The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 10, 1918, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Permit I ii. m Water Howd Hhow
Kvklriire of lnmpeit) Mal
heur l.hwiiKk Company Mid
He Ml Hgurw la Permit.
iinr hundred and nine permits to
appropriate water and nine permits
to eonatrtirt reservoir Including the
Irrigation of land aggrcnatlnK 10.-
39 ace, and water supply for three
municipalities, with an eatlmntcd
eoat of construction totalinK $294..
117. 00, were Issued hy Hfnte Fngln
eer John II. Ijhwm during i h- Iuhi
quarter of t lie yaur ill 7
f'arhnp the most Important per
mits Issued (IiiIiik thin quarter wT"
secured by Um Malheur Livestock
and l.iinil company to nppmpri :ite
the waters of Crowley Creek Hescr
voir to Irrigate Home two thousand
acres MkIii permits were issued to
inrlvlililiil put lo; In Mils routit nml
wrrii him nri'd an follews:
To ciiiih i.. cook el Orowiay to ir.
rlgiito L'l s hcii'i , in T. M Murlls of
Harper to Irrigate 60 urns from Jim
Kiting .reck . to Tlllle Arkerman of
l ton It ti to Irrigate live MM from
neighboring springs; to Kmil Baker
of Hk ii II springs to IrrlKntr forty
acre from Cold Spring crook. To
Margicflia Kim.' of Harper to Irrl
Kate 20 iici'h from Malheur river, to
Smltli Wllaon of J unt ii nt to Irrigate
two htm from Tub apri.iu., to tlol
li. rt Patterson of llnnlta to Irrigate
eight arrea from Hull) creek, to I'd
inina Patterson of llonlta to irrigate
15 acre from Clover creek, to Kid.
fhaver of Itockvllli' to Irrigate Ltl
acrea from unnamed rivers; to Kred
The Seminary of All Otter In
By Horn Buying tha Ctniumir Halpa
Not Only Hit Tiwn, but Halpa Him
tlf Kvary Man With a Haart Levaa
Hamt and Town Seen Shauld Bo
Conaoianaa Stricken.
' '.pyrlKhted. 114. by Thomas J Sullivan I
'Inly tin' inline f.iuinl ,i alnli'. It
- tin- aemimiry of nil other iiistltu
Ions There la gle in thut Itttlfj
v.i.l MM It Is mystic rtnttf Hint
-tiiroiiiid riunforta mil Irt iich uuer
klMWB beyond Ita hallowed limits
" M
Wa Bead not potter af ap-'endor, hall ..r lur.lly .loiur
TI..- Oad Him tun-, tha tender -Thaee
form tha wealth of horn
Oaitroying Yaur Paradiaa.
The n-tiill ii. all order houses are try
M t" ili-wt ruy your home and your
paradjas) by iMMMkl yon to buy your
necessaries from thum Instead of your
anal men hunt, to the Injury of mji
Icme Industries, home inaik.-t and
'i'.iuh town
There la ao innrh difference In liming
g'l of a MM place of huiucs and
".I.Tinii tin 'in tiy mull from u i sin
. (M botiai" rriuii a mere picture or de
i i hti. .ii lliil I want to lailnt mil a
i. i f.'i. M that many may never have
thotalM of
May Emanm and Salaot.
A I tile lintlle MOfV )'iu llllkc oil I
wants known; tin- mhnmmii sh.. rati
Kwlsel of Ontario to Irrigate lit I !' JMlrWU arlh-ta bidpa M t or sin
-. i ti..- article I.e. i suited to ..'ii'
rlct; to C. C. Hralth of Nyaaa to Irrl R
gala 140 acrea from the Nv.
Arcadia dlalrlct; to Prod Kllnghark n"IH '"" '"" '" "l-l" la , ,
... .inn- Hie quality, to ve the alvle. to
.Mill llllli. II' I of , ,1 , J l
rfoli., I lit,, u ii, ,1 I'.tlitr .. Ii.. ..a..
,-ffia , vivi, n ! ihv
Irrigate II uml 2i acrea IMDactlva
ly from the Owylioe rler; to An.
drew (Ireeley and AC Cuniiliigli:iin
to Irrigate 40 acrea from Carter
The total coat of the above pro
Jacta aa proponed aggregate 9,
Oa Shapin at Mama.
1'lie atocklug waa the flnal atraw.
Meat hum ulna ttmiib bltchea up old
;ftea. and he and hie wife plodded iu
own again through ilie aluab to gwt a
te.iia tl.l.- aupply of i.'hil'tma glfta.
What tbey dona-lit llieu bad t lie guar
ante of the manufacturer, tbe dealer
ii. n then owa eyea. for by thla time
ehv Knillha wereatrli ily from Mlaanurl
Tliei had had their kaaaaaj
Km liuw many tliouainl of Huillha
anil .loiieaea In thla country who have
had a i...n. but heallate Hi fact, ab
BoluicU refralii-frutn letting their
nelgliin.ra and frleuda know that ibuy
have laa-ii through tbe Mine eierl
The leaaon Ibat (hey do not ajmll II
M eaallr eiplalued la a few a.mla
Thej aie to ickimwleilge
their cupidity and are walling the op
"orluully to ... their oelghboi bile
Aft.f their nelgnlair fall Into ttietrap
IM de. Ideil that the beat ajnj .,
which their latalogn . outri t.e ejaa w.,
ha lav It under the t ie log ami iau
a nalldav taaae aulug le the old faah
'wiei ttiefuace
" Klcan Ragimanl Filled,
nan Juan. I'mi,, l:i, ,. .ri lit,.a
ha Iih.iikIii U reg ui i infantry
f the Called diatea araiy t full war
tfeuglh ! H,eu by tha veluniary
Mllaiiueiit ot (o uieu w ii hin leaa than
one i.nth A total lacroaae o( ap
aioiimatei, 140.1 u..u Ui lna than a
year waa made
"It'a a ftvat thma a uau to be
Well nifi'i'uird. '
Scni. lime. leplied Mr. Iiuaiiu
MM llul 1 bare lau I au aauib one of
It MM) Juu gel Hie iiiro.iuanu well
la advance. "-Waablugtou Star.
rraauantly the Caia.
'We MMfavenl la keep an
r our eipeiiillluica liul. afu-r ail, If
.11. In 1 give ua a veiy clear Mea of
Mra IM money went '
Win Ml
II. van-.' I... Hi nil wife and mvaelf
bail 100 ill a 11. i Ileum that ii wanlraa 1.
llat aa aumlries " laiinli
in 1.1 I.e. )'.m can 1 ouipare the dlrTeretll
idea nml then If ei er Itilmr U aatla
ui'l In your Judgment the price
ii uglii you will uiuke the pud-haae
Will taahange or Refund.
Wlum i.m get home and upon a rigid
iininailon you dud e flaw or mttr en
your pun liaar. or the article may be
Iihi large or tiai amall. or a black ta of a blue, then I lie uett day er
tbe week after you go to yonr dealer
11. 1 .i.lalH and be will gladly ei
. hangu the Itwao or refnnd the avoayay
And another matter worthy of
errioiia thought la thla: Huppowtng the
mull order hounea could aell ga.da
gMMW ami ever.nloilv wiHIld order hla
(Hda from them.
Tim local aloreo would ao.ui cil.t
M( in im it Von 11. 111!. I Hi. -ii ka
at Hie nier.i of (he mall order Iioiihc,
eii'lrely and Iw obllgeil In aend away
for urery thing.
uy Big Thinga at Heme. ,1 Marl . 1 l.i' ui.
Willi aiiiull piircliiKc 11 M ka 11 iiion
a) U gent awny for tlm big lliinga
I "
I'iu Hi". I mil reiuli only lii ruin
lag your home hade nml In helping t ..
build up an en. . 1 .... ui. . .npoi iiion in
aoiue faraway city
m at
Hie ralllirc to patronize home aae.
chain de MMM he laine or fariu..
and Ion 11 pr..u-ily I.e. uiiii', Inan lain
able, aa yon well kiiov. tliat If a town
foe back IkHIi heal and a.u. w.iaJlu,
valuea de recee
m m
Send yoiu money away; you get
nothing but the gjuaaM Seud mi
money at home, It will . euae beck t..
you In belier towaa, battnr ebaeaa aatd
better auclai advaajtagea)
Halp Build Up Yewr Own Town.
la 11 nut nml to yiMii Inlerewt to
help build up your ewn little city or
i..wii 1 ha a 1.. . eatribatw 1.. the up
building of atMue faraway large -ily ?
11 wot a ra. Ibat if your own
loan had loiaay MfBMatM Hi-lead ...
I (aa 11 vtouiil be mo. 11 Im-iici 1..1 .1
Tha following latter la an author!
tatlvn well worded atatement con
cernlng tha reaponallilllty of Chap-
tar oa tha work of Home Service and
le aubmlttad for your general Infor.
mat ton.
"Dacember It. Itlf.
"Mr. C. D. Htlmaon. Manager,
'Northwestern Dlvlaloa American lied
Wlilte liulldlng. Hnattlo.
"Dear Sir: - -Home Service, name
ly the work of tho It epartment of
Civilian Relief for the rare of de
pendent families of aoldlera and aall
ora, la a proscribed reHpon-ibillly and
duty of every properly organized
Chapter of the Red Croaa Cn.ler the
policy which tho American Red Croaa
baa adopted, there la no national
fund forthn support of thia work.
The enre of families of soldiers from
rli. 11 community is regarded as a
raaponaiblllty of that community. It
In therefore the opportunity and duty
..f e.i.'h Chapter of the Red Cross to
finance such work out of regular
t liniiier fumln. Just ns It flnnncea
eieri other Red Cross activity.
'As Mated In the Manual of Horn
Serine, 0. No Ml, l.inti'
1 the dnty or the I'iikui. Committee
of the Chapter to raise the tie. esaary
funds for Home Service ns well
for other work of the Chapter
money thua raised should he expend
ed under the direction of tha MRI
live Coiimiliteii which may well ad-
vnnree to the Home Bervlce section
or to the Chilian IMIct Committee,
M 'lie case may be, a working fund
iiifflclent for Us needs It Is there
fore the rc'.pouMhiliii of Hie Home
Service Section to prepare an estl-
of Ita need n iinilstibmil the
to the Km. ui lie Committee for
11 luslon n tin 1 liuptvr Ihi.Ii et
Specific rating has been made to
tha effect Hint inmmy refund il to the of Us 1 oiitrlhu
' 1 In tirat War r'und may appro
prlutely be expended for the relief of
families of soldiers and sailor and
for tha admlniatratlvn expenaea for
such work, In other word, for
Home Service This does not mean.
however, that refund from lb Wax
r'und are to be regarded ua the sole
ource of fund for Home Service
work.. Any Chapter fund not con.
trolled hv special designation may ba
drawti for tbl purpose.
"Youm very truly,
1 Signed 1 "H I) tillisnv.
"General Manager."
Flr Ameriean Peerage.
M recorded In a blatory or in.
Cask at Heme Tea.
Ux-al inert-h.mta will ijuota prlcea 1
.1 ai a aaod o low that catatouge and mall ara-wi Vfi.11 1 ibbib.
cued m a-. .. inua. aw 1 5 j jjjj iplw tMlt ,.. . ,un nn 1 nn
aWUlu, onlo DUAilll
named Muute after baptism waa made
a peer, receiving the rank of baron and
assuming the title of Lord of Rouuoko
ao far back aa the year l."H7. Some
wbal later. In I "., the title of Iaord
Delawara waa granted by Jamea I. ba
the new governor of Virginia. Latar
Mill. In 1033. Charlea I . among hU
coronation honor. ciHiferred the title
af Viscount Canada upon Sir William
laiaertano f the Beard.
The Importance of tbe beard waa ful
ly rscogtilxed In the middle ugea. Here
la a paaaagv tquoted by J. A. V. Or
baan In "8lxtlne Home "1 from a letter
of the writer. Ilartolouieo Catena: "II
la well tbat thou- wbo have ro lead
and govern ah. hi:. I have a long and fine
Issard. And I tan assure you that, tbe
gut eminent of ell lea and prut luce ba
been given to more than one prelate
las ante he bud a long and line bourd;
otherwise be were not worthy that
Rubber a Tree Give.
A ml. tier tree in lull inn t in it y pro
dn ivs from three in Ilie pounds of ritli
ber a rear, t -null v ulsmt hj irec
are filai.i.d la law in ie Time was
when I' tins the crude rubber MB
ter of the world, bin today the plant
tin ns ot Hie iir caul are producing
four limrs n- nun Ii rubber ua the for
est uf the A 1111170 n.
Nothing to Worry About.
"Oh, Heorge." aoblasl the bride after
the ceremony, "I have a loufeaalon to
ma, 1 1 lmte always i.eeu afraid to
tell you that I don't know bow ta
I '.ink."
Thai II be all nulil." replied Heorge.
"With tin- aalurv I'm making well
11.. 1 1 1.1 1 1- gaytaiH to cook." Cbn In
uuli Kmiulrcr.
Bat you muat pay caab. Mall orfjar
bsttaea demand tbe cash la advance.
Wby not pay tbe local merchant In ad
vance? Besides, when yau buy from
a catalogue you aend your money
away from your borne town Ton buy
from a picture sail wait a week or
IM days for tbe goods t arrive: then
yon open up your "rbj box" to see
what you really nave drawn In lb
lottery and wbat you bare to show
for yonr money. If you have drawn
owe of their "halts" yau tall your
neighbors and friends about It -In fact,
you will tell every one about It. If
you find, aa la usually the esse, that
you were "stung" you say nothing
about It: yonr Una are asalad aa tight lnKmn
"Mln- Ithewar
To Help Win tha War the Ontario
Library Hoard to Ksrhr-w the
"Sob Stories" New Hooka
Are Hooverlaers.
In the Intereata of economy the
public library board has decided to
"Hooverize'' its bonk fund, and tho
first step In this direction was made
when the board agreed to adopt the
'No new fiction until after
' We are askod to glvu up
Nor For Anything Else.
"Thst tncHsemter boy could
make a political success."
"Why not?'
"Hecntlse lie ti-ver . uilld lie liidii'.d
to ruu forotll.e I! iltln.-ire Annul, an
Irrigation Dam Breaka In Utah.
Kan-view. 1 tab lb dam of the
Price River l-rlgatlun company. II
mile, from loie. broke Thar WM
ao ins of I if Iu the town of Sebo
laid Helper, tattle Oat and alt 00.
wbJah wore la tiie path af tha U.ucsj
aura fsat af watar that waa
ta tha break.
11. ' 1 1 ! . i.
Expert Service
Charges and
Th Laading River.
You mav not hive hnnl of the
A, but It is the world's leading r.ver.
You know In what kind of li.t New
York Tribune
Ssrvant at Hods.
A curious custom eisla iu tbe town
of Port of Spain, in tbe Isluuil of
dad. Every year the aervutita. who ale
(II black, give a grand ball for tlieli
masters and mistresses. The I'rinees
building, a huge place where all public
entertainments are held. I etigugisl,
and everything I done In tbe best
tyl. There are two ball for danc
ing, one for the servants and tbe other
for their gneau
The beat baud iu the Island i engag
ed, ami the gtieaU are given a bauuuet.
Ktlquette I very strict and proved
nee rigidly observed by the servant..
the governor' butler and bjs lady go
tag In beora tha chief Justice' groom,
awl o on.
A Bagteetien.
Doctor tro pressing rredltari If yon
ami bring your bill every day, at least
yiu might coma with your head lied
p. wo that people would think yau
wra a patleal!
eating no many sweets and to turn
our attention to conservation In every
tine we must nelp win the war.
Novels are sweeta and while no in
tolllgent person would do without
them entirely It Is true that many
of the "best seller" are at beat only
. .111..'. -Hon of slight nutritive value
We propose to limit more strictly
our purchase of new novels to such
as li-ite well established claims to at
tention other than than that they are
"eat sellrra."
This Is an excellent opportunity to
get ac. 1 11, 1 inteil with those fine stories
you have iilways been going to read,
or to renew that delightful feeling of
lene.iini: old acquaintance y read,.
Ing the books good for all time.
Many new and worth while hooka
are on the shelve at the library
today and morn are being added
every few days
. . Some of the New Ones..
"My Home In the Field of
Mercy." hy Francis Wllaon Hm. 1.1
"The Cost of Food." by F.llen It.
"Feeding the Family.'1 by Mary
Sit an. Rose
New government Mullet Ins
'War Breads and Cakes."
"Substitutes for Meat "
"War Economy In Food '
The kind of treatmentSteady
cuatomors deserve Is the
Douglua Fairbanks In a Fairbanks
ci, iu. produced by the Fairbanks
company In typical Fairbanks style.
1 what tin iireanih.n.i ti. e.,.re win principal upon which we do
oner as its tug attraction next Friday
and Siiturd.11 ben "In Agniii. Out
Again" mnkis Ita appeurance here.
"Doug'' la known to he the best
medium for the removal of wrinkles
the country hns ever known, whlcu
Hint be is 11 I mlc for t iinnii
nn. I old ullke Ills latest i-crin ef
fort, the flrat Falrbanka reb .
11. V11.1.111 riituiih Corporation, i
fifty reel of Joy boiled down into
A t tractions
0TIKH, oltM.liN
Smiifcij. fewua.t
ii tlloi.H im huiion
Nine raelk Will raa on uow and
Accessories carried for all
kinds of cars.
(liisoliiie, Lubricating Oil
and Supplies.
Ontario Auto Co.
I'EIE 1)1 FORI).
Phone 1.14
M': 1
We have received all the coupon
bonds of the First Liberty Loan
that were purchased through us.
We are now making delivery of
the bonds.
First National
Ontario, Oregon
It I a niuMin BaYaea BBM '" ri
culture that hoildiig must be .1 I....
bite, suil, lata ibat etei.i linn- muat
I. done t it ir..s-i aaaaaan, bile
Hi. 'to is a third 1 is cit which remind
u that ..pi in rv loal can njeaag be
r-awineit I'ltni Ilia Kklei
Makes For Trouble.
"Jel bis aiian a in .u I ui w ay a gt lint
hiuiseir a a nt U M -ign IMI be lias a
BBjategasM diapoalllos)
Au. it laJi I Kilt Mb)a hi wife has
a gen. 'uuis BjlapaalttM us sign that
ke is I mat-. In hot vt.nei Hirmluu
hem agc llnaUl
Mam a man's vb-ew have at drat
'.en autblitg wors than tjul uuall
Its ruu wild Mara
Two Slittri Collapse Altar Attempt
to liul on Earning of
Brooklyn. After an attempt ..f thic
si-'. is to live on If) n week In Hook .N. V. two of i bem anlrauard n..u.
' ii.ilbui nml their . ..-. , i brought
hi the an. i ii ot ra .nil
Von., lleiiii.i William-.
Yi .- the ilevoied alateni it Ik. i , ih.
the trio went to bruuklya
ih.. i MfatMa .ibsi two mouib
I'.ln.i mi ill and Am,,. rimalUlnl a
b.iie lo care for her. Kleiinoi' will is
III h MMa curniiig IT a week u
this amount $.' went for rem ami If
is all there waa left fiw living e
p. ii-,. .
nrrt-jt nil saintn
Sunday cbool narv a ateiy s,uu
.try iiiuraiag at !: at tbe Adven
UM aktbrvb aaar tha grade school
Monday. January 14
im mot m mi i. it's
t o to lie or Not to Re Married
I'llc-.l.n't S
gray qh08t, currrnt
UtiniiiiK siiin, . Boob tor i.u. k
t hi -s.Ln . I. um, ii lit
I'll lll I IH III Kit It
ilurton Holmes Tr.t . I .
Tbiiisibiv, Juiiiiiii-t 17
Lady of the Phonograph
sllHil.KV MlMiN
I'. it lie New.-.
I i 1. 1. it. I. mo.. i i IN
IMlt t.. ls.s I UKIUNKM
Comedy Tooth Achea aud lleari Ache.
Saturday. Jan. IB
MWaswaVal r UaMafJsaal
Couibdy. Tooth Aobaa aud Haart Aebaa
t f?
Ontario, Oregon ?.,
JMWaan I'll
, -. m
I Painless Denfistrv hv Nerve Rlmiini I
" II - ' "'" ' -J ' ' .' ' afi J
1 It.
TTfTteJa HV THIS rTrMPirra?Tri UViHrAn B
Rj H
I fR. CRICHF1ELD, Boise. Falk Building I