The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 27, 1917, Image 1

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)h XXI.
NO. 51
11 DISTRICT HAS Ontario has biccest MEN TO
ED CROSS ROT) 0,lV" "niwlHffli BE
FRASER IS NAMED TO ! win am master
REPRESENT MERCHANTS' installs new officers
George W. Cochrane, Deputy Grand
Food Administrator for Idaho anil MaBter. accompanied by Hruce Keeter.
Hundred of Ontarlans and other
THAN nno AHOVK TOTA , Malheur county folk who In yearn
paKMd admired the hi Itlley Horn
attar when on exhibition at the coun
ty fair, railed at the Oregon I'arklog
company hop during the paat week
to view the aide of beef that the crlt-
the hlgget beef that hung during ,,, ,. 7Z. , . .,
. ... . heur oimty Agricultural association
;. hHrtm" week and would have , o , (1
, I- MOO Man, proved ration for a regiment, for l.Bl,v p)r Mx ,, u JT
lior. I..rc..t ' "-!H.rt I anil- 1-ngth hanging waa eleven feet nine bwn n(( rwh ofB
Worker. MOM '"Che while from the hrlske, to the; Th ,,oi)r(1 (o . w)) .
Retiring Hoard I Circled After
Orlay liit Ml ,..,
I sums Slate limn for
Ion Knewr Holl
.hack of the shoulder waa 4(1 l-Z
H . nVftn
Before going to the block,!
Imal weighed .S 1 0 pounds
.. .. . ..,au 'while dreaaed he weighed 2.115
cm .vti.liieur coumj .iiinini
ilou patriotic effort In Ha ro-,
m the Hod (roue ChrlNtmaa
With ii quota of 1X50, or half
L quota of IT, ll" eer-
de Malheur record safe by en j
bill tlM other .'Ilil of
inly will be certain to reach
hnaklm the grand total wen.
be number required.'
rmaii A I. I'ocgruni ww an i
whan he told of the record ;
clean slate so far na old debt are 0OBV
cerned. The hoard aa It la no
stltutcd. hp hilling President C H
Knilaon. A. L. Cockrnm, P. .1 CnV
I Uglier
her. Walter Olenn and H. aW
Hutu I IuNAIKlo Ktti ! ,Rrv n r,,,n
wwrwm, in Piir- m i n- in i iimi W iiewan
Many Rcisterrd Men rrnm Ml Ovir
i im.i to Cll for dvlcr on In
formation I nele Ham lleslre.
thla sectlnn. which I" truly re-
He. for In many aectlona Inatead
ng one third of the Inhahl-
ware enrol Icil
Tlieae are queatlonnalre daya for
I lie iiwvirn of Ontario The Icgul
than one third of the families fht- ,,,,,. h.. f)r ,.,
II " " "nor r Uii , ,,.-. ,,.i,h ihe record of
in report
It waa elected late In the aeaaon
fnccil ii ilehlt figure on ihe liooka.
Ro far aa could he learned none O
the present director are out, "ran
nlng for office," la fact all of then
would escape service If It could bt
done gracefully, and President C R.
KiulKon. who haa served on the lioard
aeveral time, la emphatic In declar
ing that laat year waa hla final year
on the hoard
A. I. forkrum and I' J (iallaghcdt
aver they are not neeeklng the Job oiMiiv name have lie t her are Messrs Tunny mil i.hnn.
tlmt many name nave , d niw squired ander " TT ...
iried Tha rnaaon for .... . ,"" """'' "r ,h,m care Mr Knilaon
irted. lite reaaon lor llH.,,y,. rv Ce aw. That la ,.,,.,
would poeltlrely refuac.
Ito I urn In the detailed report
bf ii in.
Nyaaa H JM.
at N'yaaa a record drive wa
(hat a number of the aolk Hora prMI n,.,,, ,h 8wyori, have to do
or ralher all they get the chance to
do, for the men uro , .miiIiii; Into n
tiirlo from all pant ol lfa eount)
Havaral of the uii'v.iluii- DUtlle (lie
While thai nectlon anal i OVOV wp,.,.,,lv tb ram run
ill iai glaaa aai aavwr aataa-
u ioiiiii i:i ei hei ol iiooK i in ie
Hum tOtt nut MWl 'Kenenil" Infnr-
iim ii.. u-utitM Ktiectfle iniNwera. '
and -hen a rancher urti ... figure ., ami lha Taggnr. rUrdwara Ct
" , ' r.ocefro,,, "' ll.tro.luie UmII to the (i.lllllc ol
out unit lie earned on 1.1 i .... Horn
a r.. vs.... i it ii on inn nr
1 Mil I I Hill .Hi" I ' i ii .
i UK lion har-''-
1 of ITS, while In Klng
tilonv 37 men
Out hi While Settlement. 7
, enrolled mid In the
rii dl rU il. Stewart
i. .lex turned In 6.1. On
i Bide of the truck Mr. A.
mi , Mi . .luckNou Jamea
" ItoM'l of" 'T
John 1". Huston iind K Mope of Vale,
drove to Ontario laat Thursday even
ing to Install the officer of Acacia
Lodge. A F and A. M On the ,,,
ciixlon of the Installation Mr Coih
rane delivered an uddreaa that will
ibe remembered by all who heard him
Mallieur (bounty I'uts IxhiiI Man
on Xiltlsory Board May
Invite llh knell.
E. A. Kraaer received word thin
IIK.MtHK lilt MlWIt I) II
Tt SINfi lTIMOTll soNflH
i OHrUamtAH l K.
Following the ceremonle a banquet
week of hi appointment to the poi
lion oi .nercnan. ieiireeni.nivr oi j WHS ,rw.,, In the nan(llPt hll
the ataff of R. F Dlrknell, Federal The following were Ihe officer In
Idaho and Malheur county. That I "tailed: Clinton F Trow. W. M ;
l)r It O Payne, S W.; Joe Hcholea,
.1 W , I) I' llearhorn. secretary; E
A Fraaer, treaaurcr, Italph Diinlmr,
II; Frank Weaw.. J H II; Hay
Food AdmlulKtrntor for Ihe State of
the way Mr Itlckneir title would
read If it covered exactly the terri
tory under hi authority
Mr. had only In a general w B "" 'lrmeni. J
way been told what hi dutle. are to ,""1 ll H Hutherford. tylar.
be. bat theae Indicated that he will
Ihe buy keeping the merchanta in
touch with the admliilHtriitlon' plan,
asaliting them In getting the public tn
touch with th.-lr vrlou proposal
One of the first thine Mr. Fraaer
plan to do I lo hold a meeting of all
the merchants of the county I
Ottarlo and have Mr Mlrknell preaent
W discus the vurlnii meaaures now
helii tared When he hroacheit
hla plan to other m r hunts here and
tt Vale and Syaae they heartily ap
proved. When Mr Ml. knell can visit
Ontario of eOwTM I a question, for
he I a busy man theae daya.
tlirlstiims Spirit More In Kvlilenco
Now Titan at m Time In History,
DerUrea .Imlge Wood. Red tYnae
Is Kxsniile.
Willi I
l.llls I'. h l.'
tans anil .-i lib mIIoiis
a Hlr ami Aile
qnate M)si
I. mils 0 Kelsey of Cortland, the
hvdr.ii ugh r employed tiy the
n . mm. ii to prepare plans and
spe. Hie it Iniis fur a aafe and adequate
water siipplV for Ontario, arrived In
the illy at noon loduy lo deliver his
report :...if specification la thi
ell .,iei la I Ii Hug ol that
' fnr this evening.
i ,t mi i i r.,. i ii., i, ..i ii, re
p.m ... . In- . , mi II Mr Kelsey would
Under a balmy atar-llt sky
dreiis of Ontarlani stood hare headed
Chrlstmaa eve during portions of the
Municipal Chrlstnm tree program.
It waa like a spring time gall
for the llluinliiated Christina treea
and tln-etilliiienf. expre-M'il were the
only Indications of the season
What Hie picture lucked In Chrlt-
. I iiipeiirnnee. however, was made
rrlves l In the aplrlt expreaaed, for Inatead
n being tha occasion of receiving of
glfta. those who gathered came to
give to tha relief of the war-atrlrkvn
children or Armenia When the little
k ' .iiituinhic, the silver coileetlone
were emptied at the A. E Eraser
"ie piin mounted '" $1H7 00.
Later aitllllonat sums were tunic
In to the cnmiiilttee and tin i.itsl
Ile V llri.Wll pi". Me. I
program and lha opening numb
hi of the star Su
tlie aU'llcUre Mrs w J.
With the advent of the Re
the (intiirln liarilwnie Co paaaea
I...H....H ....... II U T.iuuurl U'l.ii
hi. own labor and what V earned " "' "J-"" '
.. . . T.iu.. .urn IBS oueraien Hie i.ikk.iii iiin.ire..-
i... ii. - ... I. mr I Is a trine i llll
,',', n for'..,, lawyer ... tlgure I. JJ-IW "" " ""' '"
ttiii.irlo from Vale and from a minor
out. ...... ,w ...
liy siiHreiiniuci hi hum i o s nwiw
j The intul for Ontario, ho-
III be 11 DO.
ke poatofflce group of young
Jul remarkable work. Alto-
Isiui.iiiiiK In lied fro coa-
lln mil, m.i Weil In relay and
nearly 100 member and sold
H'iU worth of Ited Cross
llll Mile
reported more than 100, and
rams In proportion to the , a a a has neen Hie progreaa ne nas n.s.i.-
ih. v had to work with, did . A In the meantime the business of the
well, hut Ihe dutulled report njiai aamaiai JM)
in Nimpe for pVl.llcatlon this . ,W-KMBKH ?
II l. Holcomb, who admits
trouble for the Idaho Power
company, ha a fine lawn at his
tious. In the north end of the
cit I edit 'he lawn goe Into
winter quarters along about
October and lata Mr Holcomh
rest, but thla year thing are dif
ferent. The other da), due to
tha eioeaalve rain and warm
weather, the graaa developed to
. i . . ..--. I .. 1. ..! I.. oil
such a iieigin una "r "
mower and proceed to
raaa a Christmas trim.
e ao he told an Argus man ."
. .- . .1.. ..til..
" ti.lmcs Tlmt I lr Mr Huleoiuo is im. ...- ,
r-"' f Hat for This Win- re.ldeut boaaitng oi w-
N- and Tlien Some.
'helaae in the rmj Unole oalj ,iisi uss the situation in general "'"""" " '
,., ..'. - ... I I.'.hireil tlmt bM bjVeetl '' " B," ' ' '"" '
With Chelsea's enlistment ,, ,il the city s sung In tht puplla ol
three member of the family are aaj ,,,n teetWe Bd build a self siistalulni.- """ ' '"" "r"
rolled in II rvlce Tin llr i 0 g) .fin which III cover th-ec times " H"U Nlf' " ""'
join was Wilbur, who was will, tl ..I, territory a. that covc,,,l bv -' W . ' K"" ", H
. ..., I ., ...... r..Mler llr., BUfnlng." '
necoil.l IIISIIO no in'- in.- i "'. r."' ..... ....
the Mexican embrogllo and win. In protection, higher pressure and soil,
now in France. Itay, the second pure water at a rtgurc which will
n iiii r to enllal. Is a. Fort Ham cnmiuend Hrelf to the people.
Houston In .be aviation servb e. and .
now Chelsea I In the army
tirm has kept pace will, the grow. h of ,m,,nf three ...en for whom Ihe
the community. Boyer service dag muat carry a star.
Ill lime lust year," said C It
"l i Ircle liar ranch, v. I
ie holiday with hi family
Ie had cattle on the fed
I ware gutting
lyeer most of the cattle are
the r. Hives unit Ihev urn cet-
n the pii klnga they hav Ii
let we cannot have more than
'I wluter when I. will be
to feed and that means that
ore than enough hay to
be '.iltle In the ennntrv :.iel
I'lus for next year
'"" too, tliu. unless the hav
of the lower valley provide
Itur sliliminr ll,lr Imv out of
ullshmeii.s of hi lawn at this
season, however, for Mrs l.ui
Hjj John Kassmusen
ol the M.Ulh end of til.' 'll each
had Chr.slinas dandelions lo aid
In the Vulell.le ilecorali"
Iheir homes The flowers were
gathered In their yard.
No Changes nil tin- Service on tlsr W(r irIMe lilliergeiicl licilind and
I iicgon-l ..-' n as let
eminent Mn.iageiin ot lApccl-
,sl In Mreel Service.
Mier January 1 the train lOTeM
to lloiucliil. will he iiii Its old sched-
l thre.' lime weekly, Monditvs.
Wednesdays and Fridays Annoiini.
meat r lew haiige In schedule was
made thl week.
Wlllii Mc.... I- Naineil
Hire, .or l.i' Hlg
Salaries to It.' t at,
I'resldent U Hm.i. - i hi i
en. tn the American people thai aj noon lomoi i ow
the private MUMhfleeaaMM el tke Vnnn
u railroad ni-i' The ChrUlmai.
elf. was a day lute In .iilUnt'. Bl H
Aa yet no . liaiiges have Imhiu uia:'. ,,ri ,,,-t ,,., 1 ni.iltei of dls-
oii the schedules on the 0 ussloa sll.'e IU ..nnouni cuieiil
i rn hut railroad M do not aim
.1.... I'.. ..I.. Cu.l.
what hi eieii now nisi i u (1
la going to do the deciding Ruling
o. Male BwbUt
will hardly he effective and If I'm I'
Sum (eel thai .hero Is I ' 8mui HKreBs to lulu Li" "I"' "in
the operu.ion of tralus the train will L,fu. , roads in a- enod p
not nperate. That la the view nil-1 gjJJUe M Ikei .n.ak.n
road men lake uf the situation aud u U ttUo reported that tin
,;,.. ,cy arc ,..,, pr-Mi- , M den, tof"
four rui.roa.i nr-.i. --
,,I1K m the lerm- ol tne
pun UniHiioii lb" rull-
road ioii,...n..- iM ' eeaera
..,,.- d.v.d. mis euri.e.l bv them dJ
ing the pas. ihrm- years, and I n. h
IIKH linss i. II I llOXKS
HKCi;i Kl 111 Stll.HIKIth
Ihe rhrls.iiias packages sent
from the Ontario Ited Cross In
aMier hoys were received
and appreciated for alrnedx On
larbUM win. in t iialiiik:
tlieiii alnng have received ac-
hiiowledgiiieiit" Irom the boys
The llrsl of the cards received
arrived today and (hose who re
iil.eil (belli were delight fully
ill prised Tim editor of the
was Informed bj Ibe in
ng in klinw leilKUienl lie
d Ihat his package had
i, c.l by Sam K Mi-
llrldu, who admits that "he la
1 i .d heiiil-d, and like tin
n Lewis
rarln' In gn mrosh and make
the trip to llerlln " He also
adds thai he hope, m ke there u
irom .ml ..
; iges lo soldiers
type Is a real all
. ii mi can enjnv
ll ion Tinner. A. K. Itlddle and
llersi hel llrowne sang, "Oh. Come
Ya Faithful" ami a patriot! medley.
A.loinex S' W Wood, who dellv
.i.l Hie address of .In- evening, dwelt
elnillelltl lipnll tin Ilia lllli -I ul lull of
the Chrls.mas spirit shown In I
purpnaes for which tin- audience waa
aaaenibled this la tin time for
peealnilsm. nor a .hue in l. Ileve Ihe
world is gruwiiig woree." Wevei bt
I..,, had the world
aeen su. h m .i n r -!.. 1 1. ti ..i the chrlat-
mas spirit of doing mr o there a haa
, o nil. i.'iii II. i Ited the
yreel jled Mrk, the v M c A.
drive mid other ageiici. - ... the ro
ll, t ..f buiiimi" H the
I'll It
II,. ,,!, pi. .1,. i. .1 lb! Ii" HI i! ''
miiiiy chri' iraaaaee la lha f(
flire the '- Ihtfl
win be ntagtoi i' i icM
lliwilli I ill llerllll
H. Karl Hannu mad. the pi'
Ihe Armenian fund and 'tin program
. d Willi Ihe coll . Hon . I m k and
Ibe singing ... ..
will happen to the passenger RnfTM
uf this section
Mrs M K Oaborn left laat Monday
j ii Adrian, one of the well-known
.i.iu owned illlHl
"""'" '" :, , .e,.. Kaiu to spend Clin
Idaho laniou.
Mlaa Bicx reig.n
... I ... I.I II IH I .1 1 1 .. ' - - "
iirchur.i. man.. -
.. .- . ii.i.,l.i FFall-
p. ., ..... . ...J ... alVA 1, III I lie .-'' - -
- '- ' Ko'ug to be a IHg He uec.ueu in a.- Osborn ia away
arprle. ai Croaaaud have it sold at aucim. .-
r the railroad men would be exempt
ft. rn, I IreJI M i "'
p I that aalariea of all railroad
ls will I
,. v thee diverted used to Increase
the wages of other employes
What effe. t the government man
The newly eteated offleer ol Star
. ,, ,pi. i. He , 0 K s win
stalled at the llr . meeting In Jallll
ol leant
I irgaret Inn, I,., i M Hugh
Mien. W P Ml- I'a.illtie Hillings
lev. A M ; Mrs W. F, aecrc-
rollowlng tin
,o.l".l lo the I I iir roll
thai shimi. i i in
may hat due in tho
ta. i 1 1.... tome ni i in- oil. Itoi - felled
l,. i. poll the i'imi.l. I. I
John I
I. II HprlUger
Qej w. ii i
A r Middle
ageuient of Ho-railroads will have mi , Mf . ,, KHr,.y ir,.aMUrer. Q stapleh
Hcholea, i onductress, and II I. Holcomb
' -We th. ---'--:: ayxrnftM p, D ,C UACT
I. Cockrum reeeivw. . UtlLUVn ULUU IU IIVUi
.'niillnue.l mi Tag Four I
l Jos
Mra Chimin c
i tree.
Johnson. assoi Iiii.
llu.t rim....
Tom rtlinpH.ui
. ur. Ingle
John Wallers
II. I ll .SI, Will.
fun. hii.
ll Hltltivn ri.'uTiuiit '
in. from the Kroeaaln Harneaa
. . ..
hi fel Iii.ui for ilia I'lirist- , .. ,..,inl was aucl.uuevl tiy ai.i
. .. ... Buu ,,,
JU Watar I'niiiinissloiier . . .... u..,l Uiuire. with the
Ilaruum ai me ...-
ehrane completed the Mai- mmmmU ,. . tUB local lualitutlon U
hearing laat Th uradar at ..... u.,,., e C W Polk wa ,.,., nt) d(- Chris.iuas
'" Friday morning by auto .... ,.,,, hl,,lMr f, the bridle and bit ,,,., ,,ve by the Oregon dub at
Blue 111. mi. tut.... for hi. home . . .... I..J, ...... In IlUt It Up ... ,. TiiesitaV evening As UsU!
--"."" "" - ... ha mar or ,,,.. its , ........ -- ,, . . ....
1. will k. -viral . 7 .. ., ...muete wtli the .... .......tlnn. of Hie club drew de-,he principal decorullon, win on.-.p, hM is-rt, noniing an active o.o- j vv m t.o.e.
a decision can be " "" LL, ck of eour. tM, f "ae tep" and other mod , plll. ,,,e..,l,ly room of tbe ; (hloned revWel aeei with Preal Cdwin Nelaee
Iln the esse whi.h Is volum rBrn gvmnastb attainments from all ,llfh .chool The big fell banner wu , , will, f the Nesaren liege ol Judge ijnubersm.
rebngthou-nd. of pages H.ryey Kobafg Bender of Boise lhe country and a eiiguir urwl(BDted to , .-- -a- ampu ,..., Z" . Z 1! 7"vi n
he stenographic work . ' ... m.w. -re Cralt-' aoml time resulted similar .uv.... ,,. Ar. - s,..ap... - . ...
II t.L,. k. ...'oa si. !"." . - .. , ,,1P . dance on .n ,iu of in. n. now , i.nru nt twenty siuuenis irom me na mi.i. rsou
'"- . -t.l. ..rents Mr aun """ I . .. a ..... .s t. e.n,
,...,. mas aueats ni men i , I ,t the leia cainu ' mnn u ihuuui m 11.1 wun. '."""
till NKs. IK I.1IIX4.
it i:iv i. si:i' ,i i i
With the sale ol tin op' it Itou i i, in,. i. luau
.. . d...l..u v.. .....II. .... 4'llllu....
1,1 111,' .S -, ir ."I. I. I. ' ". ,.....,. .., n ..I, ., .II.M.l.r.
other aillvi . nurch was'Norio.i ..hller
A big lino- foot pennant I in Ontario's growing lis.
with a preadlng During Hie past week the organi'. I I' I
H le
s k:
0 II Smuil
Pel Huford
0 (J I in Ins
l.eo II Kellogg
II II Wood
S S 11 re war
v Uyers
Q, W.
Mariou Jin
M I.. Hoi.
Mrs. A Jackson
Mrs M J Thomas
K ll I .
! tVar
Mary 1 1 I
A U Mo
Mr. Ita. i. el Well
i I Aker
J. Staple, 8r.
in may
by .SepieUi,er 1. ISIS.
Mra. 8. 11. Bender.