The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 03, 1918, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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!' . t . . r i ' !
on or before Mm expiration of the Young woman ivnnu position an
Um prescribed la the Order or Pub- servant In Ontario. Address Box 5.
Mention, to wit . Argus Office. 62-lt
On or before the expiration of all
week from the date of the flrat pub
lication of thin lumnou, and if you
fall to answer for want thereof, thai Notice ia hereby given to all mem-
pmlntlfr will apply to the court for , b"r" of the Ontario National Farm
the relief prayed for la the complaint, ! I-oan Aaaociatiou that a meeting will
to .? I be held at the city hall, Ontario, Ore
ror a decree of divorce die- on J"' ,ln' 1918' M ' D ,or
eolrlng the hoode of matrimony th PurP ot '"ectlng a board of five
ailirtlog between the plaintiff and de-,a,rlore ror loe r
t'ood Admlnlstratioa Regulates Feed
Ho Inrreeeed Href and I'onliry
WUJ Br Rained.
Portland. Oregon Jaa. I "Under
the new Food Admlnlstraton regula
tiona governing the price of mill feeda
substantial encouragement la offered
to the farmer and the Block raiser,
and the Administration now hope
for their full cooperation In a capaci
ty production during the nomine; year,
Uf hoga, cattle, aheep and poultry.
The above la the statement of As
sistant Food Administrator, W K.
s'ewell. who polnta out that the clear
lor the fuinier and the attack raiser
to plan for the greatest posslhle out-
lnt of food animals.
'There Is every asnuranre of a very
biteady and profltntilo market," said
Mr Newell, "with iih ample a supolv
Lit feed as run lie I'lid liy nillllii
the when! noshlhlo In till Norlli.
rthe raising or foo-l 1 nlmala, part leu
early hogs, und beel and ililry cattle,
Is not tl nly patriotic duly of every
Itlaen so sit 111. ted that he can do so,
nit it will he 11 apteodld bffataeee in
Ivestmenl as well For severs! yea-s
In 00111 ' 1 ' a use of world conditions, j
he market for food animals will In-1
vltahly h strong and stoady, and
low tnal llie OUl inn 01 arum itnn i
o. mill has come and. r fiovern.i.cni ll(,rli f(luMd by war , ,
I should not only he the strictest con
j nervation, but every encouragement
I should be given to Increased produc
' tlon. Our shipbuilding, norodlane
atock, and every other war Industry
as well aa our agricultural develop
menta and production, should be en
couraged in every possible way, and
a strict program of conservation and
economy mast be carried Into effect
In the administration of every depart
ment of the State.
"When the war ia over we moat be
prepared for the re-adjustment that
will' be necessary, and calm, cool,
calculating heads muat work It out.
An extension of our rural credits
legislation, and some definite colon
isation scheme to make productive
our vacant lands, will, In my Judg
ment, be of great benefit.
"Useless boards and commissions
must be abolished. This may ound
like an old political "battle cry," hut
I believe In It thoroughly.
"The one Issue, but most Important
except the war, which I shall mention
at Ihl time. Is that of Highway con
Mi'tion. I am a firm believer In
OOd roads, and at the Nan vision
favored tho passage of the six mil
lion dollar houdhiK hill, hut It war
lOfll Ill) in si. lent of the
11 whli 11 fori ed an iiincndmctil
lo (he effect I lint It xliouhl nut he
me operative until approved by a
"I h In :ih. . ml am.
i.ionii to heada, except by vote of
pie. I ah o fa ori'il the hill In
the campaign for Its approval hy Un
people, und I still favor It.
"Furthermore, because of UM
arelly and Increased coat of labor
rendaat, and for the care aad custody
of Coma Takahara. the minor daugh
ter of plaintiff aad defendant, and
for auch other relief ad to the Oaurt
may seem Just aad equitable; thin
summons Is published pursuant to a
order of the Hon. DaMoa Biggs,
Judge of the Circuit Court, duly
made and entered December 6th,
It 17. The First Publication hereof
Is made the th day of December.
117, and the last publication Is
made the 17th day of January, 1118.
Attorneys for plnnltlfT,
Ontario, frcgon.
W. F Homan.
Cheater T. tackev,
PIANO roil Hti.i:
For immediate sale we will sell
tremendously cheap a new high grade
piano stored at Ontario Liberal
terras to a responsible party. Qual
ity guaranteed If interested In a
proposition of this kind write THK
Denver, Colo, at ot oe for particulars
1 ... al... ..,... IIiiuiiuIhii ui uleltl
r.inirui .- ... ,...-...... -, i)M (I( ,,.,,. , n(,(,(, fir
Bslth a llxed price tiasis, tne coal or T. . .... ,
.production will no longer no pro
i.nlwly high or loo uncertain for a
.1. Invest in Let evi r farmer
,1 Hie 01 1 iroson make his
1, ma now for the aaaaibla
J.I oduelloli ot all loo.l UIIIUIHIH, p. 1 I
. Which are mi
1 which v. 111 pro. 1 1 10 the
ulatlona ihe mil
ler mil I nol chai're Hie ! .iler mute
, iii'iiii'iilii should he laid
only In casee of emergency, and
where I hey are necessary to preserve
ami carry out projects already um! 1
w.i We all want good roads, but
we can afford to wall during the
p ndeiii y 01' I he for pel
P 'iveiuenth, and huvi lOldethlng for
1 ..r to do when Ihe. i.ur I- over ami
1 lain are 1 leapor."
born al Alma,
Wlsrnii in 01 '... laa am - 'i .
I' an 2S per 0OOI eosi 01 a .0,1 ,,,.,. , , , , ,,..,.,
lo ii at tin mill door for l.rnii ,-..,,.,, it. ... ..Hiiralnl In
1 "nd" u" 11.0 1 .ml high m
r a federal ihei ..mi uiiiki in. , . , , .,.,,. , v,.i,,riii.. 1
, mora than 1 root otwhN orot.1 i,,,,,,,,,., ,,.. 1 .,, m Oreejoa
1 ' ' I "'' " WM "inl f ' 27 years ago. ami haO ItVOd In r.irt-
"' ""'' ' r land trrV slm c He was admitted to
.011.1 lo- piompuy r-porie., ... ,,,. . . . ,,. on Jun0 1 (01. .n,l
ll '' ' A,h '"im.ora offic m, gne praattoad hta ahaaaa ah
Portland for Investigation ,,,. huH UM11 gl.,u ln ,.ivi,-,
Th low prices of mill feeds, f. , im, ,,t j ,.r orgUSatlf
,U"r "I''' "'" l"' or hag glWBJ I snow., as an "0
, ton for bran, It.ftfl higher g- UMK- , )mM giwaya b
.r shorts, and III no higher for ml. I . a.u. ,, ,
klhngs in carload lots with a dlffcren- UH ,,,,,,, th0 8lll,e , OVHr .rei.i.o
I1"1 "' "'" " ,llttn fi,) r""lH f'" Hal election since lll, for the i:.
than carload lots. Tswa la a -..i-n,.- m..,I llrket He Is mar-I
uhstantlal reduction as against the , ,, nd vt,M Bl s6g Thirteenth
charged lor mill feeds hereto- rnrtlaad Oreaon
re. With lhi n in the cost ..i
Hng ml ihe assurance ul v, .1(i. udll, ,,,,. chlokoai and
' miiii.i.i Ooyernment control . for aale Inquire ut this
mill te.l output, risk is reduced V fli, 41-49.
minimum for the slock raiser,
bo Is now urged lo do hi . II I mo
h.lp ihe rood Administration meet IMl.UT MiTH K TO I ONTIt.i -
I . demands of our own 1)KJ.
iiiixaund thai "i lo. people and the hogled proposal" will tMireeei.
war. iii.- Board of ln
,i liraluat." Malheur i-oiin
i. Oregon, at t be efflag ! Ill Hor-
,i In (tularin, Oregon up to t p.
..f Tuesday, the IMfe day of Jan
uary, IttlK. for riiiistruclliiK a ay
iinn of Drainage c6m plate gad
for opi ration heur
ravatioti oi approximatot
. upaalmo l 4 " '' I fl 'M'' "l"' "''
woik bi baa doae thre altrle and rurBlshlng ami pi
; .or orgaalaatloaa, and aubmlU hi
..r.i to no- people in the Ma tylaj l,"" "' niches
.. lr afturoval by giving to his can- la diameter, with neceasary appurt-
..l.icy UM announcement Is in . netices, etc.
art as la part us follow No piopoaala will be considered un-
ln Hulnuittlng to the people of tho less accompanied by a certified check!
, .,i Oregon my candidacy for the for an amouul eiusl to Five (5 )
; oil. in. in nomination ior Coveiloi .1 of the total amount of t Ho (
hi. not unmindful of the responai-1 hid, payuhle to the Secretary ot the
kitty which reatl upon the occupant , Malheur Drainage District.
(Continued From Pagi
If that high office at all times, and
lore especially now, when this un
ion, with the Allies, Is engaged In the
lost gigantic struggle the world has
rer known
"Nor am I unmindful of the great
-i.l which a QovoraOf may give, and
fhleh, if elected, I HhulLapfv.! lo the
rry uumobt of m poweiignd ability.
the National Administration in
inglag this war to a speedy and
rictorious conclusion.
Within a few weeks I shall pro-
ln'ilga.e In detail my pluttorm or
declaration of principles, but I deeaa
H appropriate to refer at this time
to a few of the cardinal principles
for whtcU I stand, and which, if elect
ed. 1 hope to carry Into effect:
'First and foremost is the war
Plan-- and Specltuatlons can lie J
seen at the office of the Secretary of
the District or at the offices of Bear l
d Cunningham, Spalding Building of j
I'irtlanil. Oregou, whore copies can
l.t ohlaine.l upon reeelpl of a deposit
of ten Dollars.
The llourd of Supervisors reserves
Hie right to reject any and all bids
DATKD Ontario, Oregou this 2nd
dty of January, ills
t'hairuian Board of Supervisors,
Malheuh Drainage DuKrlet
Flrat Publication. January 3. It If
l-ast Publcalion January Id, ltll
Ia tUe iljiuU Court of la State
problem, to which l have already re-Haf Oregoa tor the Cottaty of alelaeut
rerreaf. We must give our undivided I Zo Takakara asuuatiff vh Marcia
Takahara. dareadeat.
iid beet effort to brluging about a
peetb' victory, eud h eorag tble, leu
u reatember that It baa now derei
opsd into a euetrvloa of food end
Uiur seppliea, as argeh as a queevloa
f man lo dglit t'sa battles Tksra
To Marcia Takabara, detendgjU:
I rao aaata ot tho Ute of Oregon, j
Yea aro hereby reejOlred to appear'
ad aaewer tho eemplaiat died
agslaat yam m the ahenra entitled salt
Call and eee the new Vulcanizing
shop two doors nol h of the Moore
hotel. We have e of the beat
equipped shops in th I North West.
Repair work guar nteed for the
life ot the casing or I she.
Have your old tires made new.
Ontario Tire And Rubber Co.
lull It KXT-I furnished house-
lie. I
on. 44 tf
l-ota 1 to I Inclusive la blk ltd
Ontario township. Two email uoua
ee. Make mo beet eaah offer. Will
consider U cash balance payment.
C. K. DeNEFFE. Baker, Ore. tf
DR. W. 0. HOWE
("hones Office 111
Pllaon Bldg. Res. 1171
tiunm I. it
Meets all trains
lll-W. OoUrlo, Orecesa.
OmUrto, Orecoa
Office In New Wilson Block.
Office hours J to 12 2 to d
If it' Job Printing, You wish We
will please you. We aro ready at all to quote price on all yoai
K. IlillTTIN'tlHAM
Truck Transfer 4
Phone 111 M
We tan Supply Your Need
The place where the Service le
the Best, where the Baths aro
the Newet.
The Ontario Argus
an v . . .. . , .y
Offers U.:itsual Opportunity To Its Readers
MOv'f our laree circle of readers there are a ereat many
who are interested directly or indirectly in fruit row in,
daivvjig and other branches of farming. All of these nat
uralls h to keep in close touch with agricultural activi
ties throughout the state; and to know about any fight which is
being waged for the measures Oregon farmers want and against
all sorts of schemes that are detrimental to the people and agri
cultural interests of this state.
We have, tlv refore, made a special clubbing arrangement with
THE OREGON FARMER whereby any farmer or fruit
grower, who is one' of our regular subscribers and who is not
now a sul r of THE OREGON FARMER, will be en
titled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination
with this paper at the same rate as for this paper alone.
This offer applies to all those who renew or extend their sub
criptions as i all new subscribers. If you are interested
directly or l if Oregon agriculture, do not miss tiiis
unusual opporiui ity but send your order in now. :
THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is
devoting itself exclusively to the farming activities and interests
of Oregon. It has a big organization gathering the news of
importance to farmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, stoekraisers and
poultrymen; and it has the backbone to attack wrongful methods
and combinations and bad legislation, and support honest leaders
and beneficial measures. We are confident that our readers w ill
congratulate us on our being able to make this splendid and
attractive clubbing offer. .
208 Papers for Only $1.50 Biggest Bargain Ever
Ontario Yrgtu. etWi . week, oue ear 01. .VI
Orecoa t-araaer, irf wrvlt, yrs., old pike a. im
f t 'r ?
By oar Hpetdai clubbing plan, all for unit g mj
Tbik raauarkahle offer Is made poasible by a radical rrdurtlva la thus aeWrtltoi. rata of The OKMiUN
K.VRMMJl lo release a large number of meu riuoi ll army of solifMors for asm la trlha ladaslrlea ia maetlag
w.rtH. Me ISlI.l.llll.
... .H.