The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 17, 1918, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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1. an
Need For Housewives to
Save Wheat Demonstrated
department edited hj Miss l.i'Oiu Uader,
and Arts, Ontario High Behool.
Teacher Dontcstlr Science
KHin talks.
How Yon Maj OMMTTt Wheat.
liny of uk ail yet have not OHM
to the realization as fully a we
ought, the necessity of conserving
food, and especially wheat. We can
nut comprehend the vast armies that
muni he fel Men wlio were former
ly producers arc now In our training
IH and we must produce the tood
to fi-i il Ihcni And betides all of
thin we must help the food HhortiiK1'
of our allien
M liv There I n Shortage.
Many ask why we are no suddenly
confronted with tlifn great problem
of conserving wheHt. Why n,ut Wt
tnruUh the allien with rood" Thin
In the antiwnr given by tin- I". S l',, I
diiHcrviiiInn lliillciln "It MOM
prohahle that all that we have now
plus what we ran rnlse thin year pin
the Canadian crop. which will, unit to about 1.000.000,000 liu
Hhels. We and Canada would ordi
narily eat half of that We need to
nave In addition, need for next year
nnd a nafely margin Thin hrlngn the
Joint total neeiln up to 700.000.000
bushels and leaven for export 300.-
O00.000 hUMheln. The Imperntlvn . sMir Milk Com Meal Orfclrile nkr
lieedn of our allien in addition to ic Sour milk.
the front, yet It In Impossible to bake
enough for a great arm) at one time
and no that they munt have the wheat
while we munt use the substitute
Some (riddle cuke reclpcM, substl
tutlng other flour'
Scotch Griddle Cake.
l-2c Oatmeal.
2 T nugar.
1-2 T soda
1 Egg.
Ic Sour milk.
Doll oatmeal with a little water
for 10 mln., then cool. To tho oat
meal add the nugar and noda, mixing
w II, then add the well beaten ftH
hihI milk. Heat nil thoroly llrown
on both sides, nerve with honey.
I orn Meal (irlchllc ( nkc-.
3-4r Corn meal.
.1-4c Klour.
3 Level T baking pow '
14 T nalt.
1 Egg.
1 T sugrr.
1 C milk.
Mix dry Ingredients. beat egg
until light, add the milk and ntlr
Into the dry mixture. Add morn
milk If nerennary to make mixture
1 hin enough for pour batter.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Malheur.
' Tgkabara, plaintiff, vs. Marcln
Tivk.ihira, defendant.
To Marrla TakahRfa. defendant:
In the name of the ntate of Oregon,
Vou are hereby required to appear
and answer tho complaint tiled
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration of thai
lime prescribed la the Order of Pub
lication, to-wlt:
On or before tho expiration of six 1
week from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, and If you
fall to annwer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the reltrf prayed for In the complaint,
For a decree of divorce dU
Holvlng the bond of matrimony
existing between the plaintiff and de
fendant, nnd for the care and custody
nf I'oma Takahara, the minor daugh
ter of plaintiff and defendant, and
for audi other relief an to the Court
may neem Just and equitable; this
summon Is published pursuant to a
nnler of the Hon. Dalton Hlggs,
Judge of the Clr nit Court, duly
made and entered December 6th,
1917. The First Publication hereof
Is made the th day of DttMaVkt,
1917, nnd the last publication In
made the 17th day of January, 1918.1
P. J. OALLAtlllEK.
Attorney! for planltlff,
Ontario, Oregon.
what I hey can raise themselves are
Just twice that amount. The prob
lem then Is to meet the difference
between the 600,000. 000 bushels
that they nee.', and the 300,090. 000
busheln that M have 10 send them.
Our liniiie, Hate duty In to save and
send over seas 4 r.O. otto. 000 hunhell
3-4c flour.
:i-4c Corn meal.
1-1 T Soda.
1 T baking powder.
1-1 T aalt
1 Egg.
Follow above directions.
(Iriddle cakea are not easily
of wheat, when we have only two- geBted. aa they contain much raw
thirds that amount to spare " Thus March nnd In many caaea are fried
ate im clc:,iiv why r must nuhnll- H ,, ,, ,, f.,, (tm ft sparingly,
Hite some of the nmror reroals lor having Just enough In the pan to
invent xU'klnc Cook the butler
Some of the iniilci till . will, li niiiv , . t f i . (1)l Miirfaco la full of fill's
ised for making various bread babble I lien turn to othel
.lie. corn meal, buck wheal llotu ,.,,, ,,,,111 butter la thoroly
Moor, nnd barley flour. .,,,,
breads are not only palatable hut .
wholesome anil th.ic I.. nntlilim. Mill S. I I CHI IP
1, 11, re Inviting and nutrition than
uckly made c.rn breads I.oIh 1 to R inclusive In blk. 110
,in,r iiilck hrenils inn, I, iroin the Ontario township. Two email lious-
meaaa. And U bhould I "ur- "
that alllui Hi unl.lir 11 naianre paymenrs.
rejisimn tir nnr i,nT I" , ..,,.,,
The Conmlttee on Public Informa
tion has made the following transla
tion of a atory appearing In the Octo
brd It, Issue of the Leipzig, -i Volks
eltungs: "A aample of the fnstilon after
which hloatedn landlords treat the
wives of soldiers ban been brought to
i.ur attention ft im Cpp f Silesia One
of the hire, I meikgyf l)r Mil- ller"s ag
ricultural estate has been a long time
a. the front. His wife, who had
i iliiiigsiii-. hfr hushni'd bt tor
the war after the Ul u:il CUI loin, TO
iiialneil In the rank df the field hands
and Bccorillnglv I her farm
1 i,i,,ir I t lila woman got
the r,, Mowing letl. 1
'h, in I bailiff of the
estate hereby give volt notlcu III of
this date to the rtrld sarvlc for Jftll
11. iv 1, mis ou tint day you are
to give up your house. Tic atari
u hi, li .,,, re ,ol In nil doc ,
npensnte the farm for HN lot
V Czij Z by 1
..pvohi 111? - -sr 1 SSS
pr or Bvtl) Wli lMaMkn
Just Out The Betty Wales
Liberty Dress
For sale by us, the exclusive Betty Wales Agency
"l"W-PI""" jHggH gaalaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal '
L BH- HgH a .
" flgataaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal atavbleaaW .'efr sAM gataaaaaaaaaaaal ataaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaatH gaaaaaaaaaaaal
' gaaaaal I IH
T" Bail "yiexlaai
4t -t --- " -WaaW' 'mjaPr UtHl Maaata W(ig Hal bBbI
J- I
tn, tie, 1 ,,,ii ,,i row family. Look 'I must tell you my dlslreas. aoon 1 thus the hi, Hut of the uatatu of
out for yourself away from this farm, i.ltull not be able to aae the papar for bloated landlord turn u famllv with
vniir lieiiae la needed for other use toy tears What shall I do Intel , It hi chllilren nut of doors In mld-"l-li"
v 0111:111 ciiininiinh ,ile,l the no- I- at the ilnor an, I I lie cottage In full wlnler while Hie iniin in at the front.
lth these won Is: ol little clllldteli ' lie of Kuril
JAN. 26
40 Red, Roan and White Face Cows and
Calves and Cows that willjcalve by Feb.
15th. Range cattle well bred.
2 Holstein, 6 year old Milch Cows, bred to
Holstein. Also 25 head other Cows.
2 Durham Cows, big milkers, bred to
roan Durham.
5 Shoats, 3 1-2 months old, Chester White
1 Chester White Sow, 10 months old, Register)
1 Chester White Sow and 9 Pigs; 30 days old.
1 Chester White Hoar, 10 months old.
1 Family Horse, 7 years old, weight I860.
() Well Broke Horses, middle weights and ages.
We Have in Storage Some Nice Furniture, Stoves and Office Desk and Chair
1 New Spring Tooth Harrow. 1 Buick Auto Truck.
1 New Peg Tooth Harrow. Several Rebuilt Auto Tires, Guaranteed.
1 New Wagon. 6 1 One-Horse Power. 3-Phase Motor.
The usual amount of Junk will be on hand. More Cattle and Horses will be listed before- the day of sale