ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, I U B M HKK 27, 1917. VAOFTWO (Ityr ODntartu ArtjitH Geo K. Aiken, Editor and Publisher. Published Thursdays at Ontario. Oregon, and entered nt the Ontario post office for distribution us i'nd cUhh matter. One year $1.50. Six months $1.00 Three months 60c. Single gOf) THE PLKIMJK. I pledge my allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which It Stands, one Nation Indivisible with Mtii'rl) and .Tuilice to all to need for action. .KOTWK OP HPRCIAL AS8EH8- In other respects progress ran he ; MENT PA1 KITHwn tl.o ..rn.ll.'.llinll of I NIAH'K IttltUt.HIW IPW As reported t TIIK PARSING KAB. Ontario has no reason for bcltm aaharued of the record made during the past yciir. M fur M material ev idence of prosperity is concerned . Judged l the siniiilurd usually ap plied. During the twenty months that have passed three new buildings have been started and many of the Oregon street business Mocks have been renovated, one mid all Itnprowineiu to the city tliat reiiilred tl pciidl- ture of substantial sums Anions the building erected Dig Urgent. ..t coni-e In the new fold garage hullt by .1 U lllackab) with u 7K fiwit front on Oregon and 120 Irnntage on Colorado acnio j Likewise the only other new niuni tngs have been erected primarily for the purpose of automobile i onven lence and both are now in the course of construction by I 11 Moore, one Oil Oregon street the other iMt of Idaho avaaM It mi In UM " Ml lUO ;md mod el tilting of building that Ontnrle Hbowed Its belief that the clt) i tlnuing i renovalbin of IM WltoM building In which seven new fronts were built during Janunry and February thai sort of laiarovi nsaaU ooaUnued up the Street wb.'ll N I !" I the ui'pear.Hii e of I lie block b( I Wl en tin- condition which brings on typhoid The City Council has an englti'cr at work preparing plans for g water system whereby the city will be supplied with an uncontatnl nated supply of soft water. The pro position of building such a system will le put directly up to the people In the course of the net few week. Heslde this more emphatic stepa luive been taken to enforce the sew trsjg cminectlon ordinance and the number of modernized homes has In - 'it Increased materially In the past month. If every year sees Impro" imiits of so substantial a nature .,, lu, veil In Ontario II will not be long before typhoid will be a mem ory and cltiiena will look back on 1111 as the year of progress, Indeed. Ontario's War Record. In thinking of what has been done in Ontario during the paBt year It would be a serious mistake not to think of the war record of the com munity. In proportion of Its population the i, mil-he, I to the voluntary urmy us many and as fine a class of young ,, . n as entered I'ncle flam's service. u if tliem are now In France and ure going thru the final preparations You a TRHT Notice la hereby given that the As sessor of the Payette-Oregon Slope Irrigation District has completed his assessment book for the assessment of a special tax of One ($1.00) Dol lar per Irrigable acre on all the lands within the district aforesaid, and has delivered Mid book to the undersigned: and that the Board of Directors, acting as a Board of Knuiillxatlou, will meet to equalise said assessment at Its regular month ly meeting for January, 1018, to-wit: January 8, 1918, at the office of the Hoard at the pump house within the district P. M B0AL8, Secretary of the Board of Di rectors of Payette-Oregon Slope Irri gation District. First Publication Dec. 6, HIT. Last Publication Dec. 27, 117. hi rttMom. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur. Zoe Takahara. plaintiff, vs. Marcia 'Takahuru. defendant. To Marcia Takr.hara, defendant: In the mime of the state of Oregon, iJhe rfrgusi ffradeatcm V T" sbbbFI Jatf Baf 1 l ratromze ))rflVtVtl0flT ionize Ontario Stores'' f1 ffv Ontario Stores The man who is willing to advertise his goods, haj good goods to sell or he would nt ten you about them It will pay you to investigate tne gooas soia by these firms who use these columns. They will serve yod with good goods, at the right prices. You Can Get What You Want in Ontari 10 A Splendid tough Medicine. "I havr usd Chamberlain's Oo-.igh Remedy a number of times during the past two or three years for colds, coughs, and hoarseness, and am pleased to say It has always given me prompt relief. I consider Cham- re hereby required to appear berlu In s Cough Remedy a splendid a i I .. .1 I. huh tn.tt nii.ll.ll.il It I ....... ,r Hie .,,1,111 a lit I CI meill' Hie nun inn.- ,.-.",.. - BO OTC the lop. ...-.. i- .i. !.-niitled suit' to many of my friends, who have - . 1 IVll lll.-M Villi 111 111' I . - - . . . . - Then when the selective service . aw - - D,r..,OB f thai used It and likewise praise tl high ....ni tutu effect the city again item-,"" " ; . oust rated that It had the right kind Of men to send forward, and they went with the rest of the boys from Mal l,i nr county with the cheers of and goo wishes of thousands of their tallow cltlxens. In every campaign or patrloti-m on tiirlo lias made good The lied Cross expiration of the time prescribed In the Order of Pub lication, lo-wlt: On or before the expiration of all weeka from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, and If you y," writes Mrs. den. N I W. F. Fruntt, Col-Adv About 80 aorts of the very best of soil in. Hied on an Island 2 tt mllea , Martial with th 'hupler was one of the first organ. leil In Eastern Oregon ami u rrr . nne of lili b the wfculg comniiinlty Is Justly proml To record all that the , lias done would require more tli.'i, nt this time. In each ol the Liberty l.oiui iliies ni.iii,, .v.. iled. as did all of Mal heur county, the quota given It. In tht M 0 A drive that record was duplicated and In the week Just paaa e I the city and county have demon- tratad thai Um people in not tired of well doing and have come forward .these are the beinrnien! huii.lie.1.. to Join the lle.l Cross . IM ey, ,hev do ....I ...... U " ' J' of ,,,,'M, Ull"K' Important dsv.lopm.nt Ta Oatarlaf! have i , called upon la ..! O...I. .....!.. uu IIUIOF l.i-fiirii ..,1s ol most student-, of On- uiuit ......- - orobhins the k rent eat tep of N ne clique ar was the. successful sale of has monopolized ,11, ...ir llriilniiee lliilrlll bonds That bus been liegintiliig of a succeHsful drain features of the rtge district to reclaim acres of Isqil stratea tnai which have become alkalled Is the ci-nllve hshatlon of this section and the '"r full to answer for want thereof, the , from .Nyssa, Oregon. i.ois as b plalntlfT will apply to the court for I cheap Improvements, plenty of food ,..n.,f i,Pi,i,i r.ir in tin minnlilnt. alfilfu. fine pumping plant, good it0.wt. I wells and fine young orchard of all i For a decree of divorce dls-! kinds of fruit Just com'ng Into bear Mivin the bonds of matrimony, lug Raised aOl) bu. grain thla year eltin between the olalntlff and da-, without Irrigation wo in hi. i faahlagtoo treats.wnicn blllldlllK The Insl M 'ion took plaee in thai block. 1 . n the flral Nation. il bank, -,-! lmproed Its biilldillM thru fendant. and for the care and custody of C(MM Takahaia. the minor daugh i,t of plalntlfT and defendant, and . 1 1 lief us to the Court may seem Just and equitable; tbls summons Is published pursuant to a ordT of the lion Dnlton Illgga, Judge of the Circuit Court, duly made and entered December 5th, Tin Klr.Ht Publication hereof Is made I he tltlt day of December. HUT. .Hid the last publication is Address ilox 4 2, call ut the place. MM $2,500. Nysaa, Oregon, or Hilt l I CIIK4P Lots 1 to r, inclusive In blk 120 Ontario township. Two small hom es Make me best cash offer. Will consider Vs cash balance payments. k De.NEKFE. Baker, Ore. tf UK WARD $25 for Information lead- or group of ettueni the le., I. one of the in ' year for It ileinon vlth the proper in lii,. citlenship call unit' the furthering of worth) .... a , a I .. . .. i 1... vua urn it r.-. .1 i,I,.l l.iLl'i, tiKide lbs l .til nay oi January, mm. -jfn -- ,, . .. . .. I' J C M.I.AGllKR, from the Itooth Drain Ditch on or V. II IIKOOKE. about Oct. 1st. 117. Signed, Attorneys for planltlff. tf D. C. BOOTH. i tatarto, Oregon. Norifl-: IK Nl Al. MRKTIKG. Pupil nurses needed at Holy Ro sary Hospital, not under 20 years of, age and one year High school. 44-S I Vol lei Is herein given to all mem-, hers of the Ontario National Farm' I,,,,,,., it was delaved the greater the emis line iue people a.e ,,,.., ,JM A,so(.u that a meeting will UK. W. u. nuw r. barm to he renalred No (hat the to accomplish so things th. rl ,. ,.,,, 1(t ,,. lUj. Uull (,lHrlo. Ore-' DENTIST ... i i.. il uiil ous culnpalgiih have developed u qual . Klin. un Jim. Ktb. 101 R. at 2 D. m.. for Plioan. tUIilM"ii"iiiiimt . !'!' 1 Un.. M but can be done toward pro-, "T ' leadarahlp of which the city ,,, purpol,e of electing a board of five vTlson Bldg - -- - - - - mm be proud and the honors Have . ,, . . , r ,. us,ilns vear limit liirn iii ,,, j - - ....-. .- - - --- - , tl,.. been earned ny men anil women u p, Hiimiiiii. Chester T During (he past year, ..... .. .i. i in... ..i ..., .... ranchers of this section have re Hid wormy oi me ifri "".' i " '"' .- I i ...,,u. i . their first federal farm loans. This tla'r shoulders. aid n. laaaclai ranches means more Tho a year ago It appeared tha( tin" I'l.WO FOR KAI.i:. to tlie growth ami prosperity of (he Malheur County Fair was doomed to .,ir Imniedlutu sale we will sell' coun(r than is realized a( this time, pass, such was not so ui.,1 II thai H Irtmtwdmiai cheap a new high grade ' Ul-W Before a year lias passed thousands hlbltlou given ill September the MM .Lm stored at Ontario Liberal of dollurs worth of high Interest station placed Itaat! M I iUTi tooting i,.rmH t0 responsible party Uual- 0R8 ckey. THANHFKR President.' TRANSFER. BAOGAGB AND EX- I'RfcBB Meets all trains. JOHN LANDINQHAaf Ontario. Oregon. mortgages will be replaced Willi low tin (miner .,, , oinpllsliiinnis All ol j,v Kuaranteed If Interested in al niii-iesi obligations and t litis assisting . the old hills of the fair were pai , arapoaiUM Ot (his kind write TIIK (he rancher to make needed improve- and (he men who are elected to di DKNVBB MCSIC COMI'ANY, uieuts. rect succeeding exhibitions i an pro- i, ,n er, Colo. ., i parllculars. ' The mi condition maul MM wl(h (heir plans free In the esle.d during the past year is (hat ot knowledge thul (heir endit is good N PR1NZ1NU WKKSK Oatarlo, Oregon Office In New Wilson Block. Office hours 8 to 12 2 to ;t Cull and see the new VulcanUlng In only one and thai lie public will support than ,n0p Uu, doorH UOi U ut the Moore namely that Judged by and large we believe. hll,,. We uaV4 M f ,ie ).,, typhoid epi-, therefore, that 1017 has been on. j. Ml , h . North w Itepair work guar nteed for the the health ol (lit i it v respect wii- that bad, which brol about the di iiilc. Even that, viewed In one aclnevemMl and the jiro.-picts for light, Is something for which lo be (til are. In spite of war U thankful, for it has awakened the ill) bright Indat d life of the casing or tibe. II, n, roar old tires made new. Ontario Tlie and Itiibber Co W K. It It I T T I N O H A M Truck Traasfer Phone 1(7 M CASH and CARRY Uncle Sam, thru his food adminis trator for this section has said: "To win this war, dealers in food stuffs, groceries and meat shall ad opt the Cash and Carry system." WE WANT TO HELP WIN THE WAR And Hi are asking all our customers to assist us in our efforts to comply with the foot! adminis trators request. AFTER January 1 I will adopt the Cash and Carry Plan. OREGON PACKING CO. a le WHKN Will WANT A MIIM-lll We Can Supply Your Needs KOK It KNT i furnished house- THK HAMTAItV HAKHKK MHOP keeping rooms with two screened . aVVw porches Prices reasonable. Inquire,. Tn puCe where the SerYtee la II. .V !' OltlDPl., itvAVMH AA 1 . '" ""-" the Best, where the Baths are the Newest e Household goods for salo. At home). . evenings Three blocks north of the Moore hotel Property of E. Cope, who Is leaving Ontario. tf KOK SA1.K six dozen Plymouth I Itock pullet., now ready to commence I aw n g Apply II. F. Ue(elener, half, mile eaat of Fruit land; address Pay ette II r. No 1 Adut Expert Service Reasonable Charges and While Wyandotte Chickens Cockrels for sale. liuiiiito at oft ice. i, v.i Apples and Potatees: Hriug them lo the Ontario. Ice and Cold Storage Co. We have room now. Adv. 4t "" . The kind of treatmentSteady customers deserve Is the principal upon which we do business. Dressmaking. Plain or Fancy sew ing Mrs. If. R. Wheeler, at Mrs. Willing ton's iu the Fisher proper ty, Prices HeiMorabh Phone 1-1. TAKF.N UP A buckskin cow. weight about 1000 pounds, about sis years old, now dry, came (o my place a half mile east of Ontario on December t and after having been driven off. returned and broke Into corral with stuck. Owner may nava same by paying tor this advertising "CaIFa DUFOHD, lTOp and cost of damages and keep w h UTDBT. Phon 134 Accessories carried for all kinds of cars. Gasoline, Lubricating Oils and Supplies. Ontario Auto Co. A Ciood Bank In a Oood Oouatrr KIKMT NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus ilM.OtJi ........ Iledk Stoves Furniture. Disbar No w end Sacond Hand Goods Bought and Sold M.IHIWKIXS KXCUANGB STORK Linoleums. Bicycles, Sewlag Machines, Trunks ...... Commercial and Job Prating The Art 8(udlo THK AKT HTUDIO J. P. Kldd. Prop Photograph. Portraits and Views Fresh and Salt Meats tVUsaVn MKAT MAKKKT II 11 Tunny, Prop Our Setvice Will Pleaaa You Pastary Confactlonary I'l-'IUTV HAKKUIY Makers, of Kream Kruat Bread ! Deliveries l I.IKIIk;i. DAIKY Leon Eldrdge. Prop Speclgf Deliveries (or all occasions e e e Wagons Hacks - e Boggles HTl DKHAKKK UHUM ttlK- It IK V 1IO OF I TM1 There are None Batter Tban Use Ssudebaker Expert Iteparing W. W. UMSON Watches Clocks. Jawlerjr, Cat tilaas Gold and Silver Plate ' WE OIVE SERVICE THAT SERVES" ONTAHKI NATIONAL BANK Wa Invite Your Baalnass on the Balsls of Security and Accuracy .see Oood . Cowa- e e e e Oood Service ONTARIO DAIRY O. BlngahasB, Prop. Wa can Furnish Milk t Crtam la Large Quaaitlas Kodaks HUtloery ONTARIO PHAK.HAC-Y The Corner Drags tttera The Rvll Store Founuia Sarvtca Taat Plaaaaa Oaly Tailor . Ontario's Have Tour Suit Made Just For rrs-eees. Qlaaawara. Crockery, Tinware THE VARIETY STORK C. E. Commlngs. Prop la our Lines Wa oatt Sara Tou Money e- r r e- e- r No Order too Largo None too WILSON BROS. The Orooert No Long Walts No Short Weights PHONE a-j fsONsl PHUB-WO at the right price at U. S. Tires Aueilsal aocsaawMi THF KORO (;Am0, Erlile llsine. tku. Agent for Fonl Motor (a iwiveiopiog as Amateur Finishing Met : TIIK III KRKM, trfgal Knlarglng r Hey Grill 8ask. Poultry CAHH URAJM 00Kf Forward lag M'i Mll-i in A H llrowu, Aiwi. ltri.i.i.iu Block Ua l'nultry SeppIlM om kiii iHiiiiiii:ri Geo Hows, Mutgen Wholesalei .-i Poultry I FH.ri.FH HaSanal and repair work. aud Gents flioe ehH In iiinnsrU All work Uoan 1 Steam. Hot Water, Air I f. H. PLl'MBINti I ilMI'lW Plumbing and8ketl Indian Motorcyclsi asl I . . .." s Cleaning. Presslaf, (INTAHIO MODEM I W. C Bntera.Ns Suits Made to Miaaai . . C. C. Coraeu Aril on Painting,! ill I IM (IV ft AtaB2 HILF 4 HAIiaBit Royal Stgaetr 0ss vj THE STORK THAT WT1 MONIT ILUMOaV , sll AgaU! . . . . " Edison 1'honogrira.a V I. TIBMJ Rssil Estate. Hsu"'1 ' Sheet Music . . - . U TIUHKM iMuJara B Farm Mschlsrrw,fl Hoi lllacksmitli PIONEER IH-At r. W and " ,i.ar I Established la "',, , ,he vear rffj Wood Work W" vihs' a a e . .... ...-w-.verytkiM1" V O IHil" I Second Hsad J U'liv pay s nl6 Pr. article when ' lie, ll.l glakt I ...J.V. lit Wlt" . uM Second Hau i e ..- ,.nn- mm - ...,' If its Job r-nui.u. ... ,n We1 The Argus Offloa. win pi - ,.,-sii times to a" " "?, PHONE atVJ PHONE I printing. -