PAOKSIX ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1918. A Pair of Extra Pants, Mr. Man Will make that suit do a good while longer PICK A PAIR From Our Stock Hundreds of trousers to choose from of patterns and sizes that were chosen with a knowledge of men's tastes and at prices the same as you have always paid here. ONE LOT of extra weight, double faced French worsted, all wool pants in patterns of grey striping, made thruout by finest hand tailoring at . . $6.50 SPECIAL VALUES in Men's Pants of pure worsted cloth that will give the very best wear, colors of striped grey that will match out your old suit and give you a lot of extra (go rn wear at only . JpODU AM. 8I.F.H IN KHPKCIAI.I.Y I.AKCK AR80RT MKVTH IN THIS LOT SPECIAL OFFER Of one lot of men's heavy cotton worsted pants, bought to sell at $2.50. As usual, owing to superior buying facilities, these pants were 50c below the market and therefore makes them an especially good value at our CLEAN-UP d- or price of ... .... tpX.OO Sios 2H to II waist. ALEXANDER CO. ONE PRICE CLOTHIER Ontario, Oregon OMAlllii NATIONAL NOW .-.. KMIS tColltlllUCll llolll Ft I'M I'Hfct I MM "' " ll"' official in bunk ejipiMMx'ii tka MM thai tkaU Jet'OI'll is MHIII- llHt llllll-Ul Tin- (lull . Ik hi folio lB the mi hum i bnUij aj iiii1 itoelfholdara i w ii i'ii Hie old uffn.1- won elided Those pi-' in .11 i !. .Iiiiikt w. !.: J It ltla.kuht, U Adam, T J llrohiiau. i Ii Kii.imu.. Kail llltick. nhy Y F Iloiimn, I' c. lifi.i K Ki.i.ik. inl Q, K. AikM Mm I'lim lull t tn k iiiiin i hi. ii. mi l Friday afternoon in honor of her llillr Kim Frank - Huh blrlhd) A number of hull' bpyi enjoyed Uba tauica and refreshment. H. I.. (.1(11 I IN ItlKK lOllimiM. OFF.rUIIOM Contluued from rlM Page Mildred, aged I, mid 0 brothers. Hi tut or urn. ti in, James of Priae .ml two slalom. Mi HoRuiau mi luniiira ami Mrs. Mary High of Bakwr K Locked tiriffln was horn iii ltii demon, Kentucky, February 2, mil . aim- lo Ontario In I Mi:, hi. io ii. oiheuki'U iu i He cattle buai- Kin In IHOi hi married Mis is. u mi ine eiun lu mat year, too. In. engaged in the merchandise bu laaaa which n toiumueii until IS. ti when be Btil.i to W T I auip kin He then united Iii Hltoshoue. ldakn, ami after three years real deuce there returned to Ontario aud I I became agent of tbe Standad till roinpaay, which position be resigned on September I, 111, In order to engage in the -iieep business near SIloMlOUC He In SIluMlOIlM until Just a t .ek.K before lit death, when he look hia family to Home io auter achoul. Ax a testimonial or tli eateeiu Id which Mr. Griffin mm held the lni.i ue house of Ontario closed Mon day from -' to .1 o'clock while the funeral service were held at the Masonic hall. Rev Charles U. Powell .0.. luiled the mt IMS while the rti -h of the Knlghta of Pythias ware gnen at the grave The pall bearer worn Jake Uregg. Vern i Chamber, Charlaa iiarvln. Charles j 'o w. J M Conner and John Land- lughaai SANFORD IS NAMED AS STREET COMMISSIONER i Itr Oinnrll Divorce Day Marshal- ship and Htrcevt Nnpctrtntcndnnic Ma Realncn Police rVercci M I A MATTRESS 0NA WARSHIP. It Ii Both a Comfortable Bed and a I Fine Life Preserver. II must nrforil consider:! hie consnln lion to i he nnvy reeniit to renllze thiit the uiiittrcss mi which he slcci M . oiiirnri.iiiii nt ntirht will .stand him in cowl stead in raee of nn bi Hdeut HI the )Ojirll Inrreaaew Nalarjr of Herorder CITY EMPLOYEES ARE RETAINED IN OFFICE At .'iiljonrni'd meeting of the City Council Wednesday ernaim: C, M Hanford wan employed an ulreet oonitnlHainiinr for I lie fCttf U18, and the dutlea of that office dWorred from that of City Marehal. Acinrdlng to the provisions of the Hgrroment between the City and Mr Banford he la to uw hla team nnd equipment whenorer needed and is plared In eharge of the streeta, allot . end Hldewalka and no long aa hla ner vlrea nr aatlafactory ho la to be re tained at a aalary for hlmaelf and team of $150 a month. In a general way the rommlaaloner will lie auhjer.t to the utreet committee, hut he wan given to understand that It waa to be an eaaentlal part of hla work to aee that needed atreet and sidewalk re pairs are made Immediately and not wait for the commute, to hunt up jobs for him. The members of the Council were emphatic In their determination that lue atreat romralseloner nbould be "on the Job" and kneo the streets Other HUpe-nda Ham aa In 1017. shli. In fm I. the very buoyant? wnu h makes It snob ii nmfor'ahle lied Is also the quality whh b makes It liosslble for It to lie imverted at n inoiiient's M II. n Int.. i. llfn t ll i ! i f 1 I ' I Hfl V M I III1 I'l'I' ir fence Moathl) B vi,,,,r ,,f ",r nipndm"'t made Tka are siurfed lih kl i '" lh" ! which bring all of the pok. a Ikhiir thiin i urk innteiliil ivhh h I eli-ctlotiM In Oregon on the same day Is ItniKirteil from Hie Went Indies in Mayor W 9 lloman and the members liiilis -.Inillnr to hales i.r COttOB It Is ' f ,)P Qfty Ciuincll nre serving an ad niinle frOSI the nils iiiid sill, or ii tree .... . Thp . i,0 with the meeting Monday evening. While the eleiioil offlrera held omt hy virtue of the law, the ap pointed offleers did not; they anenred their poHltlons by re-nppolntment. All of the officers were retained. The only change was that In the salary of City Hecorder. C. M. Htearns, who lias been employed at jb75 per month and was raised to $100; P. J. Hal. Ingher Is again City Attorney at $25 per month; Dr. II Whitney la City Health officer at $5 per month; H. c Parmer Is Day Marshal at $90 per month, and Marlon Jones waa re tained as Night Marahal for the pres ent, no definite appointment being made pending the consideration of changes In the system. not lllilike the i ollon t 1 tl'i'i'. hilt III stead of bttog I" puny hulls the kapol Is III slender threads, which when mm presicd make n iiuims Hint Is six times niniT buoyant thnn i ork Thin ImeiM of the knKik nre Inclosed III stnuii' ftcklag for the iniili Each mattress is provldi-d with tiin Ioiil' enoiii-li lo tie iinuiuil the hmly and : over the stioiihlers If reiiilrea only a minute to ndjtist them She Km What to Take. Five -year-old Mary, who Is always anxious to Ik? In everything that goes on. lives In a smsll town where the long suffering mlulsler still endures donation parties to make hi hack sal ary. Just before the last one she beg ged eagerly: "isn't I take eomethin'. too. mm rer?" "Nn. If your father and I take some thing, that will las plenty." Hut the . luld eoiild not iMstr to giv nnd aldewalka repaired and see that ' up the Idea Ho she ransacked the the alleys are cleaned. After hiring Mr Hanford the quna tloa came up relative to the reduction ol the police force. Several of the Council expressed the belief that there la now ao need for a day mar shal and surges tod that but one police official bi retained and he go I on ahlft at 5 p. m and work until morning. The metier was discussed nt some length but no action waa taken. whole bouse for something suitable Finally she apiTared before her mother with a worn and faded dreaa of ber nan. "Please i.iii'ifr, can't I lake this flee, lis Hot a eik of geisl for slit thing." she urged hrlsllaa Herald. SOLDIERS LIKE SOCKS OF MUD KNITTED VARIETY b A member of the OlympU lied Cross waa reccnllv at Camp Lewis at. tending the mund-up. A young of-' fleer a stranger -observing har linlttlnr. ..i.t very esrnestly "Iii. you know, nothing In the world la such a comfort lo ua as these knitted things, e. peclally the socks. Win. Chen a fellow gnts a nrexnut of a ' pair of these real wool, handkult M.cks there la as much excitement as over cutting the wedding c:ki hi it body gathers around and adim aod on vies You sec. wa have to war our shoaa till they are pretty fat gone, and for trsi-iptng around lu this mud all day In thir. shoaa there's trthlng like these hand. knit socks. R.ri Orsaon of Wale. Hi i 1 1 II the llri.l of the Tudor nioiiinlfs I ii i ioiIiu isl H.e risl drHgou 1 of a is Into the rot nl ((milanl HfUr the lislile of Itii-tti'i ill. QBMB Mar) kaai It rnaafWRt, and Jueeu l;iln n'ii Hi'lii id It but it was finally dlaplaeed ss one or the ipiarter lugs h.t .1 Minis I In fat oi or the mil oin nnd ha i.i'ter -Ime lain si i ortled s ;ihn i' on I he innuiiri h oiisimiiiI flat: King iinrfc. however, tt hen the Welsh OiismIs tt aihl'il la Hie armv a ten tears a'o siirot ad ot the red dniKoii helm; einhhiroard a i Hie klui: t nihil or ihul legliiieul. l.omliHi I'hrOil ii le. Piri'ln War. True ponelnlii mi net it i .nuln. aj In I'eista. hut hard piista mmi elsln In Per elan Ouins aud siyles of deioiallon fBj made In "lil n ii for the Persian market Wills etteis ttllh .nttdei Idue glsXi anil Ki'M oterclsri' de inniioii. small isse and lam Is ttlili I, unite lusler glaxe and desigua reserteil In while are found lu tulle, imns of Perslsn ware, but these are ungneMI inside of Chinese origin. Mt'NICAI. INHlR..Vt K MiN Ml VM RtltUII lltslMss VOK BALK- Hay In stuck or delivered. Phone 12$. J. FAMOUS CANADIANS COMING TO ONTARIO Will Oellter Address Here n Nnaday I tenlng, January 27 Vale la the trt. i -iimm- -No Admission Asked: n Funds Solicited. The State Council of Defense Is sending thruout Oregon to tell the people what the war nally la, three ruinous Canadian officers, Major f II Kdwards, Lieutenant Colonel Mae.Mlllan nnd Captain K J Cook These men left Portland Wednesday lor a trip thru the Willamette valley nnd will come to Kastern Oregon dur ing the laat week In the month, teaching Ontario on Hunday, January 27. On Hunday evening they will speak In Ontario and in the afternoon they will be at Vale. There will be no charge for admission to their lecture and no funds will he solicited there Pruce Dennis, secretary of the HUD Council (,r Defense, emphasized that point in his advise (o I ha local chairman. cloae to low F. K Hanford.1 tr OK. W. O. HOWK DKNTXST riioaaa v-llaon Bldg Office 117 Kea. 117 W. I., i mini Insurance man, mgaltal daaler and directory dlraatoi wnen not serving on the City Coun cil, haa added a new Una of bualnesa to his repertoire On Monday morn ing he became manager of the Purity Hakery, havlug purchshed Uie inter est of Harry Morrow. ! "' "" it m iT" i Mr. y armer i nt Mm mi mih i: M HF.TI KNtvU '1st HIM HO M the meeting of the stockholders of the Malheur County Agricultural association I A Fraser waa selected to take the place or C It. Bmlson, who declined re election All the other members of the l(7 board were re-elected and it is believed Hat all will qualify, tor the success I ted last year has taken the fair ot the doubtful els. s OKS PKINiNtj A WEK8B Oatai Ut. Oregaa Office la New tVilsoa Block. Office houra to 11 2 to 4 IKlN-tl KK rRANsFKh. KAGGACB AND EX PRESS Meata all train JtJHN I.ANMNGHAM tk$-W Octarto. Oragoa First Vu.liti ami Oualitt First At SAMPSONS ONLY will toil nnd llieje in-l riiiiuui. Planus and PL. The Stelnaay, Hie Starr, the I Pond, the Itichmond the Trayaer. tlie Scha hT Bros the Fran, is ttacon. the Iteiniuglon Victrolaa- Kdltona. Ed laou and aud Victor Kecorda. Qlhaoa Mandolins and Huitars, Carl Hlatx Violins , .arr.v eierytliing In music on eaay terms Write for tala loguea SAMPMON MUSIC CO. l-tcgeai Mu.u- llouaa in the State 111 Main St.. Bolaw, Idaho Bant Sbaat Music Stock in Hoiet Do You Want Gash? We believe in the CASH sys tem, and we practice it in our business. Bring your produce to us and get your money when you deliver the goods. We Are Buying Produce at the Highest Market Prices EGGS, per dozen - -CHICKENS, per pound TURKEYS, per pound a 40c 15c 22c Ontario Ice A Cold Storage