ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, i&ll PAOEETOITT I MODEST Christmas GIFTS Will he far nunc approprintc this yciir tlmti those nf tin- luxurious rostly sort that vc usually like to ".ivc (iiftw t he appreciated this year will not. In' measured l their expensiveness, usefulness will le the feature. Everv lo(l has prior obliirattons this vow tint come ahead of Ififts then wli.it ou can spare should go for useful rememh ranees. SPECIAL SALE Holiday Neckwear wondi:rful assortment Packed in Handsome Containers 25c 50c 75c $1 A Few Suggestions That We Know Are Right ,, ; , . r- i FOR EXAMPLE for the Husband, father or Son A Sweater Jacket, or a Jersey, or a Mackinaw something that will be woi n ainl warm every d.i this winter. Shirts of all soils Shirts for every da. for Sundays, for holidays silks, percales, madras, wool a djDSOU and one kinds and styles, according to the price you desire to pay. N'oii never bean) him sa lie had too ni;iu Shirts, and he never will, A Pair of Olovoa rape, iimelm, fur or Wool all leathers all styles, lined )r unliiied. Did you ever tee a man who didn't need gloves 1 'This seas)iithe are ivinj- Niht Shirts, I'ajainasaiid 1'nderwear used to he a little liesitai ley ahoiit giving these f or 'hristmas gifts, luit not so this ear. (live him a Louugiug Robe or House Coat nothing makes him like home latter. We're show inu complete lines in hoth, and prices still are niodot and easily afforded. Why not a Leather Man or Suitcase? A nice genteel Buitcaae or Bag makes traveling a pleasure and helps appearances wonder- fully, The young ladies like to give Neckties and Socks never saw a man turn them down good all the year 'round. Our assortment of Ties and Sox will surprise you, and him, too--and the prices lower than ever for the quality. Novelty Hats and Caps are the rai;c this , car the clour Hat again taking the lead. --- A Suit of CI.. th.s or an Overcoat is no mean gift the kind that's good the , ar around the all wool kind, ant) clothes for men aial young men arc as re as..naM priced here as ever, not even as expensive as J on may have hceii led to think. In fact, there's ft hundred and one useful and appropriate arti cles for the men. VOUUg men and boj s. and you will be gifillg what the like and what the will be glad to use. - I WHY NOT TACKLE YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING A BIT EARLI ER THIS YEAR? Town Topics Tersely Told I. 11. ! .1 . . ....M..H !. , ..,.. . linnn laaao was a Bolae rlsllor on Monday. Mm V. B Staple was a week na visiter to Vale. o Boy liowman and Lewis Oneil were I visitors Monday. K. . '.Hl.kllii nf Welser vn a bu . It eg VrVlltor here the nrst of tin week o Mr. and Mr Dolling returned Sim day evening from WW f where they pant tlie day witl. Mrs. Dolllng's par- nts. Capt It N. Duncan, Lieut. John vines ana i.teui jonn u. w neater, tne Malheur county boya who won their ronimlsslons at the second officers' (mining .iinip at the Presidio, left yesterday for Tacoma, Washington, where thoy will accept (heir first duty aa officers of Uncle Barn's army, at ('amp Lewis, American Lake. Mrs. II. ('. Kasthum of Vale xu a business visitor Friday. Dr. Burroughs of Vale returned from Portland the last of the week ind Mtnnnnil In Ontario fnr a ihnrt ... n.-i. .. . , 1 WW " ..-w v- uw V .mn . i m m inn iiaugnirr 01 llm vine spent nionuay nere. Mrs. J ."ilnzliu n.l danclitc- Lois spent t'.i", week end at Bolsi. The Tuesday Bridge Club mot this Iv.eek at the home jf Mrs. Prang l!ad- er . Mi:., It. O. Payne carried off the honors. Mrs. Robert Lytle of Vale passed thru Ontario enroute for Bolae. o -o Mr. and Mrs. Otto Blackahy of Mrs. M. Dolling and Mra. M. B. , Homedale spent SundBy In Ontario Wheeler were Welaer vlaltora Sun-j,,,,, went t0 v.,e b.forB re,rnn, to day- their Idaho home. o Mrs. Oeorge Kellog was a Payette Mr j Hollander after cnrlim for! anil WnUnr visitor KrMnv nnil Htitlir- ... . .- . ..... . ' "" an iimano 'asp rciurnea rrioay 10 ""' the Welaer (leneral Hospital where Dreamland Attractions Friday December, 14, Oolden Idiot, Featuring, Bryant W iiHlibiirn, Stn.na; tctlng, WcMntatfW riol. Saturday !)., ember, irth, Tlie Duiiiun. Jack Pick font, Comedy, Cop anil t 'iisneilnetts.Hpci lal Music Sunday. Dcrember 18tli, Jury of Fate Mabln Till la fern i, Pathe Npm. Nperlal Wuslc, Tlios. Illll of il.e Sii.nrii'iil company pi.KHed thru (intalro today bound for Kanftn o- she la employed. Oeorge Ulenn of Vale return.-.! fmin I'ortland last Sunday for a Mrs. (luas of Povette spent 8un-i,,,", vMi ,M'for, returning to enlist day with her daughter. Mrs. Harry ' ,n " m"rl" HN Co.'krum. o Mrs. J. rl rtiimium and chiidri-u Mr and Mrs. James Morflt, Jr return.' I Mn 'I iv troiu Hqfltpr.ltor ml Mrs. James Morflt. sr. went to i where Air.: Itu.ticiK. en ww.it la t- Monday December 1 71 It. A Dolls House Dorothy Pliillipn, I i.ivprNMl Comedy, Monday evening. o Mrx II C llowers and Mra. 0. A. p Mow hi WeJMr spent Sttday with (heir alster, Mrs 1 looser o Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallagher of Welaer visited their daughter Mrs Dolling the last of the week. :. ml It ir fat iff i i.tt eral. -o Attorney and Mrs P. J (iallagher left TiieH.lt.y for J ll num. where Mrs. (Iallagher will visit while water hearings are In progress. Mr .ill.' V-m "hi . rl Duiirr t wre next ToeH.lin ..'. Hi. hotlt" of Mlv Mr. and Mrs. K. (Vpe left Tuesday Luvlne Hut th. ( t.p. Dun. i I. fl evening for Jacksonville, California. W'llMf H '" v lean l.tl where the.i will spend Ilie wlntM o o Mra. L. Harmon l.eilurer for the Aiturnuy J W. MeCnlhnli left VV c T . V. arrived in Ontario Friday Tuesda' ffrt; Jiniltira to attend the and gave a. ver Inlereatlng talk at aesslons of (he water commlaalon. th Baptist jehnrah Sulitrday evening Tuesday December lNth, Gray Ghost o. niii Kventa, Case of Doctor Standing, imiclj, TIk liOtik, Wednesday December I9tlt, Prison Without Walls, Wall. in- Rrlil, anil Millie Nlenilma.au Burt. ti ll.diiieo TravrlM Thursday, December 10th, Fatty Arbuckle Fatty in Coney Island, Hcrren Maui.lne. nlinnloil CurUmna. Krlday, December 21s( The Danger Trail, n.illhi.g Picture II. It. Warner, Inlet llei.iing, l.aiton Iliitl. AhhIsIhiii Cueral Manager, Mar-1 Our store will gMfj 0M evenings in mid Ijtsial.a Manager 'J. ft; Orr of during the week pr. ceding Cltrlst the I .l.i in . I'oper .oniputiy were In On- jmaa. Tin- a.lei Wore. tm in 'iwjljay on buslneaa., , , . OBtrlo, Oregon. 11 ' i i ii i Saturday, December 22nd, The Spirit of Romance, Special Music. l Inn Martin, Coined), lloinli- mimI llluiulns, i I Christmas Gift Suggestions AT 0. G. Luehrs' Drug Store PARISIAN IVORY very best. Ivory Hair Brush Ivory Clothes Brushes Ivory Hat Brushes Ivory Mirrors Ivory Jewel Boxes g Ivory Clocks Ivory Perfume Bottlet- Ivory Combs Ivory Powder Boxes Ivory Hair Receivers Ivory Dresser Trays An endless, assortment, of novelties. STATIONERY Violet Waters and Perfumes Domestic and Imported Traveling Sets Thermos Bottles and lAinth Boxes CANDY, Whitmans Lown eys Vagans Kranses. Both in packages and bulk Shaving Mirrors, Flash Lights. Waterman's Fountain Pens from $2.50 to $10.00 SAFETY RAZORS from $1.00 to $10.00 Genuine Meerschaum and Brier Pipes Ivory and Amber Cigar and Cigarette Holders LEATHER Traveling Cases Manicure Sets Cuff and Collar Cases Purses and Hand Bags Writing Pads Line of Cheap Watches Books for Boys and Girls Popular Copyrights. Bibles-Juvenile books Fancy Leather binding an elegant line of Xmas booklets and folders and Post Cards. Christmas decorations Napkins, tablecloths Christmas Tree decorations. ALEXANDER CO. TOYS DOLLS TOYS DOLLS One Price Clothier Ontario. Oregon