""r"'i n,
I' e n favor of said amend- -rt mov.n, .Cures , lotch
" " . .... 1 ..'-l...,!, .. m
Hon from ('raft In th. minv, M von nunii ORMI -HM - -
,slder MOl HM I true and .That the appointed oi leers to
loval cl.ben MM bis fM 'ty h.v'conth.ct MM election ar, Judges. 8.
,,s government , When you kno , t ftylOl '. D M Nteholl i.Od t. F.
L, person, man or woman, who dhe Hag..; H,,M. D P. Dearborn ami A.
COUrOfM another tl purrhaMC Of It. Mi Into h.
,..rlv Bend I, thi lemling of r Thai Iht nht-" ""! """ I W
to the governm.nt to n.rry on our MM election It tO nibmlt tO the ,,mi.
war or In anv IM 10 hMdW or d IfMd tleetol retldl'lC Within tl I
Hay (his government from pushing pom', limit! of tht Mid CltJ Ol nn
tie war to 7. unlck and successful tnrlo. OTOgM, the uu.Htlon of
conclusion, do vou MtMMW M whether M not Section lit of the
,.,,,n such a true and loyal cltl'ii present City Charter he amended to
m to he entitled to your society., lead as MlOWI., the words In Italic
frlendshlii and asso.lHtlon? There helm: tlM MMfldod portien:
Is only one answer that evry true IteUM 111 "Powtf and authority
loyal cltlr.en can give, whether Ik herehy ghen to the council and
the government In Its financial af- na lives here or etsewhere, aid that I he h Id ounrll It hereby a'ltho. bed
fair, by loaning It money, except t lint any person who does not d)
under protest, and then only to kaj h.. can and everything he can to
slight degree Some of tle-c men v In thla wnr Is not til for Mfjotj Md
Ian- rehiseil and oh). (led tO lit Ml should be ostrnched nod "huniie.l as
Ing money In goveriini.nt bOfldt , i.v enemy of man
pnyliiK Interes:. because we should , IP man who said thai the
not be In the war M tkt) I) I'roh 'nlt.d States should have broken r.
n bl v It Is their love of money more ,11H with Kngland when relaiimi
than country that prompts, this, and ,,,, .v,re. with (J ruiany !
probably l( Is because of sympathy t , n K,,od cllljen and hnal to the
for Hie tiertnaiis and tlerman covern ,,., states and Its democratic
Ml WhlcliiMT It Is, tliey ar- not ,,rm f Kmernmei.l ' Is he a be
tha true and lo.u.l tfttoOM If a man ,v,r In the principle of majority
cannot loan tlH tOTOrmOWOl aid after r,. ,,r ,,.s u. ptlltvt In the dic(a(
II lias proteiteil him and holpod and ,,rNip of an nutocral and an auto-
irttlC g.n.rnmenl vm. ii t miin
was not a loyal Anierl.aa on tkt d.iv
illations wild tiiirniany were brokOB,
Its form of Kovernmeiil. the people )(, . ., ,lV., a nn-rl. ;i i tkt ROH
IkMMtlTt h. Ing (he gov. mineiil . ,lliv i what think yu? Can tie' he h on.- of the people, has been ,,.,,, ( 0kUft las spo. I DOI
. , . I BmM .1... .... . I..,. II. ..I".- ......... 1 1 I
icsxmu o. loyiiov an. umnm .. i....n
. Ill.en or must kt Ot lOjml It
'oil will say that unless one I loval
at heart. Ills words coming from his
mouth are as spew ml wlnn one
such is found, be sure he Is one U)
lektd Tht h.vai citien
"M-' .. . .. .. ii r..r. nine o. . ii no no- immhi .
huimI for public improvement wn ,. ,,. ,. """'"'"'' ;' ,)HHk,., ,, and Mc " '
..... .... ih.renf Is assesseil to nir , nrr )roln ,.,, ai.-i i , . ., .
"...Z .llv benefited. ... M , a. such :. Con. and the I K -es. an.. ...uer rqu pmw(
. I '"in "I" ...-
pp of 1.75'., Ttrrnlv ift
of (he tBXahle properly within MO
city, the amount thereof to M asrer
... I,,,, noni Hie he I preceding
inent made for County and State pur
I -.1. ... I. .. 1 .4 . . IllV.
-till mi rwillilK vi ih-'-i i "
iiii?i-r. ii mi ..!
"" W"' "';' " Mn: r ,, ,flr,g Pl'ed each company, in Hrt ,
per cent p,,,a,l,i of tkt .Mavor do I.r ng appro,,, latb.n
1 1 ,. ,, nil of suit eiccuou. i.n
MCtlOfl Of the Chatter thereby amend
, ,. shall become repealed, as orlglll-
.,H. idoptOii ati. I OtCOmt ."i'l and of
I ' .
no eft. CI i
Ci vornn.enl appropi ln;n
cept bonds Issued for piil.lte Improve , reiore. h Ofdtl of the Common
m.nts where the ct (hereof Is r,Mln( f the CIO of. Ontario, Ore- rl,f ,inti..n
A Mreproof solution lor t
airplane rubric Is n thlim whlck
be realised III the near futurt m
in. in In a private plum hmJfl
ready rttiveloped a couipnratlTtUja
nw,.tM..,l in hv i.i p.. IhIIv i jiavl, hrunta Ml my hnml nnl
-....ii .t..ll I.,. l.utKul fur tht M.lfll ..i-i l ti... nul itf till' HIi 111 CltV (f
Iti'liniK'UI ri.ii " .'...-.. .- - iiiiiAiii mi "- -
iliv, until the voters of said city, at ontiirlo. thl. the 14(1, day of Janu
ary. A. I). 1!.
iilv llerorder.
I, ipeclnl eleitlotl for Hint purpose,
by a majority v(e. shall declare in
favor of the same; provided that lu
ll rest on said bonds shall no! exceed
Hoys' and girls' clubs in Mqfl
n ml western Mate plndged fr , J"
service In gardening, canning J
raising, and other emergency ,, Pu '
prise., have more than X0f,jjM
Next Wo
u will
bur i
tfca o( t:
V to to ate,
,1 clt...u.
ITe 'ii .;
permitted Mm ' mtkt hs moliev
he Is null ue to the be I ii I. nd lie
pier hud for the I'nlted Slates, will,
his MM, friend. The fart Ihut tfcttt
bus been more Inimlgrallon tO tb
I'nlte.l States than to any ot b r ciiiin
try, and that we have v.ltlilu our land
.mmlgriints from all nations, tkOWl
.but we have a gim i nun ni Cl I
b manv to be lb, lies, Bo.erninenl
on earlb Will yo I' '. tkt.
Ibe man who i. in in I Ip mil I
trymonl b) loan, It trat tnd
i , ni, n ; or do yon think kt
li-loviil o our onir.i . Is he,
nr Is he not, of pro ... I man BTOCllVl
lies and lending aid lo our .i,. in"'
Wlien you know a man who ha
s.i.l we Hhould not be lu this war,'
after a majorly of the people, thru
their representative, have said we
should be In the war and alter M
I. now that (leriuin.v has plotleil and
Intrigued against us mid you. trkBl
do vol, think should he done ulih
him? When you know a man who
i.Iiis.b in lend the government Ilium-1
clal aaalalauce lo the full extent of
bis power, because we should not be
.1. the war, do you think h.n, loyal
enough for your koclrty? When you
know a iiiuii who has in any way dls
. . ..
M.i proclaim his lejro.ltjr. lot kjr hi
works Bt i Known It, i.-m-i tWjroM
'i known by bis v.uUs. and he need
not wear a sign on his sleeve nor
i . i i . .i b. inner In Ills bund U'm.1 .
in- nine m i.nil lie need mil
puke lovully from his mouth. !..
i very loyal American make up bis
n.lml that eiery disloyal Ann ilr.m
must he shunned us a .nake lu Hie
mass, and ostracized U mi" guilty
ol aiding the enemy, for disloyally,
M 'IhIu.J buds aid In mil ell'lliv
.'.nil let us all In,. Me down to it, ami
with b strong will, win this war. !.'
us encourage lawa that will protect
u from the disloyal
fiwinrr fn cParv-iHr nf morrViQnHlc:p WP Wll be Unable
V VV 111 jJ OVUi V ( 1 JX. UlVlVllMiiviwvj ti - ii
to give you as big a sale as in the past years. You all
know whv? Howpvptv we will owe vou a irood price on.
what we will offer you.
Flannelettes Pla id Dress Goods
15 pieces in all good Rtaple colore in For Skirts, Cliililreifs Dresses, etc., 2f
flowered designs l pink, brown, blue, i ,. i ... 1 ,j..:.i . nti
, ii . i . i me ics wn ( in iiiicv co O red pranl. atso
etc i(M)il heavy ma Crui For house ' J '
IrtOM fron
dresnes, kimonas, etc
18c Value, Sale
figured designs,
15c yard Special at
22c yard
KOK SAI.K Hay close to town
In slack or delivered. K. It. Hanford,
r it ltt. (f
Mr. Farmer
Do You Want
We believe in the CASH sys
tem, and we practice it in our
business. Bring your produce
to us and get your money
when you deliver the goods.
We Are Buying Produce at
the Highest Market Prices
CHICKENS, per pound 17c
XURKEYS, per pound 22c
EGGS, per dozen - - 40c
CRKAM - - 55c
ViiKiski'o Anion Gingham;
i.-s just ;i t.-w in,. ilium md large sizis left
While they last - 50c pair ,,u'v an' o( Li,Ml co,ors lind
Tii.y ire n..t ntiinwiiiii for re huid r . A.-liiiiiuf. Staple checks - 12 l'2c yd
Boys and Girls Heavy
Just a IVw sii's in (In. real
leav BoVH ami 4 irls'lmx-
66c and 76c VALUES
Women 's and Mis nes ' Boys ' Flannelette
Hose Shirts
Ladies,' in ,la,-k mi! , ., Just tin- thin- tot this kind "f
difii's in whit I, lark weather.
t H
I V ll
t t
I ',
Men's Hats
ij.mhI Mi i.-ialde Hat Lu men or hoyn in ..tld
m.s and han s. Suim- ,,ir ival ii. t.. date and
jnsl as p)od ;is ihusc in the raid;: Worth 1.50,
To Clean Up ggc
Men's Sweaters
I LOT of M.n's, is iii -ray and .ardiiial; all
si, s. Special at
Men's Dress Shirts
Vout'au't r.alir their values until jrou ha"
Hli ii.iii. 'rh.y are lull cut, style in a large
aiieiy ni' pattei ns and in all sizes.
Yours for
76c Each
One Basket full of Ladies' Caps at 48c
ONK LOT Ladies' Gapi and S.arl' Sets: n't
inanv left,
$1. 26 Set; Sale Price ... 9bc
$2.60 Set; Sale Price $2.10
Thej are in,., ',i(..t ,.t...
Ontario Ice & Cold Storage
three Lots of Men's Shoes Priced at $2.48. 2.98 and 3.48
M.n these aiey...lst (S and ,iialities that will rive you a
lotniseiyur llieyaivliiii, M.-tals, Kid Tans and Patents in all si,.s. It will pay you ,,, ,,., ,,;,.,. Wn () ,(.m.
NuiiiIkts i.(M., (in, and (ill i aiv feudal .imi valu.s. Tt) -lean m,. .
huttuii ..r laces.
'..s. (il and (ilT in (inn and I'an. 'I'.. . lian uii
N-. (Id". H24 and ii2!l-' fr w..rk ... d.ess Shue'.'in
1 1 I lean up ....
3.48 Ladies9 Shoes 2.98 I 11
In two lots, they are in patents,
. Kid and (lull Metals, button and
laee; some laiieV colored t.
among them. Thev are in tW
lots ..I $2.90 and $3.48
Where Ii Pftmfto Trade