The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 17, 1918, Image 1

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    dhtf&vi tm
X X 1 1
NO. 2
s ' s an m il
CM Attorney Hole That Two Kkr- Bunlnean Hmm Daring Kuncral ami K.
Hon Max! lie Held to Vote
Wnl.r Homla Now.
City Attorney P. J Oallngher this
Hundreds Hat her at I smllt
KosMciica for I4errlee.
n. Hutlcr, Hr.. Hrtum from Trip laxaJ Hanker Chairman of Hrgulnr Monthly Sales lhy to
Tliru South teel Situation I .mnlj Itnanl to Inrrmw Ikr-nisiul lllgirrsl 1. 1st of I'milr ill.
Sorbins There. Hr Derlarea
Ontario paused thla afternoon to Ooog hay la worth 145 per ton In
weak Informed the City Coiin II that m,rl1 ""' Palng of one of Ita uc- Austin, Texas, declares K. B. HutVr.
It was his opinion that to parry the r'rful "om. The funeral r.ervlce for 8r., who recently returned from an
for TliHft Stamp t.i Hc4p
Win the War.
Mayor W. K. Homan was this week
named chairman for Malheur county
water hond election It would be ' aro r. itoyer took place at the I extensive trip tliru the Middle Weal- lor the campaign to Increase the de
neceasary , r. rl tn have a speeial " ''fence of his pn:-ent, Mr. and em Biid Snuthweatern statea, going mnnd for thrift ..tamps, hy the pur
. l.-.-iloii to change the charter llmlta- A F Hoyer, at 2:30 and the ni far as the Hlo Orand.
tlon on Indehtedness That will '"cm In which the young man was1 There Is certainly p enty of op-
held wns marked distinctly In the ortutilty to dlepoee of the mrplai
fired In Many Month.
necessitate two election"
of citixen.
I., the illy
In nccordninr with tlie i.plnlo'i of ."Hicrlng ol hundreds
the City Atlortiev the MOMHR no- Al; ,n" huslne- I, oil- 's
tlces for the first election tt.n- get ' I trim I ha 8 i .'i
M hy C. M Stearns. City He The simple Impressive service f
order, and appear New-lu-rc In this ""' Kplerpul c luirrli vim real hy II v
Issue. The rr-t lectlni, will tak- Thoitma Anhworth of Payette, hnth
place ax previously annoum d, on
January :I0 Th! I l n III be
for the purpo.e ol non-ndlng' the
charter, ralalnr th- limit of Ind'd
rieaa to 2.'. per unt nf the valuation
ut the rlshlciiic and :.t tl.e rravc. In
terment helng made at th" Ontario
Oren Hoyer. who left here Imme-jthc past wo years
dlately upon the receipt of th news .
Jint ii f tin aaoetlon 111 Texas, If the
tars can he had to haul It," said Mr
Hiitler. When I was in Austin It
Messrs Carter Clement of tho
Ontario Sales company have Hated
for the sale January 28 the hlggest
ami hest assortment of stock ever of-
l at a monthly sale in this see-
rhase of which citizens will help win "on Of particular Interest are the
the war. t heef cattle, of which there will he 40
"There no gainsaying." said Mr Hcd, Itoan and White Faced cows;
Human, "that all of the demands for ' I Holateln nilleh cows, two Durham
Hinds have their merit, hut none of I cows; and a fine assortment of Igs.
them hate the place of the thrift! There wll also he a large assort-
wns selling for $45 per ton and the stamp I nless the government , n mint of farm Implements and house
tochmon were hnullng It from town get the funds to fight the war, tiolh- hold furniture, etc. The
out Into the country to feed. They
will have to feed there for some time
The shortage Is due to Hie fact that
they have had a drought there tor
Ing else matters."
It would he useless tn v..l. humls of Hie death of his brother, and Mrs
If the .liurter Is not so .hanged. ". K Hoyer and fnmlly together with
therefore i hose who want a new I Chelaey Hoyer who met them at 1
wal- must get nut and vol- tello, broaght the body to Ontario
al the Bl Just as well s at Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A f Hnyer,
he sec. mil which Is to he father nnd mother of the deceased.
I. eld al a Male tn he glt.-n I
nll-m II Mill I-..I tt.ll'.l This
Meek Koprccnml a7A Worth f
Itutt Material thine WIHHI
Tim Months.
lied here Wednesday from Ban
Diego, California. Arthur Hoyer,
who la In Tonopnh, Nevada, roul.l
nut reach the city, neither could Hay
Hover, who Is at Han Antonio
Among, the out of town relatlvea
of Mrs 14 K lloy.r who came to at-'
lend the services wire her mother
Mr Kohi rt (ireeii of Portland; her
sisters. Mrs Peck of Kelso, Wnsl
and Mrs. Charles Hrarkett of Hell. """'I '" stockholders coplca of i 'oiiniittti e at Work and Meet
. Ing With SuecessMay Call l'p
. . Members to Make Donation. . .
Kecrclnr) U. L. KlnK Mends Forth
. . Annual Heport to stockholder.- . .
of the Mini Mich In th
Warriors Who are Hack I mm
Ahmad to Speak at lin-aiii-
laml No Admlsaion No
That the people of Oregon may
know what la the nature of the en
emy they are fighting, and other fnrU
of the great war, the State Council
Of Hefense secured the services of
Lieutenant I'nlonel MncMlllan, Major
Kdwnrds and Cnplaln I .1 Cook of
Hie first expedition:!! force sent
across hy Canada. kft of ad-
in. 1, ,. in iintarlo Sun
day veiling. Jaiiunry L'7, and will
speak at Dreamland. There will bo
no charge. :md no aollcltatloa for
tiindi The State roiimll nf Defenao
pays Hie hnlel m4 I
of the party and the Ontario Cmincil
.thru II- intuioiii.e A I. Stimuli .
Wilson and C McOnnaglll. la
taking enre nr Imal arrangements
Owng to the limited I II ini II nf
Hie hull, the rnmmltlee reillests that
do tint penult l.os ami grl
ndi i 14 to attend Kvery adult In
Ontario and tha surrounding lirrl-
lor T-. urxed In bOOT the message of
t'ni II of Defense Oei nera Th these men. nil of whom linve I
ol the sale expi-cl to see large In
- Iii the offerings for the next
few months mid reort an added Inter
est in exchanges at this time.
Who tee Not
ton Pei lent for
lift ten I'HUsfs.
In tha Kdlior iii the ilntarln Argus.
'I he fnllowliig wai- prepared lit tin-
Next 'Thursday.
K!. hit: hoxes will leave the Chap
ter r.iinii" id ihe K. .1 Truss today for
the division hesiliiuariers In SeatH.
These lioxes contain approximately ,(rir ,,,
$706 worth of raw material; many (.'rsnee .' an
iim-s that amount of loving labor on nJffejjgL will he
the part of Ited Cross workers.
While this is Hie hlggest single
rhiptnenl, Ihe Chapter lias since Ita
organtxatlon started shipping, sent
forward a total of J 1H42 worth of
The following la the Hat of con
tents In each of Ilia bexes:
Mux Nn in rnnt.ilns f.140 gauxe
Ji nuary 24. "In
and stripes In
The Knights o Cnlunihus war fund
inmmlltee Is going nt a rapid rate In
i roach the goal of three and a half
millions. Kverj Council In ilia oM
try ami even nue of the 4S0.000
in. Ire i! 1 kim. .,..,.., ... Ih '" loiiowing was prepared i.t ih.
it ""''' ' ' King, s. . 1. i.,n . if the ,,.mn,.ril ..ri. enthiisi.i tli:il!t i'HIiv v. ......
, . t IMtch company. .1,1. week ,rlr ,,. ,, llolHrH , ,, rJ7TZrlZ ..' '
,,,. , ,,,,,.-,, ,,, .,,... .HIIIH.ue
t'p to His time this order, repre- lolumna.
niniliig Catholic orgaulxatinns of all We are at war Don't foraci It
Vlnds has erected 73 hnlldlngs n the we are at war. And il Is the dutt aj
Vnted Hlatei; raiitonmenta and 1 very loyal citizen to aiinrd well ih. 'h"'iig
omewhere In France.' eoternmeut and to do all In Mol
The menihers and nil intereslc.l I"wer In aid Hie country to win (he
persons are meeting with particular- wr This Is our war, yours and
1 good success In their drive, and mine as Individuals, for each of us Is
yi ii r "lilt" will surely be appreciated M l'"rl f this grand and glnrlnus
II nllv illsalded In the sen Ice
i' mi me rotoroMi in tha world'i mint
rati liattli
hla annual report so thai they have, n
comprehensive Idea of the affalra of
tha company prior to the annual
meeting, which la to be held next
The report shows that the assets of
the .iiiupany above Ihe liabilities to
lie (144.882 IIS The report shows
an iiiiebtedness of fan, against th
the Ontario Women WImi
II. Ipe.l Make last Week Hie
fffJMI III the of
The Chapter.
inmld I assets of $204,882 Bk. At "Bd X"'"' '" " - ov"r'"""'" ' '" "r war
official Kreni-h war present valuations theae assets woald
-I .nitu at Dieuinlund hl. VHHlly greater for the value of the
neas manner
President Wilson and the
wa mm comnallod in protect our form
llelow Ir KlM'll Ihe list n I hose
who wnrkeil al Hi. Ie, CTOM io.i
lllhl Week. Illhll Hie 1 1 I II I II II III ll.T f
war di
ll Is wltlioit a doubt one or the 4 f lc-lt Is placed at but 1 172. Oku. 21, partment Hate sppoliiled ami en
iniisl wonderful war pictures so far IK ,.0st when constructed In IHH2, dorsed the Knights nf Columbus for
produced and has been acclaimed so, when Hie labor was er formed, large- "" splendid liuiuaiiUarlan work
tliruout Ihe land. i, hy the si.M-kholders themaelrea at It ia lnded gratifying to all Amer-
At Carnegie Mall, New York City. t$ p. rt,y for aagjaj and team haus In know Ihut their sons or
"Kranre In Arms and Coder the Stars) T,. n nm, declares that the neighbors' sous will ffllenil
and Stripes In Kranca" played to expenditure nnw being made for the and properly eared for thai tin-
fifty thousand dollars In paid admls- llunip,IK ,,.,lt , ,iie lloghaik Is moral and whid...ine iirroundiigs
stops a mnng thoaa nraaml ut this ,w i.nri.i,i.. i i..., r u.. in. shall !.. there to uric un.i h,.n...
k. ... A A U.I.&. U'lllll vuxwu ...
"""'' '" '"" """7 i-howiut. ...i Prtaidanl and r cre--(N( 9Uttm Attention a called tn Hieir lioys and friend
slHingeH vaine 01 raw maieriai. Wlsou, J D ltnck.f. Her, W. K Van
llox No
ol government from the lulrlgues, "',' ,',r'""- hlMta of surgical huu-
, cniaapw pnsw,
Ihe fail thai
20 contains Ml abdominal
bandue. -. 40 T bandages,
i iimpreaaea, KxK In. lies,
-"" gauze -
K0 gauxe ,,nrtKl1
110-11 an expenikl Kvery sect Is welcome and sin so.
derbllt and others of the nation's ,rB f ,.n. 0Uu WM1 mU()e widen- rllied harriers of roltftlNia hell, i ..,.
most representmive anil influential lnf, ,,. ,,,.,, lini) ,1MH ,,,,. ,,een
paid without loir. leiilng the stork-
spies nnd attacks upon our guteru
lliejit und illir people We hi te been
attacked lit ihe Hermans within our
nan borders; they hate plotted and
instigated plots for the blowing up
ol munitions plants bridges, ships
and the destiuillou of property and
lives and have done It within our
borders when we hate extended the
prlt liege of freedom and liberty ami wulaon
1 .i il.,t 1.. i. ii. .ri s
dages Moid . ,nl .1 t
Monday. January T, 1031 sponges.
I ' I einiipi . i has I'.i'rMon,
Mis. K II Mil ,, Mis K M I
Mrs J I) RltllBI tO) Mi A i ...
Mrs II II Whin Mm. 0. 4 Weld..
Mrs A I. I oehraii. Mls Plier.Mra
W . . , Mih i II I'.looi. Mrs May
Wilson. .Mrs Paul invoii tir- '. rt.
Iriandahlp ami lha protection of our
1441 rpongca.
sponges 4x4 Inches, Ml gauze drains
Inches by 2 yards, 200 gauz
liaiiis 12 Inch by 1 yard, 0 gauxe
drains 1 lm Ii by I yards. 124 knitted
tf-pnnges, III, .ISO gauxe sponges.
Value of Haw material. IH"' .
After Ihe enterlalainnnt had
President Wlh.on, Il is said, holders
very eiitliusiajstlcally declared that
"Every man, woman and child In
V merle Imuld view theae pictures
Professor C. K. I.lppencott, pmlmldt
ni.e uf the moat widely knowa lei -Hirers
In the rountyr. will talk with
iiiiiiierniaii plotted against us and
Hot Nn 21 contains 7 hospital ,hH p,.turMi giving an Interpretation
bed shirts, fill pair pajamas' Value
or raw material, f 20n
llox 22 roulalna at couvalcaoent
ruhes. 12 pair bed socks, 43 sweat
ers. HI helmels. 4S POfra snrks, IS
pair arrtatleU. II mufti, rs Value
of raw material. U0.
Box Nn 2:1 contains 21 .nntalcs
cent rnhea, 12 pair bed socks, 43
awoalers. in heluiata, 4s pair socks.
If. pair wristlets, II mufflers Value
of raw material. II
The first 1 k boxes sent forward
contained Hie follow ing
43UH four-Inch spoiigea, IS. Ill
four-lin Ii lompreaaaa, 3043 nine-inch
preawes 144 slx-lnchn SHHHI.I KKe
pada, 200 kuitled sponges. 443 gauxu
hand.o i I In HI yards. I4S
8fts8jjkl bandagae 3-inch hy 10 yards. 1 ,
gagjpj haniluge 1 Inch hy HI yard-.
24 gauze spongea 2 Indies square,
7 2 abdominal bandages. 40 T hinders.
71 bead bandages, four tailed, 1211
triangular bandages, 72 oakum pads,
4 drains 1 inch wide, 2 yarda long.
II Bains 2 wide 2 yards long.
4k drains 1 2" inch wide. 1 yard Ions
0 gauze rolls 4 inch by 1 yard, 20
waate gauxe compresses hxl2, 28
pair pajamas, ' convalescent rohea
thai will make your Interest even
keener than will Ihe srenea that will
lite iii tour memory
iihsoluti It mil The work is truly
Aincrcati and eharltalde In
sense of the word.
ii.-ip nils num. nn ist along a sent the messages of Intrigue through
guild cause The local committee i,l n, unlit lieu he atleiupteil In
hasn't had llgee In gel around In PM hate M.-xIco and Japan enter Into al
tou D.iii'l use this as a defense jlm,,, in .itlaik us. for which thet
w!ih your own conscience, cull up were In incite uur Western and
on,, of the loci'l Kiiighls of I'iiIiiiii- Snulhw.-,t(Tii states Thank io
tins and tell Ihem Ihut ton hate a few Japan ..ud Mexico, ih.i e.mld nut he
laws in destroy us al hum. Mowl" foor-loeh eumpreaaoa. Mrs M
what Is )..ur duly, clllxen and reader. ,,r ,;l.nn. MM M .1 Ktans. .Mrs.
when you consider thlr In the trueJl""' y'" Havie. Mrs I I'.lmn .t rum,
Hghl? i Mrs Mai Thomas. Mr. Kratik Kurd
1 1 I lirnpi i Mrs Krlile
II. .. Mrs I-rank Cassldy, Mrs D
MoUIII, Mrs SH HuiiNuii. Mrs C. K.
ppj hi Mi r'ruiil. I'I'iiiLi l. i
in s M Mi. nun Mi I
llliigl Mis C A Webh, Mrs
litlii liuxell, Mrs l.nio liuerln.
n'i tdolpli flrano mi- i anhlar
I. Ilosklns or llaker. I ..t.e.i lliil-
l.i . Asked to Slum ltcsMinslbll
II t anil M.llni to I
plele I on 1 1. o I
dollars lor their run. I. .unl Hut
be M9ry glad in I all
will worked b Hermauy at this time , Mra lllckot
Ml S. hides,
i i
After considering Hie two bids ol
Hecailse nf the great peed lor
nurses for Hie Army Nurse Corps
certain requirements have beeu wait
ed for the period of the war enter- fered for Hie work ol the Malheur
I'.eucy. Heglstered nurses are prefer- Drainage Hislrl.t. were orig-
re.l. bul registration may be waived, h. dieted in he loo hlgli, the
Nurses between the ages of 21 and directors' in a ipeclal 'flon loda)
4 5 will new be considered, aa well as to entertain a modified pri position
those who are graduatod iroui hoa- suhuiiite.l ny J It lloskius of liaker
pitais of leva than 100 beds. I'ndcr who offered Hie luwe-l bid Ills of-
the temporary revision of rulva they fervor titrifted Hie being IST,
aieuot required to perctiase new gPi-474.&4 The on I) other offer, thai
forms ol Shea , l.ind of Pnitlalld. al
A nurae traveling under orders bj fl40.2llii I : 'llr concede pipe
giveu a llrat-iliiss ticket, Pullman Shea l.ind made an offer of 1IC
ear a. uiiiiiio.laiii.u .. and traveling 817.43.
is not to cxcei'. $4 50 a tfter llateiiiug Io the prnpoaitlon
of Mr. lioskin.- repreeentathra nn-
HKNMAKK'H KKHTA1 HATe) board asked htm to aPfaaer bofl
M THrMTHHH OUkWkV U " H pnsMlde i, l.ow in- abll
Theater and reatauiant.i In Iwn-'" '" '" Uo work nod his laaoospl
mark close at 10 p in Io save lights reepoiislbillty
To save kerosene. i nil ia sold at a'
,.,.,.,,,. I b, ,,,,,. tIMI( tU m SI ITIIIiili" IWMIhN In lit: S41.U
IN Mtlll.t i:KHt TW,IT
In tiregnu are particular Inlereated Urulg,
in kmiwlng of such pint, tor it ahoeri Weheoe
I be liiientliiu nr lleruiaiit iii make es Weiluesilat . Jinn., is ot Jnpa nporarll) ui i M nprwoa
mini she .mild lake us over, If slu Vlrs Kiddle Mr l .. btl
"Hllilluge " hooks, eun 1, 1 1 li lug . oup
0411, Mrs d Ml Wll on. Mrs
i Mi U Trow,
Mb.s Palimr. Mi H I bh In- r or
i Mrs i ... hr,.iii, Mil I bOSMSV
Mis II. .nh Mrs.
Thiiisdat . Jul. 'ii t I n 1 I 4!l
w ins the war
lleriisturlf. while still in Washiu
ons good lor admissun in theaters and ion plotted against us and uui n-
entertaiiiueiit leuls si the Army i an sels and helped in the murder ut ion,
loameaia. will be on aale In nearl eninhai.iut passengers nn the l.usl
every city and town In the rounliv ihih.i II. phdi.-d slid knew nl ih.
during the week beginning January deal run inn of vessels In be .1
e.i before doatrvetloo was wmugi i" Mrf w
The books which come In two sixes and htlppd bj Hil- wat In d.- ' Plnney Mrs nuihram, Mra
to sell at II and IS, are to be used H.-iu i.iialnly hate bang 8l ' A Md4oi Mi- H Mcliill. Vir-
H regents to men In the . amps Tin- Inched BJ H.-riiiany and In rman ol Irani- ll.irilman. Mr- May Tl n
cuui.uns which lh eoiilain are pood fh nils t.lihiu our own borders Mrs A Trim, Mrs K lllaebaht
for any theatrical event nr Obletola Wo date with us u who aay i'alm.i Mi- Ileum it, i Istm Mi-
in. ut staged under Hie direction ol Bi tfaotlld nut send an army to Ku ' hat PatefaoO, Mrs Kilil, II, iter
Hi. S nr and Navy coininssiun nn tr.i r. , unild wail until w. h- Ml W lltOl lilenn. Mr. S II ti.o
111 I n g -cm m p act I villas . stacked ut nun .m in Horn Ml liuik Kader, Mis A
Ihe iniiioritt thank Hud. but Ihe) Spmiil, Mr
Jaquli Ii
t.l ISM t t.n. KM Mil h l
live n.-tertheless They an traiioi-
io our country ami the greal principle
I, I. King, Mis I'aul
Her in Mi I. M
or majoriit rule and t.i II. t ,n
allowed io gu li- lend aid
Among Ihe rcgulat Inns for the re , ,, , ,,, t, enemy hi iheir iusld
gist I. n Ion ui QertnU -i" "' - la I ,. attacks on the gut eminent and
liiiled riial.-p during llpe flrat week.ur Bfiy ,,,! by trying to disioiir ' ulliersun. Mr.- Orolf, Mrs
of Kerbuary. are as follews: tft, r ,,. taajgj going ta MvOf
All Herman males uf Ihe age c.r 14 i,, i,K,t our botth men
Adams, Mrs
..i .ui, Mrs
Krhlat , l.uiuaiy I I 1 III Pugige
84 con I Mrs lln
Mrs Cm lira in. Mr I BOPR I Mi-
I lotell
Mra. (ussldv Mrs Tmw. Mi
Palmer Miss Vandyke. Mr- MoQlll
rti holes, Mrs
H.ii-Hii Mrs.
.. . ... ...... -s-ii i tMi. . i tl. ix no i
14 bed shirts, 21 nightingale. Ilk "' ' oulm " "" '""" ""
calr aocka 48 wristlets "1 helmels "" '" hl"K "'',',' f"r lighting. 11 la A. cording to the i I theae
54 sweaters I eetlmated 200,01)0 acetylene lamps lectlve service rountry boys do uui years ami upward an- nuiuied tn would do nothing to lulu the conn Mis
are now n proeaaa of majafactura nnw much physical supemrltt oter register Notiee m Mine and plan- irt ul n,,. A.,, even If the (ieruutu Kl
lislillaiiiin of all kinds of al- those of the cJtiee Fur purpose- of of registration will Ih; giteu by publi umy would walk Into their homes,! Saturday. Jauttart 12, Ml sponges
Goverument bargee have been.cohol exoept for lnduatrlal naea li , conpariaon aelectlnna waa made of ration in news papers ,,l In ihe en Mrs Cgaaldy, Mrs i It Kiulson Mi
placed in servi. e OJB the upper Mia- : prohibited. A large part of the clltee of 40.000 to 500.000 population , The affidavit of eaUi regtatrant enij ol oui .nuatry as pre. Herman ' John Wood, Mr tot BlabU Ml
sUaippi. and through tim -rninHut atalllable alcohol will be needed for ajul a eorreapoudiug aet of routines muat be ac. umpaiued by four un and would be granted the rights of a Cbaa Peterson. Mra. Krunk draper
aasiatauee a now aeet u io w DUta use In the Bear langlujaarejH laaipa at tha aeme total else la th- phyet moented phomgraphi. signed ictomi , ictor Hhoeld we stand fur aurh Mfaa Van Dyke Mrs itwndall Sage
Sugar Is being muted by It is estimated trial 2,000 too ef ral eaaaiinaiioaa 2 47 per cent of tee the face so a net to nbacare the laaoa befaa at large Mra H. boltw, Mrs K M fling, Mrs
foi .--erii.e
aorgea from Louisiana plantation to j train will be aaied by the aew rego ;.lry boy were reja4loo." a egalo.i rentarea. and the finger prlnU
New Orleeat. i la Hon. ! 17. per eeat of the eoeelry beye ,eacb regiatraat meat be tahea.
.f'aye. Mra. Kaaaaaaaee. Mr. IH-
tfeetlaad on fage Hi