The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 10, 1918, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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STlye ntarw Argius
(Established 189f.)
OBO. K. AIKLEN, Editor and Publisher.
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon,
and entered at the Ontario post office for
distribution as 2nd class matter.
SUBHilKIITIOttS One Year $l.
The Pledge. I pledge my allegiance to
VjYlAg and to the Republic for which
t etands; one nation, indivisible, with liber
y and justice for all.
Being ixn partisan in public life oomei
prctt near to Being I Hon entity. In the
daysof political strifV ;i man era nevspap t.
if either pretends to have character, must
have ncrvo ami back lione enough to take a
itand and llol in a wisln w.idiv paudei ,11-
t- cm i yone t ry rarrv w Rter on l"t h ahould
A- i- of I'a'l Hi be no iUell
thil n lias mil
ill.;, ublic affair
Mm - if Mm' iv ko pucrilt
position ami i fearful I
poaition will Inirl his bii line is v, ith the op
posing faction, thai is all rcry well. He cau
do to, It is Ins privilege, but If thai is tlie
ease that person or thai publication i i
finds its level. Its influence is judged ) its
lack of personality and it is deemed what it
really is. a mere buncotnbing institution try
ing to find a position where, after election
it can seek favors from either side ahould the
political irinds bear men of divergent opin
ions into office.
That is not a mw role in newspapers. It
is the old gag of an attempt on the part of
men who have not manhood enough to stand
up and say what the) think to bind; tin
readers of their papers in holiaveing they
are t r i i iu to hpiw a high and noble purpose,
Aiiah . their effoi l and see for J otimelf If
it is not tine. Think of an man that yon
know who is nlways trying to agree with
everyone. How much use have you go1 for
In - opiuiou on any huIi I low Butch use
have von 'v tl pininiiH of a newspaper
,il del
Mlfco ED.
This is a political J ear ii ' '
r i in t a . -lit
v lien t ;
i patt'iol I that kind nl i. ree
quarters at each citv and count ill the
This record will have a practical value
for future drives. Bach committee in
charge of Red Cross, Liberty Loartoraome
other kind if I government drive can have
access to the same record.
This will not only be a great conven
knee to each committee, but it would also
avoid doing an injustice to contributors who
have been over generous. Incidentally it
would exj) the professional hyocrites,
each of whom pretends to hnve contributed
to other drives. The number of these hypo
elites is considerable.
Aside from the practical value there
would be secondarily a historical value of a
record of this kind. When our soldier bos
come home the record would tell the storv
to them as to who were their real friends and
who were simply noisv pretenders.
Such a record would be a Doomsday
Book for many a stingy highbrow who
aspires to political or social prominence
The names of patriotic campaign work
ers also should be recorded. Oregon Voter,
'In nhiing, 1 1 1 1 ait' coini . i ion
drh es and more dii I -.
There will be one or two big ili i
month, ami each drive will require big eon
1 1 i but ions.
Our poeketbooks will suffer, but we
must make good, To complain reveals ig
norance of the I essities.
Kven in stricken Belgium the R d Iross
is supported todav nioiv lihei alh Ic. the em
ployed civilian population than it is, in
America. The business and propertied p
pie of France, bleeding France, are mihscrib
inn ten dollars to the Red Cross where we
Americans put up dollars.
In Great Britain the private giving has
been Slid continues to be on so colossal a
scale that our donation- seem insignificant
in comparison.
Toronto, Canada, is little larger than
Portland; yet the private subscriptions col
lected there for war relief aggregate $8,000,
IHMi, or more than ten times what Portland
to llllte lias sllbseiilied
ill what Hllfferinu
ifh ' . uisl i ou w ill irate lejo
the treiiieiie ol drive, UrcgoU oi
I ' i' pusl Week I h. ! ha-
. !' all Iturli
Thin pttc Ik devoted to the expression of the opinions of the youth o
of lb Seventh OraHn
Onturio an I waft nlltPrt by the peg
VOL. t.
ONTAItlO. OREGON. MNVAfii 10, I8t7.
An Kditoilal l mippoHe.l to be the
editor' llioujclit and what the paper
U partial to. -Frank Van Petten
Never before In the hlntory of the
United State nan It been nereaaary
for the American people to think and
act an one. We have now joined In
Thai la the question before tM
nndn of people today. Thin la
to thla country they pledaed their
allegiance to our country and our
dear flan. But now, after war la de
clared BY ORRMANT, they take Ger
many a aiae Hayin. ... .n u. . .. .,.. ,., ,, .,, ,,,, ,,,
of paper.' Why aldn t they at.y I of
Germany If they lor. their de.r JJ r y, MJ
Fatherland" ao much? of
Germany ought to i.e maoe in pay 0BrB ha?et,.t
ti I.. - -.mi ,r rtwmn v ittwwt
iif'lgiuiri large rih v """ ;
In Hin Rtatefl that havon't lliln
the war. not to .how our atrength. f hM ,(d crlpplr, whlon ' '"""7 "" ','.,,
but bo.auae we w.ah to preaerve S ,, 3 hy 0nlHnB aml '.ihl.lon law. . pnraon ean behold
,.... -i. i,.,. . . . in d m sery On payday tln BMI
n. get drunk and t
nnd. hy the iluie I
ii' hiivr' of H
If lint lilt of It. I
Democracy. Our allien who hnve
briivelv been flgbeing for tiiln Just
caiiHe are not iMf l hoM out long
and we muni prepnre ouraelvea to
t: !,! iii tin- 1'iirili'ii
mllltarlam. They alno ought to he
forced to build with their own handn
what they lore down or dentroyed.
Kranoe owea (In reality I her country
In IIHellllil I'lirN. the ciililliil. Htld
(Jcrnmny In hy no meann yet '""-1 pr(,,)B,l1v ,,P w,,. f Krnnco
.. ..r...w t...v ...nM l...... 'limn ila. ..
, Mil It I I." I 1 1'" I III. . I III. ..- . .i ' ,,.,.
Hiniy.-il tlii-y have women to lM In
tli. llolil
Ii I i iii'ceHnary Unit uml foot!
to our lm tlrii r' nl Hie front
Inr ii Sn Kigfl lln food ' mi-
i ; Hon ledge Help oiw OOVB
i . Marfan) BHcl
told misery On paydny
to tli" naloon. get drunk and t
. , mpiinlonn, nnd, hy the time t
t linnie. tl
money spent
The inom Hciit fm booze ia;
m -t . i... ...... nr
Inun fnllen Into (lermnn '" piini. ...
i... i i,..l,l h..r M.'iitrHlltv family. Thin In not tha only hi
." IfllHl
of :l 'Ii II
tiii; IR.
If tha Allies win.
Ininiln .,,..r Hiiiei until Invadad hip forced on tha family
. ., ....,.... i .. ..K.i.i, nil When II. e in hi e. men hri
n I ii'rilll'.liv'.ninn nn " ' ' " '".'
r'.ii.... ii,.. Inlteil S,le Krniice. drink lie
iiL.,1, ,.ui i.ka tha Alaaea Lorainae md elilldron. V b ''' ,mV
.luiri.'i .hlnh ai cantnrcd hy 0 l l ' ;1 '''
. Il.ilv Will I
II lllll 1 1 II I .
Hkali i iki in la' ' '
fmiiieriv hriniiKeit in Italy. Ruaata ir it is noi h if maka m tea. "nueli n iwaal tha Intel Bluti
arhal part of p.. nee" thai nhe win not ba laeladad imaka i Ian ualn i aalllng liquor
Oarmany, Ain-trln llulKiirlii mul Tur- Hiioiilil the C.ernmn'H have liberty
l,i Mill they tuke? coming to them after they hare done
ihlv the iiienlloti tluit gathers Hllr, , null lex'' Ho oii w:mt liberty
the niiiMt attention In army circles Is or ,() yon prefer the Kaiser's treat-
the very i nest Inn we ask ourselves nienf If you ilexlre liberty, get In
over mul over It Is very plain to an( "pnnli
If you prefer the
Anierlciuis to see thai the V. 8. will Kaiser's treatment, get out of the
urn n ike uti) thing of the mainland country and go back to your dear
..I tkaaa ewaatrlaa, The D. 8, went . Knlherluml '" Which do you pre-
luio UiIh war not for land or wealth.
Inn i.e. inue nhe was forced Into It, for
the nuke of humanity It was selfish
ness, greeilliieNs, foollshneas and the
thought of the upper hand that made
Germany go to war. She broke the
reoael of humanity half Into when
'he iioiiieil Helglum Germany de
clares she will. If she gels peace, re
store iiciKiuin Yet after aha la
i ii llttl" she will declare It
nnlliliiK but a scrap of paper
fer? Oell Thompoon.
I in in in uniform, li in Import
enough to tha real ninliltude ut ho
to complelely nbollnh the sale
liquor. -Wesley E. McConib.
In the time of the Civil war. food
cos, considerably more than It does
now. For Inntunre. now sugar costs
In per barrrl. rive :is per barrel
Inland lea. $101 per 2f. pounds Coffee
go was tour limes as guuh as It In now
on Muni Helglum. and those oer- Other prlcea were In proportion
urn niuiitrles to br rstored, gat In Conditions are out nn -lisil an IMP
ninl help the lulled States win the hne bean or codll I' QfMetiM
wnr When some Hermans coming that coal 9:1 6 4 4 14 in those days can
from their dear "Fatherland" came be purchnseii for $'!1 II now.
A pro-Uermun Is the worai pols
available for ii patriotic nnllon
ciiiisi- he sympathizes with the GgB
mans and thru him the Oertnan go?
nrnmeut receives valuiihle Informa
tion At the word of the Kalsr he dv
ntroyn contly ntiioiintn of grain nn4
iiinmunlllon. which In stored up ii
. ml to our nllles.
. Hu OaiwaiH who are patanaf wiiiil
people v. Im .lie lllll llllle lln patriotic
ur the majority, Won Induce these
I iiple In Jnln w Ith thi'in
If IM mil Inn In enterprldng
emu'gh It will either export thcae
I i : i m.illn III the In lift where Ul"V
baking or I r pampi
miller inniiil gaard I'rmik Vaj
ofruizes that the hiisiuesM liefore tin uneri , r many of the resid
ran ticoiili tola is win the war." ami to int ns miiild uoasihh lc reached, in
Those Home Made
that end even ""! Allicrieuii will work,
iiiun who eoHstruetivelv criticises.
short time. And a- WHH ant irijiali d hardl.l
n I i uiitiuu vtdew wan heard. Without n
even thu he is a member of the opsisite po-j single exet'ptiou fr ptrson hiterviewed
litieal art.v to the administration, never deelaivd a firm belief in the need for an
the Icvn hi his criticism mav lie sen'inu tin
public uoi'il far more effeetiveli than the
le official.
hurinu the iumI Ii w i th- linn' have
been il.mrant examples of jusl nueli results,
.mil im one more than the national ailninu-
tratioii should more grateful to the news
papers who have exMtaed the rutteumas
w huh has ei-ti d.
Take the case of the wool sJiortuKi'i stun
ulali d li the tt'lNirts of 'shoilih " makers.
"adequate suplv of pure sofl water."
It is true that one ur two w ith Ut bual
ness eaution reserved the right, before ui
itur ii eatogorieal exprt'saion, to examine the
details of the plans and specifications to de
termine If the engiueer had properly eared
for the needs of the eity within the hounds
ot reason at this time.
It is to he noted that mowl of the men
interviewed are hcilVV pfOlSU'tv owners,
Noted, too. that the recognise, aside from
Will not i i i rather and mother who has a Ihc sanitary and health view point the ae
son in the army vr ua he thankful that thetual liusincss aoumllU'HSof the pttsith u taken I
graftevs in high places were exixised, It
proves thai tlie function of critic is not with
out real use to the people,
f Huppoae we had m AmrHea the unimag
able condition of no sditii nl particM, no ma
I'liity, no minority; what would have hap
pencil h not inn- would ha e happened,
except that there would have hen more
graft; more rVniericttnbovH killed thru lack
of propel conditions iu which to live.Tltal I
Rveri student ofgoverumeul ivcogiUKes
the historical fact thai an active niinoriti
IU indispeiisilili I., the well Is'iny of a tleliuie
rac . Without siieh a uiiuoriti ii major!
It) will degtuierate into an autoi'raci That
is a law of hninan nature 'I'h. alnise of
power arows iroin iti too loiiu continued
ise. If that use he unchecked.
Of course the "Ole-oll s .1. m" which
the Malheur Kutcrprtse ex tolls ftir two eol
iiiuns in a recent issue overlooks that fiuida
oicutaj pysohologieal faet of humane nature,
but then what i the use of lettiuu facts in
tcrfers with anv effort to ride two political
a 0 g w aj aj
A recoiti of all coiiti-ihutioiis to patriotic
purposes otdd be kept at central heaii-
hi the 'itv Administration in its efftirt to
secure a water supply, Truly then is little
need for a rm unci it oil the Ktlbjoct. Ontario
cannot permit conditions l" continue long"
er. The water HI stem musl he huilt
s a matter ol good hlisiliess and nml
eitieiiship. oii will find th plans I'm- the
Water system proposed for Ontario intei.
mi; and Wofthl Ol study, Tiny are on file
for oiii inspection at the Pit Mall. Ask
t In I 'it li'ici.rder to show them to yon. I It
will he t" do it and win n some one asks
oii about the jiioposcd plans ,,t will han
a clearer idea of what is proposed,
As t rhal machine mniiicis, Prusident
Wilson ami Oavnl Uovd-t4eorge have the
Kaiser and fount llertlin- badll distanced.
The manner in which the each erftuated
the Kaiser y attempt to justify the iJcrman
peace terms left nothing to be desired. With
MO niam holes punched thru the Kaiser's
deceptions surely the (icrinoii people will
he able to "se thru him" pretty soon.
I M lilt
l.cml your quarters to warm the quar
ters of American soldiers 'over there.''
We have just installed a completely
equipped Sausage Kitchen. In it are
all the new meat cutting and grind
ing machines so that we can make
sausages of all kinds. If there is
anything special that you want in
the way of sausage come here and
we will make it for you.
Farmers, We Will Prepare Meats for You
For a reasonable charge, cheaper
than you could do it yourself, Mr.
Rancher, we will smoke and cure
your hams, bacon or other meats.
Bring them to us, we are equipped
to prepare them correctly.
You Save Money by Buying for Cash
Following the advice of the Food Administration, we have inaugur
ated our buamess on a CASH BASIS.
The Independent Market
FRANK (JTZ, Manager.
.i .. ... . ii.' i '