She XXII ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREdON. THURSDAY JANUARY 10, 1918. NO 1 COUNCIL DECIDES TO E rr.niM.i wn.r in, kki to ok- fmOWl VMIMM OH not tii: r wukhs- tkm to OOI n itv. COUNCIL VOTE IS UNANIMOUS Ilnl Ntp Neccssnrv , However, In fluingc In tin- Charter to I'rrmlt . .of a Higher l.lmli (or Bend Issue. On Wednesday, January 30, On tario will etermloe whether or not It hall hnild a municipally owned water sratem t'oncurrently It will determine whether the city la to be healthtul and a desirable place In which to lire or whether or not It will contlnne to ally MmM with the typhoid epldomlcn which have annu. ally visited It for the pant two year. The placing of a definite date for the election wan determined at a meeting held Inat evening. Before the date could be aet It wan neceaaary for the council to pan an ordinance providing for a means of amending,. . . - . y. .., ." I Portland, a niece of MM. J. D Bill- (he City Charter and to -Milmiit to the people llie proposition ol SO changing the fundamental luw of llie munlel pallty ho Hull the proposed bond Issue will come within (lie legal llnill ol IndelitediieM. Must lmlle Meant). I'nder i he pri'Meiii charter the iniiii- ell will submit an emendment to the uonn me my lo a greater sum man: 15 per cent of the valuation At the present time, too, the bonded Indebt- ednesM of Hie city is 875.000 and under I he 15 per cent limit (he city rould i.ihie only an additional $58,. 000, or some It. ..nun less than the sum needed lo hnild Hie proposed wster system To rrnied) this condition Hie t'oun cll wll Isiibmlt an emendment to the dinner permitting on the approval or the people the raising ol the limit of banded Indebtedness to 26 per rent of the valuation Thla would permit of Hie building of the syslen without reaching Hie new limit in il I ii.iu i in., ii When Ihe question of submitting tbe lo propositions lo t he legal voters can's before the Council at 'I 1 t.el each of the sessions. Mouday and Wednesday oeulngs there was not a dissenting vote On Monday evening nil of the louncllmen were present while mi fl'ednesdey uvenlng Council man c It KhiIhou waa Ihe only one I ah. in There waa no debute on llie uuesilou It was merely a matter of l-t. paring the proceedings so thsl I rry step would be legally STTSel The Council hoi for months been of Ibe opinion thut tut adequate walet system I- needed. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TO START BIC DRIVE M.illieiii I'ouiHy Is . In. lulu I for . i.n.i. f, l.,-ii( for Sol- Iter Hoy, ,1.1 IIIUIV lia.B iu ymj m i-nun- inni I' J Oallagher, leudlng knight of ' "'' nie v P" on ireater In tke Hnake River inui.rll of the '"i' than 82000, with an added sum Knights of Columbus, announced' exempt for each child, this week thut the drive for :',000. Willi u representative of the gov. the county's quota ror the national 'erniunnt In each county Is the United fund will start next week. Statea wilt be uo en use fm anyone The Knights or Columbus fund Is . not knowing the provisions or the law used tor recreational hutldinga and . affecting hint work smong the soldiers along Ui . same linea as the Y. M C. A. war fund, ami the recreational houses' are open tn aoldiera of sll denomlns-, lions. It is not the purpose of the; local Knights to solicit funds among , those, who are not Catholics, but of set fer theinSavbefith encmfwyetaeel course in their efforts to reach the . goal get for litem volnutnry sub rriptioaa to tlio lend by suy cltlien Will be appreciated The local or taSyation will be perfected this week and C C. Defrete will be tbe treasurer, any coasflbuttoaa may be given to him. W t f I' wlH meet nexi Tues. day afternoon. Jan II, t th heme ef Mrs lSi Arwoku HOWARD BOYER KILLED IN MONTANA MGDENr Iblnlh. Of Nsllirv of I'ulnltt. In n Family Him Week of Ortef-OMag Kvcsits. On the heel of the message tell ing of the depart are of one member of the family for the war tone In Kurope, and the calling of hU wife tn the bedside ef her stricken mother in linker. II C. Hoyer today received word of the death of hia brother Howard at hla borne near Moore- head Montana. No detail of the accident have been learned. Oren Hoyer leaves tonight for Monrehead and It In not known, aa yet, whether the body will be brougbt hare for Interment. Howard Boyer war the fourth of seven nona of Mr. and Mm. A. F. Boyer of thin city. He was born at Vancouver, Wash., .12 year ago snd came to Ontario with hl parenta when but a boy Until eft year ago he waa associated with the Arm of Boyer Bros, and ha many friends here who knew him aa a boy and man of energy and ability. In 1910 be I marrlivt MImi HnrMtiv driven nt j Ingaley of thin city To them three , children, the oldest seven, the young eat two yeara, were born. With his brother chelsoy Mr II Hover went to Montana to en gage In the mercantile business In th" lilac Hole llaaln country This business they sold Inat aummer and antMaj ,u ra,,e ,ual A K noyr flth f ,h. ,. M , , TM ,n mmnerK , hr ,, h . --,.-. where Mrs. Boyer Is, ror she planned in leave Moonhead. Monl has been viaitlng tor Texas, this 1 week. On account or this fart, to gether with the absence of the three brother In the srmy and tbe uncer tainty concerning Ihelr ability to get rurlougha, no arrangements hsve I cen made ror the funeral ' UNCLE SAM'S MAN IS COMING FOR REVENUE It... I. to Tell Mm h Hi What ,u I srweil BbssJsbb tut 7 Wilt He liert- Jaeumi) an to Ss. '' " r'" of hay. or '" ",l"r wor ' ftr "S. P '"" ur "" duilng Ihe year .1 mi? ' If so, be prepsred to tell "de Sum about il iwmie time lie 'tween January j io ti rtgni in re imuo n0 know whether there Sre any ,On rlo. , d'l- i were rscelv I today o II ti ;'o kritnt from M it i A Miller, lollecior of Internal revenue ror thla I district that a repr.-ieuiallw from hi-, ufflct i HI be in Oaiuiii irom Jan- : rv :'ii ,o z8 sunpils ". witii t'.' tie. et. I ...nks lor Ht.' return Imouie He will he an authority on the In .nine tax law and his advice will be expert on ihe subject The urovlslons of the law are u omplicate'i roil in s general e ' ingle men will incomes of I l nun . .... s- a. m .u..B.klU m.u FIRST NATIONAL REELECTS OFFICERS FOR YEAR If H The annual m.-eiing of tbe stock holders of the First N'ulloual beak was held Tuesdey afteroon. Tbe meeting waa a forn'sl rutin, ation or Ihe work or Hie directors and a re election of all the officers and direc tors as follews: A. 1. turkruui president; T 'I nrnhnl WMnorevllle. lee- presided i . II lr ("ockrum. cashier, c W I'latl Mssllant cast-1 tlr: I ad U Blllingskry. C . . SBBS X e Kenyan 1 Ceokress, direorers. jAWTARin MIKT u Tn-n noio u! fl.u wAicit vmmb new Mr Not a Case for Debate Now Must be Done, Declare Those Who Are SeerXhis Week Further Delay Fatal City Has Suffered Enough Already. In an effort to get a concrete) Idea of the attitude of the business men of Ontario the Argua this week tsrted a campaign to get an eipres- sion of opinion from as many cltliene aa poaalble. Of course not all the men oould be reached this week bat with s few eioeptlona all were Is fa vor of Immediate rctlon. There was not a person Interview ed who did not believe that the city need" a water ayatem. The saint that one or two raited waa that of the advisability of undertaking such a work at thla time wtien prices are above normsl, and labor scarce, "It la no longer a debatable eics tlon. Ontario muet get a good supply of water." A. L. Cockrum It la too bad that we did not go after the situation three of four yeara ago. Of course the city needs a good water aupply, but before I would m" aisiemeni on me nesssssjew plana I want to see them and stndy i be specifications" W E. l.eea. "There la nothing to It, w can't let the situation continue Th City la suffering, as the result and s now wster system Is needed." r,. Adam,1 W W I.etson "Oat It as soon sa possible. Have "A purs aupply or wster la ahao It built Immediately. Ontario can't , lutsly necessary. There la nu.dnubt go torwurd until II hsa solved the about It." 8. I). Uorman. water problem." Frank Under. The Argua will continue Ha can- Ontario's neighbor's are seeing vans next week, ror time did not 01 to It that the water situation hereout 'mil seeing everyone or the business where sheladvertlsed and II la time, certainly, that the problem Is solved wHh an adequate system. "--P. J. Gallagher "U is alright with me." -T. H , MALHEUR COUNTY BACK UNDER N. W. AVER'S ftrrgim I inm! dmteUli i..i ttrialla IVrml'.'.liin fm Hh knell lo Rate I mi, I 4 snipslicn Hnr Cause Mpm-wlsl. Afler a turhulenl few weeks under the edniluM ration of It F Hlrknell, I r' Food Adiulnslrutor i" Idaho, Malheur nunt uierchanls sre again under the Jurisdiction of Ayers. udmlnlatralor tor Ore gon. Advices lo this effect were re ceived Sunday Am ,. reult the local merchants rood regulations they bsve to obey They do not know, "where tbey are at." to uae tne slang expression But In the meantime they are follow Ing what thei believe lo be Ihe gen-1 erul policy of ihe food administration us they interpret from the publl. s- Hona Why the chuiig" hack to Oregon Why the chung" back lo Oregon , was tuuuV tin- In. al merchants do not know Tbo.e who expressed them- ""i"' Hectare tt.ui since noise is ko inui h nearer, uud can easily be ; reached by phone they preferred the Idaho connection, however, Ihey are willing to do anything tbey are told by the Oregon administrator and are! awating his orders .ii ' i ' t TMK WtTK'll IMIMI KI.KtTION HHKN IT IH TO UK II Kill tMI IMIIIII I M .11 M 1 1. . or .!e, linn Weiluesduy, Juuusry .In, 1 V I I'luce I Ity Hull. Tolls will he upHii trniii S I iii to i iii and from 1 p tu lo 7 p lit Purpose of i led Inn First tu (iiiMfUpon tu uiiieniltiienl tn the City I liurler providing for un Increase in the limit of bonded Indebtedness which will permit of the building of the proposed water system Second, to authorize the issuance nf bonds in tbe sum of luu linn wlili whtcli tu build and operate u tuuniclpully owned we.14 Who can vete: Kvery legsl voter resident In Hie t'ity of Onlurlo i un vole at this ele.tlon The ownership of properly is uol m-i eassry to lusllfy sa a legal voter in Oregon, ulaee last June, therefore every legal voter can vote at the coming election Tbe officials of the election will be: Judgea: ri F. Taylor, ' T Harer. T M N'lehela: clerks li I' Dearborn. A H Melnlosh How determined A msjorlty of the votes osat Is necesssry to de ermine ths election in tavor of the issues persemed If you want a new water system v adequate aupply of pure, soft wster, . HAVF PIIRF Moore. "Ontario Is losing every day it de lays In getting a good water system. The demand for modern conditions la seen every day when people come to rent houses, snd Ontsrlo la suffer ing for the need ef them.'' H F. Taylor. "Ontario will be like Ooldsmlth'a Deserted Village, abandoned to the jack rabbits unless It solves the wster and sewerage problems Get the wster by all means' M. M. Hush. or we don't do something and do "'' a further adjournment until Jan- It quick, Ontario la killing Itaeir " I nary 28 Wltne-sen and Jurors, Hugh Allan. therefore, who a ere notified to be at "Many homeeeekera will stay lnvkl" on January 14 and later for Ontario is we ran furnlah them good I Jsnuary 21 are now untitled' not to water ThU I know from ex p res stons msny strangers hsve msde In the i. ore during the nest year'' 8 Watson. "This la a esse where It hss to be done" Hay A. Wilson. "Can't get along without It' W. I-. Turner. I had rather do without electric i lights, telephones and other convent- ernes and hsve a good wsteor aupply." men But If the ratio is mainiaineu thruout the city the water bondi and charter amendments will carry, Ian 'to one. H. L. GRIFFIN DIES FOLLOWING OPERATION " ' ' Ws rll kitiisu Here, Having ItVen Will en i Here far More II.. Twenty Veers leaves Wll. ml Two I tilloVru as a result ol complication, and,"" " '" b"", "ry '""k'-1 ''" ether pneumonia rnllowlng an nrs i,,,,,, for appunll. Ills. It l.ockeii lirlf dn fr.ry ,,f thl clu. died In i ;..i.. hospllul li Siitnrd.n IK body saj IhiukIiI to llnurlo and Hi mnnral services were held lure Mou dsy under the auspices or Hie Knights of Pythias, of whlih the ile mused was u iiMiiulier lnliriuent MM made in tin Ontario ceineler) The news of Mr. tJtiflln'M death SJM a dlsllucl Shock lo Ihe irisl!1 h """ MM Wr h' " ''- of friends of the family, for both gjg and lii lle numbered Ihelr friends in Ontario h the circle nf their M quuiniuin I was generally be Orlfftn was going to Hensl that Mr recover from Hie effects of llie operu on ,, M, lulllll pr,;rcHK had been made tliui hla nrmher, llenrv ilrimn. giade Hisl Ms in oili. r whn was culled lo Ilulse to lie with Mm. had returned honn h -udilen wus the relupi-e nultererl that the brother eon Id uol reach the bedside, before the end unie The deressed leaves besides hla widow, a son Wynne, aged It, and a daughter. t continued on Psge Hlx ) ror Ontario which will Insure an vote YKM on boOi propositions 1 COURT ADJOURNS TO MEET ON JANUARY 28 Wire From .Imlge lllg Train further limtMne Sitting; Judgr lntlcrson ipen tNiurt mill Adjourns. Vale Or. Jan in Only one In diriment waa returned by the Orand Juiy during Its brief session Mon day morning. Foremnn HI) Mc t'oy reported the one charge, that of arson against Noble 1'iillen, who Is charged with burning his father's hay atsck Word was received today from Judge Ilalton Biggs, who la in Waah- ' Ington urging the appropriation of funds for the Warmsprnga that he aill not be able to return In time io hold aeselons of the court on Janu ary SI, as he had planned and order- preaent themselves at I "eat until Jsnuary 28. the county I Judge Anderson convened the t'ourt or Tuesday and heard argu. incuts in a caae transferred from Harney county In which the Pacific I. h est nek company sought lo have modified the Injunction granted hy Judge lllgga restraining the company from taking hay claimed by Htiillh I Ron The number or attorneys present Ontario National, flrat as a private was the feature of the argument ,..nk hi Hlophen A t'urver there was The P. Ij'H. Company snd Us co ,. nth.r hanking Institution In appellnnt. Jonen k llowoll, were rep-; twentw. odd ihniisinid squsrn miles resented by Kdwsrd Tresdwell ol 0v known M Mulheui, Harney and Sun Francisco, John Itund of lluk.-r. i;,nt cuntlcM llaker was the near John W. Biggs or Hums and Brooke ir,, ,.,,. ,t- trt . bank, snd s Oallagher or Ontsrlo; while Hmlth Caldwell divided Hie buslneas or sll A Hon were represented by Mcl'ulloch tl ,. ...ti,,,. H Wood ol Ontario. The arllon grew mil or Hie pur chase or a big piece of land near Harney Luke by Hmlth (t Hon during a foreclosure and while they held ' ths sheriff's title to the lend they cut 750 tons of hay The land waa later icdeomod by Jones A liowrll with I money borrowed from Hie I' I, H '.ompaiiy. which united wild Jonem A Howell tn demand the hay Had this been a hard winter ami each of he interested parlies been dependent on thai hay, serious loss would have resulted Hut In spite of that fact . iij the array ul legsi men here asseui nun RED CROSS CHAPTER Inn llrlil Couiielllmli Hlmis Kesri Week U.n.le-, t ,ns I, I is This is Hie blgge-i mil 1n the Ms f ((. 0rlo ,(.,, , ffm Chap ,. , . ,.....,,. ... i -. ,.i,... ,,, .,,r.,-1, - ,., i, ,.. i... ,. liiululiilln l ho fur The luhles li.iw been more nearly filled every dsy Ikua at any I inn in the past Next week Mrs K M Orelg, sec re lury. plans on having a reul .'otnpell lion with every da Hie crews en- ileuvorlng to surf-as thai of the day pi ii Inm. Iter In Head III Mom. H M HoucTier. principal of the. High School, has lie. n appointed i halrmnn of the school se. Huns to or I'UIII.e the lunlor in this. I. t inn All of Ihe school work ers uud their officers cull report lo him I ,iini Is-wls Hants Sinks. I'rgenl requests for more knitted from the division head quillii.- iu Seattle The ollliluls IN urging the chuptcis to oeud ii in.- ..Men and not wall ror lis seiiii-miiiiihiy shipuienta. The res son lor thin Is that the men si t'siup l.i wis are Iu need or warm clothes. In spun or the fad that this la a re. in 1. 1 breaking week the local chapter has much to do for of one kind of small bandage sluuu il UiUat produce 1 4 ii ii per day lo make a regnlsr imou Ihly shlpmen't fhere Is therefore - -.- still a arest dSSxasS Idr Worksrs ssS NOW 20 YEARS OLD v.m F1RNT nwu ivf i.i ism n IN "HI IIHISTKHN ORMON . MtniK ow mmi n: lit lSTITI'TIONS Off ICERS CELEBRATEOCCASION Ontario ami ll Tills Section Use OHwl Mast Ihiim, Herlare Threw of ilHirinnl Hire, tors Who Are SUM tctlve. On Tuesdsy the Ontsrlo Nsttonsl Hank celebrated its twentieth birth day I'realdent J It lllsrksby mark. d the occasion by giving u dinner to hla associates on the hoard of direct ors, the employees of the bank u a 4 the local newspaper men, at Flfer's As a historical occaalon In the life ol the hunk the gathering gave rise to reminiscence" or the early days ' In Ontrrlo and Malheur county In which Messrs Hlacknby, , Adam. J ninsnan mm c It Knilson each niilrlhiiled Ihelr Hhare of Intereat Ing episodes, while the more recent arrivals In thla asjatlOw mlileil to their .lure '! liiformniloii Ollle-I II. ink III llie ( nlllili Annum the other farls related by the Inn. t mill hla assoi lutes was thla At lite lime of the founding of the Today there are 15 hunki In the three inunlles In which more than If. 000, 000 Is deposlled. Also from lime when the enure force of Iwe used lo sun llseir sU afternoon wslt Ing tor liuslnens the local Instltullon niiw , all inld 1. 'mi accounta. iicHides rentttM n"' growth or the hiuiklnt liuxlnes of this nctlon On sajguxeej progress of the inunty and ,V waM recorded, for prartlrully all u. buildings now on UjM rtsl of On t,,rln hae been hulll clni e Ihe Irst t,,,nt Hlurled v I MHII Willi lUek. II was recalled thut Ihrse of Ihr lnr),(nn hoard of directors, Messrs Blsrkaby. Adam and llromnu. an nil iicilw In Ma maniigemenl Aa related sImhc rtlrphi n A Carver was lie founder ol tin l.islll ul'on and John W Lynch wai lis llrsl rushler w i . ii ii ajpsjsjgaj ,i ;. inn its h.nik In 188 In 1K II liic'.riiuriilen iviili the inii.iwiiii; nrfleers agol di Htephen A Curni. in est d. nt I It lllurkuiiv, vice in. stdent ,.UM I. Mlaie, T. J Brosann, J I. ' .'i"' Fred II tm- .1... '..r- Mr C.iwr left Hoi insllluli IIIU '. Hid Mr Blui'kuhy buCUUK UTt Ideal uol ' II Knilson. e.isMei . Isjtl f ' I Kinlsni "i IV r Hi man look t i Ion In mr whet. ..!. I.e. . . t.ld and tin have j "ontlnud M page Six) t " PAST WORTHY MATRON TO INSTALL OFFICERS Mrs V H Mil., i.r alilwetl h Hi. f.yel of Mneoi- m! him tinnier Kss.iiei e Many Mrs W M Itlliy i .'uldwel' ;i I'a.-n 'Irani Worii.v Maiii.n tin Hi ' Stars, Is Hie in lullin. offl r al I i' iilliuli'in of Si t Chs -ler's Officers for I Vis, lo be held this evening Mrs Riley arrived un 1 1, . Mrs W W l,etson, reilrmg Worfliv Mstrou of Hie Chapter Following Ihe Installation ther. will be un In Itiston and later n Hie evening a ban quel will be served The officers tn be Installed are Mies Margaret Dunbar, Worthy Ma U'un, otass 1'gullue Billliigstey , uasu elate matron, Mr Hugh Allen. W 1 Mrs W. F HoMss, secrctsry and sster . M Farley, treasurer.