IK SIX 0fT A PTO M A..T TTiatTy ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, IMS PAG K SIX ANOTHER NEW GARAGE OPENS FOR ONTARIO IRKAM1...MV' PATRONS TO MM TMK "fl.K N-I1" O. WalllfiK .if Pa.vU ! Al mnicr for location Hre J. A. BkMl i R Manajtw. Purlin; thr aat week the finishing iMMfeM "ii nntarloa lateat garage have hm made ami In a f" daya A. Q Waltlna, of Payi-tle. proprlrtnr of thr Modern (inrarp In Hip Mann -1 1 y . will Ofgl hit Ontario Innlltu t Ion Tin h- unr.it'' will In' IvMl Pi hi ..!' Ol tb M liillldltir ril t, r ii Mmd on tbtwuM afdaof Orpi batweag v.v.i.lii and Waalilna-'oii avaa)W Tim n- i-,ir.iK' will liavr n limit ed kIiow rimiM iiml offlr.' fronting M JOrffon nirtit lul "III liavp n largo, marliln" and rapatr 1p In tha n-nr full r.O In II f.i'l. ulilrli Mr WiilllnR Inti-nils in Untruly nulp for all klncln Social reformera who rlalm pn'ilii attention, with more or leaa huctphh. in regulating thp morals of romm an il Inn come to for lively lampooning In "Tha f'lran-l'p," the Bluebird phn- jtoplar (o be pihlbllpil at tha Dream laml theatre on Monday, JanuaryTth ! with Franklyn Parnum and Brownie Vprnon In tha Mallar rolea. Farnum plays tha part of a thaatrlcal agent who matched hi wlta again! tin' re formers, ronvprtPd thrm to hla way of lewlng hi own atlartlon and capped tht clfaMS liy ni.ivrvlnpr Hip head re former' daaghtar "The clean l'p" I a eotn-i'v drama, ieed prlnrl I'.ilh for In iiarlilna; pirpoaaa, bin rar- rynip love Intereat tliat I for- DAUGHTER OF ONTARIO FAMILY MARIS IN tASI Mr and Mrs K. N. Wood warp aur prld racantly with datalled Infor mation of tha marrlaga of their daughter, Edith Viola, to Harry A. Handpnhush of St. Paul, Minn Tho tha younit people had bean engaged for oma tlma and wara planning on a wedding day In the futon- the nv Irpnclr of the war Intervened and when Ih? groom decided to enlist thpy forwarded the wedding day Ml Wood who was a nipmber of Hip HtfJi School faculty at Kphratn. Wash , wpnt to St Paul whprp Mr. Kaiidpnbilsh IIvpiI anil therp thpy wore MffM, Knll.iwlng the wed ding Up young people went to Wasli- wardPd Ic Hip I. t i aoaatMt l nd-' In Hon, D, V. where the groom I- lng. Mis Ratbaf C .nrrrit has ar. iiviii imnip aflat aajoptai tlm holi day! '. iiliiK friend anil kIkIip- aatag in Porttaad and Pi ndlaton On tlm ri (urn trli IM i-tit two to I It E linker and family nt Athpna located In government service Mrs HaiidPiiluish I known to but few On Inrlo pnoplp, having hoen hprp only a h'vt week on vllt since her par Ptlts mm '"I iii-re. FOB SAI.K May close In In stack 01 delivered. llHnford. Phona 129J. tl .,.!. l.ll.. ,. ...L a ;li tli" ImtiiP of Hrv r'rdm tills narap. which Is to na In charge of J. A TlarVatead, who Tormrrly waa with the Saxon Salp ZZZ''ZZlZ"i:z:Z Ontario Boy Tell of Life of U. S. llolae. Mr WalllnR Is to handle the1 Army Men in the French Capital aalas of thr Matwell, Overland and llupmoblli' car, for which he la the aaent In thl section of the Snakp Klvar raltM 'n "" following letter reci-lvivl Mr Walling Is not a Mrangar In by Mrs. A. 1. Sproule from her aon Ontario, bating for MM MaM . Harold, who Is In Paris with the fir-t aral yens ago, hpn pngagpd In tha mpedlllonary army t'ncla Sam sant nutomotilli' iniHlnrss ban with Ills abroad a concretp pirture of thr II fp parlson to our will certainly ba rob lirotlipr in l.iu i'rtp HHuford of tin' thure Is aaen : Ontario Auto rompany monay In tha world and (he rest I divided up among all the peopla of tha nihir nation. A person not appaklng Krpnch or knowing French customs or a great deal about the valua of tha French monay In mm STANDFIELD TO RUN bed and rheatad on rvery side if FRANtTE, De. 13. 1I7 Mv ,,,,, ,,llnk you ,,. !, ,,f ,in par Mother. WpII, at last 1 recclv W,VI, of , pfop,(, ,,r, Kv,,n now p.l another l.-ttar from you and was(! rln only rf.,hl,. Khrn , rn,ntr ipiltp agreeably surprised, you may ,h fr,nr nol r, .,,.. , a be sure, a I had not heard from you 'dollar and last about as long aa a UIP Alllil HA UnH 1011 " " Previous to tb.it ,,.,,, WI1 , ,,. w,,,.ir, Astoria n hi 'WN liAnrA liN "' """" "' " ,K"kar" -nn is .kv i,iKi. .i . .ii" im imis owrxaini nnlng to ir. , N" M' "'' ' ' '" ' I di.v. M.ii. IIPU limn I m ii. in H i.ii riKM -II Ml Sri HtHM. ill til ii fallow pa) I i . when Hi 'I' i "Id wealluT lievhis In rern mi v and oi i. i., ..,,.. '", 1,,'Ullll i ' i Vllli'l Ii .ill oh Hi II Si Ill, Or , Inn 1 Thai he ' '"' hilllL' iiitv lllllilll,. of IIIV 'U" MMU "'"' 'I-IMH p """wwnowi pan , , ,.....,, ,,. , now ih the spirit now I1i.il Hie ,nr,,H ,,, ,,, ,v ,,.(...l- ,.., , .!.... I. .... . - -. .. . ...... .r, .,. .e w.me III me eK,.r ., ., ,.,,,. III . I .. ..!. . .... 1 . win I.- ii in uwii i ii in iii ik ii in. hi. tit. i. iiim'm kiviiik wh.v HUH 1'iiiistiiiK itr an- v,,v. -..,iP r..- ... m l'lir if' Mi'1 ti . I I . ., i , . i . . . I ( 1 . .i i- In. . I .a ii i. i I .i r.. i. .all iiullliiii t..m il... ... 1.. .1. t I " " mm....- ..-. ... oattiiiK ii.i in.- MI. Ml Ml III' III)' v,m-w..ir ,...1 II. I . ' I imii mm it ii 1 1 P.i ij A iii lint - i'in! in xi ftMNlMtUllt- I Ml I W Ml ilt l)i II 1 1 (Mi in I lit- I I icv W III III- inisMKil . ,r imii. i i.K ... ... . .,."... "''aliv ( liriHlin.is rf.onU " '". piBaw 'i in wmmm mmm '. wnn un -im)m inn chv i iinarn n,st i,i(rt i Int u.ryni.,.1 tataaAAaa .. - .1... aaai m t . I L ..!... I... j . .1 '""" " " ' - " "" '"" "' ',,r" "-rriinaii ihi ,.,.., ,,.,.. . ,, . " ' "" '" ",,lr" '"' P"" '" '" alio.. Fourth of Julv ' f .. lied liHtlous. who Have ,h... far c,. (ll(r ,m(.kll((.M ukl. ,,, , y, Had on H... war against the Hs I, , , r,.u, ,, u , ,. - .. . - .,, -, "... jus, a pi-in0ff. wishing you tlm hast of luck aif f iBia. mere, wara also and llapj ) Aiao i ii" aa II" III the afford il ami In Ih" I. ova, IIAItOI.I) PA HIS, Fruni-e, oy 23, 7. linn Melher: I am workina in tlm Was t In .imioiiiir, iiirnt of It N Stan fiei.i toil., in aaanmlBg Iba aatrva work of bin ra iii ii 1(11 for Hie iioiii Illation lor I'lillid Slats sei.rtor on Hip n.'ii ii i Itaaa lb tut He ih. I.ii. 'd In intended lo make a seven nagro entertainera from the ary aatjva and vigorous campaign I'nltad Htalea. who gavo us si and MM .Imote prsi llially all his good fcMi music and on the whole the lime from now until tha primaries entertainment was a success, although '" ""' "rk only about 160 of us were Hot.. Tl ''' l-oli'iial .aiiipaign man- ay. .,, ,. ,, , ,. , . . . t. '-' --". -. "",',' " nf,v"" '" ",m 'I'oug ay have been Tery oecas- parm.enl 1 have charge of all men'. ..... ... - s.....a ... ,.-.. ,,.u.v mmi ,,,, (. (lur rrha u o xhf II enttr.l So far as possible ba will on( ,lm,. U.U.H.II,. . llt ...,.. AA...... ....... . . . . . j.-,...-,., ,,,. .., , ,,,,,,,. ..... T1, ...rtainlv s a araat lit.- lr.. In Hie alalu and uae MM hut thr , p U killing if one lollourd laast 1 hope o. na the winter Is dtaa ! '""' '' It constjntly, but it Is certainly Hn ' Krell.- on the front Tell anyone! laiaaaaat of principles, or aducatloll to tho e who h..., ....'ynil wish 1 am here .a It .ill h ... before seen mi. h sights ami times harm. Most of the other boy am Mm I no .'.perleiir. don't hrllmr ' here or near This is rertalnly Mime ' would mis for .ilinoM anything city. It mum have been a ga one vatJlfcaalf tries lo kerp thr pare albajgara the war Km n now If 'mo inn aw drop out. as a bu- -ouldn't aee tha arriving and d.part niau bring raui.ot slund il ,Uy In ' lug troops constaullv it wni.l.l h anil na) out I lone not seen or heard from ajaj of the ho i, ,,ii,. it,,,,, githough the laal t nor a ,m of thera they locality pi. pe i . Ill platfoini. will be made publb about the nilildle ol aaai month and h- r prla to loiidiiri In- r.iiniaiKii --lilii ly on Ho- n in. pa ili.-i.in , mini t tad In In -i.. i. no hi i,,,l.i lo aaia ' I ill. I i i thai lib III.' rflilll lll Ii ha llllrnil'. to il, voir lo th" work I'u aj in., aaai thraa Boat I be ill h, .i i.i.. t., him in,, i, BI ilnatructloii department, hut at pres . ent am attached lo tha pergonal do recruited here and II la a good Job Will probably be here all winter, Ml I am attached to the beadquartara, at l.ur.l ... ruuli... ,1.1 i "- nun roiiiiliy lias linn III war three years lion ins him w,k win . ., m1 Ui , lh h, iM Flt.VMK. o :t, i ; In-,, i Hi rough win...,,,,., rallaj ... d K.i.g t,. r.. , iiWnu Mrtt ,,,,. s,.m , 'I'l' I Ml Melher: I rnrh.-d ,,iiif hn., ,,: two days ago and ha v.- I. ..,, "'" ' " k" ' """ "l"" "i aa I i .... i , or heard ,,i i i,h ror ru .,, r the en, r ., to Portland lie wl a,,.,,., the ,rr, r , U;1111, altl.,OUlli , ,,, , J g ' u ' ,'';" gallon in Porl) I .lam,,,, at in irainina . r.pli.,1 h, 2 ;; - - STtm m .a ;; ";,:;;;;;:,:lii;:1:,r;;:; , , "" J mrv on Hie friM.loua older address to him ami ..,,.l , "',: ";r;.:::: ":--: - : ': ".ui siuii a inaniii ol the si lost. SWKKTtMM. Win i,m aboiil hrat and ,,.,, "'"k '" '"'rl"'''l. '" draw a dis- ti.i (, ,.,,, J,,,., p,. ,. OS M as ih.,,. a ,, I,,,,,,! gad ' '"" l"'1 w,,ul'' MMmM along as ,o.,n as possible ITI In. I,. U ... a- i ,l..,, UJ ....! J.... . "' SO " " "'"'" vauuevine show, am unable lo address a letirr lo him much of i in- musical come.lt un.l t... ........ ..i m "'" ." "is it'ii'n: b ii -,.,, M s,ii, ii possible 1 am si III hai 'I .,,.1 .ii ., .- TI,ep.:,1.1..sawbola.rH.fun.ov.,far as I know, wili, ,,, n ,...., ,,r. ,wus on iniir lues in nsii... i ,. i... . ii iiimeu in-ri 'Olilellilllg or mi thill Is II,.. .. Ilidri'd and r. . , .1 v i,, iiioIhs.s. t lino, ton iorgoiirii lu'v good tils i iiliillnat'ini t.islrd w hrli ou win ,i growlag t nun ksI.i ' Thl; Am l .... "" "" '".s r.uion ur - " ." .."a is nie same roillllir etert- .1.. generations ltl..rt there V Vl"' v "'' larted One adtanlage is i,hi ,,.. see- ,. "Int. us.... nii.l... . aa ,,...,1 ,,. " '''" '"'"' UI "I'-'ol ill down to fares everv day, as 0ldlei "'' l""1' '""I " sing .,, ' '' xlM,i' '" raaarvaj im r,Klir- rltlug for and departing from I ",' kaowa ga long awoelealng ' Koa "'" ' "" hta PWWIW "' Ika tin and mrrtoue has aomathlM .....' .' ' " ' ,'i.udi.l. say , racard .., the coadltL , in ant III tl.- iroops H t. fr.o,. ....i . S "" " hl"'"-l " l..'rr.'..dwi,U" and losses s . ,', I'llless the iwrann who i..r .1.., ; H-... Hi.,,,, ,.,. z; i , ' .t , T u m.ub , s ,r ', """s; ' :' "- fort! lag tt, si.mrrtrn Uorr b. e ,n i""' ' one and in manv .., U JL, ,....' ' - M1, and ..insider , ,,. , " ' , "l Z"' " .n.'suii,"-, , -,. , i - ' ;; '' .. t ,.,. .s waa an ,.., to ,w ,,,, , llllK, ,, rm9mmm , I P'nt ; for ,f be baa no, , strong !" - n.eiio,.. up usher'u , : , "i '": " ::."",, r".1" - yM wiillrw,,a. (., h,,!-. moat i... ,i, ..-.. .... I - wm claaa. g t ll:tl t .... I worm ' ii." dollai on oi wii" . ' . ma gonad tha dd W ' ! Ing hark Mil,, 'i . w,, iuld hum up i 1 III 01 I " 'lid will do howevor. Those Home Made SAUSAGE We have just installed a completely equipped Sausage Kitchen. In it are all the new meat cutting and grind ing machines so that we can make sausages of all kinds. If there is anything special that you want in the way of sausage come here and we will make it for you. farmers. We Will Prepare Meals for You For a reasonable charge, cheaper than you could do it yourself, Mr. Rancher, we will smoke and cure your hams, bacon or other meats. Bring them to us, we are equipped to prepare them correctly. You Save Money by Buying for Cash Following the advice of the Fond Administration, we have inaugur al, id our btttlMMon a CASH BASIS, The Independent Market FRANK UK Manager. ATTENTION ! The Federal Food Administrator has to some extent modified his rulings on the "Cash and tarry proposition tha: he first asked us to put into effect and will allow the operation of a once a day free delivery as well as a limited "charge" business, thinking it will be more convenient and agreeable to the trade as a whole. Thy collecting for every order ae it is delivered wooW J,',' !i ,n- a,.ul 2nneo?ary burden on our delivery system that is already too heavily bufdened. dilrliS "?'' as ( l,ils alw,l s to to follow tho ' Z .,,; (;mn;m,,,CM,u Jls expressed through tfce rood Administrator ol this District. tPJjgLofrtO jfe will make htit one delivery a jay t 1(1 a. m. TherjviH he .. charge lor delivery. khit nnuen.dl ft TF" ol 0ur oma in v I nveni l 1 ,,lU l u'v Mdate their orders all ibKvicE ,eDt,y can' auU we Pro you the JMHit pos- Mrs llimnni .tth vavalliiu witi, i,. k... . . " "iaiu ui, ra -n ,o i,r arhOol work at nroga,, Mardav. ; - -j n- - v..,,-:: ; ; ;;; :;::r I ti a T-iar '" H :::::;i;,;i;,a.r;ttr::r r;,;;;,; ?--- I Pa J H K A W H SSSTSh --nn.E. I ONTAEIO, OREGON ! AHjitetnaAMb